Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 11 Chapter 43: 1 warrior must die standing

The road from the depths of the cave to the underground abyss is hundreds of meters long. Bahar doesn't know. He has killed forty-five void monsters along the way. He started by trying to jot down their human traits, but then he forced himself to concentrate on killing.

There is no other reason. As he advances, the level of corruption on the monsters who come to stop him is getting deeper and deeper. In the beginning, it was just some simple arthropod mutations, and at most it was just some more disgusting eyes on the body. But at the end, let alone the human form, Bahar even suspected that he was in a nightmare - he had never seen anything so blasphemous.

After killing the monster in front of him again with the claw of doom, he wearily stepped over the fallen corpse and stepped on the slimy creep to the end of the cave. The disgusting purple light soon filled the warrior's face, and he remained unmoved, reaching out to hold the Eye of Lissandra hanging around his neck, and meditating on the prayers of the priests.

He took a step, and just like that, the mutation happened in an instant - the creep under his feet opened their eyes hidden under the thick mucus, Bahar looked down, and those countless vertical pupils were looked at him with the same malice. Hunger, greed, and malice toward the living made Bahar grit his teeth and forced himself to look away.

But the void will not let him go, and the void will not let anyone go. Creep moved in waves with a purring sound, and Bahar fell heavily to the ground. He thought he would be swallowed, but the Creep didn't immediately attack, they 'stand up' and gradually formed the most blasphemous thing Bahar had ever seen in his life in that creepy grunt.

The four-meter-high monster standing in front of him was dripping mucus, and it grew a hard carapace within seconds. In those purple crevices, countless eyes peered out, opening and closing as if endless tentacles emerged from behind it. The grunt grew louder.

"Oh, the ice bless me..." Bahar murmured to himself and got up from the ground, clenching the claw of doom in his hand, he knew that death was coming - this is not a monster he can fight .

But a warrior must die standing up.

"For Lissandra!" He roared and started charging, but in the next instant he was hit by those tentacles and flew backwards. He was hit on the rock wall, feeling every bone in his body protesting against him. Bahar didn't know how many bones he had broken and how many tendons he had ruptured, but he stood up again. She stood up trembling.

With just that one face-to-face, he was sure that this was not something he could deal with - its power was too great, and the speed was so fast that he couldn't see it at all. And fighting it in such a small place is tantamount to seeking death.

However, it doesn't matter. He was here to die. Bahar bit his tongue to let the pain dispel the dizziness in his mind. He bared his teeth and laughed lowly.

He could barely hold the claw of doom, and it was obvious that he could not stand up again, but some kind of will that came from nowhere was what made him stand up. Beyond human physiology, blood spilled from his lips and teeth, the warrior shouted Lissandra's name inarticulately, and pounced on him again.

But the result would not be different. He was caught by those tentacles, and when he was about to be dismembered, a loud chain saw sounded in the cave.

Bahar heard an unfamiliar battle cry. He didn't understand what the language was, but the emotion contained in it made him very sure that it was a battle cry. And the sound was loud and terrifying, and then, the creature that grabbed him actually let out a whimper.

Its scream was so harsh, but Bahar couldn't help laughing wildly: his pain is my honey! He was thrown on the ground like a garbage, and Bahar moved his neck with difficulty, so that he could see who was fighting this thing.

The ice is on—what the **** is that?

The glittering purple light in the cave had never dimmed, and he was able to use this blasphemous light to see how burly the warrior who was fighting against the Void Monster was. Bahar would bet that he was covered in thick blue armor that looked bulky, but his movements were lightning fast, and Bahar couldn't see how he was doing. swinging the sword in his hand.

In two or three rounds, the terrifying monster was cut open by the fighter's spinning blade, and it let out a final, disturbing scream before falling. The warrior stepped over its corpse and came to Bahar.

The solemn and gloomy helmet visor gave no hint of goodwill, but through the scarlet spectacles, Bahar was sure, for some reason, that he was praying for himself.

With all his strength, before the Lamb Spirit came to him, Bahar unwrapped the package on his belt. He was inarticulate, his voice dripped, and he didn't even have the strength to hand the cloth bag to the warrior. Let it fall to the ground—the soldier stretched out his hand quickly and grabbed it immediately.

"Seal the runes - you, you must... you must stop them!" After saying the last sentence, he fell into the boundless darkness.

The soldier looked down at the cloth bag, he solemnly hung it in the gap of his shoulder armor, and then the language from another world sounded in this cave full of blasphemy and human courage: "May your soul be Go to his side."

He turned around, came to the end of the cave and looked down, the endless purple light reflected the cave full of evil. This made him unbearably let out a cold snort of disdain, and then jumped down, a distance of tens of meters was nothing to him. It landed heavily, and those dirty creeps were smashed by him, and the mucus splashed.

His heavy footsteps sounded on this ice wall. According to what the mage said, he came to the center, squatted down and took out a small black glass bottle, which was bigger than a toothpick in terms of his size. small. But the soldier's hands controlled his strength stably and finely. He carefully and very quickly opened the glass bottle cap and poured out the liquid inside.

Those viscous liquids spontaneously formed a circle on the ice emitting purple light, and then the air began to boil. The soldier stood up and took a step back, staring at the scene in front of him. He could feel a sense of oppression gradually condensing, but it was still within an acceptable range.

With an explosion, the ice surface collapsed, revealing the trembling purple rhizome underneath. The warrior looked at this huge blasphemous thing with disgust, especially the combination of purple and pink colors reminded him of it. Another thing that is also the enemy of mankind. He clenched the chainsaw and was about to jump down and destroy this thing completely, when the mage's voice sounded behind him.

"Don't jump down yet, Kronos."

Kronos looked back and found that the mysterious mage he had met before was walking out of a portal, and he said blankly: "Go up, there are other mortals who need your help - this thing Just leave it to me."

"Have you dealt with them?"

"Yes." He Shenyan nodded. He stretched out his hand to summon a portal to the ground and sent Kronos up.

The beating and trembling purple rhizome in front of him seemed to have encountered something, and countless thick blood vessels penetrated the ground and attacked the mage. He Shenyan didn't dodge, he didn't even bother to do it, those blood vessels turned to ashes.

"Anything've grown up like this and it's enough to make me sick."

Walking out of the portal, Kronos saw what he was most familiar with—war.

Thousands of mortal soldiers were fighting against the void creatures that were many times their size, and they fought well and heroically, but it was totally useless. But...for mortals, or mortals with such backward technology, it is enough. What really caught his attention was a very tall creature that looked like a goat. He waved the warhammer in his hand, and every blow caused a great tremor, causing countless deaths and injuries to those worms during the flames.

He appears behind the void creatures, these disgusting worms that appear above the ground are not as large and wild as their underground counterparts, instead, they are smaller, but all have green fangs or claws , There are many species that fly in the sky and even have tail needles as long as arms.

Kronos walked out of the portal in less than a minute, and was immediately discovered by those abominable creatures. They shrieked unbearably unbearable and lunged at him. He turned slightly sideways, using his left shoulder armor to resist the attack of a calf-sized insect, and the Mark 10 Hellfang Chainsaw Sword in his right hand roared,

This absolute murder weapon immediately cut through the worm's hard carapace, and the disgusting mucus that splashed out splashed on Kronos' body, which he was accustomed to. The hind legs exerted force and pushed forward, and a bug that fell from the sky was pushed out by him. Kronos didn't continue to pay attention to the bug. He had confidence in his own strength, and the bug wouldn't be able to get up even if it didn't die.

On the other hand, Lissandra quickly noticed the big man who suddenly appeared, and the Frost Witch didn't care about his identity - as long as he was killing the void, everything else could be left alone.


Over the mountains... over the mountains, over the mountains.

If you have to summarize the journey of Kedar and these four words are enough to explain everything. At times, Kedal wondered if he was really old—his calf trembled as he watched the way down the mountain. This has never happened before.

Sejuani followed behind him, carrying a small package on her shoulders. It was the bear meat they had eaten. There was not much left, but Nel Zayag was ahead, and he could already see the unique characteristics of Winter's Claw. 's Horde flag fluttered in the cold wind in front of the camp. Sejuani was especially excited, but she held back, which surprised Kedar.

"Aren't you happy to be back in the tribe?" he asked.

"I'm very happy, but Grandma Xijian said that a war mother shouldn't let anyone see what she's thinking, including your relatives." The little guy said solemnly, the axe around her waist kept poking as she walked. her belly, but Sejuani looked used to it.

Kedal smiled and shook his head: "She always likes to do things like this..."

They didn't go fast, but the soldier in charge of the sentry had obviously good eyes and saw them both at once. The guy held a longbow, first blew the horn, and then ran over by himself.

"Sejuani?" He glanced at the girl first, then pointed his longbow at Kedar: "Who are you?"

"Kedal Lo Darwell."

Sejuani glared at him, then added four words: "...winter's claws."

The guy with the longbow changed his face instantly, but the sound of footsteps behind him gave him confidence again. Without putting down the bow and continuing to point at Kedar, he said, "How dare you come back?"

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

43. A Warrior Must Die Standing (3.5K)

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