Seized by the System

Chapter 373: No fight without cheating

Facing the battle, Fang Ning planned to habitually go back.

But he thought about it, this guy's power limit, he can sense it, but a pond-level early stage.

His own physical body has long been tempered by the uncle to the top of the lake level, and the body of the half-dragon is extremely strong.

Not to mention that there is a huge True Qi body protector around the body, and there is also a righteous standby.

Just a short trial of the Ox Knife, he flew two dolphins with one tail. He didn't feel anything at all, which gave him a lot of confidence.

It turns out that relying on physical strength alone is already a party hegemony, which can make the group of males restrain the existence of ...

So when the uncle of the system asked him to return to the space of the system, Fang Ning decided to ignore it and hit the face in person.

So he said awe-inspiringly: "How can I keep your uncle tired all the time? Uncle, you have a good rest in the system space today, waiting for me to wipe out the evil that has been ungrateful and bloodthirsty!"

The uncle of the system questioned: "You didn't see you in the space of the system every day; when you last battled, you pecked each other with Longfan rookie last year. This time the opponent is not the murderous Longfan. , Can you do it? "

"A man can't say he can't!" Fang Ning's bachelor flicked a sentence, and "bare shirtless" came on.

So the twelve-claw, and the old octopus demon, saw the two-claw white loach at the same time, and suddenly exuded a dragon's air, and then rushed over with agitation.

The old octopus demon was not afraid at all. On the contrary, it laughed at the other party's strength in fighting on the street.

"Haha, I don't have any fighting skills. It seems that I'm still a dragon growing up in the greenhouse. I'm still worried that you will have any cards. It seems that I'm here to deliver food. Unfortunately, there is no soy sauce in the sea ..."

The octopus demon sarcasm, while pulling out two thick arms and feet, want to entangle the white loach looting in front of his eyes.

"Huh, do you think the uncle wants to play melee with you? Look at me in the snow!"

Fang Ning braked, paused, and then spurted at the octopus ...

A icy cold, suddenly spit out from the mouth of the white mud loach, the land in front of several feet, was frozen!

The twelve paws shivered with cold, fled quickly, and hid among several rocks on the seabed, looking out secretly.

It wasn't a daring guy originally. Especially with the Tianshu bodyguard, it was heavily dependent on the battlefield.

There is no celestial being in it now, and it is really bottomless.

Although she knew that the old octopus and grandma were ungrateful demons, they did not dare to step forward to help.

The opponent's strength is much stronger than it, and the body is also larger.

It can only pray that this young dragon can play the dragon power and suppress the other party, otherwise, the two will become the appetizers of others.

It's really honest. In fact, the best way to do this is to take advantage of the two people's battle and run away. But it was embarrassed to make such abandonment of its companion, so it had to hide ...

Originally, big octopuses like this have actually reached the end of their life, and they do n’t live long, which is not terrible.

Helplessly, it kindly feeds the other party before, which gives the other party a chance to survive the period when the vitality rises, and the transformation is successful, which is very scary.

At least it is clear that it, together with the two dolphin brothers, can't deal with this ungrateful old octopus.

At this time, the old octopus demon was caught off guard by the ice.

It had to use several wrists and feet to fiddle with the seawater to form a strong current, pushing the ice away to prevent frostbite from hurting itself.

From this point of view, these monsters have not developed advanced spells, only some natural combat skills.

This is like using a musket to match a modern rifle. Although all use chemical energy, the utilization efficiency is far from the world.

Seeing this scene, Fang Ning couldn't help but set himself up, now proudly said: "You are a fool sitting in the sky, the appetite is really big, today Ben Long will make you into takoyaki! ... and save your uncle's money. "

The twelve claws were trembling in the cracks of the rock. It turned out that the big brothers were also eating and drinking ...

The big octopus demon has rich fighting experience. It observes for a while and understands the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

In a few moments, it swelled up and sprayed a large swath of ink in front of it, dyeing all the surroundings dark.

In the dark seabed, the bright head of the white loach immediately became the most conspicuous target, but it succeeded in stealth.

I saw that the white loach was overwhelmed by the black mist and was looking around. His bright head swept the bottom of the sea like a searchlight, but he couldn't find out where it was.

When the old octopus demon saw the plan succeeded, he immediately held his breath and, with the help of ink cover, quietly walked behind the white mud loach and was about to prepare for a raid.

On its round head, the two eyes are cold and ruthless, which is completely different from the twelve claws, and is completely the eyes of a predator.

Hum, what do you know about spells, such a simple assault tactic, you do n’t know how to crack, it ’s ridiculous!

After eating this dragon, I must have the opportunity to become a dragon in the future, and then become the king of the sea.

It proudly thought, quietly raised the four most powerful wrists and feet, and then aimed at the white loach's neck ...

However, it does not know what kind of horror it will cause ...

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to brush the mutant bloodthirsty octopus ...)

Fang Ning hadn't responded yet, the whole body was taken away by the uncle of the system ...

He complained in the system space without crying: "You are here again."

"I'm not coming, you are about to hang up, that guy is going to raid you."

"Sure enough. This blames your system map for being unreliable. In the past, although the map was dark, anyway, you can still see the red dot; this time, it is good, you can't even see the red dot." Fang Ningqiang argued Road.

"You can't fight without cheating, right?" The uncle of the system mercilessly blocked Fang Ning back.

Fang Ning was speechless at the moment and hid in the corner of the system cafe to draw a circle.

During the one-person-one-system dialogue, a deep dragon sound appeared.

Yes, the uncle is multi-threaded. It seems that it often talks to Fang Ning. In fact, it is always ready to fight, and no one can sneak into it.

At this time, the big octopus demon lurking behind the white loach, four arms and feet are about to start ...

However, at this time, a hundred-foot-long green dragon whose body shape was nearly a hundred times larger than it suddenly appeared in front of him.

The roots of its raised arms and feet are more than ten meters long, but in front of Qinglong's eyes more than one thousand meters, it is similar to two toothpicks.

In the biological world, body shape often means crushing.

The octopus demon dumbfounded and turned to escape ...

However, the guys who can escape in front of the system uncle are, well, very few.

The twelve claws were immediately blessed to see it. Sure enough, the honest fish had good rewards. This big octopus demon was ungrateful and bullied the weak. This is good. He hit the dragon and came the dragon ...

Then it saw the next moment, the octopus demon who had to add his own food, was no longer a lifetime.

Needless to say, it should have been swallowed by this rather familiar big green dragon.

You first say that you want to eat others, so if someone eats them, you can no longer complain that you are inferior to others ...

Killing innocent people should be killed, there is no reason to live.

It quickly climbed out of the cracks in the rock because it knew that this big green dragon, which often appeared in the sky, would not harm the innocent. This is what it saw from human television, Internet, and newspapers.

It is an octopus willing to actively learn the dominant culture. This is the common road for the development of almost all weak populations. Learning to imitate, improve, and surpass ...

It quickly climbed in front of this big green dragon and sincerely thanked: "Master Dragon King, thank you for saving my life."

"Oh, Xie wouldn't have to use it ~ ~ should be your final reward for leading the way. Now that it's okay, you can go by yourself." Daqing Longkou spit out.

"Uh, that octopus demon was killed by you, and it hasn't said the way out of that place." Twelve Claws kindly reminded.

"Oh, it's already said. You don't have to worry about this. You should make good fish in the future, don't bully the bully, listen to the words of the heavenly book, don't make your own claims." Da Qinglong learned.

"Yes, yes, all the twelve claws are remembered." The twelve claws nodded again and again.

The other party does not say so, and it basically follows the instructions of Heavenly Books.

What's more, there is Jinkouyuyan of Lord Dragon King?

As for what it calls the "Dragon King" for the **** horse, it is naturally also a title learned from human culture, it can't make itself.

The twelve claws finally turned to look at the deep cave, remembering this place destined to be deserted.

Then it swam to the sea, and it told its companions that it had encountered the green dragon under the sea ...

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