Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 56: Cadian stands tall

The captain walked on deck, still feeling unfit for the ship. Compared to the ships he'd been on, this ship was too bright.

Also too spacious.

Their food supply had fresh fruit - the captain couldn't describe how he felt when he saw fruit he had never seen before, even with the skin on the long strips of fruit called 'bananas' swallowed. It was only later that I found out that this thing was to be peeled and eaten.

But the next day, the captain ate it with the skin on. Asking him to peel this precious food made the captain feel unworthy. Everything on this ship gave him this palpable sense of conflict. He doesn't feel like he should be in this kind of boat, but the truth is....nobody thinks so except him.

Even his soldiers, whose morale has been very high recently. Perfect training ground, eat well, sleep well. Weapons and equipment are all new, and you can kill a dozen traitors every day. The main thing is that the new artillery is just too powerful.

The captain himself could not deny it. He had to admit that as he merged with the Machine Spirit and controlled the artillery himself, he felt a shudder climb up the back of his spine.

All kinds of passionate emotions were mixed together, and his adrenaline soared to a very high value. The captain still remembered that he was roaring with the Machine Spirit, and after the enemy's ship was completely smashed to ashes, the Machine Spirit's satisfaction was reunited with his. Provides an unprecedented level of comfort.

He was going to the training grounds of the barracks, their barracks on the second deck. The environment is very good, but the captain doesn't care, he cares more about the training ground.

The training ground is next to the military camp. In addition to simulating various harsh environments, it can also provide some simulated sports. The ship's smart system introduced them to some ball games from Guterla, and the captain and his soldiers preferred ice hockey.

Being able to wear protective gear and be able to fight legally, couldn't be better.

The captain walked for half an hour to the training ground, which was the result of taking a shortcut according to the instructions. If it weren't for him being on the second floor, this time might have to be extended several times. Unlike other buildings on the ship, it is not in a room, but is set in a huge open space.

Anyone - no matter who he is, as soon as he comes to the second deck, will notice this empty field. When they got close, they could see a group of dark figures in the center of the field. The Cadians continue their proud tradition of never forgetting to train wherever and whenever.

In addition to the regulations of the Ministry of Military Affairs, their own love is also a very important part.

The captain stood calmly at the far end of the field, and three hundred and seventy-five soldiers fought a highly realistic battle with the projected enemy in the simulated trench warfare.

The weapons in their hands are real - the bullets fired are real, and the projections as enemies are different, and they will feel great pain when hit by the weapons in their hands, but they will not die. Those hit are immediately stunned and subject to additional training and punishment after the battle.

Today, they choose to simulate a group of rebels led by wizards of Chaos. The captain squinted for a while, and he quickly judged the enemy's military strength.

There are about 3,500 rebels, not all of them have carapace armor and no heavy firepower, but the weapons in their hands make the captain can't help but swear - if on a real battlefield, he is absolutely Unwilling to fight anyone with a Lucius NO.98 carbine.

This gun comes from the Krieg Death Corps and is their signature weapon, and only this group of people will love this weapon so much. Much more powerful than other laser guns, but also runs out of ammo horribly quickly—and also causes the gun to have a very short lifespan, requiring limited firepower and accessories like radiators.

Even if you take those conditions into account, this gun won't last long and will overheat very quickly. The Captain had suspected that the Kriegs were so fond of such weapons because their lifespans were as short as the guns themselves.

In addition, many of the rebels simulated by the system are armed with Mars-type fragmentation grenades, which is also a big killer in trench warfare. One can create a storm of death.

As for wizards of wizard is without trouble.

The captain didn't step into the training ground. He wanted to know how the soldiers would react.


"Let a platoon leader bring someone over to find me!"

An officer shouted, ducking his head to avoid the swirling laser beam. Dirt splashed in his face, and the place he was hit bled quickly, and he didn't care. After giving the order, he quickly plunged into the battle, fighting back with the new weapon in his hand.

He couldn't put it down with this new baby, but it wasn't without its flaws—the recoil was like a mule kicking your shoulder, and Cadian soldiers used to laser weapons took a while to get used to. After all, not everyone can own a live ammunition weapon.

The platoon leader quickly ran across the line with his five squads, who were currently following the standard Imperial Army configuration. Ten people form a class, five classes form a row, and six platoons form a company.

According to the standard, they are a company of three hundred people, and the extra seventy-five soldiers should not be disrupted, but who cares about these now?

"Sir!" The leader of the line was a man with a determined face, his purple pupils reflecting the local laser beam. He leaned over to the officer and shouted: "A long report! Sir, please give instructions!"

"I want you to launch a counter-propulsion from the left side of the battlefield according to the predetermined plan! Understand? The second and fourth platoons will cover for you. Be sure to control the local advance in the middle of the trench, otherwise our mission will fail immediately! "

A ruthless look flashed on the faces of the long rows. He aimed his gun at the sky and gave a meticulous eagle salute: "Promise to complete the mission!"

After watching him go away, the company commander grabbed the communicator in his ear and shouted into the communication channel: "The platoon commanders of the second and fourth rows report to me! How are you?!"

"Second row is on a fire suppression mission, sir!"

"The fourth row is covering the first row as planned, sir!"

"Very good! The first row is about to start the mission, they will attack from the left as planned, and your two platoons will cover. The third, fifth and sixth rows are ready for me, I want you to Fire on that **** wizard, be sure to suppress him so he can't cast spells!"

"Yes, sir!"

At the left end of the battle line, the platoon leader of the first platoon was orderly giving orders. He was chewing on the chewing gum issued in the physical ration this morning, and it had no taste.

"Listen, this is a simulated training, but I don't want you to treat this training on the spot, understand? It's a **** real battle!" The long face pointed to the ground and sky fiercely. , the gloomy foggy sky and the trenches beneath his feet were so real, which was exactly what he wanted.

He continued: "Our task is to launch a counter-propulsion, the second row and the fourth row will suppress the fire for us, we must attract the attention of the enemy, so that the remaining brothers can make the **** wizard have a good drink pot!"

Staring at the same purple eyes of the forty-nine people, the long row spit out the chewing gum in their mouths. He picked up the gun with a grin and said on the communication channel: "The first row is ready! The counter-propulsion is about to start!"

"Second row received!"

"The fourth row received it!"

"You all heard!" The long line took a deep breath, turned their heads and jumped out of the ditch. The new baby in his hand was adjusted to the maximum burst mode by him, and the muzzle kept rising, almost breaking his right shoulder. .

But he kept roaring, the artillery fire and the figure of the enemy reflected in his eyes were so real - he was really carrying out this simulated battle with anger at this time.

"Die, traitor!"

So did his soldiers, a Cadian roared and threw a dagger in his hand, which was not allowed, but he threw it accurately. The tactical dagger drew a perfect arc in the air and pierced the enemy's throat with precision.

Everyone seemed to be angry, and subconsciously, they did not regard this as a simulated battle.

It was a real war, they were the last line of defense on this planet, three hundred and seventy-five soldiers fought in trenches against an enemy nearly ten times their size. Under the rendering of various emotions, coupled with the reality of the scene they saw, these soldiers have been completely brought in.

"Everyone, spread out! Spread out! Advance with arrow formations! Find cover! Aim at those **** who don't have carapace armor, and then focus on the lucky ones with armor!"

A row of long-range can still issue orders in the gap of the charge. He rolled over and found a simulated abandoned artillery on this death plain, which was still burning with flames and thick smoke billowing. Xun made him burst into tears, and he quickly fought back while shrinking behind the cover to observe the situation ahead.

In the case of not being disturbed, his shooting accuracy is very high. Every shot kills a traitor, blood splatters, and their screams are the perfect music to listen to in a long line.

But the rebels weren't stupid either. They quickly noticed the guy who was hiding behind the cover and fired a cold shot. A salvo forced him to shrink back and stay motionless.

"Damn!" the line leader scolded fiercely, he spat, and then shouted on the communication channel - on the battlefield, don't talk like this, others can't hear you at all.

"I need support! Repeat, I need support! The abandoned artillery 300 meters in front of the position is being suppressed by firepower and needs firepower support!"

"Understood!" A voice quickly responded to him, and a light blue light beam flashed past, rubbing his scalp and blasting the head of a guy not far away. Not only did the platoon leader not care about the shot that almost killed him, he also shouted hello in the communication channel.

"Good job! Go on, go on! Kill these **** traitors! Fuck!"

His stress was quickly relieved, and that's where the sharpshooter comes in. They can greatly involve the energy of the enemy, and the platoon leader quickly gets a chance to breathe. He fired back again and again, killing more than a dozen enemies.

But he couldn't keep fighting here. There were footsteps behind him, his pupils shrank suddenly, he immediately dropped the gun in his hand, and pulled out the tactical dagger around his waist - before he could turn around, he was attacked with a huge amount of money. Pushed to the ground. His head hit the cannon, and the reaction force made him dizzy.

But the instinct he had developed after a long training session still saved him, and the long row of people gritted their teeth, and immediately rolled away from the place. He quickly got up and lunged towards the attacker, the dagger in his hand stabbing down the side of his ribs with precision and force.

The blood of the enemy gushed out, and the familiar stickiness made his eyes bloodshot quickly. He can't tell if it's a simulation or reality - but it doesn't matter, the traitor must die! The Cadian drew his dagger and mercilessly wiped the attacker's neck.

He didn't relax, ran over to pick up his gun immediately, and looked around vigilantly. The enemy is not a fool, whether this guy is lucky enough to touch him or they have sent a team to deal with him, he must move his position immediately.

A row of long cats with their waists moved nimbly among the ruins of the artillery. Arrow-propulsion formations are extremely efficient, but have several drawbacks. If those who serve as arrows cannot find cover to suppress the fire, it will be difficult for the rest to advance. He had to find another suitable cover.

Unfortunately, he was attacked again.

The five people who came this time, although he discovered it very early, still couldn't avoid a fierce battle - the platoon leader had only time to shoot and kill two of them, and had to enter a hand-to-hand battle. He obviously couldn't fight three by one, but the enemy didn't kill him.

Those three scumbags were wearing the carapace of the Imperial Two-Headed Eagle, with blasphemous words smeared on it. A guy stepped on his face and gestured with a dagger to his throat without hesitation: "Tell me your plan and position."

"Fuck you!"

What answered him was a scolding full of contempt, and a mouthful of bloodshot saliva. The guy wiped his face, then stabbed the dagger into the knee of his right leg and wriggled violently. The piercing pain made the platoon leader slammed into the soil on the ground, but he still stubbornly did not make any sound.

"Hard bones, eh?"

The other traitor smiled and put his foot on his right knee. A more terrifying pain struck again, a row of long breaths, and beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

His vision was blurred, and the pain was extremely real—he didn't even know how to do it, why the simulated enemy could really make his right knee feel so painful. UU Reading

In a trance, the scene of destruction appeared in front of his eyes again.

Their hometown, Cadian's hometown, is a scene where Cadia is completely destroyed. When it happened, he and his regiment were on a ship on the outskirts, and witnessing this scene left an indelible mental wound on all Cadians. But all Cadians will not give in.

Their homeland was destroyed and their glory scattered, but their resolve remained. The Cadian regiments, scattered across the galaxy's warzones, will now only fight more tenaciously against the enemies of the Empire. Generations of Cadians are born, raised and trained on their way to war zones.

They never give in.

So a row of long right hands quietly grabbed a handful of mud and sand. He waved his right hand, and the mud splashed, causing the scum closest to him to blur his vision. At such an instant opportunity, the Cadian seized it.

Two shots were fired, and a dagger took out the last one, at the cost of a dagger inserted into his own chest. Looking at the guy's dead eyes, the last sentence left by the leader of the line was.

"Cadian never falls, Cadian stands!"

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