Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 25: The girl who appeases the dead (Quad K)

Galen's hands were itchy.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't see that the Noxians were upset - they surrendered, so what if they were upset? What's more, he didn't see any evil done by these Noxians. At present, besides the execution of demon hunters and nobles, the most they do is to maintain order, distribute food to residents, and repair houses.

The reason for his itchy hands is simple, he is not used to holding the sword for too long.

Since Galen was seven years old, he spent most of the day wielding his sword, and there were days when he even slept with his training sword in his arms. After enlisting as an adult, the fearless vanguard often takes on the most dangerous tasks, and the time to hold the sword is longer than when he was a child.

It was a habit, a habit that had been ingrained into his bones. But there is nothing he can do to heal this itch. Although the Noxians did not treat them as prisoners, they even gave special treatment to commanders like Garen, who let him live in the former Demacian Palace. within. But they are not fools, the collection of weapons and armor is a must.

Helpless, he had to stand on the balcony and look at the scenery below. There was a sense of peace in my heart.

This kind of enjoyment that seems a bit extravagant now naturally cannot last long, and it didn't take long before someone opened his door. A Noxian soldier wrapped in black armor stood silently at the door, and when Garen turned around, he said in a hoarse voice, "Please come with me."

Galen was not familiar with the palace, he didn't have much time here, and he didn't like this too opulent environment. Even the Noxians looked more familiar than him, and they walked through the palace for a long time before they came out of this labyrinth.

Outside the gate of the palace, on the magnificent stairs stood a very tall man without a helmet. The black armor was the same as those of the soldiers, and couldn't find any gaps, but it was a bit more hideous than theirs. There are spikes on the shoulder armor and hand armor, and they are shining with cold light, obviously they are not purely decorative items.

He has short black hair and a long, narrow wound on his right eye. He grinned at Garen's first glance. "So, you're that Garen Crownguard?"

"it's me."

Even without armor or weapons, he was still a head shorter than him. Galen still maintained his neither humble nor arrogant, he nodded calmly: "Why do you do it?"

The man glanced at him, took a step forward, and restrained his smile: "Silent Wolf Legion, Darius."

"Don't you have a rank?" Galen asked, frowning. At first glance, this Noxian knew that he was a battle-hardened warrior, and such a person could not be promoted without meritorious service.

"We don't need these things here." Darius turned around and gestured towards him, motioning him to come with him. As he walked, he said, "Everyone in the legion is called brothers and sisters. We only have one general."

"Excuse me, where are we going?"

"Go see your sister."

Darius glanced back slightly, the expression on Galen's face was indescribable, and emotions such as worry, happiness and so on were mixed together.

"and then?"

"What and then?" Darius asked rhetorically.

"Aren't you just going to let me meet my sister?"

"if not?"

Galen took a deep breath: "If you have any conditions or things that I need to do, you can say them now. Please don't talk to me about these things in front of my sister."

"You think me too dirty, Galen Crownguard." Darius' calm voice came from the front, with an unquestionable power. "Noxus isn't going to threaten you with a little girl, not to mention that you're just a civilian now. Even if she doesn't find us herself, you'll be released soon."

"Civilians?" Galen asked in disbelief.

"Yes, civilians. Or are you planning to follow your prince's example and join our army?"

After saying this, Galen was silent for a long time. They had been walking the streets of Xiongdu after the war, and civilians had already taken to the streets in twos and threes, either lining up to receive food from the Noxians or working with them to repair broken buildings. Everything appears to be in order.

What made him even more unbelievable was that along the way, he had not seen any Noxian soldiers oppressing civilians. This situation was hard to imagine in the past, and even if Demacia advocates that everyone arm themselves with discipline, there will always be people who take advantage of it.

They came all the way to a camp that seemed to be the temporary home of Demacian wounded soldiers. Garen could see many doctors in white robes walking around the camp, all with a surf emblem on their right shoulder. Apparently, this is a Noxian man too.

Darius stopped at the door. "Your sister is in there. She's been here for three days. In all fairness, she's doing a good job as a nurse."

"Care workers?"

Darius nodded lightly, without saying much, just waved his hand to signal Galen to enter, and then planned to turn around and leave.

This situation is simply unacceptable to Galen - I am the commander of an elite army of the enemy, and you just... throw me at the door of the wounded barracks?

Looking at the back of him leaving, Galen thought over and over again, but went in. The two guards at the door didn't stop him, as if they knew he would come.

There were six tents in the camp, and moans of pain echoed constantly above the camp. Galen watched the doctors going back and forth between the tents in a bit of a bewilderment, not knowing how he was going to find Lux. He simply stood on the edge of the camp and began to observe the environment here.

At first glance, the newly-made wooden fence separated the camp from the outside. If Galen's memory was correct, the wounded barracks should have been built between the third and fourth city walls. Their efficiency is really exaggerated, clearing the gravel so quickly. Just as he was observing, he heard a cry: "Miss Laxana!"

Garen immediately looked around and found that a doctor was standing at the door of a tent shouting: "Miss Laksana, please come this way! We need your spells, and he can't hold on anymore!"

A female voice quickly answered him: "Please wait a moment, now!"

The voice fell, and a girl hurriedly ran out of another tent, her hair was messy, and she was wearing dirty clothes covered with blood. She ran to the tent with an anxious face, and Galen walked over as well. He stood silently at the entrance of the tent, observing the environment inside.

It was very large, with dozens of wounded soldiers lying there, and his sister was standing in a corner, talking with a doctor. Galen's hearing was excellent, and he could barely hear what they were saying.

"It's a pity, but this is beyond the scope of medical skills." The military doctor shook his head regretfully, he took off the blood-stained gloves on his hands, and said, "If you want him to come back to life, unless someone is kind. The gods performed miracles."

Then what did you ask her to do? Galen thought silently.

Lux pursed her lips tightly, then said seriously, "What's his name?"

"We don't know, Miss Laksana..." The doctor raised his finger and pointed to the depths of the tent, he said, "But you can ask him yourself, please forgive me, I'm leaving—you're done Afterwards, please rest for a while. If I remember correctly, you didn't rest last night."

"It's okay, doctor." Lux smiled, then walked straight in the direction he pointed, Galen's eyes were on her closely, not leaving for a moment.

The soldier they said was lying on a narrow cot, wrapped in bandages, blood oozing from the bandages on his abdomen.

Garen moved slightly closer, so that he could hear their conversation clearly. The military physician walked past him, gave a casual glance, and left.


No matter how many times she saw this scene, Lux couldn't get used to it. She has seen many terrifying scenes of death and blood dripping in these days, but she can't face it all with calmness.

It's terrifying.

Looking at the man lying on the narrow wooden bed, still shaking slightly, Lux carefully reached out and grabbed his right hand. She called softly, "Wake up, soldier."

The man didn't respond, so Lux had to repeat it again, and this time, he finally responded. The soldier moved his head laboriously so he could see who was talking. He made a muffled sound from his throat, and when Lux got closer, he could barely hear what he said: it hurts.

A sudden grief made her sniffle, but her face remained calm. Lux took his hand, her voice calm and gentle: "Tell me your name, soldier."

"Ai, Aisha," the soldier said with difficulty, his voice hoarse even disturbingly. The voice was also extremely weak, mixed with the surrounding moans, making it difficult to distinguish.

"Okay, Isa." Lux smiled softly, squeezed his hand, and said softly, "My name is Laxana, and my friends call me Lux. How are you?"

"Pain..." He kept repeating the word, his eyes filled with a desire - Lux knew that it was not a desire for life.

but the longing for death.

"Listen to me, Isa."

The soldier fell silent, but the heaving of his chest was still extremely violent. He had to breathe as hard as he could, and the blood dripped from under the bandage, like his body was weeping, blood red tears.

Lux's voice was still gentle, with a calming force: "You're going to die."


long silence.

Isa opened her mouth, and the heavy breathing sounded like a hammer hitting Lux's heart. She didn't know when, her eyes were still full of tears, but Lux still didn't let go of her hand.

His breathing became sharper and sharper, until at a certain point, as if the light was returning, he coughed violently, spurting large swathes of blood, staining the bandage on his chest red. After doing all this, he seemed to be able to speak clearly: "I'm scared, miss."

Lux listened to him quietly: "I.... Actually, I don't want to join the army, I want to learn to draw. I'm in pain, Miss Lux, I'm really in pain."

There was no logic in his words. One moment he recounted his childhood, and the next moment he began to say how terrible it was to join the army, although he had adapted.

After a few minutes, he stopped. His chest stopped heaving and he just stared at the top of the tent and died silently.

Lux was not surprised by this, in fact, there are not many people like Isa who can say much before death. Most of them died before they could say their names, and she just felt sad.

Holding Isa's warm hand, Lux gently placed his hand on his chest. In the dim tent, a ray of light flashed by. Only Lux herself knew that there was a condensed light spot under the palm of Isa's chest. This spot of light would provide him with a long, faint light in the coffin when he was buried.

Lux also knew that doing this was just to comfort herself, and for the dead, these things were of no use. But she had to do something to give herself some psychological comfort, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to persevere.

She stood up slowly, turned her head, but saw her brother.

"Galen? Is that you?" she asked in disbelief.


Before Galen could finish his words, he only had time to spit out a word, and Lux ​​rushed into his arms, the girl's head was on his chest, and soon, there was a burst of wetness from there.

Gently stroking her dry and messy hair, Galen said softly, "Does it hurt?"

The girl let out a muffled snort.

"You know, you don't have to do that."

She raised her head stubbornly, UU reading www. The gleam in's eyes was the same as when she was a child clamoring to play with the slum children: "No, it's my responsibility. I'm the daughter of the Crown Guard, and since I can't fight to kill the enemy, and Demacia is over too. Then I'm obligated to make it less painful for them to leave."

She lowered her head again: "...and, this is the only thing I can do."

"It was my fault, if I had come back sooner—"

"—It's none of your business, brother." Lux shook her head and let go of him. The girl looked very serious at this time: "Demacia's demise is doomed, you should know this better than me."

Intellectually, Galen knew she was right.

The older Jarvan III got, the more lethargic he became. The heroic warriors of his youth were all gone, and he only knew how to sit in the palace and issue one after another willful order, wantonly exercising the authority of the king.

Sometimes the orders even contradict themselves.

Garen didn't want to investigate whether there were any other tricks in it - anyway, Demacia was gone, so why bother with it? All he knew was that now he was left with only his family.

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