Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 101: Assault (Quad K)

"The Inquisition gave you this special sedative?"

"Yes, my lord."

He Shenyan squinted, staring at the transparent injection tube placed on the table by Arianto. He stretched out his hand to pick it up, put it in front of him and looked at it carefully, and asked, "How many times a day at most?"

"Five needles, my lord. More than that can have some dangerous consequences. Several of our brothers have overused the tranquilizer and lost their memory because they couldn't bear the aftermath of the Butcher's Nail."

"Sedatives... Ha."

He Shenyan laughed intriguingly: "Is this tranquilizer given to you by a separate person?"

"No, my lord. We need to go to the Inquisition on a regular basis to collect them. According to them, this tranquilizer was originally used to interrogate some dangerous prisoners. After learning of our problem, a pharmacist did something about it. There were improvements, and that's how this tranquilizer was born."

Arianto answered meticulously, not omitting a single detail. He seems to have firmly remembered all the details related to this matter in his brain.

"You seem to have expected it, monk?"

"Yes, my lord." Arianto nodded. "The Inquisition sees us as some kind of consumable, tempting us with conscription planets and clearings as their experimenters and trailblazers. I don't care about that, because we don't have a choice. But that doesn't mean I really I don't feel anything about it."

"I see."

He Shenyan didn't say more and let Arianto leave. He was sitting in the main control room, which was empty but him, the injection circling in his hand. The mage presses the thruster of the needle tube. Since it needs to conform to the body shape of the Astartes, this thing is almost as long as a combat dagger, and the needle tip is also made of a special alloy.

He stretched out a finger and stroked the tip of the needle lightly, feeling the chill. I have roughly guessed what the people behind it are thinking.

Arianto guessed right, he and his brother were nothing more than guinea pigs... a Chapter under the supervision of the Inquisition, a small number of loyalists among the betrayer. No one cares when they die, and it ends well.

As for tranquilizers?

He Shenyan glanced at the transparent liquid floating in the needle tube, and the golden flame flickered on his palm, burning it out - it was not a tranquilizer, it was mixed with a small amount of spiritual energy, even The liquid itself is created by dark sorcery. The effect is very simple, it can clean the memory unconsciously.

If you want to use it for brainwashing, it should be very useful.

Arianto's small warband did not have any psionicists at all due to the Butcher's Nail. They can't come into contact with any psionicists, and naturally they are unaware of the small amount of psionic energy in the tranquilizer... The mastermind behind the scenes can use this to nibble away at their brains, which is really a good calculus.

But the question is... is this Chapter in the entire Empire the only one with mental problems? And, could they be the only ones dealing with the Inquisition?

The face of an archangel flashed across He Shenyan's mind, and he suddenly clenched his right fist.

No, the situation should not be there yet...

"Insel," he called.

The captain of the Iron Snake Chapter, who was far above the stc planet, raised his head suddenly, and he heard a familiar voice.

"Notify Father Ragotinos that his research is coming to an end. The stc matter is no longer important, let him prepare his existing research materials, take everything he can with him, and we will leave immediately. We must Immediately set off back to Terra... If the priest doesn't want to, take him by force. If he wants an explanation, tell him, it's my order."

"Yes, my lord."

Insel didn't ask anything, just nodded neatly.


"Ma'am, are you sure? This is a big deal, if true..."

Guilliman took a deep breath and stopped talking. The Soulless Queen nodded and continued to send a string of Orth codes. This convenient language specially designed for the Sisters of Silence to communicate silently was quickly translated by the Servo Skull beside Guilliman.

A line of words appears above.

"It's true, I swear by my first and last name. Every one of them can use psionic power when confronted with me, albeit a small amount, but it is psionic power."

Guilliman frowned.

The souls of the nuns do not leave projections in the warp, so they are immune to all psionic attacks, and at the same time they can make any psionics suffer, unable to mobilize any psionic powers.

For psionicists, they are like a roaring abyss, not only absorbing psionic attacks directed at them, but also disrupting the warp turbulence around them all the time. Their bodies cannot be taken, their wills cannot be taken.

They were able to panic even the Eldar and Orks, and for the record of the Imperium, more than one orc army was panicked and even blinded when confronted with them.

Gentia Kohler sent another message: "His Royal Highness Regent, may I ask who discovered these four girls?"

Guilliman looked at Frank, who gave him a blank look. So, the lady nodded. She strode up to Frank, she was tall—for mortals, even with the support of power armor, it was barely enough to reach Frank's stomach.

The soulless queen stretched out a hand with a blank expression and pressed it against Frank's breastplate. The Punisher glanced down at her, then turned to Guilliman and asked, "What's wrong with this bitch?"

"Damn it, Frank! Treat her with some respect!" Guilliman's face twitched, and he hurriedly stopped him. Fortunately, Gentia didn't care, she closed her eyes tightly, as if she was feeling something. After a moment, he let go.

She took a step back and sent another message: "He's fine, His Royal Highness Regent. I applied to go with him and I need to go to the scene where he found the four children."

Guilliman shook his head: "No need, ma'am, I've already guessed what the problem is. Besides, they won't leave hands and feet, the bottom of the nest is mixed, and anyone may be their eyes and ears. I'm afraid ours As soon as the people left, they started to clean up the scene immediately. Now they are just going back in vain, or they will be ambushed."


Ms. Kohler frowned slightly, the code was sent without emotion, but her face had a chilling air. She quickly pressed a button on her wrist armor.

"Above this sacred Terra, in his sight, someone dares to do such a blasphemous thing to his servant?! Who is so daring?!"

"This question, please come to my study to discuss it in detail."

Guilliman stopped talking about it, and called the pharmacists waiting outside the door to continue their examinations.

Frank gave way, stood aside, and called Bonavia again: "Where are you?"

The female judge's voice seemed a little distorted: "In the hangar, my lord, what's wrong?"

"Where's our ship?"

"I'm nearby."

"Very good, have the results of the test on that injection tube come out?"

"Come out, big-"

Communication was hung up.

Guilliman's hearing allowed him to hear the entire conversation. At this time, he was looking at Frank solemnly across the aisle of the infirmary. When all the pharmacists had entered, he came over and asked, "Are there any extra injections? ?"

"No, only that one."

"They've infiltrated to the point...on my boat."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Frank's intuition made him almost instinctively aware of some clues behind it. His tone was so indifferent that it was almost emotionless: "They did it on purpose, Guilliman. From the release of that quest, to my habit of killing all the scum around the quest location."

"They knew I was going to find out about it, they knew I was going to bring those four kids back...and they figured out that I was going to have the injections checked."

As the Punisher spoke, he drew his bolter.

Guilliman's pupils shrank, and before he could say anything, the bolter rang four times in the infirmary. Blood splattered, the battered corpses of the four girls smeared on the ground, and everyone was stunned—but it didn't last long.

Because in the next second, a scarlet and twisted claws stretched out from the blood spilled on the ground by the girls, and the Punisher's expression was already calm. He shoved away a pharmacist who wanted to fight the blasphemy with his bare hands, and the bolter began to roar incessantly.


With his back to Guilliman, he shouted: "Don't get in the way here, change your armor, pick up your weapons and come back!"

A loud siren rang throughout Macragge, and there were roars and footsteps running at high speeds in the corridor. Guilliman's eyes widened, he saw the walls and floor of the infirmary begin to twist and deform, the fluctuations of the warp continued to emerge from the bodies of the girls, and some kind of tide that made him feel sick and sick began to ripple through the entire flagship little by little. .

Then, the door to the infirmary was opened - but it was not his bodyguard who entered, but a whole squad of Slaanesh demons!

He suddenly looked at the Soulless Queen, and the expression on the other party's expressionless face showed real shock at this time, but it didn't last long. The lady crossed a distance of several meters in one step, the power armor on her legs began to deform, and two sharp combat daggers protruded from the tail of her boots. Without a word, she charged into the Slaanesh demons and began to fight.

Guilliman followed, and then his pharmacist. They had no armor, no weapons, but they were the deadliest weapons in their own right, and at this moment they were at the Primarch's side, and as for Frank, he was still pouring explosives at the scarlet claws. The firelight illuminated his face.

The infirmary was stretched infinitely, and within the vast space, they fought here.


"Attack alert! Go to the infirmary, the primarch is there!"

The Glory of Macragge has not been so lively in a long time, and the last time it was a celebration ceremony when the Primarch returned. At that time, the entire flagship was filled with joy and pride, but now, it is overflowing with anger.

Primarch attacked! Right in front of them! Is the tragedy that happened ten thousand years ago going to happen again? !

The Ultramarines ran down the corridor without a word, bolt guns, chainsaws, power weapons, and even some of the Dreadnoughts, who had not fallen asleep, started their actions.

Steve Rogers, the fastest of them all, was next to the infirmary at the time of the incident.


As he ran, he shouted at a warrior in front of him. The other party turned around, his face full of anxiety, but he did not slow down. Steve quickly caught up with him: "What's the situation?!"

"I don't know, my lord, but it was an attack alarm from the infirmary, a demonic invasion... The Primarch is there!"

In a few minutes, they ran to the door of the infirmary. Here, dozens of members of the Guard are battling a troop of Slaanesh demons from out of nowhere, and they're in a tough fight. Those blasphemous creatures with snake tails are not only agile, but also have many pairs of arms, each holding a sword.

They often only need one continuous slash, and they have to force the soldiers of the guards to passively defend - those alien blades flashing green One can tell that they are highly poisonous. At this time, he was caught in close combat, and the bolt gun had no time to pull out. In the face of such an opponent, taking it lightly is equivalent to dying.


Cato Sicarius was furious when he saw this, and the ancient Seiko plasma pistol in his hand immediately began to warm up and fired again and again.

In the maximum output mode, he didn't care about the so-called overheating. The other hand had begun to swing his Thalassaarian Stormblade, the deadly power sword that charged straight at a Slaanesh demon.

Steve stopped in place, the chaotic and narrow battlefield did not let his judgment lose the precision it should have. The calmness brought to him by his military career made him immediately make the most correct judgment - he stretched out his right hand, and an unpainted shield was condensed on his hand with golden light.

"Listen to my orders, Ultramarines!"

His voice echoed in the corridor, drumming endlessly: "Come closer to me! Form a defensive formation, don't mess with your feet! He is a Primarch, how could he be in danger so easily? Keep the formation and kill them!"

"Oh? A commander who came out of nowhere?"

A Slaanesh daemon smirked from the ceiling, his tail dripping with an ominous black liquid, hissing corroding the ornately carved ceiling. Steve glanced at it gloomily, the shield in his hand was suddenly thrown by him, and transformed into a flaming sword in mid-air.

The Slaanesh demon let out a scream, and the greatsword returned to Steve's hands. He raised his hands, and the golden brilliance shone on the greatsword, filling the hallway. Those who stop him will die, and those who look directly at him will be blinded.

He roared angrily: "Kill as much as you can!"

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