Seized by the System

Chapter 315: This book is related to this cat

Octopus twelve claws, one-eyed octopus, seven-clawed octopus, black dolphins, white dolphins, and large and small octopus demon, ordinary octopus, when I heard this sentence, I was surprised.

Later, they set their sights on the black cat that suddenly appeared in the air.

I saw that the black cat was walking gracefully in the air, with a trustworthy smile on his face, and said to the fish: "I am the black cat Tom, and I am willing to serve you."

The "fishes" looked at each other, they didn't know what the cat wanted to do when they came out?

Without "fish" to speak, the scene was very embarrassing for a moment.

Tom kept a smile on his face, but he was scolding in his heart: a group of octopuses in the countryside, even the uncle Tom did not know?

If they appear in those big octopus tribes, all of their leaders will gather around and treat themselves as their guests.

You have to know the potential of this group of octopuses in your early years. They once taught them to use the Morse code language, and now they are used as noble language. They speak this foreign language in formal occasions ...

In a few minutes, the twelve claws broke the embarrassing atmosphere, and it smiled sternly: "I seem to have seen you. You should have spoken with the leader of Hellis in my former tribe. I don't know this Mr. Cat, think How can we help us? "

The black cat Tom took a sigh of relief. Finally, he had an octopus from a big city. He had seen the world ...

Let me just say, Uncle Tom has a lot of friends. There is a good saying, who does n’t know cats in the world?

Hailis, he still has the impression that a very strong octopus is the leader of a big octopus tribe.

When the twelve-clawed octopus mentioned "Helis", it finally remembered who the octopus that once had broken its good ...

When the 500,000 octopus besieged the human city last time, in order to compete for the first right to enter the city, twelve tribes chose a tug of war to decide the victory or defeat.

Isn't the "rope" used in the tug of war the twelve-clawed octopus in front of you?

This guy has a simple mind and should be fooling.

Thinking of this, Tom said slowly: "I want to tell you that it is useless to say it by mouth alone. If you can solve the conflict between the two sides by words, why do you think humans invented artillery, tanks and aircraft?"

One-eyed octopus proudly said: "That's because they are stupid and greedy, and they are always unsatisfied, so they need to **** it with a plane. Our octopus is smart and easy to satisfy, as long as there is a jar ..."

Uh, is there such an answer?

Black Cat Tom was stunned, but he wasn't panicked. How many scenes did he see? How many octopuses did he see?

Why does it use the famous saying of Bismarck, the prime minister?

It is because through this small conflict just now, it has been keenly discovered that the Octopus Tribe is actually just like the Prussia in history, and there is also a unified demand.

The united war of the octopus empire, think about it, how big a customer this is!

It immediately said: "Since this is the case, why does this Mr. Seven Claw want to raise fish to eat?"

"Uh?" The one-eyed octopus heard a word, and then pointed angrily at the seven-clawed octopus. "The reason is very simple. This guy has the strength and wisdom to pretend to force, not want to eat the fish in the sea, just want to eat special. Keep it, but also green and pollution-free products ...

"It's just picking and choosing, and you can't agree to its requirements for these luxury goods. Jars are our necessities."

"What is luxury?" The seven-clawed octopus was very dissatisfied. "Did I not listen to what I said just now? That is for the sake of future generations, lest they be poisoned by human marine debris and become less clever than we are now."

Twelve claws can't cope with this complicated situation at all. What are "necessities" and "luxury goods"?

On its columnar head, two black eyes turned innocently, looking subconsciously at the two dolphins.

It is a pity that both dolphins companions were immersed in this unprecedented big debate, and there was no effort to respond to it.

"Oh," Black Cat Tom laughed. "You octopuses have also opened their minds. With wisdom, this disagreement is normal. You should look more at human history books, from tribes to nations, from self-sufficiency to division of labor. Cooperation.

"Now the conflict between you two is copying human history. In fact, you can refer to the way humans solve problems."

It looked up at the one-eyed octopus: "Don't you want to eat fish that is fresh and pollution-free, so that you can produce healthy and smart offspring?"

Then it pointed to the seven-clawed octopus again: "Don't you want to use a reassuring jar so that future generations don't have to worry about various dolphins and sharks?"

The twelve paws sounded dizzy. What on earth did this Mr. Black Cat want to do?

It only saw the heads of two octopus tribes nodding.

At this time, Black Cat Tom said again: "In fact, everything is very simple, as long as you become a tribe, unified management, division of labor and cooperation, some people produce pots, some people go to fish, so that there will be no such conflicts."

When the Twelve Claws heard this, they faintly understood: It seems to be the case. At least in the tribe where the leader of Helis is, everyone listens to it, so there is rarely such a conflict?

The seven-clawed octopus and the one-eyed octopus glanced at each other, and then said in unison: "Who will be the leader of the new tribe?"

The benefits of leaders are smart. They already understand that more food, more attractive to female octopuses, can move their mouths more and move their legs less ...

The twelve-claw never considered this issue. It felt that making a simple octopus and retracting it into the jar after being full was the greatest happiness.

Now the octopus leaders of the two small tribes said that a flash of lightning flashed across their minds,

It turned out that I finally understood that it was because of fear that he would seize his position, the leader of Helix would always repel himself, and before making excuses to kick himself out ...

Thinking of this, he wished to go back immediately to find the leader of Helix for verification, but at this moment, he heard the black cat Tom talking again.

"Oh, as I said, the position of this leader can't be decided by anyone's mouth, but by iron and blood!" Black Cat Tom said lightly.

That's right, when Prussia and Austria competed for the leadership of a unified Germany, could the outcome be negotiated? Who will listen to those German little states last?

The one with the big fist.

It thought proudly that in this way, the two sides would definitely have to fight a **** conflict;

And this twelve-clawed octopus will quickly understand that only by using powerful wrists to unify the entire octopus community will this kind of internal killing tragedy continue ...

It has gone through the development of the following moment in its mind, and a rising octopus empire will be born in the iron and blood under Uncle Tom's three-inch tongue.

The one-eyed octopus heard this, and then looked into the seven-clawed octopus, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

Seeing this, the twelve claws immediately subconsciously opposed: "No, how can an octopus kill an octopus? We can't kill each other for a position!

"Isn't that the same as the stupid human being in your mouth? Our octopus should be able to face ourselves honestly, and now I come to ask you, you tell me aloud, who do you think is more capable of being the leader?"

"Myself!" The two octopus leaders answered in unison, glaring at each other.

The twelve claws heard their words and touched their heads, and they were speechless. They now seem to be honest.

It has been forgotten for a while, and what it says is honest, but it does not mean that what it says is the truth ...

It angrily said to the companions of two dolphins: "It seems that we also need a companion who can tell the truth ..."

The black dolphin nodded, and the white dolphin sneezed and agreed.

The black cat Tom was stunned. Hey, this octopus, looking at the body is strong, and has twelve claws. He is so talented. Is it actually a Buddhist octopus?

Uncle Tom with your family, said for a long time, you did not listen at all? Why don't you want to use your claws to stop them and appoint a leader?

It just doesn't make sense!

At this time, when the black cat Tom was depressed, he saw a new movement in the octopus twelve claws.

The other party began to raise a brachial foot hidden under water religiously, with a dark black school bag curled on it.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. Tom always thinks that bag has a familiar smell ...

But it also determined that it had never seen this schoolbag.

Then it saw what seemed to be talking in the mouth of the twelve octopus.

After a long time, a big book with golden glitter and almost blinding its two cat eyes, just like an artifact, suddenly flew out of the school bag and resided in midair.

This guy, is it really a destiny octopus, even with an artifact?

Why did Uncle Tom not have such a good life?

For a moment, Black Cat Tom was very jealous of this stupid octopus.

"The only book of great kindness, wisdom, and wisdom in the sky that never exists ... Please tell me where can I find a companion who can tell the truth?"

The black cat was stunned as he listened to the twelve paws patting a long horse fart.

It thought that Lao Huangtou had never blown himself like this before, and it seemed that he was really humble ... in the future, he would have to develop new postures for patting horses.

It then looked at the book again, thinking, I know the answer myself, if this book can also answer, I must get it ...

In a few moments, it saw the glittering big book, the cover flapped, and began to make a "flickering" sound.

The black cat began to wonder, and then came to understand, is this not the Morse code he taught the octopuses?

This book seems to be incapable of speaking human beings, so it uses passwords to communicate.

"The octopus twelve-claw boy who is destined to the west, there is a man named 'Xie Dong' in the land of China. He is in the truth outreach group and has a magical ability to do it. You You can ask him for help.

"Or find a Baishiren leader called Shigan, who is also in the land of China."

"Thanks for the greatness ... the generous instructions of the heavenly book." The twelve claws sincerely saluted, and the eleven other arms and legs simultaneously bowed.

Then the golden book flew back into the dark black bag.

As soon as Tom heard it, he knew that the other party was right. Xie Dong's ability and the ability of Baishiren's leader were all clear.

At this time, his eyes were shining, and his previous plan to confuse the twelve claws as a spare tire was instantly thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

Now that it is known that the octopus tribe has unified needs, then the leader of Helis, as well as some other big octopus leaders, any one should be more suitable than this buddha octopus.

This time Huang Rui had a bad idea. He forgot the phrase "Knowing people knowing faces but not knowing". It seems that the devil qi really made him stupid and he must pay close attention to treatment.

This book of heaven is so powerful that it really knows the characters of the world.

Isn't this equal to the life and death book of the king for those who need to reap the power of death?

Hey, if you want to be a **** of death, this book just appeared, it is a godsend!

This book must be related to this cat!

Tom's face didn't change. ~ secretly rubbed his hands and prepared to follow the twelve claws to get the golden book.

It will not do it in person, this is its principle, it has to find a way to let the other party give it to him ...

Black Cat Tom didn't know that it was not wrong.

The game book baby, the only one produced by the system uncle, can identify the character's good and evil, age strength, and record the detailed information of all the characters he has seen, which can be regarded as a trumpet's life and death book.


The Outreach Group Office of the Shenzhou Truth Office.

Everyone was congratulating Xie Dong, who had just been promoted to the team leader, and jokingly said that they must treat guests after work.

Xie Dong smiled "haha" and promised again and again, accepting everyone's compliments, thinking, it was really not easy. After eight years of hard work, he was finally in his early stages.

Thank you Shenzhou, thank you for the truth, thank you Venerable Dragon, thank you Director Hu, thank you for the consultant, and finally thank my wife and my wife and my mother ...

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