The vacation went by quickly, although it wasn't too long. In early January, Hogwarts, which had been quiet for a few days, became noisy again. The students are back at school after Christmas break. The next holiday will be until Easter.

Ron sat upright and waited for class. The seriousness with which he takes Professor Ho's classes now makes Harry and Hermione feel like he's a different person. Arrive 20 minutes early for each class, and after class, I have to check my notes against the blackboard to see if there are any mistakes. The dormitory, cafeteria, classroom, library, four o'clock and one line, his two twin brothers complained behind the back that there was another Percy at home. But Ron didn't hear it at all.

Since he got 97 points in the exam, he felt his mother's unprecedented enthusiasm when he returned home. In those days at home, he felt like he was just getting his hands out of food and opening his mouth. Originally, he would be woken up by his mother in the morning, but now he sleeps until eleven o'clock and no one cares, and his mother even prepares hot meals for him - not the rest, but by himself, and there are a lot of them. He actually got angry when he ate beef. Not to mention those Christmas gifts.

Oh... so this is the beauty of learning?

Ron Weasley secretly decided that in order to keep such special treatment, he would become a scholar.

Better than Fred and George at least.

Back to the topic, He Shenyan walked into the classroom on time at nine in the morning. Not a minute, not a second. He looked around the classroom and suddenly smiled: "How was everyone's Christmas?"

After getting a satisfactory answer, he pressed his hands down to signal the students to calm down. Then he said: "As I said before, after the Christmas holidays, we will start the first meditation training. I have taught you all the basic theoretical knowledge. And you have learned very well. Especially Ron Way Mr. Sly, he came first in the last exam. Give him a round of applause."

Ron blushed and listened to the applause, and Harry silently stabbed him with his elbow. Ron couldn't hold it any longer, he grinned and rubbed his ribs while smiling. But Hermione was a little gloomy.

"Of course, before I start meditating, I have to warn you about the dangers of meditation. Since you have to sink completely into your own soul to find that little mysterious palace, the process can be very confusing. I hope you Don’t practice in private. We will open a new meditation training class in three days. There is time for special training every Wednesday and Friday afternoon. So please don’t practice privately.”

He paused for a while, and said with emphasis: "You won't die, but you will become a mindless fool, understand? Your body is still alive, but your soul is lost."

He Shenyan said, "Please Mr. Ron Weasley come forward and demonstrate for us."

Ron stood up nervously and walked to the podium. He Shenyan made a blanket out of nowhere and placed it on the ground, making him sit down with his knees crossed. Low laughter came from the students, He Shenyan just glanced in that direction calmly, and the laughter disappeared. He whispered to Ron, who was a little uneasy, "Don't be nervous, Mr. Weasley. Please follow my instructions. It's a lot of fun, take it easy, okay?"

Ron nodded.

He Shenyan took out a bottle of potion from the podium, opened it, and a fragrance wafted out. Ron's heart froze, he knew that this was the magic potion to help calm the gods. He quickly closed his eyes as instructed in theory, and He Shenyan's voice seemed to come from the moon: "Imagine the place where you feel most at ease, no matter where it is."

Ron's mind pictured his room, with posters of his favorite Seekers on the walls and behind the door, some of which were worn out. The wardrobe was yellow and kept creaking. The floor is worn, but very shiny. The rug under his bed...

Ron opened his eyes, he found himself in his room, everything was real and believable. But it was filled with an ethereal sense of illusoryness, and he felt his body getting lighter and lighter, even starting to float, and his head hitting the ceiling—"Don't indulge! Mr. Weasley! You're here to find truth, not indulge in comfort. Safe corner!"

Ron's floating body suddenly fell, he smashed the floor, fell from between the broken wooden boards, and plunged straight into the boundless darkness. His consciousness shifted back and forth between awake and lethargic, and all sorts of indistinct sights flew by. He felt like he was in the sun for a moment, and his tongue was blistered. For a while, you will feel like you are in the ocean, almost drowning, and there are behemoths swimming by. Until He Shenyan's voice appeared again: "Wake up!"

His originally lowered head was quickly pulled back, and his whole body was soaked as if he had just been pulled up by water. Hermione and Harry looked at him worriedly, wet red hair hanging from their foreheads. A finger appeared in front of his eyes and shook, and he heard the professor ask with concern, "What time is this?"

"One." He was still in a trance.

He raised four more fingers: "What is this?"


"Not bad, UU Reading You have no major problem." He Shenyan laughed. He pulled Ron off the mat and asked, "How does it feel? Don't be afraid to describe the problem, everyone's meditation experience is different. It failed this time, but you just have to say how you feel. "

"Uh...I was in my room first, then I started to float...Professor, your voice came out and I started to fall, I smashed the floor, but it was dark below. I kept falling inside, I also saw some very strange things..." As he spoke, Ron's face gradually turned red, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Can I do it again, Professor?"

"Of course... not. What are you thinking, Mr. Weasley. There are so many people waiting here. Go back to your seat, take a good rest after class today, and eat some sweets to replenish your energy." He Shenyan Said, Ron returned to his seat, he sat there blankly, still thinking of those crazy scenes in his mind, not even hearing Hermione and Harry's whispered inquiries.

He Shenyan then shouted, "Please come forward Mr. Neville Longbottom."

Neville walked up to the podium with a pale face. He Shenyan also asked him to sit down with his knees crossed. The fragrance of the potion made him gradually relax. He Shenyan said again: "Mr. Longbottom, please close your eyes and relax, okay?"

Neville did as he was told, and his consciousness gradually sank... sank, all the way to his home. The home where his father and mother were still awake...

Neville let out a scream, and he passed out. He Shenyan frowned, he announced the dismissal of the get out of class, and then hurried out the door with Neville in his arms, leaving behind the first-year little wizards who were talking about it.

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