Science and Technology Library

Chapter 564: : Battle situation

"What now? Anadan was taken back by the Tigers."

Hissett was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

At the beginning, their attack on the military was very smooth.

With their well-equipped equipment and unexpected attacks, they successfully won the Anadans checkpoint, occupied the town of Anadan, and also occupied several villages in Azaz and Casal, and smoothly penetrated into Hara. Bu urban area.

The original opening was very good. As long as there was enough time, with the support of the West, they had the opportunity to occupy Harab.

But now, the situation has suddenly turned.

The emergence of war robots has made everything tricky.

The military bought the most powerful war robots in China. Under the advanced and terrible equipment, their soldiers did not have any resistance.

The team that infiltrated into Harab was completely annihilated. Now in the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, the Tigers led the war robots to counterattack the Anadans checkpoint.

Now the team of Anadan also suffered heavy casualties, and the Anadans checkpoint was taken back.

The team that guards the Anadina checkpoint is under the attack of the Tigers’ silver camp, such as the chicken and dog.

The town of Anadan returned to the control of the military, and several villages in Azaz and Casal towns were retaken.

During this period of fighting, more than 500 people were killed, more than 2,000 people were captured, and there were countless losses.

The original advantage has disappeared.

The Tigers are equipped with the weapons and equipment of the Army Ant Group, which are the most advanced equipment.

And there are only 10 war robots. No one can guarantee that there are no more war robots in Bashar.

So far, they don't have the performance data about war robots. Even Americans can't get the performance data of war robots.

Now the Syrian army is advancing to them at a horrible rate. Within their ranks, they have experienced layers of failure and are already heart-wrenching.

If there is no way to stop the tiger forces, once the soldiers’ confidence collapses, their team will really become a sand and can’t be hit.

"What do you say above?" asked Seaset.

"The above is studying the methods of war robots. They hope that we can bring a robot back at all costs," Sim said.

"You are not kidding? The war robot is so easy to be captured by us. Do I need to be anxious here? Who is the robot who dares to approach?"

Not by Hessett is not angry.

War robots appear on the battlefield, no one can get closer.

There is no feeling at all in that thing. All the enemy forces that use weapons are killed by all the hands, and there are special squads of the Tigers, followed by the large forces of the Syrian military.

Under the cover of the Syrian armored forces, the war robots are almost invincible on the battlefield.

Now, Sim said that Americans want a war robot, let them take the body to pile up, can capture the robots and they are not taken away. The tiger army Hassan is not a fool.

War robots are so expensive that they follow the big forces to attack.

Unless there is absolute power to crush the other side, grab the commander of the Tiger Force, otherwise it is unlikely to get a war robot.

"The most troublesome thing is that we don't know anything about war robots. Even the latest information is kept in the official information released by the workers' defense and a little photograph taken by the reporter."

Sim is not in a good mood.

At the beginning, he accepted the mission and came to assist Hisset. He did not put the war robot in his heart.

A robot on the battlefield, even if it is strong, has a limited role.

Now he realizes how wrong the previous ideas were.

Seriously underestimate the strength of war robots.

Nowadays, there is a lot of equipment against the loss of armed forces, and the loss of personnel is huge. The opposition to armed forces is always screwed together by various armed forces, and the cohesiveness is not high.

Because of the loss of several battles in succession, the internal people are not stable, and if they continue this way, they will fall apart inside.

"Can you give pressure to the Syrian nation, let them cease fire, wait for us to find a way to deal with the robot, and then think of the next step." Hesett asked.

"Now that I have been talking to the Russians, the other side has deliberately delayed and has not reached an agreement."

Sim shook his head.

As early as when the war robots were found to be tricky, they thought about using the ceasefire agreement again to delay the time. The previous ceasefire agreement, because of the war between the two sides, has been invalidated.

The new ceasefire agreement, they talked to the Russians, but this time the other party did not seem to have much will, but dragged them.

Nowadays, the town of Anadan has been retaken. If Hassan’s tiger troops enter Idlib with war robots, their troubles will be great.

"Can't you send ground troops to support it? Or send it to deal with the armored vehicles, tanks and planes that stand in the robot." Hesett asked.

"Impossible, we are not good to intervene directly." Sim directly refused.

Although they are involved in aircraft-assisted bombing, they are all in the name of counter-terrorism. Even if they bombed the Syrian army and the civilians, they also attacked the terrorists and the terrorists.

Behind the Syrian state is Russia. They send troops to enter, so Russia will certainly not hesitate to send troops to enter.

The situation is out of control and the consequences are unimaginable.

More likely to trigger a world war.

Both major powers are agent wars, and some balance is maintained. Both parties maintain the final bottom line.

Let’s not say that they are not good at participating, even if they can participate, they will not dare to come in.

Now that the Syrian state has mastered the war robots, they have not found a way to deal with robots. Once they intervene, they are the ones who lose. And if you fall into the mud, it will be more troublesome.

There are no large-scale armored units, relying on simple soldiers, and war robots are to send food.

Hissett licked his hair for a long time without words.


The two fell into a quiet confidant, the door to the room was pushed open, and a head of intelligence was rushing in.

"General Hassett, just returned the news, the military used the war robot to attack the town of Ai Timai and asked us for support." The intelligence leader did not continue to say it, the meaning is self-evident.

"Support? What support? Go to die?" Hissit was very upset.

It is also a war robot.

With the participation of robots, it is almost certain that the town of Aitimai was taken back.

The town of Aitima is a major town in the northeast of Idlib, connecting the borders of the country. It is one of the important channels for their assistance. Now they are retaken by the military and their situation is even more difficult.

In their territory, the only one that connects the borders of the country is the Babu Hawa port.

"Damn war robot, **** worker ant defense."

Hesset couldn't help but export. If it weren't for war robots and worker ants to defend those advanced weapons, they wouldn't have to be so passive and wolvering now.

"General, Bashar published a national broadcast, a televised speech."

When Hissett blackened his face, another man in charge of intelligence rushed in and put the military computer in his hand in front of Hissett.

"The people of the Syrian nation, these years, our country has been ruined by the war. Under the instigation of the Western group, some people have been confused and deceived, which has created the current war. Now, we have seen the end of the war. The dawn of light.

The army of our country has won several consecutive victories in the past few days. But no matter how successful the victory is, war means bloodshed. This is not what I want to see. I believe that it is not what all Syrian people want to see..."

In the TV of Syria, in the broadcast, it is the voice of Bashar.

Sounds and pictures are spread throughout the Syrian state through broadcast signals.

In this fragile international, television and radio have become luxury, but people who watched TV and heard the radio gathered together and listened to Bashar’s speech.

Too many people are seriously eager.

The desire for a peaceful and peaceful life.

"Our next goal is to liberate Idlib. Many of the armed men in Idlib are our compatriots. Here, I want to tell them that the liberation of Idlib is unstoppable, and you choose to surrender. Put down the weapons in your hands, I can forgive you or reduce your crimes.

If you choose to continue to resist, our army will not be merciless. You used to be our compatriots, family, I don't want you to bleed on the battlefield for the benefit of the West. Think about your family, friends, I believe, on the battlefield, you will make the right choice.


Finally, I am here to warn that all the troops, soldiers and armed men who are stationed in the Syrian territory without authorization will immediately leave our national territory. Otherwise, we will regard it as an intrusion and bear the consequences. ”

Looking at Bashar's televised speech, Hissett was black as the bottom of the pot, shivering and mad.

"General, the news ahead, the government army is heading towards Babhawar."

A leader rushed in. Hearing here, Hesset seemed to lose the last glimmer of strength, sitting on the chair and straightening his eyes.

It’s over.

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