Seized by the System

Chapter 349: System approach

South Guigu Mountain.

Fang Ning successfully got 300 celadon jars from the vermilion protector, and they didn't need to introduce each other. Just looking at the system map, they knew that they were all very evil ghosts.

The world is big, there are all kinds of sins, and there are quite a few hard books to open all kinds of cases. For these people, the human penalty is simply not enough to punish their evil.

Fang Ning has no psychological burden to conceal them.

A year later, he was not an ordinary otaku.

After seeing so many **** fights, he knew that the uncle of the system was strong enough to stabilize himself, and he could enjoy stability along the world.

On this basis, as long as it does not violate the bottom line and basic morality, it must not be restricted by some rules.

"300, if you turn them all into lake level, uncle, you brush it again, how much experience is this?"

The uncle of the system ca n’t wait to say: “A lake level, ranging from 200 million to 300 million, and more than one billion to 300 million. If it ’s all done, it ’s more than 100 billion. It ’s just how much kerosene you need to consume. how much is it……"

Fang Ning appeased: "That's right, no matter how the world changes, the law of conservation of energy still has to be generally observed. 'There is nothing out of nothing' will definitely not work, there must always be a source of strength."

System: "I don't understand. I only know that I have a deficit again ..."

Fang Ning patiently said: "I tell you a formula you will understand-evil spirits + magic lamp + lamp oil = lake level evil spirits = experience value. This is the systematic way you will go in the future, I said, Don't just stare at money in your eyes, you won't earn experience.

"In the past, it was like the fishing and hunting era. You didn't need to produce it yourself and harvested directly from nature. Now it's the farming era, you need to produce your own harvest. Although the cost has risen sharply, the efficiency is improved and the profit is stable. The key is not to be constrained by the outside world. "

System: "You can't finish saying this earlier? What is the law of conservation of energy, that's all **** horse stuff? I'm a martial arts side system. I can't understand the scientific laws you said. I."

This is still called Gaoda Shang? This seems to have been learned in junior high school?

Fang Ning is very helpless about this, well, uncle has always been a scum, and the older the scum ...

He was too lazy to explain too much, and now he has gradually figured out how the uncle works.

The experience of the uncle seems to be out of nothing, but on the whole, it is just an alternative way of transferring power.

After the uncle slaughtered his sins, God said no, it should be a higher level of existence, they will recover their strength and spirit, and then give the uncle through the rules of the system.

This is why the uncle captures the soul and enters the system cell, he can not get the root of the experience value.

The uncle's advantage is that he can harvest a lot of sins quickly, gain experience, perfect krypton gold, and improve his strength.

It used to seem to be a business without capital, but in fact the costs were all borne by sin.

If other people have the same amount of resources, they can also improve quickly.

It's just that they will have a considerable loss in the absorption and transformation of resources, and secondly, cultivation will be limited by state, practice, and time.

At this point, no one can compare with the uncle of the system.

Now that there are fewer and fewer sins with rich experience, and there is an intellectual difficulty outside to prevent it, Fang Ning has to readjust the route to become self-reliant.

Other methods are inefficient and unstable, and can only be used as an occasional surprise, not as a routine method.

Fang Ning finally designed such an exclusive and unique cultivation method for his uncle, and he was immediately relieved.

He looked forward to Zixiong said: "In this way, we will be able to farm in peace, develop freely, and no longer be restricted by outsiders. This is our real start!"

System: "The rich man is right, but the starting capital has to be paid by the rich man. You know, I have tight hands now ..."

Fang Ning immediately looked around and said other things: "Actually, although we must abide by the law of conservation of energy to promote strength, we can still use white wolves ..."


Shenzhou Truth Office Headquarters Base, General Counsel Office.

Ren Ruofeng ushered in Xia Ke A, ​​the other party rarely came, and it was a big event.

Chivalrous A took out a document, put it on the desk, and then sat down, expressionless and silent.

Ren Ruofeng immediately turned to see.

"Proposal on Cooperative Development of Part of Tiancaidibao".

His eyes flashed immediately. In fact, he had this idea long ago, but the knight was too busy. He was not easy to disturb and increased the workload of the heroes. Besides, the suspicion of coveting the dragon secret technology was not very good.

So Ren Ruofeng couldn't wait to open it and look.

"Project 1: Raising **** bees, harvesting **** beeswax, royal jelly, etc. The functions are as follows:


Project two: plant a large area of ​​millennial pine and extract millennial pine resin. The functions are as follows:


Cooperation proposal: Party A provides technology, and Party B provides funding manpower, divided as follows:

... "

After Ren Ruofeng saw the effect, if it was a treasure, this is a project with great potential.

Artificial feeding and planting, the production of natural materials and treasures on the assembly line, and who is more reliable at a glance than falling from the wild by the blessing of the mountains and hitting the Universiade.

Rare Venerables are willing to share these valuable technologies, which is more powerful than the guys who have some unique technologies and are proud of their strength and threatening the truth.

Just like the guys in Tianqingshan, they never transfer a little forming technology, and only use scissors to collect and scrape.

But then he was a little puzzled: "This kind of thing, just let the housekeeper Zheng come to visit, why should His Holiness waste time to get close?"

Chivalrous A: "Zheng Butler went to assist Cang Gongzi to build the city, and he couldn't pull away for a while. This seat happened to have some leisure time, so he came over in person."

Fang Ning thought, wasn't he free?

Xingxia Zhengyi was stuck in the neck by the witless bald donkey. The uncle did not need to divide time and place to practice multi-threaded practice. He came over in person, so that you can pay attention to it and implement it quickly.

When Ren Ruofeng heard it, where could he not understand the subtext?

He knew that this document was of great significance to Venerable Dragon, so he immediately gave the document to the secretary, scanned it and uploaded it to other relevant personnel.

"Please rest assured that this is a win-win situation. We will set aside a treasure in the inheritance as soon as possible to cultivate these treasures."

"It's so good, if it's okay, this seat will go first." Xia Kejia stood up after speaking.

Ren Ruofeng hesitated and said: "There is a private matter that I would like to take care of the heroes, no, maybe it will be a business in the future ..."

Now he told about the fact that Dzizhu encountered a middle-aged man in a black robe at home.

Fang Ning was stunned for a while, and I leaned on, this witless bald donkey, rushing from east to west, what on earth did he want to do?

His happy land, in his own view, is nothing more than to replace the role of the mansion, let people choose to settle in and settle down with him after death, to enhance his strength.

But now looking at his generation of potentialists, it seems that the picture is not just that, there must be a conspiracy. If the devil does not engage in conspiracy, is it still called the devil?

Fang Ning quickly asked the uncle of the system: "Do you have a way?"

System: "Not before, now if you can help me rush the" Bodhichitta "to the myth level, there is a way to deal with the Dao Devil's qi in the mouth of Zhi Zhi, which can at least suppress it."

Fang Ning nodded: "Then you just tell Ren Ruofeng, don't let him worry about secretly, it will affect work efficiency and delay our business."

So the knightly knight said: "The three volumes of the mantra can't be learned. The middle-aged man in black robe is named Zhi Nan. He is the devil of the upper realm. His man sent out the mantra, and he is skeptical. Wait, wait for this seat to break through At the level of the Inland Sea, he personally sealed the Dao Devil Qi for the baby. "

Ren Ruofeng was horrified, and then thanked very much, this relationship is not small.

In this way, it is possible to temporarily rest assured that the Venerable personally took action to suppress it. When the baby grows up and learns a few more Qigong exercises, there should be no problem.

Then he was a little curious at the moment: "What kind of power does this Neihai class strong man who I don't know His Holiness have?"

Chivalrous A: "The Raksha Bear Spirit is now Neihai class, and you should know a lot about its parameters. In addition, the Shenlong summoned by this seat last time is also Neihai class."

Ren Ruofeng now fully understands that of these two powerful beings, of course, they have made a comprehensive strength record early.

Their strength is no longer covered by previous letter ratings, waved their hands and broken mountains, and raised their feet to break the river, just waiting for leisure.

Normal equivalent mushroom weapons can't destroy a large mountain. It can be seen that the powerful inland sea level has begun to exceed the upper limit of the destructive power of human technology.

Sending away the Chivalrous Armor, Ren Ruofeng made a phone call, and he was very relieved to find a proper solution for this matter that had been in his heart for a long time.


Fang Ning's intellectual difficulties have appeared, and he is now appearing outside a hot crater.

He is not doing anything with the Tianqing Mountain that Ren Ruofeng had slandered, and they face each other.

"Oh, ancient donor, why don't you read my three volumes of scripture? Are they not as good-looking as the novel in your hand?" Zhi Nan smiled slightly.

Gu Buwei is holding a fairy tale novel and looking at it, and beside him are three black Scriptures that are extraordinary at first sight.

At this moment, he heard the words and said back without looking up: "Difficult Demon Lord, you seem to have a lot of leisure now. I heard that you have recently stared at Xia Ke A, ​​how come you have time to find the ancient one?"

"Oh, the knight is a poor donkey, and the way of punishment is destined to fail. Sooner or later, he will be converted to this saint. It ’s just the land of happy land, and there is still no support for the nine member demons. The ancient donor, you are also connected with happy land. Let ’s take a look now. "Zhi Nan is a master of wisdom beads.

"Demon Lord, why should the strong man be difficult? The land of happy land, its details, other people don't know, I can still launch one or two, but it is a place where the weak-willed people use to trust the soul. It is a place of nothingness, how to communicate with the vast universe By the same token? I won't go. "Gu Bu refused to speak bluntly, there was no room for turning around.

"Alas, Ben Sheng thought you would be a wise man. I didn't expect to be as stupid as the Chivalrous Armor. Sure enough, they are still those who are enchanted by Heavenly Dao, and they are more destined to the Ben Sheng. They don't need to work hard." Shook his head.

Then he looked at the crater, where the magma was boiling, and suddenly he smiled.

"You stay here, you want to wait for the monument to be born, and gain some merits from heaven? Ha ha, as long as you don't convert in one day, the Holy Spirit will make it impossible to appear in one day."

Wisdom was over, and with a wave of black robe, several dark and rich breaths rushed to the hot crater.

"Stop it!" Gu Buwei's always indifferent face suddenly changed color. He stretched out his long sleeves, a green gas poured out, and collided with the black air.

"Oh, your cultivation base is not bad, but Xia Ke Jia doesn't dare to shoot at Ben Sheng, your guts are stronger than him ..."

It was hard to see that the green gas was torn apart by the black gas, and the smoke disappeared, but just shook his head and smiled.

Gu Buwei suddenly felt that his chest had been hit by a big stone, and he recovered with a little exercise. His face was extremely ugly and his heart was horrified.

Sure enough, it is the devil of the upper realm!

Although the other party is suppressed by the heavens in this world, and his strength is consistent with his own, but the means is far from his own.

I am afraid that even the ancestors can only gain the upper hand in the secret realm of Tianqing Mountain. If it is in this outer world, Shizu will not be the opponent of this devil.

No wonder they are as strong as knights, and in this week's calculations, the other party rarely travels out of knighthood.

It seems that as the devil said, being blocked by the demon, the other party's way of punishment is considered to have come to an end.

It's really a pity that with him, at least the overall situation will not be chaotic.

Tianbei fell into the hands of Xia Kejia, and the other party held the world in mind. In the end, Tianbei will be made available, which does not hinder his next plan.

The other party now wants to seal the monument. If the other party succeeds, he will lose most of the meaning this time when he goes down the mountain. How can he allow it?

In ancient times, this is not a sharp thinking. At this time, the black gas has already circled in the crater and turned into a black lotus, which firmly sealed the magma pool.

It's not like seeing it, and his face is a bit ugly.

Like the sky stele, the earth stele itself will not be unearthed. It must be met with someone who is destined to teach its usage before it can be unearthed.

The last time the Tianbei was seen through the mystery of Xia Ke Jiatian, and was forcibly removed, but the result was no problem.

The earth stele is now directly suppressed by Black Lotus, which is the formation method arranged by the upper real devil.

No matter what kind of fate, when I come here, I am afraid it will be cold ...

"How to ~ ~ I heard that you have the idea of ​​serving the demon here. If you are willing to convert to the Holy Spirit, the Black Lotus Holy Spirit will be taken back immediately." Zhi Nan continued to laugh.

Gu Buwei has calmed down and said lightly: "The devil is the Great Saint, and he often uses this coercive method to accept his subordinates, don't you think it's too much to lose your identity?"

"I don't think ... on the contrary, if you take care of your skin, if you can't, then you have no wisdom."

Zhi Nan's face continued to maintain a smile, unmoved at all, as if everything was under his control.

Gu didn't stagnate for a while. At this time, he finally had the same feeling as Fang Ning.

Dog skin plaster, this is ...

He just remembered that it was difficult for a monk to be a monk, and now he is enchanted again. The two cheeky professions are combined into one and posted on himself.

It is impossible to expect to rely on the mouth to talk about running the other party. I am afraid that the former knights have not scolded the other party as a dog skin plaster ...

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