Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 11 Chapter 39: do you see you*? (Five K)

The Frostguard Fortress is very grand in design, and I don't know how long this fortress has existed. It itself is almost as old as the Freljord, and the ordinary stones used to build it have even become some kind of special magic-inducing properties that have spent so long with Lissandra's icy magic. Material.

Lissandra walked ahead, not saying a word. The mage followed behind, hands behind his back, and walked gracefully, as if he had come for an outing rather than dealing with a problem that could threaten the whole of Runeterra.

There was no one in the fort, and there were no decorations when they walked through the cold corridors, which was somewhat unworthy of the history of the fort. All the way to a black and heavy door, Lissandra put her hand on it and hesitated for a while.

"...I have to remind you that this is extremely dangerous, and if you show even the slightest sign of corruption, I will freeze you immediately... What are you laughing at?"

He Shenyan said innocently: "Really? You heard it wrong."

The Frost Witch took a deep breath and pushed open the door. There was nothing behind the door, and then Lissandra's fingers moved slightly.

Some kind of delicate mechanism was triggered immediately. He Shenyan heard the sound of hinges and gears turning. After a while, an elevator that was obviously not a product of this era slowly rose up. Fall slowly.

During this process, the Frost Witch spoke slowly: "Some people call them gods, some call them monsters... But no matter what kind of them they are, I must let them sleep in the real ice. You understand Is that? Mage, maybe you're much stronger than me, but I've done my duty for thousands of years... you better not come and try to destroy it."

The mage smiled nonchalantly. He looked very casual and asked a strange question that had nothing to do with it: "Where do you usually sleep?"

Lissandra's fingers clenched tightly around the dress at once, creasing folds. Her pale blue cheeks turned pale now.

" see it."

"No, I knew it from the beginning."

The frivolous smile on He Shenyan's face finally disappeared. He looked at Frost Witch's disappearing eyes, and slowly opened his mouth to the clicking sound of the descending elevator and the cold wind blowing up below.

"You never sleep, because you have more to do when mortals need rest. There is a price to putting Void creatures to sleep, doesn't it? But what's the price? The monster willingly slept under the ground. But it was of no use."

He started doing what he did best - laughing at people: "It's not easy to put monsters to sleep, let me guess, you just brutally murdered a pair of sisters just before I came, did you? ?"

"Their death and pain will be turned into painful memories under your magic, and finally eaten by those monsters... It's brave and stupid to put them to sleep in this way."

He almost mercilessly beat Lissandra's tens of thousands of years of hard work to nothing: "What you're doing will only make them stronger, idiot. Do you think they can't break free from your ridiculous ice cube?"

Lissandra's tone was weak: "...that's the only way."

"Yes, for you, this is indeed the only way." He Shenyan nodded calmly: "Otherwise, you would have died the first time I saw you."

He put on that smile that Lissandra hated again: "But now, here I am."


The elevator stopped after making a noise, and without waiting for the Frost Witch to lead the way, He Shenyan walked out by himself. All he could see was black ice, and the cold air almost made the temperature here instantly freeze to death. Only Lissandra and the Iceborn who inherited the blood of the three sisters can move freely in such an environment. .

Those huge Zhen Bing were like intertwined fangs. The caves below the fortress were growing wildly everywhere, and the bright purple light emanated from the depths of the cave, accompanied by some kind of monotonous grunting sound.

Lissandra stood beside him pale, and even though she had been here countless times, she still couldn't get used to the abominable disgusting smell. Like a gangrene attached to the bone, or like a terrifying creature hiding in the gaps of space, looking at her with careful eyes, savoring whatever they need.

"You fed them well." The mage's face has become gloomy. The void sleeping in this cave is much stronger than the one sleeping in Shurima. There are two sides to everything, and this woman's stupid behavior has made the world go on for a long time, but it has also made them grow a lot.

The sound of footsteps began to sound in the cave, forming an uncomfortable symphony together with the monotonous and repetitive grunting sound. As they went deeper, He Shenyan's face gradually became calmer. At the end of the cave, he stopped and looked down.

Standing at his height and looking down, the abyss below seemed to be overgrown with some kind of greedy weeds or purple thorns - but it was impossible. No plant can survive in such an environment, nonsense. That is not life, that is the opposite of life. They climbed step by step, winding upwards little by little, and the closest one was even close to He Shenyan's feet.

"We're going down," Lissandra said.

But the mage ignored her and continued to look down. She frowned and looked at the mage, suddenly full of unease, she said again: "We are going down."

This time, the Master finally responded.

He turned his head stiffly, and an ominous purple light burst out from his eyes. Lissandra's heart tightened suddenly, and the power of ice that had been prepared was released in her hands, immediately surrounding the mage in it.

But she didn't relax. As far as He Shenyan's strength was concerned, Bing couldn't control him. Lissandra was full of regret at the moment, so she shouldn't believe this warm-blooded man's statement that he can solve the void. He is very strong, but at this time he has become the helper of the void.

But at this moment, He Shenyan saw another scene.

The Frost Witch lowered her head and her face was lifeless. She was slowly pulled up like a puppet. Floating freely in the air, with an ancient language in her mouth, purple light emanated from her seven orifices, faintly matching the purple light in the abyss below the cliff.

"It was my fault for expecting you."

Shaking his head, a small piece of rock under him broke from the main body, carrying him down slowly. The more the whereabouts, the more obvious the maliciousness, but the mage did not respond to it, his face was calm.

When the rock completed its mission and brought the mage to the ground, the rock immediately transformed into some kind of life.

The once rough surface was now slippery and mucus-filled, and dozens of eyes opened on it, blinking incessantly, peeping at the mage who had his back turned to them. Dozens of tentacles with frost magic power stretched out from the rock, and they intertwined with each other to form four legs. At this moment, the mage turned his head.

Red light flashed by.

The evidence of the original existence of the rock was completely wiped out, He Shenyan turned his head, there was nothing in front of him, but the ground under his feet was shaking faintly.

He looked down and saw that the real ice under his feet had changed from black to purple, with thick blood vessels growing recklessly under it, covering the entire ground. A huge one-eyed eye was in the middle of these blood vessels, watching him motionlessly, intently.

"Are you looking at your mother?"

The mage made a rare foul language, the desire in this thing's eyes is really disgusting. He has no tentacle hobby, and He Shenyan believes that his aesthetics are still very popular - that is, he loves everything that is beautiful.

But tentacles... thank you for not being sensitive. Although he used it very easily. But humans are inherently double-standard.

He snorted coldly, stomped his feet, and the ice shattered in an instant. At the same time, he slowly floated up, those thick blood vessels bursting out of the broken real ice with bottomless longing in an instant, the frost magic from Lissandra shone blue at the top of the blood vessels Light.

The mage didn't hide, and those blood vessel tentacles didn't even have the qualifications to approach him, but they were only smashed into coke by the golden thunder that emerged from behind him. He glanced in disgust at the huge one-eyed that was still staring at him, countless golden thunder guns emerging from the shadows behind him.

"Like watching, don't you?"

The golden thunder dyed his face the same color, and amid the constant crackling thunder and lightning, He Shenyan smiled maliciously: "I'll let you see enough!"


finally reached.

Kedar was sore, he was not an Iceborn. Although he killed an unknown number of Iceborn, Kedar was still a mortal, without their extraordinary powers that would spare him the threat of wind and snow and physical exhaustion.

It was inevitable, he sighed, stepped over the gap, and came into the valley.

The place where he is now is called Rakstark, a landlocked island. The statue of Avarosa, one of the three sisters, stands on this island. After such a long time, her statue is still standing here strong, staring in a certain direction.

Kedal remembered the story of Avarosa, and he remembered the story of the three sisters very well. Lissandra, Cerielda, and Avarossa were born into a turbulent age. Each of them longed to master the power of war, but they all paid a heavy price for it.

Cerelda tries to master the power of the celestial world, but loses her voice to the first sight, and Avarosa is deprived of hearing in the face of the twisted darkness from beneath the world. As for the only remaining Lissandra...she had angered a primordial deity for her contempt for mortals and ancient wild magic, who robbed her of her sight with claws.

When people get old, they will unconsciously recall the past. Kedal silently cracked a smile, mocking his own sentimentality.

He didn't come here on a whim, but because he really had nowhere to go. Volibear is back, that's a foregone conclusion. The tyrannical **** never wanted to let his legends dissipate easily, so he still hovered over the world, demanding sacrifice and blood, and forcing them to obey him. Those half-bearmen are the best example.

What **** would turn his followers into that monster?

Shaking his head, Kedal was in front of an abandoned village. The village has existed for a long time, and he came here when he was young, with the people of his tribe. At that time, they were chased by a huge direwolf and ran here, and Kedar and his brother found a cellar and hid in it and survived.

The house may collapse, but the cellar will not. It would provide him with shelter from the wind and rain, and with his axe, he could melt the ice of the nearby lake. Survive this winter with fish and plan later. This is his idea, Kedal has always taken one step at a time.

The axe swayed behind him, and Kedar came to a crumbling derelict house in the middle of the village, and kicked the huge snowballs in front of him, which slid down in shock, revealing what they covered.

The skull of a giant bear.

Staring into its empty eyes, Kedar nodded. Seeing this thing meant that he didn't go the wrong way. He continued to walk forward, but his eyes suddenly became solemn.

He saw a line of small footprints that stretched to his destination.

Kedal tried his best to keep his steps light. He walked little by little to the place that used to be someone's house. There was an obvious unnaturalness on the snow-covered ground. He stretched out his hand and pulled up the plank. A childish roar erupted from the cellar, and a little girl with white hair rushed out with an axe that was obviously too big for her.

Her target is very clear, it is Kedal's neck. The soldier evaded the sudden attack by taking a slight step back, holding the girl under his arm and mercilessly snatching her axe. The girl still did not give in, yelling and trying to find the part of Kedar that was not covered by clothes with her teeth.

Kedal looked at the one-handed axe in his hand, and there was a mark on the axe that he was all too familiar with.

Winter's Claw.

Kedar's chest heaved twice, and his low voice sounded: "Are you from Winter's Claw?"

The girl's resistance stopped for a moment, and then she struggled more violently.

Kedal placed her on the ground, holding her neck with one hand, and he patiently exerted force, causing her to suffer and suffocate. But not to die. "Answer the question," he whispered.

The girl still didn't speak, she looked at Kedar with hatred. There is nothing but hatred and anger on the young face, and there is not even a little bit of fear. Kedal loosened her fingers slightly so she could speak.

A little bit of fresh air flowed down the girl's throat. She showed her tiny canine teeth and smiled disdainfully: "You can't get anything from me! Frost Witch's dog!"

Kedal frowned and asked, "The Frost Guard attacked you?"

Girls will slowly come to their senses, yes. If this man was really the Frostguard, he should have killed himself at the first moment of meeting, but he didn't. And he wasn't wearing those bastards' dark blue armor either.

"Aren't you the Frostguard?"

Facing the girl's question, Kedal was silent for a while before speaking: "... Kedal Lo Dawell, have you heard this name?"

The girl's eyes widened.

After a moment.

She sat on the ground and devoured some of the fish that Kedal had caught. The scalding temperature did not stop her enthusiasm for things at all, I have to say. Watching her eat reminded Kedar of Icefield Bear's cubs.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Sejuani Winter's Claw." The girl raised her head and glanced at him, then immediately lowered her head and said vaguely, "Your name is wrong."


"Your name is wrong," Sejuani said, swallowing the fish in her mouth. "You should be called Kedal Lo Darwell Winter's Claw. People in the tribe often mention you."

Kedal asked seemingly casually: "Oh? Is it? What did they say about me?"

"I think about it... Uncle Skhir said you are his brother, but I don't believe it. If you are really capable of fighting, how can you have a brother who can only drink all day? The best in the whole tribe The stock is with him, but he has two brushes for fights."

"So does Uncle Lindell. He often mentions you after getting drunk with Uncle Skhir, saying that you have never failed..."

Sejuani's narration gradually caused Kedal to fall into contemplation. A small smile appeared in the corner of his mouth inadvertently, and then quickly disappeared. When he came back to his senses, he just heard Sejuani's last words.

"...but why didn't you come back?"

Kedar raised his head and looked into Sejuani's blue eyes, the proof of the Iceborn.

His lips trembled a few times, but the girl couldn't see it because of the beard. He said: "I made an oath...a true warrior should not break his oath, that's why I left."

"What oath?"

Kedar avoided answering and asked something else: "Are you still following Volibear?"

"You're talking about that bad-tempered god? No, we don't believe him for a long time." Sejuani's expression turned angry again, she grinned: "That hateful **** asked us to go out even in a snowstorm. Fighting, he is uncomfortable without dying a few people a day. The priests in the tribe have been punished by him to death more than once."

"Yeah, he was so brutal."

Kedar closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he seemed to have made up his mind: "Why did you get separated from the tribe?"

"The Frost Guard attacked us that night. I was sleeping in the tent when I heard shouts of killing. I rushed out with Grandmother Hejan's hand axe, trying to help. But it was so dark I couldn't see anyone. Then It was just an explosion... when I woke up again, all I saw was bodies all over the place."

Sejuani's eyes darkened.

"Then you wandered alone until now?"

Sejuani didn't catch what he meant and thought he was laughing at her. The girl angrily patted the snow beside her and said, "I have to live!"

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