Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 16 Chapter 302: Cato Sicarius' Nightmare (Triple K)

Waking up from a nightmare.

Cato Sicarius sat up panting, his physiology working to calm his racing heart rate. He got out of bed in silence, and Luxing Titan projected his physiological data on the eyepiece. It didn't turn out very well.

A voice sounded from a bright place not far away. It was a desk, and Bjorn was sitting there. He looked clearly not interested in sleep: "Nightmare?"


Bjorn sneered, but Sicarius wasn't angry, he knew Bjorn wasn't laughing at him.

"Then, perhaps you should learn from me, Captain Sicarius."

Bjorn raised an eyebrow at him, and showed him a dagger he was grinding. Instead of using a whetstone, he partially activated Land Xing Titan's strengthening mode, using **** to torture the dagger he got from the Iron Warriors.

"Sleep wasn't necessary for us a long time ago, I'm amazed that you can sleep so deeply."

After hesitating for a while, Sicarius still chose to tell the truth: "I am indeed only in a light sleep."

There was a noticeable change in Bjorn's expression, and he turned around so that he could face Sicarius directly: "Your nerve knot isn't doing its job?"

"I'm not sure." Sicarius took off his helmet and touched his forehead. "The built-in array didn't warn me."

From the other corner of the room, a calm voice broke into their conversation.

"Relax, Captain Sicarius, there is nothing wrong with you."

Mephisto's eyes seemed to glow in the darkness: "You were just having a nightmare, that's all."

"But I didn't want to go into deep sleep, I just wanted to take a short rest for 20 minutes. But Wenzhen told me that I slept for three hours."

"Mephisto Think Tank." Saul Tarvitz's voice sounded from the darkest corner of the room, very serious. "Are you sure your test results are correct?"

"I encased the entire ship in psychic energy, and their astropaths had contact with me. The warsmith acquiesced, so—yes, I'm sure I'm right, Captain."

Mephisto fell silent, but his eyes still flickered in the darkness, and he stared intently at Sicarius.

"It just makes things more complicated," Bjorn said in a low voice. "Fortunately, we all agreed to the blacksmith's request for 'convenient monitoring'. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened? However, he was really honest, and he even told us the reason for only arranging one room."

"Honesty is indeed a rare quality, but he is also too honest."

Bjorn chose to finish his sentence with this sentence, and he turned his head away from the discussion, but did not continue to sharpen the dagger either. He glanced back now and then, but Sicarius didn't notice it.

He went back to his bed and sat down, the nightmare still flashing before his eyes. He remained silent, and his heartbeat started to speed up again.

He didn't understand, how could he dream of such a scene? Several fragmented scenes flashed quickly.

He saw torn banners, saw the dead stacked on top of each other. He saw himself slaughtering terrified civilians with his sword, Defenders, and he saw himself killing many Astartes in blue and **** armor. All the while, he was laughing maniacally.

This one alone was enough to scare him, but the next few were even more terrifying. He saw himself walking in a corridor covered with human skins, and the profane chaos pattern was smeared on all sides of the corridor with blood.

He walked slowly with a goblet of pure gold inlaid with gems, full of blood. The cup drew closer, and he didn't feel it, but realized that he was drinking blood. Recalling this image made Sicarius feel a little sick again.

Then, he saw himself walking into a room full of innocent people, and took a sharp knife in his hand.

And what really woke him from the nightmare was the face of Marius Calgar—he saw the hideous, distorted face of his Chapter Master, and saw him in blasphemous armor, with the freshly removed skull at his feet. Heaping up, he saw himself kneeling before Calgar, bowing to him, swearing allegiance to the dark gods

Sicarius closed his eyes, shook his head, and told himself that it wasn't true.

That absolutely cannot be true.

Did Hong Suo's narration have a certain influence on me? No, we discussed this a few hours ago, the history of this world has nothing to do with us, I shouldn't be affected by it but

Confusion arose spontaneously, but at this moment, there was a loud noise, and Sicarius was terrified. Before he could figure out what happened, he wanted to immediately draw his sword to deal with the possible attack. However, a huge force forced him to let go of the hand holding the sword, and then, Mephisto's voice sounded from the darkness opposite him: "Quick!"

Bjorn rose to his feet with a snarl, and flung himself at him, the poor chair shattered in the aftermath of force. He firmly pressed Sicarius on the bed, followed by Saul Tarvitz. The silver light glowed on the Land Titan of the two, and the power strengthening function had been activated.

"Stop, stop! You—"

"—Don't talk, Sicarius!" Mephisto snapped. "Calm down! Use the neural connection to tell the built-in striatum to turn on the self-test function!"

what's the situation?

Sicarius realized in a split second that something was wrong, frowned, stopped struggling, and immediately followed suit. Anxiety ensued, and he asked in a low voice: "What happened, Mephisto Librarian?"

"Keep quiet, boy." Bjorn pressed him, grinning. "Don't say a word until the results are in - I mean it."

Sicarius pursed his lips and turned to look at Saul Tarvitz. The latter shook his head slowly at him.


Cato Sicarius closed his eyes and sighed heavily. Sorrow ensued, bringing him almost to tears.

The reactions of his companions had already made him realize something. At this moment, the second company commander of the Ultramarines had an urge to commit suicide. Although it was only for a moment and was quickly replaced by anger, this urge was real. Being exists for a moment.

An hour and a half later, a worried Saul Tarvitz opened the room the Iron Warriors had prepared for them, and as no surprise saw a fully armed Hon Suo and a team of Iron Warriors led by him in the corridor.

He closed the door and nodded towards the war blacksmith: "The guard can be disarmed, war blacksmith. I'm sorry to contact you suddenly, and I hope our means have not frightened you."

Hong Suo didn't give the order immediately, he looked at Saul Tarvitz cautiously, until a wave of psychic energy came into his heart, he nodded slowly and made a gesture to let the Iron Warriors leave up. But he still didn't put down the bolter in his hand.

"I'm personally optimistic about technology but now is not the time to talk about it, how is he doing?"

"It's not very good. There is nothing wrong with his soul, but he was marked by someone, or something marked him with dark power, and sent him some memories. In other words, it was shared."

After hearing Tarvitz's words, Hong Suo narrowed his eyes, and spoke in a bad tone.

"I just checked the updated ship database before departure. Thanks to the authority opened to us by the Emperor's special envoy, some taboo names can also be checked. The name Cato Sicarius is included in the Among them, he is a Chaos warlord who believes in Slaanesh, who first rose to prominence as the champion of that damned Marius Calgar"

He snorted coldly: "Damn traitor."

Tarvitz rubbed the space between his brows, so that he could get out of that strange sense of separation.

Marius Calgar's champion was a respectable man of honour, and an honorable duty in the latter. He never imagined that the combination of the two could be so profane.

After a while, he said seriously: "In other words, our mission is likely to be obstructed by a Chaos warlord."

"We'll crush him, Captain Tarvitz."

Hong Suo replied equally seriously. "A weak traitor who falls under the hem of that evil **** cannot resist the power of steel. Believe me, Captain, we will do whatever it takes to ensure the completion of the mission."

"I wish but I have something to say."


"We'd better expedite the task."

Saul Tarvitz pursed his lips in concern. "According to the inference of the Mephisto think tank, if Sicarius can be affected in this way, it means that Bjorn and he are likely to be affected in the same way. The longer it is delayed, the worse the situation will be for us."

After hearing this Hong Suo almost destroyed the nerves that made his eyebrows move, and the range of his frown was beyond the limit of human beings. Saul Tarvitz was sure that he could see the muscles of his face is trembling.

The war blacksmith put down the gun in his hand in silence, and after a while, he spoke seriously.

"Our mission is to place a beacon, that's all, very simple. So far, the mission has gone very smoothly, the astropaths have not had any problems with the way, and we have not encountered any enemies in the warp space. If not Unexpectedly, we will arrive at our destination in fifty-three Tyra hours, but right now, I think we'd better be on our guard."

"Understood, Blacksmith—Also, please send more people to monitor us." Tarvitz shook his head. "I worry that this will happen one after another. At that time, we will need extra staff."

"I will."

Hong Suo replied seriously.

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