Seized by the System

Chapter 352: Big man

"Huh, it's a good way of life. In that case, let's use our own means! Ben Sheng, let's look at the sky here, can you crush me again!"

Zhi Nan glanced coldly at the three men, then waved his robe, and the figure disappeared from the front of the three men.

Gu Bu was slightly surprised when he saw it, and asked, "It's a little strange underneath. This devil is so thick-skinned. How can he be so angry and angry that he is so angry? The Bodhisattva seems to be an acquaintance with this devil.

The ghost king Bodhisattva said helplessly: "That's because His Holiness's words happened to hit the point. If there is no vitality in other life planets, he can't start a new stove, he can only continue to endure the constraints of the world here.

"This thing was born in the upper realm. He was close to the edge of success twice, and was destroyed by the real dragon with the blessing of heaven. When he touched the past, he was naturally difficult to restrain. And, he is not normal ... Forget it, you listen to this matter. It's no good, the deity still tells you two things in the past. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Gu Weiwei didn't hear the word and glanced at Chivalrous Armor, the two nodded at the same time.

"Buddha please tell me."

So the ghost king Bodhisattva continued to explode the wisdom gossip.

It turned out that when I was in the upper realm, I often wanted to promote the state of happy land, so that no one would be born, sick, dead, worry-free, and boundless.

Although he had good intentions, he was eager to achieve success, so he used the technique of deceiving people to make all beings give up their flesh and enter his happy land.

The movement was so great that it affected hundreds of nations, so it directly attracted real dragons to intervene.

At that time, he was already a devil, and his strength was unpredictable.

The real dragon sent to suppress him, but only two tender children, but he could not help, seeing a big disaster is about to give birth.

As a result, "Heaven's Will" appeared. He was defeated by the hand of Nenlong, and was temporarily reduced to the devil's laughing stock, becoming the shadow of his life. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

When talking about "God of will", a strange smile flashed on the face of the Buddha, and then disappeared.

The human heart is also God's will, not a slang.

"It turns out that, it seems that if you want to frustrate this demon, you can only start with the will of God. Then Gumou will go back to the mountain first and discuss it later." Gu Buwei said lightly.

After talking, his figure disappeared from the sky and disappeared.

Ghost King Bodhisattva shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he was helpless, and he couldn't beat his own face.

He was thinking, maybe the sky in this world would also be unsightly, after all, the old friend's heart is too big, too crazy.

The uncle of the system saw it, but was very dissatisfied: "Cooperating with you to discuss for half a day, it is all in vain. In the end, I still have to hold the thighs of Heavenly Dad. If I knew this, I would also ..."

Fang Ning said silently, "Where is there a waste of time? After this exchange, I now know the real details of this guy. I finally understand why he is standing in front of us, but the system map is not displayed, and I can't get it. Red, you can not brush. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The uncle of the system hurriedly said: "The reason I said earlier is that the system map should be upgraded. The rich man quickly called back the broken book. It recently brushed up with special brushes. Hundreds of millions of years of experience. It ’s been a long time since I ’ve been credited so much. "

"That's because he's not a creature!" Fang Ning said with care, as if he didn't hear the uncle's words at all.

"Shenma ?!" The uncle of the system was very surprised, "Then what is he?"

"From the Bodhisattva's breaking news, I have a bold but immature idea, he is just ..."

The uncle of the system quickly asked: "Just what?"

"Forget it, I can't say it yet. I'll make sure it later." Fang Ning hesitated, but still didn't say it.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, you just want to catch my appetite ... but that's impossible, I don't have the curiosity of you humans. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Now give me the body. I'll go and see the black goose. It's looking for lamp oil material everywhere. I have to pay extra attention and don't let that intellectual difficulty catch it." The uncle of the system didn't care.

It ’s not a long time ago. The ghost king Bodhisattva and the knight greet each other with a few words of greeting.

Chivalrous A refused at the moment, said he was busy, and flew away immediately.

Ghost King Bodhisattva watched the other person's back leave, shook his head, and sighed for a long time.

This year, the Bodhisattva is not easy to do, too many people ask, but few incense, there is no financial management in the meeting, the deficit is constant.

There are still a bunch of rice worms in the family to keep, but the biggest one is already self-reliant ...

The ghost king Bodhisattva thought of it, so he descended on Qingshiping and wanted to say a few words to the big green worm.

He wanted to ask the other party if they could borrow some funds first. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Under his hard work day and night, a lot of clean areas have been transformed in the realm of magic energy, which can be opened first.

It is impossible to wait until all conversions are completed, then the efficiency is too low and the time period is too long.

Just like the opening of the Chivalrous City, it also requires a large amount of starting capital.

Most of the time, infrastructure construction means high investment, and only formal institutions can afford it.

The ghost king Bodhisattva came down and hadn't spoken yet, the big green worm turned upright from the stone platform and flew to the Bodhisattva's eyes.

It asked in amusement: "Where did the big green dragon go?"

"Oh, Brother Long has something to do, and has flew away," Bodhisattva said straightly, "I ..."

"I knew it would be like this ..." The big green worm directly interrupted the bodhisattva's words, letting his head down. "It's the same with the old dad. Every time I make a big contribution, I say that I will come back and invite me to dinner, and the result has never been fulfilled." ; i> & 1t; / i>

"I'm gone, Dad, since it's okay here, I have to go back and see if the two repeaters are still waiting there.

"Now the business is not very good. The two repeaters told me that most people have to keep money for waste, and they can no longer come to find true happiness. Those who have the money to toss back and forth, very few, have to give them a supreme vip treatment or something. "

The Bodhisattva was surprised for a moment, and was unable to speak at the moment. He suddenly felt that he didn't care enough. He didn't even know that Daqing wouldn't be able to uncover the pot. He thought its business would be more prosperous.

This is also the case. Most people who want to find true happiness are still ordinary people. The number of rich people is originally small, and the absolute number of people who want to find true happiness is even smaller.

Now that natural disasters are approaching outside, many people are busy surviving for their lives, and it is impossible to find real happiness again. In the final analysis, it was all idle thoughts ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

It's a pity that I can't find time to eat with him now, because it only takes a few days ...

At this time, the sky uploads the next voice.

"This seat has always been a promise, will it not honor the promise? Come with me, I will let Fang cook you four meals at a time to ensure that you eat enough at a time."

The big caterpillar suddenly shined with two eyes and flew into the sky.

"Daqinglong, I know that you are not the same as the old dad ..."

Fang Ning smiled secretly. If he reminded him, the uncle would never forget, but obviously he would not put it in his heart, and he didn't know when to honor it.

The big green worm was firmly on the shoulder of the knight, just about to leave, and turned his head to see the follower Lu Er.

It rolled his eyes and said: "This one named Lu Er said that you must not forget to invite me to dinner. I have waited for you for a long time. You called him, anyway, he must not eat too much ..." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The big caterpillar is a good worm with good intentions, but the last sentence still reveals the essence.

After hearing this, Lu Er was moved by inexplicable reasons. Lord Chong had many legs, so he was easy to hug and did not waste himself running around.

Xia Ke Jia nodded and said, pointing at his feet, Fei Jiandao: "Then let him come up together."

Lü Er quickly refused: "No matter how hard the hero is, the little one knows the place, and runs by himself. It takes less than an hour. The hero does not care about me.

Upon hearing this, Fang Ning sighed quite a bit: "I didn't expect this Lü Er, it was just a small one, and it was quite a bit of a fortune. From here, I went back to Qicheng and said that there are thousands of miles, he could be like this Running back quickly is really not easy. "

"Hum, he's not right in practicing the exercises now, and he's not sure about it, he's not far from being caught in a fire." The uncle sneered. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Huh," Fang Ning said, wondering, "How can the Bodhisattva leave it alone?"

"Then you have to ask him, I don't know." The uncle didn't care.

Fang Ning looked at Lü Er, who was pleased, and his heart was complicated.

Once upon a time, this guy was his own copy.

Fortunately, he has the trusteeship of the uncle in order to stand here and direct the mountains and rivers.

He didn't feel bad about Lu Er, and the other party helped him a little, otherwise the big worm really had to go, and it was a bit troublesome.

So he said to the bodhisattva: "Bodhisattva, it seems that there are some problems with cultivation in your seat."

When Lu Erwen heard the words, he felt cold. What was wrong with him?

The Bodhisattva looked back at Lu Er, and immediately frowned, shaking his head and sighed to Lu Er: "Ah, the deity is busy transforming the realm of devil qi, but also has to worry about worldly things, there are too few avatars, and he hasn't noticed your thing. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Since the hero opens his mouth, I respect you to go back and forth to work hard, to see your legs and feet are always handy. This" Shenzu "is passed on to you, as long as you recite from time to time, you can avoid the worry of getting rid of fire. If you have enough savvy Maybe you can still realize the supreme supernatural power. "

Lu Er couldn't believe his ears. How could the beautiful things that he could only write by his editors become reality when he spoke only a few words?

The Venerable Dragon Dragon is so high and bright, and it is indeed the Oriental Lighthouse; in contrast, what he has done in the past is unscrupulous and simply not a human being.

In a few moments, a verse rang in his mind as his thoughts rose and fell.

After writing down the scriptures, Lu Er expressed gratitude to both of them, and secretly determined in his heart that he must find a way to return one or two.

His Holiness first pulled himself away from the abyss of sin with an ear scraper, and another sentence brought him back from the fire and the demon, bringing himself a heavenly opportunity.

How can I repay such a heavy favor? He fell into distress for a while.

Fang Ning was very pleased when he saw it. He didn't expect that he really became a big man now. Just one sentence can affect one's destiny ~ ~ This is really a bit unsuitable ...

"Big rich man, why are you so excited? It's not that you got the benefit of Shenma." The uncle of the system didn't understand.

"What do you know? For us humans, spiritual satisfaction is far more important than some material benefits." Fang Ning disdain.

"Oh, is that right? Then I can also make the rich rich spiritually satisfied, as long as you give me the money in your small vault."

"You think beautifully, keep thinking."

How could Fang Ning agree? Without the small vault, can he still be a big man?

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