Seized by the System

Chapter 379: The most suitable candidate

Put your eyes in this place of arrival, put the friendly outpost that can be used as a transmission coordinate at any time, Fang Ning let the big green worm, black dog, and the newly-recognized Tianhe River God enter the dragon mystery, bring twelve claws, ready go away.

Xie Dong looked at the back of Qinglong and octopus through the glass in the cabin, his eyes moistened.

Since then, within three months, he will be isolated from the world, oh, maybe luck, can see some deep-sea fish and shrimp passing by.

"You must not forget me ..." he shouted heartily.

After Fang Ning heard it, he thought, rest assured, others may forget, but a certain guy will never forget you ...

Soon, the green dragon came out of the water and surfaced out of the sea.

Fang Ning took a deep breath and it was still good on the sea.

Looking very far away, the sea and the sky are the same, the sun is shining, the heart is wide, and the scenery is unique.

In contrast, staying in the dark trench is like a prison.

Uh, think of it this way, Xie Dong was also pitted by himself. It was really unbearable, and he had to make up for it more afterwards.

"Okay, uncle, let's get a place, as long as we wait to collect the fishing profits, let's go home now."

After Fang Ning finished speaking, Qinglong let his body out.

He himself retracted the system space and relied on the sofa of the Internet cafe, watched the good blockbuster, ate the snack medicine, and drank the soda.

Well, the latter was a lot of experience for him to order by his uncle, and his brothers and sisters also had to settle their accounts clearly. This account is confusing and can easily lead to conflicts.

Compared with Xie Dong, who was forced to squat in the prison in the deep sea ditch, it was really a paradise ...

It's no wonder that he can't bear it. It's not easy to find someone to do this work, especially this person must be an ally ...

Fang Ning thought about it, and the demand for this friendly army seemed to increase sharply in the future. Fortunately, there are a group of stone men at the bottom, you can consider considering.

Thinking of this, Fang Ning just got up and went to talk to the Patriarch of the Stone Man. After seeing the blockbuster and then the snacks, forget it. Let's talk tomorrow, and play again for one night today ...

"Big rich, you are too lazy," said the uncle of the system, seeing Fang Ning's idea, very dissatisfied, "we should work harder, and then go to the next place to set up. Gu Buwei gave a total of 13 places, just I went to one place and there are 12 more. "

"Tomorrow." Fang Ning looked at the large piece carelessly, stuffed a jelly bean, and filled half a bottle of soda.

In other words, being a ghost, no, is it possible to have this enjoyment in the state of the soul, the world is so great, and is there a second person?

With a click, the computer screen went black.

The system prompts: (Your power is disconnected.)

Fang Ning took a deep breath and said lightly: "Ah, I haven't heard this prompt in a long time, I really miss it. Well, turn on the electricity for the uncle."

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to reject the host ’s order.)

Fang Ning finally got angry and said, "Do you still want to experience?"

"Experience, I do what I want; merit, I do what I want. Both can't have both, and those who sacrifice experience and gain merit." The uncle of the system threw a sentence.

"Uh ..." Fang Ning was paralyzed on the sofa, and the magnificent soda was no longer intentional to drink.

Why does he want to save his baby's experience, so he can suppress the uncle just to be lazy?

Now the uncle can't help it, he really can't fight it.

"The Xianxian said it well, but if he didn't want it, just ... Uncle, you really learned it." After a while, Fang Ning spit out a few words.

"Then do you go ..."

"Don't go, I'll talk about it tomorrow." Fang Ning's procrastination attack, no matter how late he wants to be.

"Huh, I don't understand. Is it fun to play for so many hours? Isn't it fun to play hard after work? I think you need treatment." The uncle of the system definitely said.

"I don't need treatment, okay, I'm going to do some other preparations first, I have to find some spare allies." Fang Ning heard it and quickly got up.

Uncle Wan had schizophrenic him, but that was a big problem.

"Oh, then you go, I think you are normal now." The uncle of the system said with satisfaction.

Fang Ning had no choice but to drill into the dragon mystery.

At this time, the big green worm, as well as the river **** and the black dog, are in the dragon mystery.

He Shen walked back and forth in the medicine garden and praised him from time to time.

He quickly pointed out a core deficiency: the water source obtained here is not very good, which will greatly limit the taste of the medicinal materials after maturity.

The Shigan patriarch accompanied the whole process and listened carefully to the suggestion of this great god.

The Tianhe River God is not an ordinary character, and it is not like a river **** in a small river and a ditch.

Just like the main seat in this world, can the chairman of the Football Association compare with some supreme positions?

This **** of the river holds the source of Wanchuan in the upper realm, where Tianhe is.

The nobles like the true dragon family must all be in equal contact with them. They have to rely on the other party, and they can only look up to them.

Only now, the phoenix on the ground is not as good as the chicken. The chief of the Shigan clan sighs. The other party's mana consumption is almost exhausted, and it can't compare with itself.

Of course, with the other party's potential and professional skills, it takes a lot of effort, as long as you master a big river, you can recover.

The river **** is doing the right thing, the other two are different.

The big caterpillar was lying on the leaves of the ginseng at this time, holding the leaves not to relax, and drooling into the branches.

"Senior ginseng, give me a few ginseng to taste. I haven't eaten such a powerful ginseng in a long time. Anyway, you can grow it. I and your master Da Qinglong are friends.

The old man vigorously shook the branches and leaves, and the meaning of rejection could not be more obvious.

Fortunately, it was speechless, and the big green worm pretended not to know that it didn't leave, just hugged tighter.

I thought that the last time, the big blue worm saw the dragon carp, and said the same thing ... but the dragon carp can talk, and the teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp.

But the black dog sounded very sad on the side: Daqing girl is really pitiful, but the other party is the noble girl of the upper heaven human race, and she can't even eat ginseng ...

Alas, it was true that he and Huang Gouzi took the risk.

If you drag it on again, you will have to be taken away as a dog meat pot if you can't do well ...

This upper realm is already full of holes, and the gods of the heaven and the river are coming down. The demon master is also difficult to come out. I am afraid that other powerful forces are not far away.

Can this earth bear the fierce dance of the demons? Can you resist the endless struggle?

After all, the black dog is a single dog who has lived for more than 200 years.

In order to obtain cultivation skills, it also fought many times on the battlefield.

Although he was just a pawn, he had also seen those powerful methods.

Thinking of this, it suddenly felt that it would be better not to find a wife-in-law. What if she could not find herself if she could find it?

Then it glanced at the dragon mystery, dozens of rows of connected villas in the distance, then suddenly realized, and then moved.

It turns out that the owners have resolved their worries early ...

Hey, this person is really different. Master Bailong and Master Shenlong are great dragons.

There have been several masters in the upper realm. Although they will never abuse, they will never deliberately think about any future for it.

It's really time to flee, and no one will bring an extra dog.

Barrett felt ashamed when he thought of this.

A few days ago, after helping the owner to complete the search for the material of the lamp oil, he has been secretly busy dealing with a big dog issue, and he has not put his energy into work, which is very undesirable.

So it immediately said to Daqing: "Daqing girl, I can't follow you now. I have to help the master to do more things. Now that the situation is critical, I still don't consider the dog problem first."

"Oh, you're busy if you have something. I don't need you recently. I have to keep this old man's ginseng and wait for it to grow up. Anyway, my clinic has no business."

The big caterpillar said, lying down comfortably on a fat leaf of the old man like a home.

The old man ginseng is no longer shaking at this time, it seems that the shaking is tired.

"Uh, okay." Black Goose is a little helpless when he sees it. This ginseng is easy to attract insects. If mature ginseng is improperly stored, it can easily be eaten by insects.

Now there are Baishi people carefully maintained, do not worry about this problem.

But now there is a big worm, no one can control it ...

Fang Ning came over and didn't see the big green worm at all. He just walked directly towards the Patriarch Patriarch.

"Hello patriarch, I want to ask you to borrow two people." Fang Ning knew that they were both real people and didn't like to go around in circles.

"Honestly, what do you want them to do?"

Fang Ning said the matter straight away.

"Well, this is what we should do. Lord Real Dragon has an upper heart and admiration. Hey, it is impossible to let many good people die in the space shuttle. Not everyone can have the same mana as Tianhehe God. Peaceful luck. "The Patriarch Bai Shi immediately agreed.

After listening, Heshen smiled and said, "You are right." Honest praise is most useful.

So Fang Ning did not spend much time resolving the friendly issue easily.

Thinking of this, Fang Ning felt sorry for Xie Dong again.

He then said to the uncle of the system, God read: "You see you, why did you have to thank Dong Dong? There are hundreds of friendly troops here, don't you mention it?"

"Nonsense, no, these hundreds of friendly troops are all working for me to make medicinal herbs to make money. Of course, I must first find the useless friendly army ..." The uncle of the system is very straightforward ~ ~ er ... Fang Ning was suddenly speechless, speechless, and unable to go back.

This is very systematic ...

Fang Ning was blocked back by the uncle of the system and turned to speak to the Shi patriarch.

"That patriarch, this garrison task is very boring and hard. Do you think it is a rotation system?"

"Without rotation, we can turn into white stone statues and maintain a semi-dormant state. Only when there is external movement will we wake up. There is no problem for a hundred years of dormancy. For us, it is to sleep.

Ha ha, sure enough, you are the most suitable candidates for squatting, others Xie Dong is really pitted by the uncle ......

Fang Ning decided to ask a Baishi person to replace him after two or three months.

After all, human patience, he is very clear, certainly not comparable to stone man patience.

This is limited by racial talent.

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