Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 11 Chapter 41: You ice girl played really well, zero/eight/zero (five K)

When He Shenyan saw Udyr again, all the gravel was piled under his feet.

The mage deliberately reduces his presence, but it does not make people completely invisible. Udyr raised his head, hesitantly said, "Teacher? Is that you?"

Withdrawing the spell, He Shenyan smiled and said, "Yes, you have made great progress."

Udyr nodded calmly, and again he took out a stone from the cloth bag around his waist and placed it in his palm. The mage looked up at the night sky and said, "Didn't you want to ask Lissandra why she gave such an order?"

With a click, the stone in Udyr's palm turned to powder. He let out a long breath, stood up, and took off his blindfolded cloth: "Could it be that you know the reason?"

"I don't know why she did this, but I can guess." He Shenyan did not completely deny the matter.

"Please also let me know."

"Very simple, Udyr. The Void is suppressed beneath the Frostguard Citadel."

The cold wind blew, and the words just spit out from the mage's mouth seemed to bring endless chills, and an indescribable trembling instantly climbed Udyr's back. He Shenyan frowned and turned around, scolding him in a low voice.

"...I just now, what happened?"

The young apprentice raised his head, looked at his mentor blankly, and asked.

He Shenyan shook his head: "Remember that feeling just now, Udyr. It's the void. Besides... I'm afraid I'll have to leave for a while."

His voice fell, and a portal opened under his feet, slowly engulfing the mage.


Sigvar Half-Barrel had a shield in one hand and a sword in the other.

His name is odd, but so are most of the Frostguard. When they joined the Frostguard, they had to ditch their clan surnames, so they had to choose one from their past glory to add to their names.

His name has a lot to do with it, but now is not the time to tell it. He was battle-hardened and an Iceborn, and under the care of Lissandra, he won great achievements and honors. But when he stood in front of the gate of the fortress, listening to the frantic screams of the brothers and sisters inside, the former brothers and sisters, he still felt a trace of anxiety.

Oral Stonefist stood beside him. He is a Frostguard legend, having fought in the Frostguard for half his life long before Sig was born. He had a gray beard and a determined look. Ice bear pelts drape over his shoulders, but only faded war tattoos and dozens of iron rings obscured his arms, each one won from a battle ritual.

No words are needed, just the moment they see him, people will know what kind of warrior Oral is. His weapon, the mighty Warhammer: Sons of Thunder hangs behind him. The hammer head of the weapon is wrapped in real ice, and its glory is only a lot more than that of Olar.

"Relax, boy. They... no, they're not out yet."

Olar didn't look very nervous. He slowly took off the warhammer behind him and held it in his hand. The wind howled, and they stood on the bridge, listening to the sound of them blowing through the abyss below the bridge. Like the howl of a banshee.

"What's wrong?" Sigvar was nervous, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation, but it was understandable. After all, he had only joined Frostguard for less than three years.

"do not know."

Oral weighed the warhammer in his hand and grinned, his sharp canine teeth showing a little, reminiscent of the deadly direwolf: "But it's all about those dead things under the fortress. Damn—Lissandra Forgive me - there seems to be something wrong with the seal."

Sigvar turned pale. "But—how could that be?! Lissandra crushes them herself!"

Oral remained calm: "Yes, boy. If they break the seal, it means Lady Lissandra has failed."

He turned his head and looked at Sigvar, who was somewhat unacceptable because of the news, and said slowly amidst the screams of the wind and the howls of the monsters inside the door: "But that's what we exist for, boy. Hold them until the other brothers and sisters come. We have to suppress and seal these ugly things. You know what to do."

Sigvar closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his composure was restored. He struck the edge of the shield with his blade, and muttered to himself, "We were born in ice and we are in ice. We are Lissandra's eyes, and the blades in her hands."

Olar joined him: "We are the storms of the North, the horns of fury..."

In the singing of the two, the solid gate made of enchanted black iron in front of him was violently smashed open. It was too late to speak, and Sigvar caught a glimpse of the first thing rushing towards him.

The abominable thing has completely lost its appearance as a human, only the horn helmet on its head still proves something. Its mouth is wide open, and its swirling fangs are a match made in heaven with its long, mucus-laden tongue. Purple light emanated from the thousands of eyes on its body.

Sigvar was only disgusted.

He sank and bumped his shoulders, causing the thing to roll back. At the same time, he blocked the sharp claws of the second monster with a shield, and the long sword in his hand stabbed out without hesitation, instantly piercing its head, and then stirred violently.

Olar was not idle either, he roared wildly, the warhammer slammed down, and the True Ice weapon created an artificial ice storm on the bridge deck-several monsters were frozen, and then swung by him with the warhammer Cracked one by one.

But this is useless.

Both of them knew this, they were still mortals after all, and no matter how brave they were, they couldn't resist these monsters for too long. Behind them, a hoarse female voice shouted: "Get ready!"

Sigvar didn't need to look back to know who it was—Hala Ice Soul. If he adores Oral, then he has an excessive reverence for Hala. She is utterly fearless and ruthless. Her faith is unbreakable, and she is as deadly as winter.

Hala rushed over to his side, and the two deadly mandarin duck hatchets whizzed past, accurately severing the heads of the two monsters. Bloodfang and Bloodclaw, that's their name. The True Ice weapon has been passed down from hundreds of years ago to the present. Wearing her black chainmail and horned helmet, Hala fought Olar in the midst of them like a legendary ancestor.

For some reason Sigvar felt a deep disgust.

Just staring at their twisted forms was too much for him, not to mention the eyes that peeped out all the time. Sigvar felt a string in his mind slowly tightening, soon reaching its limit. He gritted his teeth to keep his thoughts from wandering and focused on the battle in front of him, but he seemed to be reaching his limit.

how come? !

Sigvar was shocked at his own weakness - no! I refuse to be corrupted by them like this!

However, the will of mortals is useless in the face of the Void.

The blade in Sigvar's hand fell to the ground, he began to tremble violently, and something strange was slowly forming under his skin, almost for a moment. Sigvar's presence completely disappeared.

In their place are a brand new one.

Oral let out a low growl, he had been watching Sigvar, seeing this. The old man rushed in front of him with a single stride, smashing his head with a warhammer while it was still slightly sigvar-like.

There is no time to grieve, he meditated in his heart, may the cold wind of the three sisters bless your soul. Then they continued to slaughter.

He knew why Sigvar was corrupted - True Ice.

The weapons in his and Hala's hands are the only ones that have proven to be a threat to the void for thousands of years, while keeping the user from being corrupted. But how rare are True Ice weapons? No one can make them now, and one of these precious weapons is broken, and the existing True Ice weapons are all inherited from the ancestors.

"Are you all right?! Old thing!"

He heard Hala shouting from the other end, and Olar sneered: "You rude bastard, how long until the support arrives?!"

"Just a little longer! They're going to blow up the bridge soon, we just need to drag it out for a while! Or are you saying that you can't even take this time?"

Olar laughed and scolded the Freljord, and the warhammer slammed down again, hammering the head of the **** monster in front of him into his chest. He knew that no matter how much he and Hala could kill, it would be useless, and now he could only pray that support would come soon and blow up the bridge. So they can be buried with them in the abyss.

Even dead.


Onkar Rock.

The ancient **** gently put down the forging hammer in his hand. He took down a huge war hammer forged for himself from the wall on the side, held it in his hand, and stared at the orange-red hammer, thoughtfully.

Ornn knew that the Frost Witch had failed.

He was not surprised by this, it was a matter of time. A seal is something that will be broken sooner or later, from ancient times to the present, without exception.

He carried the war hammer, and the surrounding rocks began to twist and deform according to his will, sending the **** out of the mountain little by little. When he stepped on the land of the Freljord with the warhammer again, all living beings heard a low horn sound.

The horn sound came from nowhere, so low, yet so distant, with a blood-boiled fighting intent in it.

Some old people said that it was the return of Ornn.

Frostguard Citadel.

Lissandra was in such a bad state at this point that she had lost an arm. The Frost Witch was half-kneeling on the ground. In front of her was the Zhenbing that spread out for hundreds of meters, and the Yingying purple light spread again in the cave. She stared at the ugly things with resentful resolute eyes.

I should be careful.

She said in her heart, when the mage finished dealing with their main body. Lissandra feels more tired than ever, and people always relax when they're done. Even she was no exception to this, so Void seized the only chance.

Corruption is only for a moment.

The fate of the Frostguard Citadel was sealed when a guard without an ice weapon saw their remains. None of the two hundred Frost Guards who came down from the wreckage were spared, all transformed into void creatures, mocking Lissandra's carelessness in their hideous forms. And the Frost Witch was only ashamed of it.

She knew it was her fault.

Whether or not the Guards have True Ice weapons, they are mortals after all. Lissandra can protect them for a while, but not all, and when the corruption begins, this contagious plague will soon infect all mortals.

But she's not a mortal, and she has to take responsibility, no matter how many people die for it - even her own death is acceptable and even counted.

The Frost Witch's only left hand evoked a cold wind, and this power born in the void has been completely controlled by her for tens of thousands of years and turned into her own use. She poured the cold wind into the ice in front of her again, but heard an impatient voice behind her: "I should finish everything at once."

Lissandra didn't notice that she was relieved, she didn't speak, she just worked harder to pour the cold wind into the ice. He Shenyan knocked off her arm, impatiently like a teacher who saw that the students couldn't even solve the first-order equation in two variables.

He glanced at the pale face of the Frost Witch lightly, and said, "Look, this is how ice is used."

Black ice similar in color to True Ice suddenly appeared in this underground abyss, and Lissandra felt a chill to the bones—it had nothing to do with the body, but the effect on the soul. She looked at the solid black ice that replaced Zhen Bing, and she actually wanted to touch them with some fascination. But he was slapped on the hand by the mage again.

He said coldly: "Don't be cheap - go up there and see your mortal followers, they seem to be dying."

Lissandra, who had come to her senses, nodded. Ice floated under her feet, and little by little she was escorted to the upper floors. The mage frowned for the first time because he felt troublesome as he watched the ever-spreading Void Corruption in the black ice.

It's not just corruption that happens here.

If it was just corruption, he could have gone after the corrupted mortals and the wreckage of the void, but the void was obviously not for nothing. At least here in the Freljord. They left their hands behind, and after corrupting those mortals, some kind of summoning formation has been laid out here, and a steady stream of void creatures and their unique purple energy are constantly coming here through the summoning formation.

He now has two options.

First, simply close the Summoning Array, and then kill all these ugly and deadly things - this is the easiest and most direct way.

But He Shenyan's thinking has always been different from that of normal people, so he turned to the possibility of the second method.

Reverse Summoning Array.

As we all know, the essence of the summoning formation is to open a gap in space, so that those things that exist outside the world can come over. But this method can be reversed, that is, the summoning formation will be reversed into a teleportation formation—I believe someone has already guessed what He Shenyan wants to do.

Yes, he intends to do it once and for all.

But the problem is... The flow speed between different worlds is different. He has set up monitoring in both Kermohan and Kama Taj, so he can also grasp the speed of the time in these two worlds, so that he will not be caught It disappeared for ten years. But the dimension he was going to was a brand new, disgusting realm full of Void creatures.

Not to mention the level of danger, he wasn't sure if he would come back from a trip and Cilia was an adult, and then his plans were completely out of control.

However, once and for all is quite a temptation - if he directly destroys the void, then he can directly take over the people of Rhodeland continent, and the oath he made must be fulfilled. But between finishing earlier and finishing later, he still prefers to choose earlier.

How to do?

Ziguang kept on and off in the cave, and eventually, his figure disappeared in place.

Above Frostguard Citadel.

Lissandra rose from the abyss, and the first scene she saw was the moment when the Frost Guards blew up the bridge. The explosives from the warm-blooded people played a considerable role at this time, the bridge broke, and the frost guards on it fell into the abyss together with the monsters. She moved her fingers slightly, and the roaring cold wind formed solid ice, which rescued the few frost guards who were closest to her.

She flew them with them to the other end of the fort, and the Frostguards in dark armour knelt down to her on one knee. Lissandra shook her head, and her cold voice sounded: "Frost Guards... I failed."

She pointed to her missing arm and made a little joke: "I believe you can see this too - but we still have a chance to save this."

No one spoke, and the Frostguards waited in silence for orders. They didn't expect retreat or anything like that, they didn't expect kindness. The beliefs of the Frostguards are harsh and cold, impersonal and full of coldness. Like ice, but that's exactly what they wanted.

Against the Void - you can only be more ruthless than them.

"How many of us are there?" Lissandra asked.

A priest raised his head. He was very old, with a gaunt and skinny countenance. With sunken cheeks and deep eye sockets, there is only peace and indifference to death: "Less than five hundred lady."


Lissandra nodded. She finally had time to make herself an arm out of ice, that arm was cold and glowed white in the moonlight. She said, "Darkness is calling, Frost Guards."

The ethereal wailing that was flowing in the wind became stronger, and snowflakes fell from the sky on them, but no one was shaken in the slightest. They love it. Ice and snow are their allies. Ice and snow are their truth.

"Now, we are going into the abyss."

Lissandra turned her head and raised her hands suddenly, a loud rumbling sound came from the abyss, and sections of stairs made of ice appeared out of thin air. It didn't take long for those roaring echoes to disappear into the cold wind. Then, she pointed at a distance: "Go, my warriors - death is calling, no one will remember what you did. People will call your names with swearing and cursing, no honor, no stories to tell. …”

The Frostguards spoke in unison, followed by her words: "But the ice lasts forever."

Lissandra watched with sad eyes as they marched toward death.

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