Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 2 Chapter 26: Nothing beats a cup of hot tea on a rainy day.

In He Shenyan's office, the torrential rain outside the window rumbled the windows, but the interior was as warm as spring. A warm fire was burning in the fireplace. Dumbledore was sitting in the rocking chair holding a cup of steaming honey tea. on. "There's nothing better than drinking a cup of honey tea in such weather," he said comfortably.

"It's better to have a little more biscuits." The old man with white hair and beard cheerfully looked like a child. It was the last day of the holiday, and most of the teachers had returned, except Snape, who was still alive. He Shenyan was immersed in correcting his homework at his desk. In the past two weeks, he took time to travel to Romania to visit the dragon protectors and some vampires there. The harvest was quite fruitful. He also dissected a female vampire without eyes, and the conclusion was that it was weak and pitiful.

He suddenly stopped writing, turned his head to look out the window, a flash of lightning struck, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Looks like he succeeded."

He Shenyan turned to look at Dumbledore. Dumbledore didn't look up. He lowered his head and took a sip of tea, saying, "No, I wouldn't do that."

He Shenyan laughed even more arrogantly, but he didn't say anything and continued to correct his homework.

Dumbledore continued to drink his honey tea sip by sip, until the hot tea in the cup had run out, and then he said, "...I'm going to leave after a while."

He Shenyan thought that what he said in the last sentence was not 'I won't do that', he put down the pen, shook his head and smiled: "Remember to hand in your paper before leaving, you still owe me three papers on magic reaction. Woolen cloth."


Harry and Hermione arrived at the school on the night of the last day of vacation. They parted in the lobby on the first floor, and Hermione was going to Gryffindor Tower. The Slytherin lounge is underground. The sight of Hawaii is still vivid, and Harry is having a good time there. The Hermione family are all very good people. Although Harry insisted on paying her own share, she couldn't resist Mr. Granger's reservation of the room in advance. With that in mind, she said goodbye to Hermione with a smile.

She was carrying her black suitcase, which contained some small toys and some fruits brought back from Hawaii. She plans to read a book and sleep again tonight. The advantage of living alone is that you don't have to care about your roommate's feelings—not anyway.

Although she didn't know what other people thought, she was quite happy.

Harry walked all the way down the long stairs, her shadow reflected on the wall by the flickering candlelight. She came to the basement floor, which was both gloomy and cold. It's said to have even been used in dungeons before, and many Slytherin students like to make some terrifying jokes here at night - and then be half-scared by some ghost who happened to pass by.

Harry hummed a song and then walked forward, the lights around him gradually dimmed. She walked to an empty, wet stone wall and said, "In the name of magic." Then, the stone wall dissipated, revealing a stone door. Behind the door is the Slytherin common room. The fancy gothic decor and those green lights make this place mysterious and maybe a little scary at all times.

Harry walked all the way into her room, closed the door with her feet, and put the box on the table. Harry noticed that the chandelier on the ceiling had turned green again, and it seemed that the elves had cast the magic candles burning on it back to green again when they were cleaning, in order to reflect the 'uniform style'. She frowned, closed her eyes and mobilized her magic power, and it took more than a minute for the candles to turn into warm colors again.

Her window is not like Gryffindor, you can see a normal scene. Given Slytherin's own abnormal aesthetics, every Slytherin house student had to endure the swimming aquatic creatures outside the window for a full seven years. When Harry looked up at supper last time, she saw a squid looking at her outside the window, which made her lose her appetite. Now Harry basically pulls the curtains on his window tightly.

She took off her leather shoes and threw them in the corner behind the door. She put on the pair of plush slippers she had received for Christmas, let out a comfortable sigh, and then sat at the desk and began to read the history of magic—although the first-year exam did not have this subject, she was very interested.

After an unknown amount of time, she stretched. Just as she was about to wash up and go to bed, an elf teleported into her room and said in their characteristic voice, "Boe, Ms. Potter! Professor Severus Snape is looking for you! In his office!"

After it finished saying this, it disappeared with a crackling sound, and it didn't even have a chance to ask Harry a question. She had to put on the shoes again and straighten her hair. Harry hesitated for a while, feeling that it was really cold on the way to the office, so she put on that woolen coat and went out.

To be honest, no matter which house you are from, if you have never swam in the night during your seven years at Hogwarts, then your career is incomplete.

The magical stone door at the door of the Slytherin lounge seemed to know that she was called by the Slytherin dean, and Harry just opened it as soon as he got closer. UU reading www.uukanshu. com Snape's office is on the same floor as the Slytherin common room, both underground. There is no good scenery here, and it is not a good place among the options for night tours. The last time she and Ron dragged Hermione to the observatory in the middle of the night, the scenery there was very good.

As Harry walked, she wondered to herself why Professor Snape would let herself go to his office in the middle of the night.

The journey soon ended. She stood at the door of Snape's office and knocked on the door. Snape's breathless voice came from inside: "Please come in."

She pushed open the door, and the fireplace in the house was burning with a strong flame, very warm. Snape was sitting weakly in his chair, wrapped in a thick blanket with a cup of hot tea. On the other side of the desk, an unfamiliar but familiar red-haired woman was looking at her with an expression she had never seen before.

Unfamiliar, because they have never met.

Familiar, because Halle has seen her in the photo.

The beautiful woman with red hair and green eyes was wearing a black dress, sitting there with the fragrance of moisture and earth, like a lifelike painting.

But painting is just painting, no matter how lifelike it is, it is just painting. Sitting here is a living person. The woman gave a gentle smile. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Harry, who flew over.

The crying sounded, and she was not as suppressed as she was when she was bullied before. For the first time, she cried in her mother's arms wantonly and without any worries. If it was a dream, she was willing to indulge in it and never wake up.

Snape watched them with complicated eyes, he said nothing, didn't have to say anything, just took a sip of the hot tea from his cup with a relieved smile.

There is nothing better than having a cup of hot tea on a rainy day.

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