Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 43: Keep visiting! (Quad K)

The flickering white light vibrated the space like fragile glass, and He Shenyan's figure slowly emerged from it. At this time, he was standing on a giant tree - not the White Tower, what else could it be?

Without choosing to go back to the room, He Shenyan opened the White Tower Council's intranet on the spot, directly opened the library area, and began to inquire about a special world.


It is the world with the highest level of science and technology discovered by the White Tower Council. The White Tower has a special label for this world. Not only can't you open a column to inquire about the location like other worlds, but you have to enter the library to see the detailed information.

The response speed of the intranet was very fast, and a white page appeared, but it was not the detailed information about C-1789-K5, but a bright red warning.

"We do not recommend any mages to go to this world alone, please know that we reiterate again that we do not recommend any mages to go to this world alone - if you insist on going your own way, please be prepared to reincarnate or leave a backup of your soul (Note, Lich one is not recommended Necromancers of the type enter, and you may be chased and beaten by everyone).”

There is a line of small print below that.

"Number of death mages in this world: 387."

Oh, it's 388 now.

He Shenyan withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, and firmly clicked "persistently visit". The warning disappeared after two seconds, and a brand new page appeared.

"Who first discovered C-1789-K5 is unknown, the world is extremely dangerous. Magic will be greatly restricted in it. According to the Council's investigation, it should be related to a special dimension of its world. This dimension is called 'Aya' Space', of which six evil gods have been discovered. The Council speculates that the essence of the warp should be the projection of the subconscious and emotions of all intelligent beings in the universe."

"It's a pity that everyone in this world is not very friendly. Those six gods born in it are not good things, not only cruel and cunning, but also cunning and cruel..."

He Shenyan quickly crossed this paragraph to introduce the evil gods in the warp. He already knew enough. As for the two big green-skinned guys... He Shenyan decided to pretend he had never seen them.

It's too outrageous, the style of painting is completely out of tune with the other four.

"The reason why magic is affected has been discovered by a tree man mage in the 87954th year of the parliamentary year. At his request, the name is withheld here."

Here's a video of a guy who looks like a tree talking to the camera—he doesn't say what his name is, but he doesn't blur his face.

"I've died there seventeen times, and I can be sure. There are many factions of people casting spells. I've seen people who use spell slots, and I've seen self-proclaimed blue-striped mages. There are also monks like me who know a little bit about everything. Of course, it's also possible that you're just a simple reality bender, too strong, but you feel like you're using magic...then you are, no one will say anything."

The Treant nodded: "But I have to remind everyone who is watching this video one thing: due to the special nature of the world's warp and the special energy called psionic power, it is almost impossible for mages to cast spells normally as before. ... an analogy."

He raised his hand, and a small pea-sized fireball appeared in his hand, which came from the fireball technique of the spell slot system. You can extend your hand to specify the distance, length, height, and even the explosion point of the fireball.

This inconspicuous fireball will explode into a very large fireball upon arrival, causing a violent explosion, and if it hits something else in the process, it will explode immediately.

The spell slot system is different from what He Shenyan has mastered. This system requires strict theoretical knowledge and calculations to engrave the spell model in the mind... There is no mistake, but it must be memorized before using it. Cumbersome, but powerful, precise and controllable. It belongs to the system in which people with little talent can memorize many spells by rote.

He Shenyan's learning is different.... If his students' talent is not good, they will not be able to learn. A simple high IQ is useless, you have to have a perception of magic and a crazy heart. The last point is often the most important.

After all, if you're not crazy, you can't do things like devouring pocket dimensions and robbing dimension demons.

The tree man said: "Look, originally, the fireball spell of the spell slot system is a third-level spell according to its classification, and it is very powerful. According to the level of my current grasp, I can make this little guy in my hands. It can last as long as you want, but unfortunately, it can't be done now."

He clenched his fists, and a fire broke out between his five fingers like a branch, and it quickly went out. The tree man said helplessly: "Because of the existence of the warp, the stability of spell casting has been greatly affected. A simple devastating blow spell may not be a big problem, but the problem of teleportation spells is a big problem."

Speaking of this, the old tree person couldn't help but burst out a foul language: "—! Twelve of my seventeen deaths were on teleportation!"

"Anyway, after my testing, if you don't want to die and be thrown into that **** warp to deal with a bunch of grotesque things, and a dozen for hundreds of years, I suggest you don't use teleportation spells. After my personal test, it is ok to bring people and short distances......"

After speaking, he shrugged: "But, it depends on how many people you can bring. Besides, let me say a digression, the succubus in our White Tower is really very different from the succubus in this place. "

Shuren couldn't help but said: "What a **** hell, if anyone from the Succubus Mansion sees this video, please remember me. Can you give me a discount next time I come?"

He pointed to his face, and He Shenyan suddenly understood why he didn't blur his face.

But... you are a tree.

The mage frowned involuntarily, imagining the scene, and couldn't help shivering.

It seems that things are clear.

He easily smashed the parliament's intranet, and the magic light curtain was shattered, which looked very decompressed. The light blue light that escaped was completely absorbed by the branches of the giant tree under his feet, and He Shenyan sighed.

He has lost contact with the Emperor, and the middle-aged old man is probably too busy now.

It's time to add some fire to him, at least.... get him some goji berries.


The human mind cannot understand the nature of the warp.

The size of the universe is immeasurable, and the Milky Way is just one of thousands of galaxies. In this human homeland, there are thousands of stars and hundreds of billions of worlds. In so many worlds, no human being can fully appreciate the nature of the warp.


It is neither understood by humans nor by machines made by humans. The tech masters of Mars can't understand it, the think tanks can't understand it, even the cultists and monsters who have fallen into Chaos can't understand the nature of the warp - and why, maybe no one can tell.

Because of this, in the warp, the dialogue between gods and gods may not be as terrifying as people think.

"You think your plan will work? You pathetic carrion..."

A malevolent voice chattered in his ear, like the croaking of a bird, uncomfortable and heartfelt anger at the same time.

He was used to this anger, and since he had to sit on the golden throne, the **** bird had been croaking in his ear every day. He was like a conscientious reporter, trying to bring news to the Emperor's ears at every moment—those that worked against him, of course.

It's about the death and depravity of mankind, which Tzeentch is so passionate about. Not just because of his chaotic and depraved nature, but because he was finally able to find a chance to properly humiliate the Emperor, a humiliation that has been going on for a long time for a being like them and will continue to do so. a long time.

"The plan?" he replied nonchalantly. "No, I don't have a plan. Whatever you want to do, you're lost, Tzeentch."


The voice called Tzeentch let out a sharp laughter. The aftermath of this laughter caused a manic storm that stretched for hundreds of meters in the warp. He laughed and danced around the icy golden sun. My heart is full of joy.

"I'll wait and see, carrion... But you're wrong about one thing, I don't want to do anything."

Tzeentch stopped. "Not now, at least, I just want to have fun. Do you think it would be exciting to have your son who just woke up and another fallen son fighting each other?"

There was no emotion in the Emperor's voice, and it was very different from the human expression when talking to the mage. His voice was old and rotten, but still frighteningly cold: "Shut up, or I'll tell you to shut up."

"Oh, someone's angry." Tzeentch laughed again. "You're always like that, Sun. So you're not liked by all of us, not even the two **** greenskins, and now, everybody wants you to die. You feel like you and your How long can a toy empire live?"

"Your words have not improved, Tzeentch." The brilliance of the golden sun was still constant and steady, unwavering. "It's even a step backwards. You speak so plainly without showing off your old-fashioned tricks. I guess you're scared?"

Tzeentch said ambiguously, "You can think so, Sun, whatever you want—I just can't wait, don't you think?"

His intended words made the Emperor snort coldly. In the warp, the storm created by Tzeentch's power was dispelled by the sun in the next second. The Emperor said coldly, "Can't wait to die, it's funny."

"It's astonishing for a vegetative person sitting in a chair who can't move."

Tzeentch wasn't angry at all, he grinned and said something chilling: "You know what, Sun.'ll see everything. Your people one by one Die in cannibalism, even the most loyal of them. And they'll even call out your name before they die."

"Your stupid empire claiming to own millions of worlds - human beings are so arrogant that you think you understand everything, but the truth is, no. You don't understand anything, you don't understand anything. Say, you are just a bunch of young children learning to talk."

Tzeentch's voice was as soft as a whisper between lovers, considering his current distance from the Emperor... No, it would be blasphemous to go on.

"Of course, I may just be telling you some lies to amuse you, who knows if it's true or not? I don't know myself. Anyway, you never take what I said as true, and I appreciate that, continue. Keep it up, sun."

He is gone, temporarily.

The Emperor was silent, the icy golden sun still stably exuding its own brilliance in the warp.


Compared to humans, he is too tall.

Like mountains, and like some ancient natural phenomenon. His face is unparalleled, but no one cares about it, his temperament is more striking than his looks.

Angron didn't wear any armor, he just floated in the universe with his body. If this kind of situation that goes against natural phenomena and all human cognition is seen by the Inquisition, it may be that they will send a censor out of the daring to arrest him for questioning—provided they can get along.

Angron knew that they dared, but they couldn't pass through the world governed by the bravery of swallowing the world unharmed. Thinking of this, his two broken hearts warmed a little.

At least, my heirs remain loyal.

Throughout the Empire, the Courage of the World is the most revered of the nine remaining loyal legions. The blood of their primarchs flowed within them, and that anger at injustice and innate sense of justice made these warriors more than just beheading heretics and demons. UU reading

They attach great importance to the lives of mortals, and sometimes even break out into conflicts with other departments of the empire (the Inquisition is the most serious, and the contradiction between the two is so serious that the Inquisition dare not let their ships pass through a world-devouring Brave Starfield), however, anyone else actually understands one thing.

If you draw a world-devouring warrior to the wrath of you, then, of course, you are the one at fault. They impose strict discipline on themselves, and they must demand the best in their every move, without breaking the rules in the slightest. Not only did he not commit any crimes against the world he was stationed in, but there was even a rare scene where Astarte walked on the street without causing onlookers.

Those in the world see them as heroes, protectors. Also see them as people like themselves, they are loved but not too far from the crowd. Both love each other.

Angron is quite satisfied with this.

Unfortunately, this may be the last thing he will think about. Angron turned decisively, wearing only a robe, the Primarch's gaze was painful and determined: Yes, I must.

I must go into chaos.

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