Self-cultivation of Male Supporting Role

Chapter 320: shock martial arts

Speaking of going out to visit the scenery and seeing the unique customs of the North, Shi Yan will not stop for anyone, whether it is encountering Zong Shixiang or being the light of the right path, and being sought after and imitated by thousands of boys and girls, it is not Shi Yan that is complacent and complacent. excuses for not going forward.

The two and one dog continued to move forward as if aimlessly.

They passed through desolate towns, beautiful villages, and experienced lantern festivals with unique customs. At dusk, pedestrians walked briskly on the streets, and when they were about to go home, they entered the town.

Hang Yunsan has already lost his temper because of Shi Yan's randomness to go wherever he wants. Although their overall goal seems to be to go all the way north, in actual operation, two steps forward and three steps back are not the same. Always walk in a straight line, occasionally take a turn, or turn several turns, turn in a circle, but eventually turn on the road to the north.

Hang Yunsan believes that in their group, only Xiao Hungry is the one who always has a sense of direction. He can find it back along the road they have traveled. As for the two of them, don't expect it. It's impossible. He had been dazed for a long time, and he doubted that Shi Yan still remembered the sequence of the routes they had taken?

In fact, Shi Yan remembered that when he entered this small town, the surrounding demon symbols and demon members were obviously increasing, and they were closer to Shimen Town.

Seven or eight of the inn and teahouses that pass by casually have demonic signs on their doors, which means that this place is the industry of demons.

Speaking of it, a hundred years ago, the demon religion was not a derogatory term for Jianghu people, but it was said that the ancestors of this group of people came from the mysterious tribe in the far north. The people there were born good at martial arts and had unique practices handed down from their ancestors. The methods, all of them are extraordinary in force, the children in the tribe are stronger than the other places from birth, and they are cultivated since childhood, and almost everyone can be called a master.

Later, for unknown reasons, the group of people came out of the tribe and tried to deal with the outsiders. The outsiders saw those people dressed in strange clothes, like the demons in the temple, so they gradually called their organization a demon sect.

But in recent decades, the demon sect has acted in a brutal way, which has made people fearful. Rong.

At night, Shi Yan and Xiao Hung swaggered around the town with Xiao Hungry. In some places in the street market, there were still some imprints from when the Demon Sect appeared in front of the world a hundred years ago.

For example, the paintings on the outer walls of the temples in the town, the decoration style of the house that occupies the best place in the middle of the town but is uninhabited. Shi Yan went around all the relevant places with great interest.

This visit completely turned the town around, making sure that everyone in the town knew that there were two people and one dog in the town today. Obviously, many people around knew his identity and wanted to exchange his head for it. The position of the head of a Dharma protector is just around the corner. But due to his previous reputation for brutality, he did not dare to act rashly, and one by one waited for an opportunity in the dark.

Hang Yunsan was very puzzled about Shi Yan's killing behavior. Before going to bed at night, out of curiosity, he asked Shi Yan: "Don't you hate others to trouble you? Why can't you cover up and go out again? You need to know the distance here. Shimen Town is only a hundred miles away, and there are so many members of the Demon Sect that you can’t imagine, provoking them will inevitably be another fierce battle, what do you think?”

Shi Yan glanced at Hang Yunsan with a half-smile but not a smile: "it's already in your lair, shouldn't you be happy? It's serious business to find a way to contact your fellow sect to rescue you. What are you doing with me so much nonsense?"

Hang Yun scattered for a while, thinking that I don't want to contact him? But you also want to give me this chance, along the way, I have escaped eighty or one hundred times, which one succeeded? Did you break my legs less often? Is it okay to talk about the Basic Law even when doing things? We travel together during the day and sleep in the same room at night. Even when we go to the thatched hut, there is a little hungry staring at me, looking like he is going to bite my **** at any time. I can only find a ghost if I can figure it out!

Shi Yan understood the resentment in Hang Yunsan's eyes, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, telling the truth: "At first, I was really annoyed by these flies that kept harassing my mood, but didn't you notice? The martial arts of the person who kills will be higher."

Hang Yunsan looked inexplicable: "what does it matter?"

Shi Yan raised his eyebrows and continued to be an honest person: "Although I understand the subtleties of Zhe Liujian, I lack actual combat experience. Didn't these people come to feed me tricks for free? Don't have any scruples. Seriously injured people who shouldn't be hurt.

When you think about it, when I was in the south, I faced either martial arts peers or ordinary people who were powerless. They didn't have any ill will towards me, and I didn't have anything to do with me. Against those people, the sword in my hand naturally didn't work. place of strength. Injuring anyone at will, it may attract the pursuit and killing of the other party's whole family, and trouble is dead.

But it’s different going north. The people I killed were all the people of the demon sect that everyone got and killed. When I killed them, I didn’t need to say anything myself, and there were countless righteous people behind me who cheered for me and regarded me as a lifetime. object of worship. "

Shi Yan gave Hang Yunsan a "you know" look: "Look, have my skills improved a lot recently? Is the strength of my grip on the enemy getting more and more accurate? If you can kill with one part of your strength, you should never use it. One and a half minutes is the best proof.

Speaking of which, I should thank you Demon Cultists for coming to enrich my trip to the north without fear of death. "

Hang Yunsan weakly and skillfully threw the blanket on the ground and lay on it, covering his face with the quilt. He was in such a bad mood that he didn't want to speak.

I thought that Shi Yan was swaying all the way, like a luminous body, attracting the demons to come to ambush him, at least there should be a decent reason, like the rumors in the rivers and lakes, to avenge his father, who would think...

Really **** off.

Xiao Hungry saw that Xiao San covered his face in the quilt in front of him, moved his huge **** over as if unintentionally, and sat down abruptly, the muffled sound of internal injuries came from Hang Yun in the quilt.

Xiao Hungry stood still, letting Hang Yun struggle with his legs and feet under the quilt, and looked innocently at Shi Yan who was sitting on the bed ready to rest.

Although I agree with you to find a good friend to play with, but good friends don't eat and sleep together, don't bully me if I'm a dog, I don't understand, I'm angry!

Shi Yan feels that Xiao Hungry and Hang Yunsan are getting along better and better recently. The two have made great progress from ignoring each other at the beginning to now being able to play freely. Xiao Hungry can get along with the **** shovel officer so harmoniously Shi Yan felt the pleasant aura emanating from it, nodded with satisfaction, and let one person and one dog play there.

In the middle of the night, there was a noise outside the window, Shi Yan's eyes opened instantly, there was no confusion inside, very clear, he sat up quietly, and looked at Hang Yunsan, who was laying on the floor, breathing evenly, and blinked his eyes.

Soon the door was opened from the outside, and the masked man in black carefully bypassed the screen. Seeing Shi Yan sitting on the bed with dark eyes staring at him, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed happily.

"As expected of Zong Shaoxia, I know we can't hide this trick from your eyes." As he said that, he took the initiative to take off the veil on his face, revealing his true face, and bowed respectfully to Shi Yan.

Shi Yan was unmoved, with no emotion on his face: "Come here uninvited, and still put medicine in our meals, what's the so-called?"

Speaking of which, he took his seemingly ordinary, but in fact ordinary, large iron sword, which he bought at a blacksmith shop in the countryside for a tael of silver, and was guessed by people in the world as the Immortal Folding Sword in his hand.

The meaning is very clear: if you can't say why, then leave your life.

The visitor bowed to Shi Yan again, seeing that this young and famous young man was not a good-tempered and patient person, and took the initiative: "Next week Wen, I followed your father for a while.

This time, I came here because recently, the demon sect has been rampant in the southern martial arts. Many people in the martial arts have been victimized, and the death is tragic. Therefore, after discussion, everyone decided to fight back against the demon sect. "

Shi Yan snorted coldly, not wanting to listen to this person continue nonsense: "I fought against the Demon Sect a few years ago, I lost my father forever, I don't think there is anyone in the martial arts who can fight the Demon Sect head on. .

Unless you push the cannons strictly controlled by the imperial court directly to Shimen Town and blast them at the Ulan Mountain where the devil lives for a day and a night, is it useful to talk nonsense? "

The visitor's expression froze, and he wanted to speak, but a tall man with a mask in black came in from outside, and said to Shi Yan, "Your father is the number one in martial arts, the first hero, how did he give birth to you? Such a cowardly rat? I am a man in the martial arts, a hot-blooded man, how can I be defeated before the battle against the demon sect?

Such a longing for others to destroy their own prestige, I never imagined that it would come out of the mouth of the majestic Zong Shaoxia, and the young martial arts teenagers worshipped and followed your footsteps with all their hearts, they are really blind! The old man is really heartbroken for them! "

Shi Yan sitting on the bed: "..."

As if he didn't hear or see, he didn't say a word, and sat quietly playing with the big iron sword in his hand.

The atmosphere fell into inexplicable embarrassment for a while. At this time, the breathing of the people who were watching outside the window sounded more obvious. When Shi Yan closed his eyes slightly, he could clearly feel that there were seven people walking back and forth by the window.

This person did not expect Shi Yan to act like this when he said these words. In his expectation, no matter whether Shi Yan was fighting against each other or being ashamed, there was a possibility to continue the discussion, but not including Such an invisible scene.

This **** is embarrassing, isn't it?

Zhou Wen, who came in earlier, had to open his mouth to smooth things out: "Zong Shaoxia, Brother Qu is talking to you!"

You can give a reaction anyway.

Shi Yan finally looked away from the big iron sword in his hand, and gave Zhou Wen a little reaction: "Oh, I never talk to people who hide their heads and show their tails."

With a fluttering sentence, the latecomer turned his head upside down, he had to take off the face covering on his face, and glared at Shi Yan.

Shi Yan glanced at it: "Sure enough, it's unsightly and invisible, so it's better to cover it up."

Zhou Wensheng was afraid that the two would fight on the spot. According to the neatness of the shot, he could not guarantee that they would survive under Shi Yan's hands, so he quickly separated the two, and said to Shi Yan again: "Zong Shaoxia, Time is tight, this inn is a demonic industry on the surface, but in fact it has been completely mastered by our people.

But there are countless demon eyes and ears around the inn, which does not guarantee safety. In order to avoid being found wrong and causing suspicion, I will make a long story short.

We have already prepared a plan for a counterattack against the Demon Cult, and we just need you as the leader. As long as you give an order, our hundreds of brothers will be able to rush all the way up to the Wulan Mountain and kill the big devil, Hang Yuansheng. , avenge your father's hatred! "

Shi Yan did not speak coldly, thinking that these people really don't know anything about him. If he says a few good words, he will not be able to find Bei, and he will be coaxed by children who are manipulated at will!

To be free thugs for them, to achieve their goals, and finally to be grateful to them in return, because this group of people said that they helped themselves avenge their father.

Zhou Wen saw that Shi Yan didn't speak, and thought he was blinded by this big news. After all, he was young, and I heard that he had a bad time at Folding Sword Villa before, his mother didn't hurt, his uncle and aunt didn't love him, and he never got it. No matter what kind of care and rights, a subordinate can despise him.

Don't look at it now that he looks good in martial arts, he is considered a master, but his mind is still incomplete, and suddenly he heard that he can get such great power, surprises and even surprises are inevitable.

Who knew that when Shi Yan opened his mouth, his voice was cold, and he sat on the simple bed, looking down at them as if he was sitting on a high dragon chair: "Who came up with the plan? Who is the organizer? The personnel of the organization? Who has the final say now? What token is used to order these people or just listen to a certain person? What is the plan? Frontal attack or internal response?"

"Of course, none of the above is important. Tonight, who asked you to come to me as a rafter in his early days and tell me nonsense that three-year-olds don't believe? Or, who is the person behind you?"

As soon as Shi Yan spoke, Zhou Wen knew that they all misestimated Shi Yan. This person is not as stupid and arrogant as Zong Chijian said, with strong self-esteem, he likes to listen to flattery and can't see reality clearly. I haven't been in contact with any serious arena, and I don't understand anything.

This is clearly too understandable.

If they don't convince Shi Yan tonight, their plan may fail, but in the face of such a difficult opponent, Zhou Wen can't think of a suitable excuse for a while.

The person who came in later didn't know if he was really mindless or if he liked to pretend to be mindless. He was dissatisfied with Shi Yan and said, "What are you doing? Just say your father's revenge, do you still want to avenge it?"

As he said that, he looked up and down at Shi Yan with a suspicious look: "Could it be that all the rumors in the world are false, you just dare to wander around Shimen Town and kill a few scumbags to spread your filial piety. Fame, you are afraid of the big devil in Shimen Town, and you don't even want to kill it to avenge your father?"

The two were one soft and one hard, and they cooperated very well, but it was a pity that Shi Yan was of no use to Shi Yan.

Shi Yan finally gave the man a look: "Is Zong Chixian your father?"

The man was anxious: "Why are you so rude, little boy? Can Dad recognize it casually?"

Shi Yan persuaded the other party seriously: "Since it's not your father, what are you doing with this idle heart? If you're full, I suggest you fight two more sets of punches. Gossip won't help you digest well."

After all, regardless of the man's ugly face, he asked Zhou Wen directly: "Elder Zhou, although you were my father's subordinate in your early years, but you have taken refuge with Zong Chijian a few years ago, why do you have to act in front of me? I want to come to the person behind you. No doubt it was Zong holding the sword!

Let me guess, it must be that my recent reputation is too loud, my good uncle and aunt have a hard life, and the reputation of Folding Sword Villa, including the two of them, has also been questioned by many people, so he wanted to find a chance to put me It was solved unknowingly.

But my whereabouts are uncertain, and there is no law to be found. You can't find this opportunity, so you have a plan to counterattack the Demon Cult this time, right? Let's not ignore the magic religion and the southern martial arts because of some unspeakable reasons, the well water has not violated the river for many years, and it is impossible to kill the southern martial arts for no reason.

There are only a few hundred people who want me to lead them into Shimen Town. Do you think I am a fool? There are tens of thousands of people in Shimen Town, all of them from the Demon Sect. Let me go to death, please make the trouble a little more real?

If I listened to your unintentional bewitching, and really brought a group of people of unknown origin and purpose to avenge my father, I might have been killed by this group of people before I even reached Shimen Town, and took my head. Zong Chijian took the reward in front of him. When I die, isn't it up to you to make it up? Zong Chijian shed a few tears in front of everyone and said a few words about the immortality of the demon sect, maybe he could sell the character of a good uncle!

The demon sect is really wronged. You can't see that people kill people without principles, and they will deduct everything that smells and stinks? "

Zhou Wen's heart skipped a beat. The Shi Yan in front of them was completely different from what the village owner had said before. After carefully planning them for a few months and waiting patiently for a few months, Shi Yan finally became famous in the sky. , the plan that was most likely to be hit in one fell swoop when it was most likely to be held high, and it was revealed in one sentence.

In fact, both parties knew very well that the main contradiction between Zong Chijian and Zong Shiyan was never these rumors, but Zong Chijian's identity as the agent of the villa.

If Shiyan has always been unsatisfactory, it is natural for Zong to manage the Zhejian Villa, and even to pass it on to his son Zong Shiyin in the future, and others will only turn a blind eye.

But now Shi Yan's reputation is well known, and someone has secretly mentioned asking Zong Jijian to return the position of the villa owner to Shi Yan.

This is what someone like Zhou Wen who was previously a subordinate of Zong Chixian and later defected to Zong Chijian thought? They absolutely do not want Shi Yan to be in power.

Folding Sword Villa is not just a Zhuangzi with a huge area. The interests implicated behind him represent the meaning that cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

Not to mention anything else, just a word from the owner can make both the North and South Wulin listen to him, which can explain the problem very well.

Shi Yan has already blocked the way of too many people. He is not dead, and many people are uneasy. Even the people who supported Zong Chixian in the martial arts before have had too many entanglements with Zong Chijian in recent years. On the matter of Shi Yan, his attitude is ambiguous.

Although Shi Yan himself doesn't care about a Folding Sword Villa, he can't stand someone. Many people think he cares a lot and want to **** it back!

For example, the two in front of you.

When the two saw Shi Yan saw through their plan, they stopped pretending, Zhou Wen stood up, his face was gentle, and there was no warmth in his eyes: "Second Young Master, you are also from Zhejian Mountain Villa, and Zhejian Mountain Villa was originally where your father's efforts were. You yourself are closely related to Folding Sword Villa.

It is not good for you to let those rumors spread wildly and point the finger at Folding Sword Villa. "

Shi Yan pouted: "It's like when Folding Sword Villa is good, it's good for me. On the contrary, when he encounters a problem, I'm just as happy! Unprecedented happiness!"

Zhou Wen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Shi Yan, who was sitting lazily on the bed and wiping the big iron sword: "Second Young Master, you don't care about Zhejian Villa, don't you care about your mother? During the six months of your travel abroad, your mother's day Washing my face with tears in the small Buddhist hall every day, my body is not as good as before, maybe one day...

This is also a normal thing, isn't it? "

Is this using Ding Wan to threaten him?

Pian Shiyan didn't have the slightest liking for Ding Wan, and he was even curious about how lame Zong Zhixian's eyes had to be in order to see a woman like Ding Wan.

So Shi Yan said naively: "Before leaving the villa, I asked the uncle and his wife in front of Quan Zhuangzi and the cousin of the Duan family. They patted their chests and said they would take good care of my mother. After all, they were in front of my father's grave. I swear, they don't want my father's coffin to be unable to hold back to find them at night, and if they come, they will be able to talk."

This motherfucker, pretending to be stupid and stunned, just doesn't understand his hints, doesn't follow up, looks like he doesn't care about Ding Wan at all, could he really kill Ding Wan and test Shi Yan's attitude towards Ding Wan Can't do it?

Tricky, so tricky!

The sword in Zhou Wen's hand was tight and tight, staring at Shi Yan with sharp eyes, but Shi Yan did not move at all, but the brainless strong man next to him took Zhou Wen out without saying a word. Before leaving, unexpectedly calmly left a sentence to Shi Yan.

"Even if you are outside, your efforts to seize the Folding Sword Villa are very effective, but there is a problem that you may have forgotten. It is easy to capture on the surface, but difficult to subdue us in private. Are you right?

Is there anything the family can't explain? The owner just wanted to find a chance to sit down with you and have a good chat.

You can stay here for three days, and within three days, if you have any ideas, let someone send a letter to your subordinates. "

It does make sense, provided that Shi Yan really wants the words of Zhejian Villa.

Shi Yan said in his heart: In terms of face, Zhou Wen is a thousand times thinner than this one. Just a moment ago, he wanted to fool him to send him to death. If he couldn't fool him, he could open his eyes and talk nonsense. Would you like to sit down and talk with him?

How to talk?

Shall we unscrew his Shi Yan's head and talk about it?

I've been too busy recently, and I forgot about Zong Chijian for a while. He didn't bother the other party, but he didn't think that the other party actually came to the door. Half of Shi Yan's face was hidden in the darkness, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

When the breathing of the people watching outside the door disappeared, Shi Yan looked at Hang Yunsan, who was sleeping soundly on the floor, and said meaningfully, "Have you heard enough?"

Hang Yunsan was unmoved.

Shi Yan: "Little hungry!"

Hang Yun swiped and sat up, looking at Shi Yan with resentment, and ignoring the fact that he was eavesdropping on being caught, he accused him: "If you let Xiao Hung sit on my face again, I will die for you to see! In the future, when you walk outside, do the work of cooking, washing, and shoveling **** for the dog yourself!"

Shi Yan changed to a comfortable sitting position, sitting cross-legged on the bed, resting his chin on his elbows, and said with a half-smile, "It seems that this little medicine really can't help you."

Hang Yunsan rolled his eyes, lay down straight and yawned: "When the young master is playing with those things, they don't know where to live with the mud, give me medicine, and play with a big knife in front of Guan Gong's door."

The person who was about to go back to sleep suddenly seemed to remember something, turned to look at Shi Yan with bright eyes: "Everyone says I'm a little devil, but I see you as the real big devil, killing people like chopping melons. Chopping vegetables. I don't believe that people like you will easily let go of people who threaten you. What are you going to do next?"

Shi Yan raised his eyebrows: "Want to know?"

Hang Yunsan rolled his eyes: "isn't this nonsense?"

Shi Yan: "Well, it probably depends on how much Zong Chijian wants to do things next."

This Hang Yun understands that if the enemy stretches out his claws and scratches his claws like a tickling, he will strike back with all his strength, but it will appear that he has eaten too much, like a lunatic.

However, neither of them expected that Zong Chijian would give Shi Yan a big move that shocked the martial arts at the beginning of the game.

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