Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 59: Revenge (Quad K)

One coordinate, one information.

He Shenyan didn't say anything, he just stood up from the chair in silence. The porthole behind him is framed by a broken galaxy, and dozens of chaotic Astartes' broken bodies are slowly passing by, frozen in the vacuum.

The last words of the unnamed psyker still lingered in his ears, and the child's scream and his last wish before his death contained in his desperate psionic power.

He was afraid of the dark, so he wanted to see the light - the mage turned his head, this huge planetary warship was moving at a slow speed, but at this time, a stream of light suddenly appeared all over the body.

The battleship changed its previous slowness, and the magic engine at the tail roared frantically, and it began to move forward rapidly.

At this time, He Shenyan realized that he had not given the battleship a name.

"I'll call you revenge, it's very fitting."

The mage smiled lightly, and the Vengeance easily tore apart the fragile barrier between reality and the warp with the help of huge magic power in the next second.

He closed his eyes, and his mental power covered the entire hull, forming an additional protective circle to protect the mortal soldiers inside. Many of them are sleeping at this time. Thanks to the independent shock absorption arrays on each floor of the Revenge, they don't even know that the battleship is rapidly entering the subspace at this time.

The scene in the warp is chaotic and disordered, and there is no so-called logic at all. All kinds of magnificent things will evolve into nightmare appearances one after another, planets are destroyed, creatures die, and plants are transformed into terrifying monsters. They don't have to abide by any moral rules or so-called fundamental laws, they just stretch out freely and wildly.

Just like the chaotic nature of the four evil gods.

The mage stared indifferently at the creepy scene in front of him. He suddenly remembered that many mages would choose to take drugs to enter a special state of meditation.

Everyone who came back alive from that state has undergone varying degrees of distortion in their bodies, their minds have become mad, and their magic power has been greatly improved. Maybe they saw something like this during their meditation.

Like now.

In front of the mage, a beautiful emerald green planet is showing its brilliance wantonly in the subspace. The projection of this planet in the real world in the subspace can reflect its situation in the material world to a certain extent.

And now, that green was rapidly melting away—the vibrant green was turning into an ominous, sickly yellow.

At the end, a disgusting yellow sphere floated in front of the battleship, and the disgusting slime kept dripping from it. A huge malice condensed around the battleship, and then the mage saw that the planet actually winked at him.

Its surface, covered with creep and unpleasantly proliferating corpses, now cracked a huge gap. A huge orange eye looked at the Vengeance with interest—at him, to be exact.

There is no malice in it, just pure curiosity and tolerance. The planet seemed to want to say something, but the mage had looked away.

The brilliance of the Star Torch suddenly soared, spreading from its location all the way to the Vengeance and the road in front of it. They completely cut off the sight of the planet, and at the same time, as if pulling the Vengeance, they opened a gap in front of them.

But He Shenyan didn't want to leave just like that.

He narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly - the cold and fiery radiance of the star torch was still shining steadily on their way in the warp, and he gently pulled a ray of radiance. The radiance of the psionic energy became a golden storm in an instant, tearing the reflection of the planet to shreds with ease.

The silent screams spread, and the remnants of the planet turned into some kind of substantive malice and began to drum up in the warp, no longer curious. It just wanted to devour the Vengeance at this point. Unfortunately, the brilliance of the Star Torch still stably refused its approach.

He Shenyan sneered.

Sooner or later you will all die, one by one.

"Your power of action is beyond my expectations."

After Angron came to the main control room, there was a bit of bitterness in the first sentence he said.

However, this is also normal.

He Shenyan's actions were indeed a bit fast - so fast that Angron didn't even have time to announce the next plan to the Astartes. And the mortal soldiers know nothing of these things.

But that's actually a good thing.

He wasn't sure what would happen to mortals when they saw these blasphemous sights. Maybe crazy, maybe directly degenerate. Or it may become some kind of disgusting plague aggregate on the spot. From this point of view, the Mage's spiritual protective circles are really effective.

"Just received a message, a psionicist asking for support."

"Psyker? Can I contact you directly?"

Angron frowned, he had already begun to think whether there was a conspiracy behind it. If it is, then the previous things all make sense-the reason why they did not gather troops to encircle and suppress the battleship is probably here.

He Shenyan just glanced at him and knew what he was thinking. The mage shook his head calmly: "It's not what you think, Angron."

"The psionicist didn't contact me directly."

"He just..."

He Shenyan didn't know how to speak for a while, he stared at the silver ground, his voice was very soft: "I have to say, his idea is very genius."

"what happened?"

"He burned the soul of an innocent child, leaving him to die in agony. Then, augmenting his own psionic power with his massive pain and shattered soul, he burned his own soul again, and crashed into Star Torch - As you know, Star Torch is a beacon."

He Shenyan made a gesture: "He exploded at the top of the lighthouse, and any human being who was watching the star torch at the time could receive his message."

Angron's expression changed from anger at first to calm, a calm similar to that of a mage. The primarch closed his eyes: "...the Emperor bless them."

"The Emperor cannot bless them."

The Vengeance was still sailing in the brilliance of the star torches, and the mage said: "Their souls have been shattered and vanished without a trace. The death was excruciatingly painful, and we don't even know the child and the psyker. name."

He turned his head slightly: "...By the way, I named this ship, I hope you will like it."

"What name?" Angron asked calmly.


"Good name."

Angron smiled.

Sacrifice is the cornerstone of empires. At the same time, he meditated in his heart.


Angelor leaned against the rock wall and held the gun in his arms very tightly.

It was a gun he picked up on the edge of the battlefield and was buried in the dirt. From what he had learned from his never-completed training, it was an Imperial Standard M35 laser gun, weighing 2.3 kilograms, capable of shooting anywhere in a clear atmosphere.

Even someone with poor marks in shooting courses like him can easily aim and fire at will with this gun within a range of 200 meters.

It's a pity that he didn't finish all his training - to be precise, before the training was over, the war broke out. All the soldiers were caught up to the front line, and Angelo originally wanted to participate, but the examiner in charge of him insisted not to let him.

He said that Angelor's shooting performance and physical problems prevented him from joining the army. If he really wanted to help, he would go to the logistics to help him move some things.

So Angelor went.

So Angelo survived.

He wasn't happy about it.

The angels died one by one, and the heavy weapons that were regarded as treasures by the troops were also mercilessly smashed to **** under the fire, and the troops he originally wanted to join died even more. He didn't even know if there was anyone alive in his hometown besides him at this time.

There was the sound of rain outside the cave, and Angelo knew that he wouldn't want to go out to find food again today. He had seen the people who had been drenched by those acid rains, and had seen their misery. The Emperor was on top, he didn't want to be like that.

When it rained for two hours, Angelor felt a pang of hunger, and he came to the entrance of the cave with a small hope, looking at the acid rain outside, hoping that they would stop soon.

The war ended a few days ago and everyone died. Fortunately, those abominable traitors have no plans to make it clear at the moment. Angelor is thinking that after he has collected enough food, he will head towards the command post in his memory-if he is lucky enough, he should. Something like a communication tool can be found there.

As for what to do next, he hasn't figured out yet. He is only a 16-year-old boy. Although he has reached the age of conscription, they are often allowed to join the battlefield after two years of training. At this time, he is not even a reservist.

He looked up at the sky, and suddenly found that the gloomy and dim sky became darker at this time.

This is not a good sign.

Angelor frowned, his vision blurred due to excessive hunger, unable to concentrate on observing the sky. But what happened next didn't really need him to observe.

The sky darkened.

Before he could sort out what was going on, he saw light blue beams of light descend from the sky, land on the ground, and then burst out suddenly—the acid rain was stopped in the air, and they gradually melted away after a blur. Angelor looked up at the sky in a stunned manner, and he saw the broken clouds and a behemoth hidden in it.

It moved slowly, not revealing its own shape. And then, countless light blue beams of light continued to fall from the sky, causing ripples on the ground, and they left countless marks on the ground. These imprints radiated a bluish fluorescence, bringing a little light in the dark.

Immediately afterwards, as if they were conscious, they began to connect with each other, and the brilliance was overwhelmingly united—a huge blue light band that pushed across the horizon in the distance gushed out of those marks, and Angelor was also in this light. On the route, at the moment of being hit, he subconsciously clenched the gun in his hand, but there was no pain.

On the contrary, the hunger in his belly is rapidly returning, and even the emptiness after overwork has disappeared. He stared at the brilliance in surprise, his eyes were sore, and he unknowingly shed tears.

He's still alive...and seems to be waiting for rescue, but what about the dead?

He didn't have an answer, but others did.

Angron stood in the main control room, the mage was not here, he said 'I have something else to kill' and disappeared in a burst of light. But Angron is not completely unaware of how to operate the Vengeance. His hand is on the table, and a light curtain rises.

He said blankly: "Inform the whole ship - there are no enemies on the surface, but there are still many civilians, let the mortal army go to rescue them, I remember he said that there are vehicles on the ship for transportation, let them put those Bring it too."

"Received, what instructions do you have for the Astartes?"

said a neutral voice.

Angron grinned: "Let them come to the first bridge to meet me, and prepare the means of teleportation. Is that **** ship still in orbit outside the planet?"

"Yes, they haven't discovered us yet, and the effects of the illusion spell continue."

"That's fine.... Where's my armor?"

"It's ready for you, do you need to wear it now?"


After the light curtain dimmed, it disappeared. Angron's superhuman hearing enabled him to hear the sound of the announcement from the corridor outside. The intelligent system built into the circle efficiently and accurately executed his orders.

It was directing the mortal auxiliaries to the hangar to use land vehicles, and the Astartes were swiftly following orders to the first bridge.

As for his armor.....

A huge opening opened on the ground of the main control room, the silver metal that formed the ground was squirming away like a living thing, and a huge black box slowly floated up. There are a full 128 runes radiating light on the surface.

Angron stretched out his hand and posted it on the black box. With a flash of silver light, the black box was opened, and an icy white mist emanated from the inside, making his skin feel a long-lost chill. A magical creation that was more like a land-based fortress than armor just stopped in the black box, its black eyepiece staring at Angron.

Like asking a question.

Are you qualified to wear me?

Angron returned the same gaze. He smiled and picked up the helmet. The rest of the armor melted like a liquid with a humming sound, and they crawled straight to Angron's feet, clinging to his majestic body. The original appearance was formed on the giant's body - he buckled his helmet.

The eyepiece flickered, black was replaced by scarlet, and the imperial double-headed eagle logo appeared on the breastplate. The armor, which was originally colorless, was changing rapidly at this time. Black and red constitute the basic tones of this masterpiece of war. Angron stepped forward and came to the door of the main control room.

Just as he was about to leave, he said in a chilled and low voice that had been processed: "When he comes back...Tell him, this armor is really **** strong."

He took a deep breath, the metal behind his back gave birth to a thick crimson cloak in the squirming, and Angron walked away to kill.

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