Seized by the System

Chapter 303: According to the map, Ji Ji and Hook Express


The antique ceremony, before the big ceremonies, must be preached to express awe of heaven and earth.

At this point, after dismissing the meeting, Old Man Hu specifically ordered Xia Kejia.

Fang Ning said that these had no effect on him.

At this time, he was playing games in the system space again, and he didn't seem to care about the sacrifice ceremony three days later.

Fast, he forgot when he ate in person last time ...

Vegetarians are now allowed, which is simply raising the standard.

As for bathing, in his taro, after the uncle is attached, the whole body is covered with innocence, spotless, automatically cleaned, and the sweat is cleaned ...

As the so-called true energy permeates, everything is untouched; like a glazed glass, there is no dust.

Thinking of this, Fang Ning suddenly put down the game, panicked, and said to a certain two strokes: "I rely on, don't you don't know. You, you haven't bathed me in a year ..."

The uncle of the system, who is diligently grasping the equipment, wondered: "It is not necessary, why waste time taking a bath?"

Fang Ning said silently: "I need a ceremonial feeling, do you understand? Hurry back to the truth, and then give me the body, I have to take a bath."

The uncle of the system refused: "Don't understand, don't give."

Fang Ning had no choice but to sacrifice the ultimate weapon: "Five million, can you take a bath?"

In a few moments, Xia Ke Jia Fei Jian returned to the headquarters of the Truth Office.

System prompt: (The system temporarily suspends the hosting status to the host.

The system withdrew 5 million from the host ’s free bank account. )

The uncle of the system said: "Look at you, how good is it to say this early? Save and waste a few seconds."

Fang Ning was very speechless. After finding his own body, he found a staff member in the base. Under the guidance of the other party, he turned east and west, and came to the luxury office somewhere in the logistics team of the Truth Office.

It's a big deal, only him, this is called VIP treatment.

The water was obviously just changed, clarified and transparent, and at a glance. All kinds of washing utensils are dazzling, they are all next to them, so they are always at hand.

While Fang Ning was soaking, he talked nonchalantly: "When it comes to this pond level, I really don't see it. There is really not much water in this pool."

He just soaked for five minutes, and an old man urged: "It's almost like getting some water. Your body is not cleaner than you. You don't need to wash it. When have you seen the hero take a bath? Heroes often see others bathing. "

Fang Ning said helplessly: "I just soaked it for a few minutes, so those five million are so worthless?"

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decided to meditate and practice ...)

System: "Look, you can just soak in now, I will meditate in the water, we don't interfere with each other."

Fang Ning was speechless. Is this still comfortable?


In a few moments, a member of the logistics team knocked on the door.

He wanted to ask what else the heroes needed, and as a result, he saw that the other person was sitting in the pool water with his eyes closed, and there was a real air around him, and a dragon-shaped faintly appeared.

This staff member, about twenty years old, named Yu Bai, looks ordinary, but there is a strong color between his eyebrows. When he saw this scene, he was deeply shocked.

The sage said very well, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweat."

He didn't know if there was a second half of this sentence, but he saw it completely from the hero at the moment.

The Venerable Dragon is full of talent and effort.

Obviously, it is a real dragon in the upper realm. Now, when I take a bath, I do n’t forget to practice ...

Can anyone else be as diligent as His Holiness?

almost impossible.

He saw a lot of talented talents, diligent at the beginning, and entered the country quite quickly.

After a little achievement in cultivation, when you reach a certain level, you begin to enjoy the money, glory, and compliments that everyone brings.

They left behind the hardships they had done in the past: over time, everyone was stunned.

Only Venerable Dragon, in his view, never need to worry about this.

It's no wonder that the other party can achieve the famous name of "Oriental Lighthouse" in just one year.

Today, all demons are outsiders, not to mention provocation in front of His Holiness, even if they just want to run away from the wind, it is difficult to do so.

Yu Bo was greatly encouraged, and did not disturb the heroes, but retreated silently.

He returned to the simple and clean reception room outside, while waiting to practice the basic exercises issued by the truth.

After passing through the selection and review, after entering the exam, you can succumb to a Cui Lian Fa in the Wenhui Museum, even if it is a logistics staff.

He believes that perhaps he does not have that 1% inspiration or talent, but as long as 99% of the sweat is paid, it may not be able to surpass others, but it will definitely be stronger than yesterday ...


Just as Yu Bai worked hard to practice, a few voices came.

"Abbot, you have chosen the wrong method. The harder you practice, the faster you retreat ... Alas, it took only a few days for this truth to leave me. If new employees can make such mistakes, no one manages them. "

Ren Ruofeng waved a folding fan and walked slowly into the reception room.

"Good adviser." The abusive man stood up immediately to salute.

"Well, are you called Yu Bai? Go back to Wenhui Museum and pick a new one. Remember to be the kind of brave and progressive, which is in line with your true temperament."

The hobgoblin was horrified at the moment, but he did not expect this advisor to be like a legendary, highly resourceful and truthful living dictionary.

The truth, the new business, and countless people are remembered in his mind.

The other party should see themselves for the first time today, and they will be able to confirm themselves and say their information, which is really unfathomable.

Indeed, he is not a temperament who likes to do service logistics, he yearns for the battlefield. These are recorded in the file.

"The Venerable is inside?"

"Well, I'm practicing in it."

"You have to practise your skills in the shower, and it really is a respectable style. Well, you are busy with you, I will wait here for a while." Ren Ruofeng said while sitting down in the reception room.

Yu Bai nodded, he naturally no longer practiced the original exercise method, but found a book and began to read it.

Ren Ruofeng nodded his head, and his son could be taught.

Then he did not waste a minute, immediately took out his laptop and started working on the spot.

Too much wine has been drunk these days, and a lot of time has been wasted, so we must pay close attention to make up for it, and we should not let the old lady challenge herself.

After about half a slant, the chivalrous armor walked out refreshedly.


In another room, the two sat down separately.

Ren Ruofeng personally came over to look for Xia Ke A, ​​to say an extremely important thing.

"Sovereign, according to feedback from intelligence channels, in the past two days, many Western media have been striving for your presence at the same time. They are calling for your presence and holding you high, which is like a sage of salvation. . "

Chivalrous A silently said nothing.

The uncle of the system said: "I said that I haven't done much in the past two days. The legend of the world has risen quietly to 15 o'clock, and there are still many good people in the world ..."

Fang Ning said: "Your innocent system is still a good thing? Ren Ruofeng said so clearly, you don't know the weight, hold it high, and fall heavy."

System: "Unable to understand, does the translation go down?"

Fang Ning patiently explained: "They have portrayed your uncle as a glorious and great image. If you can do it, it's okay. If you can't do it, you can't save the natural disasters, then people will collapse and your reputation will be completely destroyed. Degrees, I do n’t think it ’s not bad. "

The uncle of the system was shocked and said: "What kind of operation? Such a sinister generation, you have to wipe them out immediately. My legend is hard to come by ..."

Fang Ning was speechless: "If you want to brush, you have to find out who they are ... It is no better than the past, those who are sinful, but who have some strength and ability, they are looking for various ways to hide themselves. Uncle forced it out. "

At this time, Ren Ruofeng continued: "There is one more thing, that Robert said that he just sent you an email, which is related to the situation just now.

"He said he wanted to call you directly to remind you, but it didn't get through, so he asked me to come and find you in person, be sure to remind you to check it in time."

Xia Kejia nodded, and then said: "So it turns out, then I'll watch it immediately."

Ren Ruofeng immediately put away his laptop and said goodbye, nothing more polite.

Fang Ning also immediately started to receive mail online.

Twenty minutes ago, it was while Fang Ning was taking a bath. Robert really sent an email to Xia Kejia's mailbox.

For these key customers, Fang Ning still gave them a separate contact, QQ, WeChat, or email as usual.

Fang Ning opened it and saw that there was a table file with a personal file in it.

Name, photo, location where the scripture appeared, the sins that were committed.

After watching Fang Ning, he immediately filled with indignation.

These guys are all Americans or people living in the United States. Their common ground is that they are all seemingly sounding, but they are extremely dirty behind them.

They are different from ordinary sins ~ ~ have some clever special methods that can hide the uncle's system map perception.

The Oriental Lighthouse has illuminated the American continent, but has never captured these people.

Sure enough, these sinful people are also evolving rapidly, looking for various ways to avoid the light of the lighthouse.

Those who have not evolved will be brushed off by the uncle early.

This is another kind of survival of the fittest.

Upon seeing this, Fang Ning suggested: "Uncle, your system map should also be upgraded. This level of detecting evil spell effects is not enough ..."

The system now says: "I can't get up, I don't have experience, I need time."

Fang Ning was helpless. He really couldn't fight against these three companies.

He then reassured: "Brush this group of guys first, at least a lot more ... wait, how do I think this is another murder with a knife? There is a very familiar feeling."

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to follow the picture ...)

Fang Ning rolled his eyes. These two strokes are also evolving, which will use idioms.

Instead of "Xing Xia Zhi Yi", instead of "According to the picture" (ji), it is really a word.

Uncle just grabbed people according to the photos.

In a few moments, everyone saw the truth to run a bathhouse, and the glory went away.


Across the ocean.

Director Hook, looking up at the sword light across the sky, could not help sneering.

Hum, the same is true of the absence of a Western angel and the addition of an Oriental lighthouse.

You are all destined to be swords, and I, Hook Smith, are the swordsmen of the new era.

There is nothing to sacrifice for the prosperity of rice, except myself.

From today, Hook Express, please collect it. Dear Mr. Lighthouse.

[Remember URL Three Five Chinese Network]

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