Seized by the System

Chapter 368: Cowhide

Ren Ruofeng looked at the files while looking at the narcissism and was distracted by it. During work hours, he had fun.

Suddenly, a large floor-to-ceiling window in the office opened suddenly, and Shi Shiran walked in.

Ha ha, whoever doesn't walk through the door and walk through the window, who else will be the hero who has gone high and high?

Ren Ruofeng quickly put down the mirror, looked down at the documents seriously, and pretended to be very devoted, without realizing it ...

Fang Ning thought to himself, old man, you are really fooling ghosts, this hand, I have not played less.

It's just that there is no need to break it. Anyway, he is not Ren Ruofeng's boss. He doesn't want to pay his own wages. Why do he want to be a villain?

When the other party dared to do private matters while at work, Director Hu would naturally yell at him.

Now Fang Ning just coughed twice, reminding himself that he had come in.

"Oh, the Venerable is here. Please sit down, Officer Liu, pickles ... er, wrong, make tea. Use the newly listed Dahongpao."

Ren Ruofeng looked back after seeing it, stood up and turned to greet Fang Ning.

"Tea, I won't drink it anymore. I have something to say to Senior Ren." Fang Ning sat down on the side sofa.

Ren Ruofeng will naturally listen to his ears, turn his chair, and the two will face.

Upon hearing it, he was so shocked that his face changed again and again.

In the end is Venerable Dragon!

It's a real universe with great courage, and it's beyond the reach of mortals!

Build Tiandao Skynet to fight against evils invading the world? What kind of mind is this?

He has been involved in the construction of Shenzhou Xiaotianwang throughout the whole process. The process is difficult and best understood.

I do n’t know how many anxious days I have had. I ca n’t sleep all night and night. I ca n’t match the amount of burnt hair because of a parameter. For this reason, my hair has been white for half.

It takes three years to first explore the geographical nodes of the Divine Land, and then use the ground nodes to sense the stars in the sky, and it takes another three years.

Finally, it is the three years that interconnected the earth and the stars, echoed up and down, and integrated into a small sky net.

In the first nine years, the time and place were harmonious, and the three were fully prepared before they could barely complete it. This shows the difficulty of the process.

Now His Holiness is going to establish the Tiandao Datianwang, which is very difficult. It is by no means comparable to the Shenzhou Xiaotianwang.

After listening, he asked a very critical question.

"Dare to ask His Holiness, Shenzhou Xiaotianwang can only cover Shenzhou at present. I don't know how much space the Heavenly Dawangwang that His Holiness wants to build. How much do you want to cover?"

When Ren Ruofeng said, it was actually in his heart, probably the whole earth.

By the way, we have to add the moon. This project is big enough. Without hundreds of years of work, I am afraid there is no hope.

However, he didn't even know that the knight in front of him was Fang Ning.

He didn't even know that this guy had already substituted himself into the planned role early and decided to put it on.

"Kill a planning festival and bless the server holidays to work properly!"

This is the unanimous idea of ​​programmers in their company.

The requirements of the program planners for the system ’s frustration have made them unable to run the system steadily and completely lose control. They can only pray for the protection of luck.

Hearing the other party's question now, he just said two words lightly.

However, these two words were like magic, and Ren Ruofeng, who had been sitting all the time, stood up in shock.

The precious bronze mirror on the table was touched off by him and fell to the ground. When Dangdang sounded, he didn't realize it.

"Galaxy ..."

"His!" Ren Ruofeng woke up for a while.

He has always been proud of "comfortable and calm, the eight winds are still". Before going through an emotional ups and downs, he did not knock him down, but made him more resilient.

However, these two words made him shocked. He looked at Chivalrous Armor, dumbfounded, and a subconscious thought came to his mind.

"Dragons can be powerful and small, and they can rise and hide; when they are big, the clouds are spitting fog, and when they are small, they hide in a hidden form; when they rise, they soar between the universe, and they hide in the waves."

Isn't this perfect for the person in front of you?

Before, the opponent was just an ordinary knight, still living by catching a thief and petting, as if hiding in the market.

However, one year later, the other party has set the goal on the galaxy!

The Milky Way, he remembers conservatively estimated that there will be 100 billion stars, and the sun is only one of them ...

For a long time, Ren Ruofeng calmed down and hesitated: "Sovereign, what do you mean by the Milky Way? Is it the Milky Way in the mouth of human scientists? Isn't it another existence?"

The other party's appetite was so unacceptable.

He would rather think that the other party is actually using the word "Galaxy" to refer to other places, and it would be better to accept it.

However, the reply given by the other party left him with a last luck.

"Yes, it is the Milky Way. The earth revolves around the sun, and the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy. This seat is to cover the sky network to the entire galaxy. In the future, the sky will be the center, and the galaxy will turn around the earth ...

Fang Ning said magnificently, he decided to pat the Heavenly Dad's fart hard, and mixed a lot of Heavenly Dao merit.

Fang Ning's voice just fell, and in a flash, Ren Ruofeng saw a silver halo appearing behind the other party, faintly swirling.

Hey, there really is a sign of heaven. Is this recognized by Heaven?

He is proficient in arithmetic, understands the heavens, and understands it now.

What does the present vision represent?

He was completely clear.

At this time he could only swallow hard, with a complex and unbelievable look.

Chivalrous A is calm, or expressionless, just like just talking about a common thing.

Ren Ruofeng looked at each other for a long time, and finally convinced the hero, so he was willing to worship.

Alas, it seems that the future generations can only give horses to others ...

Secretly lamenting Ren Ruofeng and knowing that at this time, the real body of Chivalrous Armor, Fang Ning's thoughts have seized the time to slip into the system space and hide ...

No way, the cowhide is blown too big, it's blown.

Because the system prompt in his mind sounded: (The host made a big wish, set up the heavenly sky network, covered the galaxy, set the earth ’s heavenly road as the center, and was recognized by the heavenly road, lowering the heavenly road merits of 30,000 points. . Among them, 29,900 freezes are only available after starting the project. Remarks: If this wish cannot be completed within a thousand years, it will be condemned and the spirit will disappear.)

The uncle of the system said coldly: "Oh, I still want to live forever, and I want to live in the wilderness ... Originally, as long as we build a real dragon, we can live many thousand years. Now it's good, once your cowhide comes out, we only 1000 years left ...

After listening to Fang Ning, he was speechless, speechless, sorry, uncle system ...

The uncle of the system did not let him go, and then sighed: "A dragon that can only live for 1,000 years, alas, Long San will definitely laugh at his teeth when he knows."

"One thousand years is not short. The sages said it well. Ten thousand years is too long, only to fight for the day and night. As long as we think of a way, we may be able to work overtime."

Fang Ning lay down on the sofa, shrunk like an ostrich, Gu left and right in terms of others.

"I won't work overtime for you, you poke down the basket, you come to clean up, I still know how big the galaxy is. Probably you, the rich man, have other golden fingers. I have been hiding it for a long time without letting me know. , It ’s useless late ... "The uncle of the system said coldly.

For a time, the system space with constant temperature and humidity retention suddenly became dry and cold winter ...

Fang Ning was trembling in the cold. In the past, when the uncle spoke, although he had various anthropomorphic tones, he had never been so scary.

"You don't want to be like this? Isn't it worth 30,000 merits? Er, although we can only use one hundred, but now we can brush up on that difficult mentality, how much experience will we have?"

Fang Ning struggled to calm down the uncle and divert the other party's attention.

Unsatisfied, it's not possible, there is no system uncle, let alone only give it for a thousand years, even if Heavenly Dad gave it to 10,000 years, 100,000 years, he could not complete this task.

How can he have this perseverance and perseverance, and within a few days, procrastination will occur, dragging on and off, and when the time comes, the people and the system will be cold.

"Oh, I would rather not, experience can slowly save up, how do you say your cowhide round?" The uncle of the system still said coldly.

Fang Ning racked his brain and thought, regretting it, still bloated before.

Unexpectedly, I just wanted to make a big push, blowing down such a big cowhide, but made such a big thing.

He was originally thinking about blowing big points and nothing. When the specifics were completed at most, a few more discounts were made. Isn't everyone doing this?

Many of the functions of his previous company's products haven't been done yet, they were first sold out to customers, and then ran to the customer's site, they were found not.

The solution is simple. Anyway, customers have already spent millions on their company's system, so they can't change it temporarily.

Under coordination, there is only one way for programmers to work overtime on the spot and concoct similar functions to use. The quality can be imagined.

Fang Ning had to think about how to round the cowhide back, which was a bit difficult.


At this time, on the other side of the ocean, in a high-tech factory.

The production lines are running tightly and orderly, and the workers are working seriously. Although the end is coming, but the meal still has to be eaten, and the class has to continue.

Zhi Nan was accompanied by Claudia, carefully watching a machine in operation, and from time to time asked some technical questions to the accompanying technicians.

The questions he raised were extremely professional and in-depth, which made it difficult for these technicians to cope with it, and at the same time they were very admired.

You know, seeing whether a person understands or not, as long as he can ask what kind of questions he can pose to this industry, it is basically clear.

Zhi Nan said, suddenly stopped, looked up to the west, and then frowned, saying nothing.

That direction is Shenzhou.

For a few moments, a smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, Fang Ning, you practiced the" Singing of the Buddha's Sound "by Ben Sheng, self-expanding and bold, so dare to make such a big wish!

"Even if you have the True Dragon Supreme Possession, and you want the heavenly sky to cover the galaxy of this world? If you want the galaxy to revolve around the earth, it's really whimsical. You can't do it for a thousand years.

"I'd like to see what kind of condemnation you will receive after thousands of years!"

Claudia looked at the devil with a stunned expression. The other party said so much in one breath, showing the other party's excitement.

This seems to be a serious trouble to be removed?

Is it a knightly armor?

If that's the case, it would be great.


After Fang Ning thought nervously, he already had some clues.

He pretended to calmly explain to the uncle of the system: "Relax, it ’s impossible for Heaven ’s Dad to give tasks that cannot be completed. Since the wish I made is recognized by it, it means that it thinks I have the ability to complete it. of.

"Otherwise, the cowhide has blown more people than me, and I have n’t seen them get the merits of Heavenly Dao. It must be because Heavenly Dao knows that they ca n’t complete it. .

"I have a system uncle you ~ ~ Shenwei is unpredictable, this will be recognized by Heaven, so we still have a way to complete it."

"Don't you just have to talk about your mouth? In the end, don't you want to count on me to complete it?" The uncle of the system said disdainfully. "There is nothing else to say, first put your game book baby in the land of happy land, The hundreds of millions of experience I have brushed out are given to me. "

"You're right, I really have a way to help you do it. Heavenly Dad really understands me."

System prompt: (The system sees through the host ’s words and takes advantage of the opportunity.)

"Uh, I know that you are not a human being, and no one has real emotions, it is impossible to be really angry. You actually pretend to be so like, it was originally waiting for me here, can we have more trust between us?" Fang Ning is very Grieved.

"Are you giving it?" The uncle of the system said coldly.

"Give it, give it immediately." Fang Ning had no way to pretend to be cool, and cremated afterwards.

Now the handle is caught by others, and the big basket is pierced. Now, I have to grieve the game book baby and let it repay the debt to the owner first ...

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