On the second day after "The Wandering Earth" was released, it once again collected 350 million in box office!

For two consecutive days, the single-day box office exceeded 300 million, and the total box office in the two days was 710 million. This result once again shocked everyone.

If it can be said that the box office of 360 million yuan on the first day is because people are very much looking forward to the movie and the popularity is high enough, then the box office of more than 360 million yuan has been received for two consecutive days, which shows that the quality of the movie is indeed Very strong.

After all, the movie box office data is here, and the number of moviegoers is unprecedentedly large. Based on this coverage, the movie has not declined in terms of box office or reputation, which means that there must be no problem with the movie itself!

Not only is there no problem, but it far exceeds most people’s expectations.

After two days of screening, at this moment, "The Wandering Earth" has set off a crazy Chinese science fiction craze on the Internet.

As long as it is in the entertainment news section, there will be news about "The Wandering Earth" almost anywhere. This scale and phenomenon are unprecedented!

Even if it is not in the entertainment news section, "The Wandering Earth" has become a hot word in some formal and authoritative economic, social, cultural, and other fields.

Even many official and authoritative media have expressed praise for the movie "The Wandering Earth".

Netizens are even more enthusiastic about "Traffic Earth".

Especially on online social media and some entertainment and culture forum websites.

Among them, on Weibo, the popularity of the topic "The Wandering Earth" has created the highest popularity record in film and television, and the number of participants is also the largest in history.

In a short period of time, the last trailer of "The Wandering Earth" has been played hundreds of millions of times!

Of course, the most popular thing is of course the various movie reviews.

There were a few brief words of praise from audience members and fans.

There are lengthy reviews written eloquently by professional film critics.

No matter which one, most of them express praise for "The Wandering Earth".

Because this film really exceeded many people's expectations.

People subconsciously feel that

Chinese-language films should not be able to produce such grand and romantic science fiction blockbusters, they should not be able to produce such realistic and immersive special effects, and they should not be able to write such exciting and tragic storylines.

But "The Wandering Earth" has done it all.

Not only does it work, but in some places it is even more exciting than those foreign science fiction blockbusters.

Because there are fewer restrictions in this world, Chen Feng and Tian Ming made the script more profound, even darker in some places, more desperate, and more shocking at the same time.

These plots are not only exciting, but also have a higher ideological depth, which is much better than those foreign plots that are very routine.

With such a plot framework, coupled with the special effects and post-production that is not inferior to foreign blockbusters, the audience will certainly be very happy to watch it.

Moreover, most of the actors in the movie have excellent acting skills, and Chen Hui's performance is even more impressive. As a well-known actor, he actually performed many times in this science fiction film, moving people countless times. Cry.

Even the two young male and female leading actors performed well. Liu Qi and Faye Zhao both delivered satisfactory results in their big screen debuts.

Therefore, the film "Traffic Earth" can be said to be very satisfying and amazing in almost all aspects. It is not surprising that the box office can suddenly explode like this.

Of course, no matter how many people like "The Wandering Earth", there will always be some who don't like it.

And the reasons for not liking it are all kinds of weird.

"I just can't get used to sci-fi movies like Chinese-language movies. There is always a sense of violation."

"It always feels weird to watch a sci-fi blockbuster like this, and it's actually dubbed in Chinese."

"Oh, this movie is just nonsense, the acting is too fake."

"Trash, rubbish, rubbish, "The Wandering Earth" is rubbish, not good-looking at all!"

"Haha, I heard that the special effects of "The Wandering Earth" were also done by hiring foreigners. How can this be a Chinese science fiction movie..."

There are many similar remarks, but usually as soon as such remarks appear, they will be immediately hit back by fans of "The Wandering Earth".

Especially the statement that foreign films are used to suppress Chinese films is simply inexplicable.

Those people are so used to watching foreign movies that they have forgotten their own culture, or they are so used to listening to foreign languages ​​that they don’t even want to respect their own mother tongue. It is simply ridiculous.

As for those who act recklessly, no matter how much they scream, they will soon be overwhelmed by more criticism, and they will not even have the ability to fight back.

Of course, there are also some criticisms of "The Wandering Earth", which are very rational and objective. After all, a movie cannot be perfect in all aspects, and various problems are inevitable. It is also a good idea to point out problems. A good thing.

For objective and rational criticism, both the creators of "The Wandering Earth" and the audience and fans are very welcome.

After all, everyone has just seen a work that can represent Chinese science fiction blockbusters. Everyone hopes that this aspect will develop better in the future. It is also very important to actively summarize experiences and lessons. In this process, criticism and suggestions are essential.

Even if "The Wandering Earth" is currently doing well at the box office and has a good reputation, you must remain humble no matter what.

This is also the attitude expressed by film officials many times.

In addition to the outstanding performance of "The Wandering Earth", the current box office trend of "Baji" is also very good.

On the second day, "Baji" once again received a single-day box office of 230 million, almost exactly the same as the first day.

This shows that the quality of this movie is also very good. After all, action and kung fu movies also have a group of die-hard fans.

In addition to "Baji", another small-budget comedy film also suddenly emerged, earning 40 million at the box office.

Although compared to the box office results of "The Wandering Earth" and "Baji", which often cost 200 to 300 million yuan, a box office of tens of millions seems not surprising, but this is a small-budget comedy after all. Judging from the production level, the investment amount should only be around 10 million.

Under such circumstances, it is very surprising that this film can still find a way out.

In addition to these three films, the other few films may really become a waste.

Even the movie that catered to celebrity fans had very unsatisfactory box office results on the second day. It was nearly 100 million on the first day and less than 60 million on the second day. The drop was a bit big.

Although the entire film market is in a state of enthusiasm driven by "The Wandering Earth" and "Baji", at times like this, the quality of the film becomes more important.

Because people always want to see good movies, especially new movie fans, they have higher requirements for movie quality.

Those films that are not good-looking will be eliminated soon.

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