Seclusion in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 145 Blind Obedience Mentality

After replying to Ni Hao's email, Chen Feng sat up straight and stretched a little tiredly.

He had been thinking and writing seriously just now. After a long time, he was actually quite tired. After waking up from the dream world, he had never been so troubled.

However, now he is also very excited. He is actually instructing others on how to make a movie. This is an experience he has never had before. Moreover, he is not sure whether this matter will succeed in the end. This creates an unprecedented feeling. The excitement.

And when this kind of uncertainty is related to millions of investments and possibly hundreds of millions in box office, the excitement becomes even crazier. Although Chen Feng has the experience of living in two worlds, he still feels a little nervous. accelerate.

Phew... After taking a few long breaths, Chen Feng finally calmed down. He stood up to get a glass of water, then sat on the chair and remembered what An Ruohua said to him in the morning.

Well, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, An Ruohua will always be with him. If you want to do something, just do it boldly!

When Chen Feng thought of An Ruohua's appearance when he spoke, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. With her support behind him, he felt much more at ease.

"I heard from Yu Fei that you came early today? It's rare!" Xu Tailang said as he pushed the door open and entered.

After Xu Tailang came to the company, he heard Yu Fei say that Chen Feng had come early. This was indeed a rare thing, so he naturally wanted to come over and say hello.

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "Why, can't I work harder?"

Xu Tailang chuckled and said: "It's strange that you can take the initiative to work hard. I want to know, what are you busy with, helping Wenwen make a new album? Or are you doing those short videos you have been watching recently?"

Chen Feng has indeed been busy with these two things recently. However, he only has a general idea for Wenwen's new album and has not yet started making specific plans. As for Zhao Tan's short video, there has been some improvement recently. , it will take longer to accumulate, but there is no need to worry about these two things.

"No, I'm reading a movie script." Chen Feng said while shaking his head.

Xu Tailang was stunned for a moment: "Movie? Script?"

In Xu Tailang's heart, Chen Feng is a musical genius and a top music producer. It is normal for Chen Feng to write songs and make albums, but he suddenly went to read the movie script, which is a bit confusing.

Chen Feng nodded: "The script is quite interesting.

And the person who wrote the script... should be considered a relatively promising new director. I'm preparing to rub it in with him, and if it's suitable, I might invest some money. "

"Um..." Xu Tailang instinctively felt that Chen Feng's cross-industry operations were too risky and he should stop it. However, when he saw Chen Feng's seriousness and excitement when speaking, he originally dissuaded him. The words were forced back again.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Tailang suddenly asked: "Do you really think... it's possible to succeed?"

Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure. It depends on how both of us can change the script in the end. If I'm satisfied by then, I think it's still very promising."

"Well..." Xu Tailang responded, and then suddenly said: "If you think it can be done in the end, just tell me and I can invest some money along with you."

This time it was Chen Feng's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that Xu Tailang would invest just after a few simple questions.

"You want to invest too? Are you sure? The risk is still very high." Chen Feng asked doubtfully, wondering where Xu Tailang got the courage.

Xu Tailang chuckled: "Isn't your investment also risky? Anyway, I intuitively believe in your judgment. When the time comes, we will make money together, and if we lose money, we will pay it together."

Indeed, Xu Tailang decided to invest so quickly mainly because he believed in Chen Feng, because during this period, Chen Feng brought him too many surprises. The classic works always amazed him. Slowly, Xu Tailang even gradually developed a mentality of blind obedience to Chen Feng.

Therefore, when he learned that Chen Feng was reading the script and preparing to invest in a movie, although he subconsciously felt that cross-border operations were not reliable, in the end he believed more in his intuition or in Chen Feng's ability.

For Chen Feng, it would not be a bad thing if Tailang Entertainment can also invest some money, because he can only spend five million of his own funds. If he wants to make a good movie with this amount of money, it will definitely be very compact. , which may ultimately cause the quality of the film to drop by a notch.

If the quality drops, the box office will definitely be affected. Moreover, sometimes some loopholes in details may lead to a completely different reputation of the movie. At that time, the final impact may be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions in box office float.

Therefore, if a little more investment and spending more money can ensure that the film has better quality, this is definitely not a bad thing.

Only by making the cake bigger can everyone share more cake in the end.

So, Chen Feng finally nodded.

When Ni Hao woke up, it was already the evening of the next day. He had spent the whole night revising the script yesterday and was extremely tired, so he slept for almost twelve hours at a stretch.

After waking up, he glanced at his phone and soon saw a new email notification.

"Is there a reply so soon?" Ni Hao was so shocked that he sat up and quickly came to the computer desk.

On the table was a set of xiaolongbao that Wang Bo had bought for him at some point. It had already cooled down. While waiting for the phone to turn on, Ni Hao stuffed two or three of them into his mouth.

Mmm, it smells so good.

Soon, the computer was turned on, Ni Hao logged into his mailbox and opened the email.

However, what disappointed him was that the email did not directly say whether Chen Feng would invest. It simply said that his script was good but still needed revision. At the same time, an attachment was also sent to the email.

It's annotations about his movie scripts.

Ni Hao suddenly had a bad feeling. He downloaded the attachment and quickly opened it.

What caught his eyes was a badly modified document. Ni Hao held back the pain in his heart and glanced at it quickly. He soon saw that Chen Feng didn't understand movies or scripts at all. He The mess of modifications is simply unsightly.

"Oh... it's over... I thought I met a knowledgeable person, but it turned out to be a layman again!"

If Ni Hao's past temper was followed, he would have wanted to call Chen Feng directly and scold him. He didn't know how to modify the script. Don't you know that modifying other people's scripts at will is the greatest disrespect for the screenwriter?

But now, having suffered enough, he just smiled bitterly, then right-clicked on the script that Chen Feng had revised, deleted it, and threw it directly into the recycle bin.

"My life is so miserable!" Ni Hao wailed and lay down on the bed again.

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