Seized by the System

Chapter 323: Find a donkey on a horse

Candidates for the three Lords of the Realm jump back to shore.

Their men were all serious, as if they hadn't seen anything just now.

Even Alex, the guy who has always relied on his own strength to oppress Valery, at this time he could not help but smile.

Because he knew that he could never demolish his own desk in front of these outsiders.

A scene that was supposed to be a hilarious scene turned into a serious drama.

So, the farce that just hit the bottom of the pool just now is a bit like the necessary ceremony before the contract.

I don't know if it will become a practice.

Claude, Black Cat, Valery, began the contractual process blankly.

How to make a contract with the "source of Yin Qi" is common sense for them.

First let go of your own soul and soul, contact the shallow pool in front of you, which is the "source of Yin Qi", and communicate with it.

After the two parties have agreed on the powers and obligations, a contract rule will be formed, and then exchange the original atmosphere with each other.

They need to leave a part of their own soul breath in the "source of Yin Qi".

"The Source of Yin Qi" will also imprint a part of the original breath into their souls.

In this way, the contract is reached unbreakable.

This is equivalent to when humans enter into a contract, both parties have to sign and seal the same contract separately.

Only this effect is much greater, and the cost of breach of contract is extremely serious.

Essence and Heavenly Dao Pledge are the same thing. The secret realm itself can be regarded as Little Heavenly Dao. After signing a contract with it, one can imagine how serious the consequences will be if they violate it.

Claude closed his eyes and stared, a blood-red breath gurgling from him and flowing to the ground, strangely without any dirt, but flowing directly into the pool.

Black Cat Tom opened his mouth, and a strange pink breath floated out of it, towards the pool.

Valery lifted the Black Hammer, a tinge of yellowish air, emanating from the Black Hammer, poured into the water.

Alexey was surprised when he saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, Valery still took the road of the legendary undead lich, and the other party seemed to put his soul on the hammer treasure.

It's just that the other party hasn't thought about it, in case the baby will be touched by someone next time ...

After the three released their own spirits, everyone's eyes were thrown at Tanshui.

I saw three different colors of the soul breath rushed into the pool water, and those gray-white breaths began to be vigorously active, intertwined with them separately.

Everyone is nervous and excited. If their boss / patriarch / dead party can succeed in a one-off contract, it is not impossible for them to ascend to the sky.

After all, this is a rather large secret area. When they came, they looked at the area roughly, at least over 100,000 square kilometers, and it was not a very small country on the earth.

And here is the existence of an independent world. The masters and sons become the masters of the secret realm, which is equivalent to the existence of God. Can the servants always get a **** position?

However, in a few moments, the anticipating wicked people only heard three angrily corrupted voices ...

"What? Can only be your necromancer? Then why are you so happy just now ..."

"Uh, you are so happy, right ..."

"What? Anyone who has three more servants who bring their own dry food to sell at home and don't need a lot of money will be happy. Get out of Nima ..."

Everyone saw that the three different spirits of different colors were rushing from the center of the pool and hurriedly retreating toward their respective bodies.

And three off-white breaths hurriedly followed, a look of "you don't go, you want to stay", entangled with two cats.

Claude flicked his cloak, blocking the grayish breath against him, a look of coldness.

Huh, the good Bloodstone Demon Lord doesn't do it, how can it be that he is running to be your Necromancer? Longevity is not old, the head of the clan is not rare ...

Black Cat Tom also "hummed" and jumped directly to the head of a man, avoiding the entanglement of the gray breath.

Uncle Tom is to be a **** of death, and he has made a contract with the Necromancer, how can he turn over in the future?

Valery is the most direct. With a black hammer, the off-white breath will be smashed and smashed hard. The fighting nation will never be slave!

The pool water began to boil again, but this time, everyone could feel its anger.

"Damn, this source of yin qi, saying that it has selected a master of the secret realm in advance, that is, it still lacks a few servants ... it is a bastard!"

"I just want to know, who is that **** secret realm? Is it stronger than us?"

Valery was straight, unable to hide things, and shouted angrily and directly.

The black cat squinted the cat's eyes and said coldly: "I'm afraid it's a handsome man similar to 'Son of God' ..."

Claude shook his head in doubt: "According to Mr. Tom, the other party should be known in the world of death. He can be selected by this new undead secret realm. There is no reason. We don't know any news."

The black cat heard the words and nodded, also very puzzled.

It refines the way of death, and the balance will reach all over the world.

It believes that any person on the planet, as long as there are some people who are famous on the death side, are all in its attention. After all, they are their direct future competitors.

Just like the two opponents in front of me, Claude needless to say, takes blood and death as the cultivation base.

The two sides have had a friendship, and he wanted to express him before, but he was not fooled.

Instead, he calculated that the Son of God was right against the Warrior A, and finally failed, and then ordered those bloodstone demon people who lived on the ground to return to his underground castle to hide.

I don't know what method was used. I have repeatedly escaped the global inspection of Chivalrous A and can still live safely to the present.

It's a pity, otherwise, wouldn't it be a direct competitor today?

The two Raksha Hans have made great achievements together with the undead. They were also in the line of sight of their men early, otherwise it would not be possible to "Mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis are behind."

The black cat thought about it all of a sudden, and suddenly thought of a place, his face suddenly looked horrified.

Claude's eyes were cold and he was keenly aware of the black cat's changes.

The black cat's face quickly returned to normal, and then said casually: "It seems that for a while, this source of yin will not choose us, we need to consume its temperament."

Without knowing it, Valery shouted: "If you wait like this, what should you do if the real candidate for the Master of the Realm arrives?"

Alexey reminded: "Don't worry about us, I believe these two big men will deal with us."

Claude smiled strangely: "It's simple, we are here, whoever comes, we kill who ..."

As soon as his words fell, the pool of water boiled again, seeming extremely angry.

"SORRY, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong," Claude raised his hands in a gesture of sorry, then quietly made a gesture to the sister and other people.

Claudia was puzzled when she saw this, and then nodded.

Claude said to the other two: "We need to ambush now ..."

Valery understood what he meant this time, he hesitated, and talked with his companion Shen Nian, and the two discussed.

For a few moments, he nodded and agreed with Claude's suggestion, and the Black Cat also did not object.

So the three parties agreed on an ambush location ... and then went to the place of their own choice to ambush.


Fang Ning was lying on the floor of the system cafe, a pair of salted fish.

The uncle of the system wondered: "You didn't make any effort this time, why are you so tired?"

Fang Ning said feebly: "I'm not tired, I just have a deep sense of powerlessness when I think of the horrible guy who is unclear about you.

System: "You are really worried, the ghost train is too scary to dare to dig into my system space. Seeing that you are afraid of this, then you can simply go to the iron shop to go online ..."

Fang Ning said silently: "Where is Ding Ding Dang Dang every day, can I still have the mood to go online?"

At this moment, a voice that made him ecstatic suddenly entered the system Internet cafe.

"His Warden, according to the last words of the two evil spirits, I have found a way."

Fang Ning immediately got up from the floor, full of blood and resurrected, ran all the way, rushed directly into Anderson's jailer's office.

"Hurry up," he urged, "as long as you can get rid of the horror train, I will give you 100 Dragon Elixir Elixir afterwards."

The uncle of the system immediately said: "Remember, a panacea is ten thousand years of practice."

Fang Ning didn't even bother to think about this two-stroke system that never knew what horror was. He only had experience and money in his eyes. He just listened to Anderson seriously.

When Anderson named a person, Fang Ning suddenly felt annoyed.

After she was shocked, her IQ would drop sharply. In fact, she used that guy's last magical secret.

At that time, I just wanted to understand how the rules of heaven and earth were manipulated and how people could affect natural phenomena out of thin air.

Now think about it, isn't that guy the best candidate for Bleach ...

Really looking for a donkey on a horse.


At this time, on the second floor of the Dragon Mystery, Ma Dechun was holding a dark red medicine, and he was supervising and instructing a group of new spirits to move bricks to work.

The third floor is completed, it is already able to live, and it is also being farmed.

The design of the second floor is mainly the arena, because the sin of the soul is getting more and more, the manpower is sufficient, the speed is increased, and now most of it has been completed.

Once completed, Fang Ning can set up his own arena and convene the world's heroes for his uncle to challenge.

The main purpose now is no longer to hug money, but to hug experience.

Last time Ma Dechun performed well, Fang Ning rewarded him with a dragon clan syrup, and asked Anderson to promote him into a foreman, so that this dragon prison veteran was finally no longer a hard worker.

The quality of this medicine is extremely high. It is not only stronger than those of ordinary inferior vitality dan, but the most important thing is that it can make the soul feel sweet ...

This is amazing.

Therefore, Ma Dechun has not been willing to finish it, so he has to take out a product from time to time, recollect the good times that had been a man, and by the way show other sins and spirits to show his uniqueness.

Today he took it out while tasting, while teaching some new gods and sins, they are quietly lazy, but this can not be concealed from the experienced Master Uncle Ma.

"Work hard, don't think I can't see it! You are all sinful, let you do some work, it is an opportunity for your atonement! Well done, there is hope that like me, I will be promoted to prosperity."

Many ghosts laughed at him as they looked at him.

"Laugh, what is it? Do you want me to tell Master An to give you some more education about love and justice?"

The ghosts were suddenly silent.

As soon as Anderson was mentioned, his voice came from afar.

"Foreman Ma, come here and the warden will look for you again."

After Ma Dechun heard this, the little old man's face suddenly showed a smug smile.

This time, he was not afraid at all.

Because he knows that even if he wants to clean up the useless sin spirit, he will never get his turn first ...

Therefore, Anderson called himself to go at this time, and he certainly had his own opportunity for merit.

It's just that he is excited, it is impossible to think at this time, how much this credit will be.


A mysterious ghost train appeared silently on an abandoned old coal railway in a small town in eastern China.

Nearby is a long-abandoned old coal mine, which has been empty.

Looking up, a barren, abandoned factory building, and a subsidence area without water, are waiting for transformation.

After it appeared, there were mists spreading out around it, blocking the eyes of outsiders.

Then it stopped here uncharacteristically.

In the empty cab, weird conversations came again.

"Locke, according to the master's prompt, the real candidate is from China. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous to let the Orientals be our Western gods of death. What is this?"

"Danny, of course, is because the" foreign Buddhist monk will read the Sutra. "Shenzhou has a long history, unique conditions, and the center of the new era. The Heavenly Way in the mysterious environment is not more accountable than race, and all humans are the same in its eyes."

"Unfortunately ~ ~ Of the three waves of people we shipped before, two of them were white people like us, but their qualifications are good, but it is estimated that they are only enough to be servants.

"Danny, in fact, the most pity is the black cat. Its qualifications are just a little bit worse, and its strength is so strong, it seems that it is not much weaker than the previous arrogant guy. It could have been compensated for by strength, but it ’s a pity that it ’s not human. , Destined not to be the master of the secret realm, only to be a pet or servant. "

"Then we will wait here for a few days with peace of mind, as long as those who have refined the way of death will be sensitive to the ghost train. This is a godsend. They will come soon. The real candidate must be In the middle, as soon as he appears, we will know. "

"Well, this is the case. Unfortunately, we can't ask for too many real candidates, and waste a chance to get rich."

"Relax, Locke, as long as the Lord of the Realm is born, will there be fewer fresh corpses in the future? Hahaha."

"Danny, you are right. I have seen the scene of death all over the world a year later. That will be our feast."

(Today, there are two major chapters of 8000 words, to guarantee the monthly pass.)

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