Seized by the System

Chapter 334: It's raining

A mouse and a fish were talking hotly, and Zheng Dao, who was passing by the living room, was surprised.

When did this uncle Dragon Carp, who often ridiculed the little hamster for his white meal, become an unconscious friend with the other party?

It's really not a person's appearance.

In the end it is the door of the Zhenlong family, with a broad mind like the sea.

It is rare that he does not need to adjust in the middle, and his colleagues take the initiative to resolve conflicts, which makes him very busy recently, very pleased.

Since the visitors from Tianqing Mountain inexplicably retreated in advance, thus withdrawing from the top cultivating goods trading market, plus the moon crisis is imminent, now the Dragon's secret medicine, magic weapon, formation method, etc. are rising in the wind.

It's just that Zheng Dao is familiar with human feelings, and he is a generation of justice.

Although the top market is now a master of Mystery's mysterious online store, he still maintains the price in an appropriate range and does not allow it to break through the sky.

Seeing Zheng passing by, the dragon carp jumped out of the water and flicked its tail to say hello: "Master Master, what are you busy with recently?"

Zheng Daogang was about to talk, and he saw Chivalrous A walk into the living room and greet him quickly.

Fang Ning signaled that he didn't need to pay much courtesy. Originally, he hated people with many courtesies. Fortunately, the followers were mostly of animal origin, and they were not used to salute one by one.

Except for the dragon carp, it wags its tail and spit bubbles when it sees itself ...

I didn't see myself appearing, the fish was vomiting bubbles again, and the tail had been thrown ...

Zheng Dao smoothly said: "Sovereign, one thing is about to report to you."

Fang Ning sat down on the lavender leather sand, and when he came home, he was relieved.

In the past few days, I have been flying around in the sky to investigate the environment of the secret atmosphere, but I am very tired.

The air there is not good, it is simply not a place for people to treat, although it is not harmful to him, but it is also uncomfortable to watch.

Since being taken care of by the uncle, he has never used his body to do such a long time ...

He motioned to Zheng Dao to sit down, not paying attention to the marble table, where the dragon carp was staring at himself scorchingly.

Zheng Dao is also polite. He has followed His Venerable for nearly a year and has long known His Venerable temperament.

Zheng Dao sat down directly on the sand, and then said, "Sovereign, the market has been excellent recently. Various dragon secret secret medicines, magic weapons, formation methods, etc. are in short supply. They are immediately bought by the shelves. There are many others. I ordered it privately. Do you think it will increase productivity? "

Zheng Dao naturally knows how busy His Holiness is, and it is true that there have been too many pleaders recently and it is difficult to cope.

Even a classical woman like Lilac who doesn't like to be tainted with worldly copper smells occasionally mentions asking him to help in the chat.

This is a big thing, and it involves the Venerable himself, so he came over and asked the Venerable to express it personally, instead of counting it by email.

Fang Ning nodded, understandably. Next year, when the moon returns, the dragon will appear to appease the crowd, which shows the great situation.

The troubled world is approaching, of course, a bull market for arms.

In the new era, magic weapon, immortality medicine, and formation method are of course also among the ranks of arms and fire.

The uncle of the system suddenly surprised: "This is simple, I know what to do."

Fang Ning said: "What bad idea do you come up with?"

The uncle of the system was dissatisfied and said: "How could it be my bad idea? That's what you humans came up with. I'm just a porter. It's very simple, as long as the price is increased tenfold, it will definitely not be in short supply ..."

Fang Ningwen was convinced to take it by mouth, which is really something that humans often do ...

But, in the current crisis, is this a hero's ability?

He said seriously: "Do n’t just stare at the money, you ca n’t make money. You are a hero system, and you have a reputation as a profiteer and a catastrophe. How bad is that? I guess your hero name, this guy will lose. A lot. "

The uncle of the system heard the words and said: "Well, that's really the case. What a pity, if I was born from a game that you run as a businessman. It's just that you are hanging a martial arts game every day, only it was running ... … "

Fang Ning was surprised for a while. This guy mentioned his true origin for the first time. It seems that his trust in himself has been raised to a high level. Before, it was silent.

Sure enough, in line with his original guess, this guy came out of his martial arts game.

"This is a trick to make people ... Although I play all kinds of games, it can't be all day long. Only the on-hook game can be all day long. Naturally, it has the highest chance of being hit. Uncle, you still admit your life."

After calmly appeasing a few words, Fang Ning went on to say: "I remember you can upgrade the iron shop, alchemy furnace or something. After the upgrade, the production efficiency should be able to improve."

The uncle of the system said: "Yes, it's just that you haven't experienced any promotion, or should you invest in the rich?"

Fang Ning was very surprised when he heard: "I rely, you are not talking about borrowing money, but talking about investing ... you clearly want a white wolf!"

Fang Ning is not stupid, investing heavily, seeing no splashes, don't know how much I have heard, and often can only do it at a loss, not forced.

On the contrary, borrowing money in the past, although not necessarily all have to come back, at least there are reasons to use legal measures to force the request.

The uncle of the system Zhenzhen said: "This is all learned from you. When you steal my immortality, you are always empty-handed."

Fang Ning was speechless. Before stealing medicine, it was cool, but now he was grasped by the uncle.

So he gritted his teeth and said, "How much do you need? Let's talk about it first. After investing, there will be my shares. I'll take your elixir or something, that's free, and when I want to, I'll take it whenever I want .

"Also, you have to listen to the investors and you have to change your taste. I take your honey pill every day, and I am a little bit tired and crooked. Give me something sour or salty."

Of course, Fang Ning refused to suffer in vain, and his brother still had to settle his bills. He had to get them back from somewhere else. After all, it's because he can't control the uncle of the system.

The uncle of the system is not part of him. On the contrary, he often has to be controlled by this guy.

The uncle of the system was immediately overjoyed: "As long as the billionaires are willing to invest, they want everything. I see that your game book has recently received a lot of money, and now it has a stock of 40 million.

"You call it back, 40 million years of experience, enough for me to upgrade both shops to intermediate, so that the output can be increased by 50%."

Upon hearing this, Fang Ning raised it by 50%, and it was certainly far from meeting the real needs, but what about?

Originally the Dragon's Honey Elixir, the top consumer product, is destined to satisfy only a handful of people.

It is already benevolent to expand production without increasing prices.

You know, Fang Ning has never been a saint. The real purpose of his work is never to serve the public ...

He just wants to do everything possible to ensure the stability of the system's core chivalrous rules, so that he can keep salting fish.

After negotiating with the system, Fang Ning said to Zheng Dao now: "Well, this matter is related to the safety of all beings.

"In this case, increase the production capacity by 50%. You can manage the price and maintain the previous level. Although this seat will be much harder, but for the sake of the world, this is the only way."

Zheng Dao was very moved.

Changed to other bosses, don't you sit and raise prices immediately? Hoarding is strange!

Not to mention expanding production, and keeping prices unchanged, only heroes can do it!

He then said to himself: "Sovereign Bo Yitian is really admirable."

Hearing this, the Dragon Carp really couldn't understand it, and couldn't help but muttered to himself: "Hey, how is the master different from the other guys of Long Dalong San ... It's time to change the price for them. Ten times is right. "

The white hamster said with pride: "Sovereign has always been following the right path, and naturally will not hoard strangeness and use the dilemma. This is my role model to follow in my life."

The dragon carp heard the words and looked at the white hamster like a fool.

Well, it's right, but it's enough for me to have a smart dragon carp in this house ...

No, there is also a competitor. The yellow goblin has a strong taste from time to time. Recently, he is working hard to work overtime. The pressure is great ...

No, I am much more expressive at this time.

So Dragon Carp said: "Master, although your strength is now greatly reduced, but the same material, the panacea you produced is no worse than that made by Long San when they are in full strength, and even more refined and perfect.

"I was rewarded by the master last time. I have eaten a few of them, and they are all superb. It is worthy of the authentic secret system of the dragon clan. I think I am afraid that only the patriarch can refine it occasionally.

"In this case, we should not be violent. We should increase the price tenfold, which is worthy of the name of our true dragon family."

The uncle of the system was even more frustrated and said: "Alas, there are really advantages and disadvantages. Why is my hero system no longer compatible with a profiteer system?"

Fang Ning thought for a while and said: "In fact, this can also be solved. The price of the original product remains the same. You can launch new varieties with higher quality and then give them a ten-fold price. This is in line with normal commercial behavior. It ’s impossible for someone to say that we are a catastrophe. "

The uncle of the system heard the words, and his eyes lit up: "Hey, it's still the rich and powerful. I think of it, is this the same way that you sell drugs?"

Fang Ning no longer ignored him, but told Zheng Dao what he said.

When Zheng Dao heard of it, new products came out. Of course he was happy. This means that His Holiness's business will grow stronger. As for the higher prices, that is a matter of course.

Things have to go up one point, the price soars a hundred times, are very common and common, let alone, the equipment in the game is the best example.

After getting things done in the Shenlong online store, Fang Ning threw his body to the uncle for hosting, and he would return to the system space to play the game.

Zheng Dao also left.

At this time, the dragon carp looked at the white hamster and let it speak.

The other party immediately told the carp to be an assistant, and Fang Ning agreed upon it.

He was too lazy to think about more things, anyway, the dragon carp could not do anything bad ... There was an uncle staring at it.

When the dragon carp heard the words, it was full of excitement at this time, and he wanted to show his hands and feet and rebuild the small vault.

Of course, it knows that the new owner is jealous, but the human relationship is normal, and it is not a bad thing. Besides, he will help work and get paid for what he deserves.


Under the nameless high mountain in the southeast of Shenzhou.

Located in the southeast, the summer is hot, and the trees are scorched to some extent.

A young man, who appeared to be about thirty years old in a robe with wide sleeves and looked ordinary, appeared quietly here again.

Excluding the Gu Buwei teacher in Tianqing Mountain ~ ~ who else?

A few months later, Tianqing Mountain, which was supposed to be a closed mountain gate and ready to move the secret realm, actually sent people again, which is really incredible.

Gu Buwei was alone this time. There was no longer any mentoring behind him. He looked up at the sky and saw several white clouds fluttering with a dark cloud in between.

"It really is time for rain."

He said in his mouth, then his figure disappeared.

Soon after he disappeared, a pour of heavy rain poured down, and countless trees that fell away rejoiced in an instant.


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