Seized by the System

Chapter 301: Hurry up and build Noah's Ark

Everyone was horrified and puzzled, and all kinds of emotions were mixed, but the knight was expressionless and sat like a statue.

Ren Ruofeng took the lead in reacting, and was annoyed at the moment, no wonder he could only be the leader of the think tank group, but this old man could be elected as the director.

It ’s not that I ’m not smart, I just blame myself

Director Hu took everyone's expressions into his eyes, and when he saw Chivalrous A, he was slightly shocked.

In all intelligence, there seems to be nothing to make this man move. It seems that the way of punishment is really extraordinary.

No, there are evil people besides money.

It seems that this time, there must be another blood.

Now he dares to say that he is the only one who can convince the true dragon **** to come out.

Those who arranged by themselves, apart from some of Qiao Zishan's eyebrows, other strengths may be stronger than Qiao Zishan, but the progress of induction totem is far inferior.

Sure enough, it was difficult to get totem's approval just to stay at home and practice.

Director Hu inspected a wave and just about to speak, Ren Ruofeng suddenly said: "Director Yingming."

He sniffed and said, almost spitting out old blood, he was snatched away by Ren Ruofeng.

"Everyone only saw that the use of true dragons and gods would affect its development, but they never thought about it." Ren Ruofeng paused and gathered everyone's attention on himself. This was satisfied. "This crisis has affected the world, no one can. Escaping, if my great China calls out the dragon totem to turn the tide and make up for the sky, it will surely bring people together. "

He said heavily: "For this reason, the birth process of the true dragon and goddess will definitely be seriously damaged in the short term, but in the long run, I believe that the true dragon and goddess can greatly enhance the foundation, and the benefits are far greater than the disadvantages. The key is that we can take the opportunity to take advantage of The prestige of the dragon totem has expanded to the whole world, completely breaking the original pattern, and my great China will truly master a new era of renting. "

At the end, he stood up, clenched his fists, and waved vigorously in the conference room, like a real blood-thirsty teenager, "As long as we are bolder, and bolder, our great China will win the entire era!"

With a smile on his face, Director Hu secretly gritted his teeth, **** it, and grabbed my couch as an old man.

Qiao Anping applauded for the first time with excitement: "Any consultant said well, we should have done this already!"

Hong Yunjiao's eyes cast on Ren Ruofeng were confused again. She seemed to see the young boy who was angry and shouting Fang Qi again.

It was just that she completely forgot that she was still dressed as a man.

This kind of blurred eyes, let Dean Xu, who was not knowing the truth, saw that he frowned.

Dean Xu thought that he had to take the time to talk to the newly-appointed team leader Hong. Since the world is in full swing, the old man has caused enough things, so don't make another incident.

He Wenyan said to be excited. As the leader of the combat team, he was born in the military for many years. Why don't he want to do a big fight?

It was only the role of the commander that forced him to suppress his temperament, and from the overall consideration, this seemed a little scary.

At this time there were only eight people in the concert.

Chivalry A, Director Hu, Ren, Hong, Xu, Qiao, He, these are seven people.

There is another, Feng Feng, the curator of Wenhui Pavilion.

Everyone else agreed, but he hesitated and said: "Old Hu, old man, do you think about it again, the situation is not so critical yet?"

Director Hu just wanted to speak, and Ren Ruofeng preemptively said: "I said, Lao Feng, this opportunity is once in a while. It is unclear why the Americans are uncharacteristically slow to act, but this is a great opportunity for us to grasp the situation at one fell swoop Come over, we have lost the leading effect, and the effect will be greatly reduced! "

Director Hu just smiled and said nothing.

Feng Lao frowned and no longer objected.

Finally, Ruofeng Ren said: "Director, the opinions have been unified, please give instructions"

Director Hu took a breath and said aloud: "So, I issued the 3333th order of the Truth Office. Three days later, I sacrificed to the world and summoned the dragon !!"

At this time, the black dog who was far away from the Xia Kejia Farm Villa held the Shenlong mobile phone in one paw and solemnly pressed the "call" button.

It carried a fish tank dragon carp on its back, and it seemed strange to see it: "Brother Baili, the master asked you to start the dragon dragon calling ceremony at this time. I always feel a little weird. We are at home now, is there no danger?"

Black Dog Barrett has never considered this issue. It doesn't matter if he hears it: "What do the master say, do you have any ideas?

"The host must be worried that he will be too far away from home every time he goes out, and his home will be attacked by a demon, so he always makes me ready to call, and he can rescue him in time."

"It turned out to be so," the Dragon Carp suddenly realized, and now complimented, "In this way, the master is really good to us, and even this must be taken into consideration. Thinking back then, I followed Long Da and they never thought of me. The safety of this old servant, this dragon is different from the dragon. I really envy Brother Baili and can follow his master early. "

"Hey, as long as you work hard for the master, I believe that the master will also send you such a magic weapon." Black dog Bai Li said with pride.

"I will work hard. It's just that this time it was due to both of us. They both blamed me for being too selfless. I was thinking of asking the big worm to be a consultant for reference, but I didn't expect it to be ignorant. , Mainly anti-guests, took away all the things I wanted to say. "The dragon carp puffed up.

Black Dog Bai Lit said comfortingly: "Don't be frustrated, what you have done, the owner is clear-sighted, all look in the eyes. Be aware that sometimes, the dogs that are invincible are happier than the dogs that can compete."

"Eh, Brother Baili, I didn't expect you to be so literate, and it's really good." The dragon carp was very surprised.

Black dog Bai Lit secretly complacent, thinking that the animal worlds he sees are still useful

Two days later, on the other side of the ocean, in New Delhi, a skyscraper on a busy street.

The headquarters of SBI is fully named "Joint Bureau of Special Investigation of the Americas".

Director Hook is frowning in the office.

This is also the case, the guys let themselves delay for two days, and then go to calm the public opinion, the stability situation is more and more rampant, more and more unscrupulous, as if they have already regarded this beautiful country as their free plaything.

Robert, the guy, is quite smart.

He submitted a secret report saying that there is a problem with the upper class of the United States

Is this still reported by him?

The only thing he needs to do is to honestly follow the script he designed, go to God earlier, and tell God by the way, his son's current style of life is very problematic.

However, the first time he was sent to work in China, he did not die.

At the second William's meeting, he provided the bloodstone demons with information, but he still did not die.

The last time he let Jim himself shoot, he did not die.

He did n’t end up on Spider-Man ’s uncle

The directors helped him design the lines before death, but he always wanted to take more time when he was damn.

What a **** guy

Otherwise, you do n’t have to have such a headache, because there will be a Western angel to help yourself with these tasks

Just like the Dongfang Lighthouse, how much work was saved for those Chinese counterparts, and how many shifts were reduced.

Having said that, Robert has not died three times, and they are directly related to this Oriental Lighthouse

Director Hook woke him up with a phone call.

After answering the phone, he immediately picked up a high-brimmed hat on the hanger, went out of the office, and then took a special elevator and directly pressed the "negative fifty" button.

It turned out to be another military base under this headquarters building.

The group of high-ranking people from the United States who withdrew from the magical secret realm last time gathered here again.

Among their apparent identities are military generals, senators of Congress, congressmen, governors, mayors of big cities, heads of consortia, etc.

Each one is a top-faced person, with huge influence, mastering countless human resources and material wealth.

But Director Hook knows that they all have a common secret identity, that is, a member of the "Wizard Society".

They are in control of the political and economic lifeline of this huge empire.

These people secretly made important decisions after a secret meeting.

It was then promulgated through the official institution of the United States, mobilizing imperial resources, fulfilling their own will and realizing their own interests.

And he was able to participate in this meeting precisely because he disguised himself as one of them.

So he sniffed at Robert ’s report

Director Hook walked into the meeting place.

This is a simple meeting place. There is nothing else in the empty hall, only a huge dark brown round table is placed in the middle.

There was a faint **** smell on the round table, but Director Hu Ke would not compare what he thought.

Because he knows that during the big party, if the quarrel becomes fierce, many people will throw their laptops or mobile phones at their opponents.

So a lot of heads were broken on the spot, and then bleed on this table

To commemorate the heaviness of history, this table has never been changed or thoroughly cleaned since it became a witness to major gatherings.

At this time, around this round table, there are many red high-back seats, almost full of people.

It can be seen that this is another big pool gathering, and this round table has to witness history again.

There is another long quarrel here.

"Is this disaster true? We shouldn't even listen to the black cat's hesitation about our hesitant actions outside, our rice country's military authority is the most seriously challenged!" The middle-aged man in the military uniform has stood up from the chair and roared with furious exhaustion.

"Calm down ~ ~ Lieutenant General York, Mr. Tom provided a lot of help in the early days of our wizarding society, this time was only a small human reward for it. Mr. Black Cat said, The gang wanted to resurrect their serpent and needed to absorb some of the emotional power of fear, so they entrusted us with a little help. I think this should be just a beautiful lie.

"Now it's just to let the orangutans outside, panic for a few days, and it's no big deal. After that, they will give more farming subsidies, and they will be joyful and forget the panic." The head of a consortium, while using a delicate nail clipper to trim his nails, said indifferently.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, please be quiet, and ask our Director Hook to give us an update." An old white-haired man in a suit and leather suit appeared to be the host of the party. He saw Hook coming in. After that, he began to stop the quarrel of everyone.

After Hook nodded to the gentlemen, he came straight to the point: "Thanks to our mature system, there is no comment outside now, everyone returns to the peaceful daily life. Of course, all I am talking about now is **** thank God , The current situation is very dangerous !!! "

He would quiet down and everyone would be dumbfounded.

"The black cat didn't lie, the ocean tides everywhere were abnormal, and they could not be explained by any existing scientific theory. No signs of the moon approaching, no sea volcanic eruptions, and no Atlantis! "

"The only thing I can tell the gentlemen is that everyone who is less present in the construction of Noah's Ark is qualified to board the ship," Hu Ke said word by word.

"Bang" the head of the conglomerate with a big belly, staring blankly at Hook, a nail clipper, and fell to the ground.

[Remember URL Three Five Chinese Network]

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