Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 11 Chapter 66: In the name of the Emperor! (Five K)

Kronos could feel that his sensitivity to time was slowly declining. The magic of depravity and corruption is evident here. If it was in the past, Kronos still had the help of think tanks. They would use their psionic power to help ordinary Astartes, but for now, he was alone.

A tall, sickly pink-purple skinned minotaur was expertly beheaded by him with a chainsaw. Kronos couldn't help but wonder - these creatures were equally depraved and corrupt, but they were definitely not demons.

Could it be a creature unique to this world?

This question only appeared in his mind for a while, and Kronos turned around and slashed, killing another equally tall monster. Killing is already an instinct etched in the bones of Kronos. And these things might be deadly to mortals, but to him they're not even toys.

It's trying to hold me down, how long have I been here?

Kronos struggled to think about the question between the killings, but he couldn't come up with an answer. From an hour to a day, a month, or even a year. Every answer is possible, and the timing here is clearly chaotic.

He knew that if he went on like this, he wouldn't say that he would destroy the source of the pollution here, and it would be hard to say whether he could see it or not.

"I'm curious, how long can you hold on?" the thing whispered to him in the dark, and it even accentuated the word "how long" with a nasty hint.

This shameless depraved thing...

Kronos thought with disgust, as he wrenched the head of a minotaur that was trying to sneak up on him with just one hand. Immediately followed by another kick, it kicked its headless body, which was still twitching, and used it to cause more casualties. He turned slightly to the side, and just by pure perception, he knew that he was about to face an attack from behind him, and at the same time dodged.

As he fought, he said, "Hold on till your tongue full of disgusting corruption is sore with maggots..."

It chuckled: "You're the first person to be unmoved by my beauty, big man. Where the **** are you from? Don't try to lie to me, I personally trained these savages into the Nok they are today. Thass Empire. But warriors like you... ah, I can't wait. I want to taste you so much."

Cronos sneered disdainfully: "You have no right to know about this - what's more, even your **** master didn't tell you about it, didn't you? It seems that in its eyes you even used it No value at all. How sad."

"You don't know anything about me." It said coldly, and even with such a charming voice, it didn't sound unpleasant.

"You don't know anything about me, you pathetic monster. You don't know who I really am or what I stand for - let me tell you!" Cronos roared and dropped a The monster was cut into two pieces, he glared at the darkness in front of him and said word by word.

"In the Emperor's name! You shall die! Demon!"


"Damn it! Where the **** did they come from?!"

A soldier cursed and stabbed a monster trying to climb the barracks wall with a long spear. His words were heard by the squadron commander, but the latter did not say anything.

In the Noxian army, there is no detailed division of official positions, and everyone is even called brothers and sisters. Inclusivity in Noxus is rare in the world. No matter what your race or where you come from, as long as you are willing to play for Noxus, you will never be excluded. It is also thanks to this open atmosphere that even if the soldier's words are ten times more nasty, they will not be stopped.

"Protect yourself! Damn it! This isn't a glorious fight, I don't want to see any of you die here, understand?!" the squadron leader yelled sternly, piercing through the long sword in his hand. A monster's tongue. He smirked and rolled his long sword, getting a cry of pain in satisfaction.

But soon the scream of pain changed to some sort of post-peak cry. The squadron leader's face twitched, he was actually a lecherous person, but in the face of such a voice, his heart did not waver. And so are these soldiers. If Kronos were here, 80% of the time it would be incredible - that there are mortals who can face the temptation of Slaanesh without being corrupted!

This is unbelievable.

Among the four evil gods, Tzeentch chose those ambitious and those who thirst for knowledge. Khorne favors warriors who fight and kill, and Nurgle's followers must be those who are sick. While the evil gods choose their own believers, the believers are also choosing the evil gods they believe in.

But Slaanesh is different - any creature can become its believer.

It represents a degenerate pursuit of the ultimate pleasure, and any creature has a need for pleasure more or less, no matter what. Art, love, indulgence, food...the corruption of Slaanesh created by this nature is harder to resist than anything else.

But Swain's soldiers seemed to be nothing, still fighting with them, ignoring the seductive musk around them as nothing, just fighting and roaring.

"Damn! They're more and more!"

The squadron leader heard another curse, and he wanted to ask the same question. It wasn't long before these things were completely killed by General Sean, but at this time they came from nowhere and were crowded under the wall. It was as if it had just popped out of nowhere, with no sign to be found.

"I can't bear to save it! Understand? There are still a large number of brothers gearing up for it!"

The squadron leader shouted, and then he got a grunt of disapproval: "Let them wait and go!"

He was referring to the soldiers who fortified the gates inside the barracks, so far, their swords have not even been stained with blood. It was a huge humiliation for a Noxian, and it was hard enough to be able to stand on the walls and slaughter these unpleasantly disgusting creatures at this moment.

Meanwhile, below the barracks.

Swain walked quickly past the soldiers who were reinforcing the gate. He grabbed a **** who was trying to get a long sword through the crack of the door, and scolded him by the collar: "You immortal guy, who is Made you do this?!"

The guy wanted to argue two more words: "I just want to hear their screams..."

His head lowered under Swain's stern gaze, and he finally whispered, "Sorry, General."

Swain loosened his collar, pointed to the warehouse where the firewood was stacked, and said, "Go there and carry the wood for me! When will the gate be reinforced and you will end the punishment! The others listen to me! There will be a chance to fight, but not now! Stick to your post! Understand?"

He was trembling with anger: "If anyone is like this idiot who doesn't kill something and feels uncomfortable, I will let him catch flies! Anyway, killing is not killing?!"

"As ordered!"

Many people snickered and watched the unlucky guy leave, while more people silently put away their thoughts of imitating that guy-in case they were discovered, they were sent by General Swain to do this. It's too embarrassing to live!

"Carles! Carles! Where have you gone?!" Swain, who entered the commanding state, did not have the usual gloom and quietness at all. He seemed to be completely two people from usual. It didn't take long for the Callus he mentioned to run over. The other party was wearing black steel armor and a big axe was carried behind him.

He saluted: "General!"

"Where the **** have you gone? Didn't I tell you to look after them here? Don't you know what kind of **** you have in this group of people? They are all lunatics to kill the enemy at any cost... ...what are you laughing at? How the **** do you dare laugh?"

It wasn't long before Callus smiled and was kicked severely by Swain, and he didn't dare to resist. After all, it was Swain who was actually hurting - he kicked the black steel armor!

He just put away his smile and said honestly, "I just walked around the see if there are any brothers who need my help."

"Have you found someone who needs your help?"

"No, they told me to roll down and knock on the boards."

Swain nodded, put his right foot back without a trace, and said, "Then what the **** are you doing?"

Not far from Swain, Katarina has been watching Swain's interaction with his soldiers coldly. She couldn't believe it. In most people's eyes, Swain was a gloomy, artistic man. This made him extremely popular among the upper class ladies even though he was over forty years old.

After all, the wealthy ladies who have nothing to do are hungry for a man like Swain. He can write poetry, was born in a noble family, and can lead troops to fight in battle. He even brought out the army of Death Crows, which is the elite of the empire today.

Although Katarina didn't think that Swain would be the kind and gentle person they imagined, she didn't expect him to become so different from his usual appearance during the battle.

You know, even if it was the first time Katarina was assassinated, Swain never said a single dirty word.

She was pondering what was going on with this intriguing contrast. Could war really make such a big difference? But Swain turned his head, saw her standing in the shadow of the tent, and walked over at the same time.

"Does your flickering magic still work?"

"That's not magic, my lord, that's a technique. Only a blade master can master this—"

Swain waved his hand and interrupted her: "I don't care about this, I just want to know the conditions and price for you to use this technique."

"What do you want me to do?"

"There is a military warehouse not far from here, and there are many logistics materials in it."

Katerina nodded and said succinctly: "First, I need to go there, and then put down a special dagger to be able to take people there. The maximum number of people I can bear is five people, more than that may cause the transmission to fail. "

"Fun trick, it's really not magic? Forget it, forget it. Most of that stuff is coming towards us, **** pale lady, I'm going to screw her **** head off for a ball kick! "Swain made a rare gaffe when it came to Lady Pale. But the brief gaffe soon vanished without a trace, he continued.

"We dragged most of it, you just need to find the location, put down the dagger, and bring a few people over to bring some logistics. Remember, no food and water are needed. God knows if they are contaminated, just arrows and weapons. Gunpowder is enough, understand?"

Katerina saluted him: "No shame, General."

"I look forward to your successful return."


Holding his helmet, Shen cautiously chose to return from the roof. Sure enough, this road did not see any monsters at all. It seems that their intelligence has become very limited after their corruption - or, they use most of their intelligence to interact with each other.

More than disgusting.

Shen didn't deliberately look at their ugliness, which wasn't too difficult. But there were so many of them that it made him sick every time he saw them.

In his mind, this kind of thing should be a sacred act between lovers, after all, it is related to the birth of new life. The young Twilight Eye did not notice that his own ideas were not even popular among young Ionians today.

He's just plain old-fashioned like an old man.

Not long after running on the roof, he saw the port barracks that Shane said.

The building was more of a small fort than a barracks—perhaps only a Noxian would make a barracks so impenetrable and fortress-like at no cost.

But their architectural style can obviously play a very big role at some point, like now.

Those monsters built human ladders, trying to climb up the towering wall from below. Others kept slamming against the door, but the strong iron door was not something their arms slender for pleasure could break.

Soldiers above the wall could easily pierce their heads with their spears, or chop off the hideous heads with their swords. Or just push them down with a shield, smash them to pieces, and turn them into meat sauce.

Moreover, their corpses will be devoured by those of the same kind with the same pink-purple sick skin in a short time, and many of them do not even choose to climb to attack the living, but squat down and greedily eat the same kind. Bones.

What make these civilians look like this?

As he got closer, Shen smelled the musky scent again.

This smell seems to be able to evoke some natural desires of human beings. All kinds of temptations are like whispering in the ear of a beautiful woman, but when Shen's ears have the power of the twilight eye of all dynasties, he only feels that People are bored.

None of these things can disturb Twilight's Eye's mind. He tightened the helmet in his arms, and the steel knife in his right hand lit up with purple energy—the next second, he appeared under the barracks.

"Profound Truth! Twilight Blade!"

The steel knife swelled rapidly, becoming as tall as an adult man in just a few seconds. Shen raised his right index finger and **** together, his eyes lit up with purple light. This ancient skill has now blossomed into a new color in his hands-in the past, the Twilight Blade had to be performed with the special weapon Soul Blade of the Twilight Eyes, but his succession time was too short, and it was not time to find it back. The lost sword.

Therefore, Shen took a different approach and chose to use Qi to control the sword. This also has a good effect.

The huge blade turned most of the blasphemous monsters trying to climb the wall into twitching corpses in just a few back and forth, and the soldiers on the wall burst into bursts of surprised shouts, and someone shouted at him : "Brother! Where did you jump from?!"

Shen raised his head, glanced at him, and did not answer. While helping these Noxians, it was only out of fellow human beings. In the face of these human enemies, although he knew where he stood, he didn't really want to communicate with the Noxians. After all, they did try to invade their homeland.

In a burst of purple light, Shen disappeared.


Frowning and looking towards the southwest, He Shenyan felt countless souls screaming from the pink-purple light beam that penetrated the sky - not because of pain or torture, but because of happiness. Those depraved voices kept reaching his ears, until the mage himself disconnected his senses to block their disgusting cries.

"What's this... cool to die? Or is it cool to die?" He couldn't help but ask such a question, the sound of footsteps came from the stairs, and Jie Deng Deng Deng ran up. He saw He Shenyan and said anxiously, "Teacher, Mr. Cronos has left!"

"I know, I know. Don't be so quick, how's your schoolwork going?"

Jie was stunned. Naturally, he could see the beam of light, but he couldn't feel the details like a mage. Ionia's innate magic powers cut off its influence, and only a few like He Shenyan can understand what's going on there. But there are others who can do it too - just for a different reason.

" is not bad." He swallowed the question in his mouth and answered with difficulty.

"Oh? I remember, wait for me to come back, if you don't meet the standard. Don't think about going out for the next six months, don't think I don't know that you go out on time at nine o'clock every morning to go out with the little girl in the flower shop. chat."

Jie blushed, He Shenyan shook his head with a smile, and he continued, "When did he leave?"

"one day ago."

"Did you say anything else?"

"No, Shen took him there."

The mage nodded, then opened a portal: "Remember, your assessment - I'll go back when I go."

Jie watched the mage leave, and his heart that had been erratic was also put down at this time. Before he knew it, He Shenyan's existence seemed to have become a kind of security. As long as he was there, there was no need to worry about anything. He didn't know whether his feeling was good or bad, and he just wanted to hurry up and review it again.

He doesn't want to go out for half a year...

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