"You!" Hearing

Lu Jin's words, Chen Zhenzhen couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

She and Li Shiqing also know martial arts.

Naturally, he could recognize when Lu Jin dealt with Bellamy's just now.

Those moves are all from Tai Chi.

It's nothing more than that he moves faster and has more strength.

The way it is used is also more ingenious.

There is really no way to prove Lu Jin's identity, it is the mysterious diary author.

After all, the self-proclaimed Supreme Heavenly Venerable being.

As soon as he appeared, he cast a terrifying fire spell.

"Thank you today!" Seeing

that Chen Zhenzhen wanted to say something, Li Shiqing on the side suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled it.

Then, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lu Jin and thanked him very sincerely.

"Otherwise, we're going to be in trouble!"

Whether it is Li Shiqing or Chen Zhenzhen.

They all have confidence that they can defend themselves against Bellamy.

But later.

After seeing him transform into a werewolf.

was beaten by Lu Jin several times, but he was still so strong.

The two knew that they would never be able to beat each other.

Although their fists and feet are far beyond the average person.

But in the face of the legendary existence of werewolves, it is still not enough to see.

If it weren't for Lu Jin's action today, I'm afraid they would have been knocked unconscious by Bellamy at the first time.

I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on at all, Qin Xiangyun's arrival.

"Hehe! It's just a gesture!" Hearing

this, Lu Jin couldn't help but chuckle.

"Besides, you came out with me today, and if you get hurt, isn't that a slap in the face?"

he changed the subject.

"Let's go! It's noon, let's find a place to eat!" Hearing

this, Li Shiqing and Chen Zhenzhen did not object.

When such a thing happened, the thought of going to the City God Temple suddenly faded.

And on the other side.

After Qin Xiangyun locked Bellamy, who had turned into a werewolf, firmly locked it.

Soon, the people from the Sifangtong company arrived with the police.

At the first time, they cordoned off the surrounding scene.

At the same time, all the onlookers were dispersed.

It's not that they don't want to take these people away, or they don't want to block the news.

It's just that it's useless anymore!

Long before the official arrival, the videos taken by these people have been uploaded to major websites.

At this point, it's too late to block the news.

In that case, it would be useless to take away these onlookers.

It's better to disperse them directly, and the province will hinder them from doing things!

So after confirming that no one was injured, he dispersed all the onlookers.

As for Bellamy, who was in a werewolf, he was first knocked unconscious by the potion.

Subsequently, he was put in a special box.

With a courier car, it was quickly transported away.

Don't look in front of Lu Jin, this werewolf is like a toy.

Can be ravaged at will.

If ordinary people meet it, they are afraid that they will not have the slightest ability to resist.

Even the slightly weaker ones can't fight against it.

In order to avoid any accidents, Bellamy's will naturally be transported away quickly.

Otherwise, once he broke free.

Who knows, what kind of accidents will happen!

Make sure as much as possible that no one will be killed or injured because of an unusual event.

This is the purpose of Sifangtong at the beginning of its establishment.

Seeing that the scene had been dealt with, all official personnel quickly evacuated.

Except for the gravel on the side of the road, and a little bloodstain.

I can't tell what happened here!

On the Internet, it has long been upside down.

There is an incident about a werewolf appearing to hurt someone, and the city god took action to subdue it.

Related posts and videos were all over major websites almost immediately.

In an instant, it caused crazy heated discussions among countless netizens.

I didn't even care about it, and I sprayed it with those foreign netizens.

Countless netizens couldn't wait to browse the relevant posts and videos.

"Damn!!Are these videos realistic?!"

Fidelity!Absolutely true!!There are many people at the scene, and they have seen it with their own eyes

!"This is a werewolf

?!Or is it a wolf demon?!"Hiss! There are really werewolves?!!"

This can't be true! I just heard that the streets around there are all cordoned off, and there are a lot of police cars!"

As far as I have noticed, why do Western werewolves appear in China? It can't be that some compatriots mutate into werewolves

!""It is estimated that the West is going to engage in some kind of conspiracy, and then it was destroyed by

Sister Chenghuang!" "Sister Fairy!yds!

!" "Whether it is a werewolf or some strange existence, in front of Sister Chenghuang, they are all scum!!

"! How can you tell if this is Sister

Chenghuang and not her sister?" "Haven't you noticed? My sister's hair is a centimeter longer than my sister's!" "I'm

lying in a big groove! This is a god upstairs!!!" You can see such a subtle difference!!

"Dujianghe Temple is still some distance away from Shudu, and it is naturally Chenghuang who arrives first." Also, upstairs upstairs, worship the great god!!"


For a while, countless netizens left messages under the video.

They are now significantly more receptive to such videos than before.

In the comment section, there are many fewer voices of doubt.

More of it was shock and excitement.

Even many people in Shu rushed towards the City God Temple at the first time.

The video of the vision falling from the sky made the City God Temple overcrowded.

At this time, after it was revealed that Qin Xiangyun easily subdued the werewolf, more people suddenly came.

For a time, several streets near the City God Temple were directly paralyzed by traffic.

This makes several police stations, fire stations, etc. nearby.

All the personnel who can be mobilized have been mobilized.

Go to the scene to maintain order.

Only then did the situation near the City God Temple improve.

There was no vicious incident of people stepping on people!

Fortunately, after Lu Jin finished eating, they went home separately.

Otherwise, they might also be trapped in the City God Temple.

When I got home, I saw the buzz under those video posts on major websites.

Lu Jin was not surprised.

At that time, there were so many onlookers at the scene that it was basically impossible for the authorities to block the news!

True or false, there is still a way to fool the past.

I looked at a number of websites, especially on Douyin.

The short videos shot by those passers-by went crazy all of a sudden!

The popularity soared directly.

directly dominated the list, the headlines on major websites of the day.

After watching it for a while, Lu Jin found most of the videos.

The content is all the part where Qin Xiangyun made a move to subdue Bellamy.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but breathe a little relief in my heart.

Fortunately, when I shot myself, no one filmed it.

In the next moment, though.

His gaze was a condensation!

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