Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 11 Chapter 72: Remodeling Surgery (Quad K)

You can almost describe Darius' mood at the moment with anxiety, as he rode on his warhorse, anxiously following his troops. But even if he was in a hurry, he couldn't make his troops march faster out of thin air.

This is like the laws of nature, human beings cannot violate the laws of nature, such as birth, old age, sickness and death.

Thanks to his steel armor and the warhorse mixed with the blood of the Yalong under his crotch, Darius on horseback looked more than twice as mighty and majestic than usual. This horse is one of the rare animals that can bear the weight of his armor, and it is also his favorite. He wouldn't even ride it on the battlefield in order to keep the horse out of trouble.

Moreover, in fact, there is no opponent worthy of him to ride this horse.


A cavalryman approached him, and he was shrouded in black steel armor, and only the unique barrel helmet could make people identify him: 'iron barrel', Irwin.

His nickname is not very pleasant, and it even seems a little unworthy of a brave warrior like him, but neither himself nor his comrades have mentioned this matter.

"It's you, Irwin." Darius nodded at him and asked blankly, "What's the matter?"

Irwin obviously didn't see what his general was thinking at this time. Darius was a stern personality, and it was common to keep his face straight. Therefore, he just said: "The spies report, the immortal fortress looks as usual. However, according to your orders, they did not approach the capital."

Darius saw Irwin's hesitation at a glance, and he asked lightly, "What else?"

"And..." Irwin took a deep breath and said, "They didn't see any figures, and everyone in the capital seemed to be missing."

Darius' hand on the reins tightened a little, and the rough texture of the iron gloves he was wearing also returned. Darius raised his hand, touched the scar on his face, and said, "Have you contacted the people in the city?"

"No, General. That's the problem—" Irwin's eyes actually brought some fear at this time. "—No matter how the signal was sent, no one responded."

The two moved forward side by side. Irwin is also a rare warrior who can be compared to Darius in size, but he is still much shorter than him. At this moment, there is a little fear on his face. Darius looked at his subordinates sternly and asked slowly, "What are you afraid of?"

"General...I..." Irwin seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he just let out a sigh.

Darius stared at the undulating mountains in the distance, and he would arrive at the Immortal Fortress in three days at the latest. At that time, he would know at a glance what happened.


Swain was about to write the words "frustrated" on his face, and now he can't wait to break himself into three people to use. After the crisis of the Immortal Fortress was lifted, the first thing that the only people who were left had to face was the communication request that came like a snowflake.

Noxians usually communicate by letter, choosing to use the communication towers scattered throughout the empire only when they have to. In addition to the high price of using it once, there is also their inner atmosphere - disgust with mages.

"This is the Immortal Citadel...I am the Imperial General, Jericho Swain."

"General Swain?! Do you know what happened to the Immortal Fortress?"

"It's very complicated to say..." Swain spoke to the purple crystal in his hand, and looked up at the woman who was hanging above the palace and was screaming constantly. He showed a faintly happy smile, and then said, "I suggest you come back and see for yourself."

"If you hadn't seen this with your own eyes, you wouldn't believe it."

He put the amethyst that no longer emits light into his pocket, and he has said similar words no less than a dozen times in the past few days. All the legions that were fighting abroad used the communication tower to come back and inquire. In addition to informing them of the situation, Swain had to think carefully about who among them could be trusted.

Who else should be careful?

Compared to Swain's busy schedule, Shane was much more relaxed. After the crisis was over, he basically did nothing every day, just took care of discussing with Kronos, and asked him about another empire in the interval.

"Watch your footsteps, Brother Sion!" Kronos sternly slapped Sion's right knee with the unactivated chainsaw in his hand, causing him pain and correcting his reason for The desire to attack is too fierce and seems to be a bit aggressive.

Sean didn't really feel the pain—he was used to it. The thing that surprised him the most these days was actually Kronos' fighting skills. He thought his skills had already reached an impeccable level, but he didn't expect that in Kronos' eyes, his skills were actually full of flaws. .

With the leg retracted and a more cautious stance, Shane asked, "With all due respect, Brother Cronos. Your skill is beyond my expectations."

"It's nothing," Kronos replied. "Individual strength is irrelevant in war."

"But it still works."

"Yes, that's why we still have to hone our skills—more critically." Astarte's mouth curled into a smile, and he continued: "Sweat more in peacetime, and bleed less in wartime."

"you are right."

Sean straightened up, looking like he didn't intend to continue training. He put the two axes against his shoulders, and then asked, "Where did you say that last time?"

"Remodeling surgery."

Kronos also put away the chainsaw sword in his hand, and he recounted lightly: "Only the most outstanding mortals are qualified to undergo such an operation... Moreover, the mortality rate is still very high. Like words."

"Do you think I can?" Sean asked half-jokingly.

Astarte glanced at Thane, who was half a head taller than him, and replied with some humor: "No, my brother. I don't think there's any surgery that can take you any further."

"Isn't that part of the test?" Sean asked in confusion. "I mean, if I really want to join you, can I not pass this test?"

Kronos looked at his axe and smiled faintly: "What more test do you need?"

"Brother Thane, obviously, you don't know anything about what you can do now." Ashtar pointedly said, and pointed to his axe at the same time.

Compared with his inexplicable confidence, Sain was even more at a loss: "If even a soldier like you is only a consumable in that war, what can I do?"

"Killing, that's all," replied Astarte. "Kill a few more aliens, traitors, or demons for Him, for humanity, before you die. That's enough. And don't be too arrogant, Brother Sean. You've already been chosen by Him."

Kronos glanced back at Swain not far away and the wounded soldiers who looked at them with reverence. He chuckled, never feeling so relaxed: "...He never gave up on any human beings."

"Excuse me." With a blue light, the mage appeared beside them.

There was a light in his eyes that Kronos was familiar with, the light of curiosity that belonged to researchers. His tech sergeant had given those heretical tech that look more than once, but every time he was pulled back. For some reason, Kronos swallowed.

The mage continued, "I heard... someone talking about remodeling surgery?"

Sean and Kronos looked at each other and felt a chill on their backs.


"Lie down, Sean."

The mage put his hands behind his back and motioned for Shane to lie down on the iron platform just built in front of him that matched his huge size.

They were in a secret room, where the air was cold and had an indescribable smell. It makes people feel calm and cold at the same time.

Thann was wearing only a loincloth, and his naked back and front were covered with huge scars. The Emperor brought him back from death without erasing the glory he left behind in his lifetime. evidence.

At this moment, even in the face of thousands of troops, Sain, who would not show the slightest fear, seemed a little uneasy.

He swallowed and asked nervously, "Uh, do you mind saying what you're doing again?"

"I've said it three times... well, listen up."

He Shenyan said as he stretched his hand into the void to dig in and out, as if he was holding something. He said to him: "Cronos has undergone nineteen surgeries, which lasted several years, and also had to undergo many other corrective surgeries to ensure their metabolic balance. As for you... what I'm going to do to you is actually It's simple."

"What is it?"

He Shenyan avoided answering, then snapped his fingers, and Sion's head slammed on the iron platform. Kronos stepped out of the shadows on the side and asked, "How sure are you?"

The mage chuckled and said, "Have some confidence in me, Kronos. There's nothing difficult about this operation."

The difficulty is another thing.

Sean's tough skin cracked a little from his neck, and blood gushed out and floated around him.

Next came the fat and muscle tissue, which spontaneously split a little bit. During the whole process, He Shenyan didn't use any scalpel or tools to cut Sion's body. This strange scene made Astarte's eyelids twitch, and he thought of something bad.

With Sein's pale bones exposed to the air, He Shenyan seemed to have finally found what he wanted. He pulled his hand out of the void and clenched it into a fist, as if he was holding something. .

He Shenyan put his hand on Sion's chest with a solemn expression, and his sturdy bones were opened little by little as the Master's palm approached. Sean himself was unaware of it.

Although his heart has been exposed to the air.

"I asked him about your nineteen surgeries, and I have to say that it was a genius idea." He Shenyan said while carefully isolating Sion's pain nerves with his mental tentacles.

He continued: "But the most mysterious thing is your gene-seed, Kronos. That's the source of your power. And it makes you so different from each other."

Kronos listened quietly, his heart beating faster and faster. Astarte has realized something.

He heard the mage's calm voice: "So I asked him again...where did the gene-seed come from, and he gave me an answer that shocked me. Considering other things, I can't tell you. How on earth did he get this kind of thing out?"

"However... I came up with a brand new gene seed with Him."

Kronos' eyes almost fell out of their sockets, and he immediately realized what it meant.

"Exclusively developed, only this one." He Shenyan said with a smile, and then released his hand. What fell out of his hand was a fragment, and the golden light and the scarlet thunder were intertwined to form this mysterious fragment. It disappeared into Thane's heart in the blink of an eye.

The next second, he began to twitch violently.

"Would you mind helping me? His current state is not suitable for me to interfere with magic."

Cronos immediately stepped forward and asked, "What should I do?"

"Don't be so nervous, it's easy, you just have to keep him from falling off the table... I'll be back in ten minutes."

After saying this, he disappeared from the spot.

in another space.

"You're a lunatic." Looking at the man's back, He Shenyan said unceremoniously. "A product of the Warp... You're so bold."

"The coward, how did it work?" The man replied lightly, he turned around, and said calmly, "How did he react?"

"Everything is normal, as we expected....but Are you sure you really want to do this? With a little more strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to last long."

"Of course, why not? Since my failure is a certainty." The man laughed.

"I've done this once. The trading partner I chose last time was not very good, so I failed miserably. However, failure is the mother of success." The man said with a smile. "What's more, everything has to be left behind, what do you think?"

"If your back finger is dropping a brand new Primarch in another're crazy enough."

"We're all lunatics, aren't we, Mage? I see you're quite interested in this too."

He Shenyan also laughed.

"Don't get me wrong, I just thought it would be a pity not to get involved in such an interesting thing. Don't expect me to bring someone over to support you. You are a place where even dogs don't want to go."

The man just responded with a calm smile.

"Don't let them come here, Mage," he muttered.

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