Seized by the System

Chapter 324: Oriental lighthouse, shining all over the world; Longwei Shenhe, suppressing the heave

The quiet and far-reaching Grand Canyon in the western part of the country.

After the ghost train passed by, the old railway remained intact, and there was little change, but the vines attached to it were faint again.

The people in the special investigation team are anxiously waiting for the arrival of new support.

Just now, they all saw what happened in the secret realm of the undead. Three guys who were obviously evil-like are confronting each other, competing for the right to merge the realm of the heaven.

This mystery is weird and powerful, and there is a ghost train of the godsend level, if they all fall into the hands of evil spirits ...

It is conceivable that the already chaotic earth world will add a new source of evil.

Wars, plagues, various natural and man-made disasters ...

The new lord of the secret realm will definitely bring these things to the planet.

Because they can bring countless deaths, and can make the undead secrets grow stronger.

Qiao Zi Jiang Zheng was talking to the rear, her eyes lit up, and she nodded repeatedly.

Everyone saw the situation, one after another, and it seemed that the rear should already have a solution.

In a few moments, I heard Qiao Zi Jiang quite excited and said: "Grandpa Ren has a solution, he is mobilizing all strengths, and began to search for the" real secret candidate "in the mouth of those two evil spirits. I believe that as long as the guy is found , Everything will be solved ... "

Everyone nodded and said that with the power of the truth now, they believe that as long as it takes some time, there will be signs.

Because the other party is qualified to be a "real secret candidate", it must have made some achievements or talents in the way of death, and should be quite famous.

They immediately turned to look at the Venerable Dragon, what puzzled them was that, somehow, the Venerable stood between the rails and was staring blankly at the eastern exit of the canyon.

It was exactly where the ghost train finally disappeared.

When they saw it, they showed anxiety on all sides. It seems that what happened just now has a great impact on His Holiness.

After all, due to the power of His Holiness, there are very few enemies who can trap his enemies at this time.

But the two evil spirits that were so weak as one B just now, that they could be destroyed, turned out to be in a domineering manner, and slapped their faces openly against the secret treasures of the realm. Is it worth it?

Must help Venerable breath!

All the members of the special investigation group thought in their hearts, not for anything else, only for the birth of His Holiness, so that we have reduced overtime by 90%!

Just when they secretly encouraged themselves, they found a ghost-like old man's soul suddenly appeared beside the other party. Seeing the solidity level, it seemed that they lacked nourishment.

But no one was panicking, and no one was in trouble.

Everyone is well-informed and immediately guessed that this should be raised by His Holiness ...

The crowd watched carefully, and saw the old man's soul, a rumpled old face, quite excited at this time.

He was looking around with an unbelievable look.

Afterwards, he bowed slightly and tried to touch the green vine leaves on the rails, but his imaginary palm touched the leaves, but he touched the empty space.

"Cough" Chivalrous cough, the old man's soul stood upright immediately.

Seeing this scene, everyone was no doubt confused, and it was definitely raised by His Holiness.

It's just that Venerable summoned this old man's soul at this time, what was he trying to do? Is there something magical about him?

However, at the next moment, they changed colors at the same time!

Sure enough, there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a venerable ...

I saw that the ghost train that disappeared for a long time, after the Venerable summoned the house-giving elder ghost, suddenly appeared again from the east gorge exit.

It has this terrible ability to travel through time and space at will, and it is no wonder that His Holiness did not chase it just now.

But what about that?

Isn't it going to reappear obediently? Delivery!

Although everyone in the special investigation team, most of them were still ignorant.

But this does not prevent them from having a mysterious judgment. It must be that the Venerable secretly exerted some kind of supernatural power to make this broken car turn around obediently!

As they thought, as soon as the ghost train appeared, it slowly drove towards Xia Kejia.

This time, Chivalrous A was standing between the rails, facing the direction of the locomotive, with no intention of giving way.

And the old steam train didn't hit it, and it stopped dozens of steps in front of the valiant armor.

Everyone could only hear a grumpy voice from the cab.

"Rock, how could this be? The master said, the real candidate is here? Obviously here are a bunch of fools who are practicing righteousness! There is no connection with the way of death!"

"Danny, be quiet. There is an old ghost next to the fool in front of him. His body is faintly condensed with death rules. Although it is only the most rudimentary prototype, it is related to the death rules in the heavenly path of the earth. It's helpful ... "

"It turns out that he is the master of the secret realm of dead souls. Then please come up with him. I think he will be ecstatic, seeing his miserable appearance, and not knowing how much abuse he has suffered. It is really pitiful."

"Oh, it's probably because he killed a lot of people to practice, that's why he was caught by the fool who practiced righteousness and tortured until now."

"Then he can kill as many people as he wants, and he doesn't have to worry about who will be caught. Hahaha ... He must be very grateful to us in the future, we will be developed later, and we can be promoted immediately, Locke."

"Yes, this is the case. After receiving this guy, I think the secret realm will definitely reward us."

Everyone heard that their hearts were burning, and these two evil spirits are still so fearless now!

The old man, Ma Dechun, listened to these words doubtfully.

He was still quite ecstatic at first, and then he felt a cold air sweep, and he couldn't help but fight a cold war.

He quietly raised his eyes to look at the expressionless knight armor, standing upright now, trying to make a look of awe-inspiring.

However, he lamented in his heart.

It's just that the meeting was too late. If it appeared last year, I'm the **** of death today!

I once had a chance to put it in front of me, but I did n’t cherish it. If I could do it again, I would definitely do the chivalrous and not fight against the innocent ...

At this time, the white robe pastor Danny appeared on the locomotive, he was condescending to Ma Dechun Road: "Real Candidate of the Necropolis, please board this train, it will take you to the peak of life ... "

Well, now I do n’t even mention the train ticket.

His voice just fell, and a special compartment in the back, the doors of the car had been slowly opened, revealing the luxurious layout inside. In the large space, there are high stools, bar counters, sofas, and TVs.

Chivalrous A just looked at him coldly and didn't speak.

However, Ma Dechun said with a straight face: "I am an upright person, and I can't be with the evil generation. Your car, evil spirits, I can't get on."

Without getting on the bus, what are you doing standing between the rails? Damn it!

Pastor Danny White robe turned blue with rage and said, "You are cheating! You have a breath of death, you don't know how many lives are contaminated by your hands, dare you call yourself an upright person?"

Rook, the black robe, then floated out of the cab and stood on the locomotive.

He was calmer, looked at Ma Dechun, and then slowly said: "The real necrotic candidate, I know that you have to say the last sentence just now. You should be controlled by the fool next to you, but Don't worry, we will rescue you immediately. "

Danny heard the word, suddenly realized, and immediately apologized: "SORRY, the real candidate of the Necrotic Realm, I was just too excited. I just heard that you have to give up the God-given opportunity. I will be so excited. Now I will start the train and rescue you, do n’t worry. "

After the dialogue, the two evil spirits disappeared from the locomotive immediately.

Sure enough, the old-fashioned steam train slowly started again, spraying a grayish-white breath around the body.

Seeing this scene, Ma Dechun was extremely moved. How long has no one complimented himself and awed himself?

But now he dare not move, let alone speak.

Because he didn't know, Shenlong and Anderson, telling themselves what they wanted to do.

Other members of the special investigation team stared at the scene nervously as well, secretly preparing for the shot.

The two evil spirits are extremely weak themselves, but their train is very strange and extremely powerful.

As a result, the number of yin qi it carries is so strong that it is as strong as the **** dragon, who can't help but be upright.

Moreover, in the car behind it, there seem to be countless horrible monsters.

In the end, the train was able to shuttle through space at random, suddenly appeared, and suddenly disappeared.

There are three of them. There are really very few people on this earth who can help it.

No wonder two evil spirits, one is only a train driver and the other is a ticket inspector, can be so arrogant!

Now, how are they going to save the real candidate of the Necropolis, Ma Dechun?

Is there any other magic in that ghost train?

Just as everyone watched nervously, after the ghost train started, it drove extremely slowly.

However, the next moment, it suddenly flashed, the long train disappeared, and then appeared again, passing by the Venerable like a wind.

At that moment, everyone seemed to see a similar scene: there was a Mongolian man, riding a horse, passing by a woman, trying to grab the other party immediately.

Then, then, that Mongolian man, no, that ghost train, disappeared ...

The old man Ma Dechun disappeared together.

Where did it go, did it succeed in taking Ma Dechun?

If that's the case, it's too bad. The already extremely powerful Necropolis, I'm afraid it will become a holy place of death in the future, the source of fear!

Many people instantly make up a picture of undead natural disasters raging the earth.

Qiao Zishan ran over, and hesitantly asked, "Sir, are you okay? That ghost train, do you know where it went?"

Chivalrous A stayed there for a while before answering: "This seat is a bit busy now, I will answer your questions later."

Qiao Zishan looked at each other face-to-face, heroes, you guys are idle here, where are you busy?


System space, Longwei God Prison.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible. The ghost train, which travels across the world, no matter where the ghost is, can be taken away directly after it is locked!"

"What a weird place is this? Why can't we move at all?"

Two evil spirits, white robe priest Danny and black robe priest Locke, are being held in the same system cell.

Both are incredibly unbelievable.

Fang Ning looked at the two life-threatening **** carefully ~ ~ said lightly: "Here is the place to rule all sins in the world. Have you heard of a word?"

"What's the matter?" The two asked immediately.

"Oriental lighthouse, shining all over the world; Longwei God Prison, suppress the heavens!" Fang Ning said with a strong voice.

"never heard of that."

The two shook their heads at the same time, thinking, this cowhide was blowing bigger than us.

We will only play "ghost train, the mysterious environment will not be destroyed, the yin will not diminish".

Everyone knows that yin qi is not out of nothing. The Necrotic Realm has the unique ability to cross space distances and supply yin qi fuel to ghost trains remotely, but at a cost.

"Then you have heard it now. Speak out all the details of that necromantic realm, and there is an opportunity to move bricks to transform and re-ghost. Otherwise, you will be destroyed immediately, and you will never be born!"

Fang Ningyi sternly scolded the two evil spirits.

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