Science and Technology Library

Chapter 581: : Shocked expert group

“Here is the Flying Ant Space Center? Very good.”

"I didn't expect that in our country, it would be incredible to have such a space center or a private enterprise."

"Just built."

“How come there is no launch tower?”

"He didn't develop rockets and jumped directly to make space shuttles."

"But this space center is too close to Binhai City. If there is a problem, the impact will be great."

"We don't dare to make a space shuttle at present. The maintenance cost is too high. Is this Chen Mo, not a general bold, not afraid of being dragged? This is a swallowing beast."

“The revenue of the marching ant group in one quarter is astronomical. Our funds are limited and cannot be used indiscriminately. They are successful in research and development, and there should be commercial profitable projects. He is a businessman, and making money is a must.”

In the bus near the Feifang Space Center, a group of people looked out into the space center outside the window, and they were amazed in the look. You began to talk about it.

When the vehicle arrived at the aerospace center, Li Chengzhi took the lead and got off the bus.

With the researchers behind him, I still don't forget to look around and be familiar with the environment.

All the experts who came from the various research institutes and sent them were sent.

I heard that Chen Mo has successfully developed a space plane. After the official consultation with Chen Mo, he sent personnel to watch the space plane. The real purpose is to come here to see the space center and the space plane, hoping to learn some useful techniques for them.

So there is the arrival of this expert group.

The top engineers of Cheng Fei and Shen Fei, the chief designer of aerospace engineering, the chief engineer of the moon landing project, the top technicians of the rocket design team, and the engineers of the civil aircraft design team.

Everyone is a big man. Although they are strangers to their names and appearances, they are the mainstay of national space aviation.

Even Li Chengzhi must treat them with politeness.

"Every engineer, please come with me." A staff member came with a robot and saw many experts and engineers, who did not know what to call, and directly called the engineer.

For their researchers, the title of engineer will not be excluded.

“This is a robot.” Several engineers who rarely touched the intelligent robot were interested in watching the robots around the staff.

They all know that the robot technology of the marching ant group is unique. Now, I see that it is well-deserved.

“We have robots involved in the project. Now in the Linglong Space Station, there is an intelligent robot. They can replace astronauts and do a lot of dangerous work, which is very easy to use,” said the aerospace project engineer.

During the talk, the group had boarded the autonomous car in the space center and arrived at the door of the hangar.

"long time no see."

Li Chengzhi saw Chen Mo and simply shook hands.

"I am going to introduce you to the Huaxing academician, the chief engineer of the Lingxiao project. This is the chief architect of the engineering project, Zhang Jianfeng, the academician of the Feifei Group, and the aircraft designer Yang Lan."

Li Chengzhi introduced, Chen Mo said hello one by one.

They are all big gods.

It seems that the average age is about 40 years old. In the research team, this age is the peak.

Chen Mo naturally knows the purpose of their coming here.

In the past when domestic technology was underdeveloped, the country's industrial system relied on the development of a small village and a little bit of accumulation before it reached the point of today and became the most complete country in the global industrial system.

Many foreign technologies have not dared to look at Chinese researchers until now. Because some technologies are being looked at, they are really pregnant. Maybe when, those technologies will have a ‘son’ in China.

However, Chen Mo did not care about this.

"The hangar is good."

At the door of the hangar, Yang Lan has been observing the situation inside the hangar, and vaguely sees all kinds of mechanical equipment, which seems to be good.

"Just built, I feel a little small, but also ready to expand." Chen Mo said.

Upon hearing this, the expert academicians on the field rolled their eyes.

Not to mention Yang Wei.

He has seen all the domestic aircraft production lines.

This hangar, even if placed in their official research base, is not small. I am afraid that only the production line of the bombing 20 and civilian passenger aircraft can match this hangar.

Also preparing to expand, how big is this to build?

"Please come with me, please."

Chen Mo made a gesture of asking, and took the lead in entering the hangar.


Looking at the environment inside the hangar, the sound of air-conditioning in the expert team is faintly audible.

It seems that in addition to the big points, the other ones don’t show up in the mountains. When they come in, they know that there is no hole in the sky.


This is their first impression of the workshop.

Too much more advanced than they think.

Fully automated production lines, ubiquitous robots, working in an orderly manner, feel like entering the robot kingdom. There are human technicians next to them, but at best, they are just assistants, more like learning technology, helping robots do some of the necessary work.

It is no wonder that the production and R&D speed of the marching ant group is so horrible. The efficiency of these robots is several times or even ten times faster than the manual, and it is not normal to be unhappy.

Every expert sees this intelligent hangar, which is squinting, incredible, and project hatred.

The only corner of the ice that is revealed is far beyond the top production levels in the country.

If they can, they can't wait to move all the equipment here back to their research base.

Li Chengzhi was also shocked.

He knew Chen Mo for so long, and the first floor of the marching ant headquarters went in and visited once, but he saw few things and didn't understand the concept of technology.

This is the first time he saw Chen Mo's production technology.

Fully intelligent and fully mechanized.

Chen Mo has applied smart technology and robots to the extreme.

Experts and academicians within the team, they have seen the big world, but entered the production hangar of Chen Mo, I feel that Liu Yu entered the Grand View Garden.

The advanced technology in their minds is not worth mentioning in front of these technologies.

"Chen Chen, can I see this?"

An expert stopped and looked at the parts of the robot being assembled next to him, and his eyes were a little hot.

He is the designer of precision machinery, and the purpose of this trip is to look at the production machinery of the marching ant group, hoping to learn some techniques.


With the permission of Chen Mo, the robot handed a part to the forest.

“What's the matter?” asked an expert next to him.

"This is an ultra-precision machining technique." Lin carefully took the parts of the ellipsoid and cried, almost excited to cry.

I saw that he gently stroked the sleek ball into the mirror, and then gently touched it, the ellipsoid, which looks like a whole, is divided into three parts of different shapes.

Ultra-precision machining technology is the most dazzling and core technology in the industrial system.

This technology is suitable for processing nuclear fusion mirrors, tactical missiles and manned spacecraft parts in cutting-edge technologies such as nuclear power, large scale integrated circuits, lasers and aerospace.

The precision of ultra-precision machining technology is up to 10 nanometers, indicating a roughness of up to 1 nanometer.

The national research institute, which spent countless efforts and resources, barely mastered the technology, but it was technically difficult and costly. Every part produced was very expensive, and almost a part was quite a BMW.

These parts are mainly used for military, aerospace and nuclear energy, and the general field is not daring to use.

This is the basic technology necessary for cutting-edge technology.

Now they see this part in one of the most common robots in the hangar.

“Is there a machine tool here? Can you take me to see it?” Lin Xi looked at Chen Mo with some hope.

"There is a constant temperature room in the ground. Wait a minute to let the robot take you there," Chen said.

All the basic technologies are the technologies that he has developed from the technology library. The accumulation and development of these years, the current marching ant group has the most sophisticated and complete basic technology.

"This part is for you, when it is a memorial." Chen Mo said.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a more technical part, but for avid engineers, this part is the highest level of art.

"Thank you." Lin was unceremoniously taking the parts and carefully taking them.

Along the way, several engineers have discovered the cutting-edge technology products in their field, and they are always ecstatic.

In the end, the team of experts slowly calmed down, the heart was not good, there were too many cutting-edge technologies, they were already numb, they became accustomed to it, and they saw incredible things, and they did not start to lose their minds.

"This is an aerospace plane under construction."

Soon, the group entered the workshop being assembled.

The workshop is large, but the huge hollow plane skeleton in the center attracts everyone's attention.


Someone at the scene, including Li Chengzhi who was forced from the beginning, widened his eyes and looked at the skeleton of the aircraft being assembled in front of him. The eyeballs almost fell.

I can't imagine the sight I saw.

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