I first met Gu Changzhou in a summer more than 20 years ago.

At that time, Lu Qiming had already purchased real estate and storefronts in Argentina, ready to open in the fall.

A month before the opening, people in the company came to him and said that there was a very rewarding task that was in short supply and could be completed in at most ten days.

And the task is very simple, just need to transport a batch of goods from country A to country B.

However, because the goods are special, they must not be found by anyone and cannot be transported by air, so they must disguise and transport them by car.

Lu Qiming has taken over a lot of this kind of work, and the goods shipped are either antiques or priceless jewels, which has long been a surprise.

He wanted to be idle as well, so he might as well make an extra pension before the opening, so he agreed to accept it.

In addition, due to his rich experience, he also served as a mercenary leader.

After arriving at the destination with four companions, Lu Qiming found that the situation was a little different from the past.

There is already a group of people waiting there, arranged by the employer, to be transported with them.

He was a little puzzled, but anyway he took the money to work, and he went on the road with them without thinking.

Mercenaries require strong physiques, so most of them are white and black, and Asians are relatively rare.

He has long been used to being a stranger, but among those people, he saw an Asian young man.

It is the fledgling Gu Changzhou.

At that time, Gu Changzhou’s pregnant girlfriend was about to be taken away by his family due to poor economic conditions.

He wants to make quick money and has nowhere to go. He doesn't know who introduced him to step into this business.

He is only in his early twenties, has a good kung fu, and is very knowledgeable about guns and ammunition.

But since he has retired, he has been working as a security guard. The most dangerous job is just to watch the gates of underground casinos, so he is completely stunned in this regard.

Seeing compatriots in a foreign country can easily make people feel intimacy.

Especially when Lu Qiming got acquainted with him, he learned that he was the same as he was when he came out to sell his life because of lack of money, and he sympathized with him very much, and took care of him everywhere.

There is a habit among mercenaries-because they are doing dangerous and unobvious things, everyone is reluctant to disclose their true identities, and they all use code names for each other.

Lu Qiming is A63 and Gu Changzhou is D45.

I experienced several obstructions during the transportation, but they all passed smoothly.

When I was about to arrive at the destination to complete the task, something unexpected happened suddenly.

The entire army of Lu Qiming was wiped out, he was kept in a secret laboratory for more than 20 years, and he hated that seemingly simple compatriot to the present.

That morning, a group of people was resting in the hotel when a transnational police suddenly asked to check their vehicles.

Lu Qiming has encountered this situation many times, knowing that things are hidden and cannot be checked out, so he is ready to let them check.

At this time, the captain of the other team made a request, hoping that they would leave first with the goods, and leave behind by their own people, and then go to meet them after the settlement.

Lu Qiming is twenty-seven years old and has been in the industry for five years. He is no longer a naive boy.

He didn't believe that they would be so kind, rejected the proposal and insisted on accepting the inspection.

When the other party left, it didn't take long for Gu Changzhou to come, and repeatedly packed up votes to him to ensure that there was absolutely no objection.

Lu Qiming remembered what he advised him.

"When I finish this task and get the money, I will have the courage to ask my girlfriend to marry me. By then, she will almost have to give birth. This is the first time I will be a father in my life. The task must not go wrong, if the police Check it out and it’s all over. I’ll go to jail and everyone will go to jail. Her parents will look down on me for the rest of their lives. Brother, you should do me a favor. After the child is born, let him recognize you as godfather, OK? Please? ."

Because of his parents, Lu Qiming is not optimistic about marriage.

His profession is so special that he was not suitable for marriage, so he planned to be single for a lifetime.

After all, a person is lonely, and his parents have less and less contact with him.

He had planned to adopt a child when his life stabilized.

But if you already have a godson or goddaughter, so that he can just make a phone call when he is alone, talk about study or homework, and there is a reason to go to the mall to buy gifts during the holidays, then even adopt | adopt | children No need.

Thinking of these, coupled with the other side's attitude is almost stalking.

Lu Qiming agreed and took his own people to transport the goods and leave, and they would settle the police.

Unexpectedly, after driving the car for less than two hours, they were ambushed on the road.

The firepower is so fierce that they can't resist it with their hands.

Lu Qiming was shot and was lying on the ground unable to move. He watched those people take down their car seats and uncovered the goods they had been transporting thousands of miles away at the risk of their lives-a few ordinary to no more ordinary penicillins.

"We were fooled!"

Those people said.

The moment he heard these words, he realized that he was being tricked.

The real goods are never in the car, but in the hands of another team.

These people are just thrown out as bait.

Use their lives to attract firepower and let the real **** team escape.

Lu Qiming was not angry. He was fooled by others when he grew up. He was too stupid and should admit defeat.

But he could not forgive Gu Changzhou.

If he deceives people with his upcoming child, won't he have a conscience?

When he is holding his newborn child, will he think of someone dying because of his happiness?

Lu Qiming was ready to die. What he didn't expect was that when those people came to fill the gun, he found that he was in good physical condition, and he had no relatives and no identity, so he was very suitable to be sent to the laboratory as a test product.

He was beaten unconscious and sent to the car, a second before he was unconscious, he was fortunate.

I thought that as long as I was alive, I would have a chance to escape and find someone to settle this account.

Only after arriving in the laboratory did he realize that it was much stronger than he thought, and he didn't even want to leave with the strength of one person.

He didn't even get a chance to get out of bed, and was tied to the operating table almost all day, forced to receive various unknown drug injections and research.

The drugs made him groggy all day, and some operations even required an abdomen or a craniotomy.

Lu Qiming has never felt helpless so deeply.

He sometimes suspects that he is no longer an individual, but an animal to be slaughtered.

Day after day of imprisonment, he became extremely weak, and the injected drugs made his cells more vigorous than before. Monsters were generally half-dead.

In those painful days, he forgot his name and life experience.

The only thing that can be clearly remembered is Gu Changzhou's hypocritical face.

He wants to go out alive and kill the white-eyed wolf.

The experiment lasted for more than ten years and finally ended in failure.

Five years before the zombie eruption, Lu Qiming was frozen together with other test items, waiting to be destroyed.

But for some reason, the destruction was never carried out, and the laboratory became semi-abandoned.

The end of the world is coming, the power supply system is damaged, the refrigeration equipment automatically restarts, and Lu Qiming wakes up.

He dragged his feeble body out of the hell, but instead of seeing the city in his memory, he saw an overwhelming number of ugly and hungry walking corpses like hyenas.

Jiang Miaomiao opened his mouth in shock when he finished speaking.

"You, what you said is true? Isn't it the plot from which novel is it? Oh, don't lie to me."

Lu Qiming smiled helplessly.

"If it can, I hope it's fake."

He wanted to be like an ordinary man, busy running around in order to support his family, work may be very hard, not making much money.

But at least when I go home, I can watch TV happily with my wife and children.

By Jiang Miaomiao's side, he briefly experienced that kind of happiness, which made him nostalgic as he imagined.

It’s just that I’m not lucky, it was before and it is now.

After finally being able to step into a normal life, fate always makes things difficult for him and takes away the happiness within his reach.

Jiang Miaomiao is brooding about one thing.

"Since you were twenty-seven years old more than twenty years ago, aren't you almost fifty now? You are almost fifty?!"

Lu Qiming used a more and more rigid mind to calculate, "It should be forty-eight."

Jiang Miaomiao: "...I rely on!"

No wonder he can't play King of Glory, no wonder he doesn't know Song Xiaobao.

This is a little old man!

"what happened?"

"What's wrong with you, you are so old."

Lu Qiming's heart hurt, as if he was stabbed, and he was forced to explain.

"I am young, and those drugs can fight aging and maintain cell viability."

The drugs tortured him very painfully, but the effect was truly miraculous. Not only did the scars disappear quickly, but his appearance hardly changed.

"That's old too, I actually slept with an old man who was almost fifty? My God!"

Jiang Miaomiao was almost messy, Lu Qiming's face was blue and white, and he coughed.

She was shocked and shocked, still caring about him in her heart, and immediately poured water on him.

"feel better now?"

Lu Qiming coughed and stared at Venus. He couldn't help but smile. He really looked like an old man.

The heating in the room was sufficiently on, and he coughed fiercely, and soon he was sweating.

Jiang Miaomiao was afraid that he would be uncomfortable, so he pulled out a change of clothes from the bag and asked him to change it.

He was too heavy and his skin was easily damaged. She carefully changed his clothes.

I haven't changed my clothes yet, I'm tired enough.

Lu Qiming lowered his eyes and said, "If you can't accept it, you can leave. This is very close to the base, and they will come to pick you up."

Jiang Miaomiao looked up and gave him a blank look.

"Has the virus entered the brain? Start talking crazy."

"...Did you just despise me for being old?"

"What's the matter with dislike? I still dislike eating too much meat, and I didn't drive it away."

Lu Qiming glanced at Jiang Rourou, still feeling uneasy.

"If you are scared and want to leave, I won't blame you."

Jiang Miaomiao was putting his pants on, took a deep breath when he heard this, got up and sat next to him.

"I'm really not afraid of you, I also have secrets. I never thought about telling others, but since you have confessed to me, I will tell you too."

He asked suspiciously: "What secret?"


The word Chuanshu whirled around in her mouth, and she suddenly couldn't bear to say it.

If you know that you are just a character in a book, no matter who it is, you will probably doubt life.

They are so alive, especially Lu Qiming, even in real life, Jiang Miaomiao rarely meets someone as vivid as him.

This is a world.

Even if it only exists in the book, it is a real world.

Jiang Miaomiao thought of a better reason, because he was worried that there would be surveillance in the room, so he approached his ear and said in a volume that only two people could hear:

"I was born again."


"I lived to the end of the last days, and suddenly reborn before the zombie appeared, so I will prepare in advance and store so many supplies."

She paused and said seriously: "You don't have to worry that I am afraid of you, or mind your experience, because I am also a person who has come back from the dead."

Lu Qiming looked at her for a while and shook his head.

"Don't lie to me."

"...I didn't lie to you, it's true."

"Impossible." He didn't believe it, "Just like you, how can you be a person who has experienced big storms."

Now she is a little better, and she has the courage to fight against the zombies.

But he remembered her clearly when they first met.

The state of suicide by turning on the gas for a little trouble is clearly a little girl who has had a good life for a long time, the kind who has never suffered.

Jiang Miaomiao was speechless, got up and left.

"Do whatever you want, believe it or not."

"and many more."

She looked back, "Do you believe me?"

Lu Qiming: "You at least help me put my pants on."

Ten of them are equipped with monitors in this room, otherwise Gu Changzhou would not be so relieved to leave them behind.

Although he doesn't care about being looked at, it is still hard to accept that the person he hates the most is looking at his most secret place right now.

Jiang Miaomiao returned to the sofa, helped him put his pants on, and looked at the time.

"It's night, are you hungry?"

Lu Qiming's digestive ability was also affected. The food he ate on the plane in the afternoon was still stuck in his throat, and he did not feel hungry at all.

But looking at Jiang Miaomiao, he didn't want her to worry and nodded.

The latter handed him a biscuit, "You fill up your stomach first, I'll go to the kitchen to see what to eat."

She finished speaking and walked towards the kitchen.

Lu Qiming held the biscuit with no appetite. He caught a glimpse of Jiang Rourou and wanted it to help.

The smell on his body was dangerous, Jiang Rourou did not dare to approach, and he was reluctant to bear the biscuit.

After weighing it for a long time, it came over with its tail clamped.

Lu Qiming stretched out his hand with difficulty, and ran away, hiding in the corner to eat.

Jiang Miaomiao came out soon, holding two big bags in his arms, with surprise on his face.

"Awesome! There is a lot of military rations in the kitchen, we can eat it for a long time!"

Lu Qiming cheered up and agreed with a smile: "Really? It's great."

"The staple foods are chicken fried rice, beef fried rice, fried noodles and lean meat porridge. What would you like to eat?"

He touched his stomach, which was bulging like a big rock. "Drink porridge."

Jiang Miaomiao went back to the kitchen to be busy, and soon he came out with a bowl of hot porridge and fed him with a small spoon.

The portion of the porridge is not too much, but Lu Qiming can't swallow it halfway after drinking it, waved her hand to let her eat by herself.

She opened a package of chicken fried rice, which smelled very good, but tasteless.

I don't know if it is unpalatable at first or because of a bad mood.

There is hot water in the bathroom, and being able to take a hot bath in such a place is obviously a luxury not to be missed.

So after eating, Jiang Miaomiao helped Lu Qiming to the bathroom and asked him to sit on the toilet to help him undress.

Lu Qiming was shocked, clutching his chest and asked:

"What are you doing?"

"Help you take a shower."

"I don't wash it."

"Brother, you are so stinky that you still refuse to take a bath, do you want to kill me?"

Lu Qiming was unable to agree.

Taking a bath is not the same as changing clothes.

The clothes are taken off and put on as soon as they can’t be seen for too long, but you need to turn on the light and rinse them carefully in the bath.

And his current body, you don't need to look at it to know how ugly.

He wanted to show her six-pack abs, a broad chest, not skin that was disgusting like silt.

Jiang Miaomiao squatted in front of him, putting his hands on his knees.

"Are you afraid that you can't help but bite me? It's okay. I will open the door immediately after being bitten, and then take a bite of the flesh, and then sneak out from behind the mountain.

If you don't become a hero of the gods, you will be the corpse of the gods. Outside the mountain is a large grassland, which should be long enough for us to sway for a long time. "

Lu Qiming laughed, "You always want to be so beautiful, fool."

She plausibly said, "Life is already so bitter, but if you want to be beautiful, how can you live? Good, let me take a bath for you, otherwise it will be stinking and I won't let you go to bed."

He had to let go and let her handle it.

Jiang Miaomiao took off his shirt. Knowing that his skin was fragile, he moved very softly, but he still accidentally pulled off a few small pieces of skin.

The clothes were thrown into the next basket, and she didn't move for a long time.

Lu Qiming felt her gaze on his back and asked, "Is it serious? Show me the mirror."

"It's not serious, it's not serious, the figure is very good, as handsome as before."

He tugged at the corners of his mouth mockingly, and said nothing.

After Jiang Miaomiao took off his clothes, turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature of the water first, and felt that it was almost done before he began to wash his body.

Lu Qiming's situation is really bad.

The skin is densely covered with spots of different sizes. Many spots have begun to rot from the middle, revealing dark red muscles and faintly oozing thick pus.

Jiang Miaomiao had seen psoriasis patients, and he was so sick that he almost vomited.

However, looking at his even more terrifying back at the moment, I just wanted to cry.

Lu Qiming had a good-looking figure before, and she was good enough to be a model. She couldn't wait to lie down on him all day.

This **** virus.

She dried her tears silently and continued to wash.

When he rushed to his waist, Lu Qiming hid.

"It's not necessary here, I'll do it myself."

She shook her head, washing herself, and suddenly asked:

"The book says that you have no bones here, but soft tissues. If it gets worse in the future, will it just fall off?"

"...Thank you, you can really speak."

"Don't be inferior. It's the same when I become a zombie. My...my chest may also fall. It's worse than you, lose both."

Lu Qiming sneered: "Just your size, I'm afraid there is no chance."

"...To each other."

The two were joking, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

After washing, Jiang Miaomiao even began to hum.

Lu Qiming thought of her appearance when she was growing vegetables, and the corners of her mouth rose involuntarily.

After washing off everything that could be washed off, Jiang Miaomiao turned off the water and brought a towel.

She didn't dare to rub it hard, and gently pressed like a foundation to absorb the water on the surface of the skin. Then she sprayed the perfume wildly, and the odor was barely smelled.

She chose a set of soft-looking pajamas for him, and helped him to lie down on the bed in the bedroom.

Asked fleshy to accompany him before going to take a bath.

She used to take a bath for at least 20 minutes. If she washes her hair and blows her hair, it will take longer. She almost fainted in the bathroom because of the steam.

But now somehow, I am always afraid that if I leave for too long, Lu Qiming will become a zombie when he goes back.

That way the two would not even have a chance to say the last sentence.

So she finished the shower in just a few minutes, half-dried her hair, and hurried into the room.

Lu Qiming leaned against the bed, his head hanging down, as if he was asleep.

Jiang Miaomiao quietly walked over and squatted by the bed to watch him.

There was also a dark spot on his right cheek, the size of a baby's fist, and a small part spread to the tall bridge of the nose, which looked like a huge birthmark.

She changed directions. From this angle, his right face was hidden in the shadows, and his left face was as handsome as when he first met.

What was he thinking at that time?

It shouldn't be long before he escaped from the laboratory. He traveled thousands of miles across the sea of ​​corpses to return home, not knowing how much danger he encountered.

He said he went to find a friend, could it be to avenge Gu Changzhou?

It didn't matter, anyway, no matter who he looked for, he gave up for her.

Jiang Miaomiao raised his face and raised his hand, trying to touch his perfectly shaped nose.

After all, if you don't touch it, there will be no chance.

Lu Qiming opened his eyes abruptly, and it took a lot of effort to restrain her from biting her.

"Don't stay next to me without talking."

It's better when he is awake, he really can't control the half-dream and half-awake state.

Jiang Miaomiao nodded and lifted the quilt to climb on the bed.

He asked in surprise: "What do you do?"

She was inexplicably, "Sleep."

"Sleep here?"

"Well, there is only one bed in the house. I've been waiting for you so hard. Can't drive me to lay the floor."

Lu Qiming moved down laboriously.

"I go."

"come back!"

She leaped over and took him back, who was weak, lying on his chest.

"Are your eardrums rotten?"


"Otherwise, why can't I hear what I say? I want to sleep with you. As long as I live for one day, I will sleep with you for one day, and I will not run away."

Lu Qiming said: "I will really bite you."

She rolled up her sleeves and passed her slender white arm.

"Bite here, don't bite your face, it's better to lower your mouth lightly."

Lu Qiming was speechless, "Aren't you greedy for life and fear of death? Now that you have the courage?"

"Yes, I am fattened by you, and I will get fatter and fatter in the future."

She raised her head and kissed his mouth, turned off the light, and hugged him firmly.

"go to bed!"

In the darkness, Lu Qiming's breathing gradually became heavy.

Jiang Miaomiao said in surprise, "You still have a reaction!"

"...Can you stop touching it?"

"I'm curious, it's alright, I'm really sleeping this time, don't talk."

She got down from him and lay down beside him obediently, with one hand on his waist, fearing that he would run away in the middle of the night.

She should be tired, and there was a regular breathing around her.

Lu Qiming was tortured by the smell on her body very painfully, so he simply pierced the quilt and pulled out two **** of cotton to block his nose, which calmed down.

How long can my consciousness last?

Yesterday he was able to walk on his own, and he has become like this today. It is estimated that he will not survive tomorrow.

What will happen then?

Really as she said, turned into two zombies with a zombie dog, wandering stupidly on the ice field?

He couldn't help but smile, and before the corner of his mouth came back, tears rolled to his chin first.

At two o'clock in the morning, Lu Qiming started to develop a high fever.

The hot temperature made Jiang Miaomiao very uneasy and couldn't ignore it, looking for medicine all over the room.

There is a first aid kit in the living room cabinet with anti-fever medicine.

She ate one pill for him, which was useless, and another pill, which was still scary hot.

Lu Qiming lay pale on the bed, wet his hair with cold sweat, and seemed to have lost consciousness and began to talk nonsense.

"I still have 20,000 yuan here. It's important for you to see a doctor."

"Be careful, there is an ambush ahead."

"Your girlfriend will wait for you."

"Miao Miao... Miao Miao..."

Calling her name, he didn't say anything, and shouted again and again like a repeater.

Jiang Miaomiao was so anxious that he saw the communicator on the wall and called the base.

"Save him... will you save him? Any way is fine, I am willing to do anything..."

The person who answered the call was Gu Changzhou’s assistant, and said in a sorry tone:

"Captain, he has something to go out. Please contact me tomorrow."

She asked eagerly: "Then can you give me some medicine? Didn't he say that you will meet our needs?"

"What I can do, of course I will be satisfied, but he should be hopeless."

He was not saved.

Jiang Miaomiao's heart was cold.

After the phone was hung up, she returned to the room in despair, looking at Lu Qiming who was in pain on the bed, the only thing she could do was to hold his hand tightly.

"You bite me, okay?"

She didn't want to wait any longer.

Lu Qiming never opened his eyes, gritted his teeth tightly, his veins flared up, fighting against the active virus in his body.

One night passed, and he was still not completely corpse, but he was almost no one.

The whole house smelled of him, and the perfume couldn't hide it.

Jiang Rourou has a keen sense of smell and is tortured so much that he can't escape in the kitchen.

Jiang Miaomiao ignored her sense of smell, walked in with a basin of water, and wiped his face.

When the towel was removed, dark spots covered most of the face, and the skin was severely ulcerated.

Lu Qiming's vocal cords were also damaged, and his voice was like a broken gong.

"Am I particularly ugly?"

"Who said that? You are so handsome, very handsome."

"More handsome than Song Xiaobao, who you like?"

She laughed out loud, her eyes full of tears.

"Well, handsomer than him, handsomer than everyone else."

Lu Qiming smiled, "I really envy you for being with a handsome person like me."

She choked so much that she could not speak, raised her basin and went out to pour water.

There was movement outside the door, and Jiang Miaomiao thought that Gu Changzhou was back, so he ran out and asked him for help.

A tall figure walked in and uncovered the snow cover, revealing a beautiful and British face.

Is a woman.

"Are you Jiang Miaomiao?"

Her voice is extremely charming, calm and clear, with the calmness of the wind and waves.

Jiang Miaomiao had never seen her, but he nodded with a strong sense of familiarity.

The other party shook hands with her and introduced herself.

"Hello, I am the deputy captain of the Fourth Rescue Team, and my name is Yuan Mubing."

Sure enough, she is the original heroine.

Jiang Miaomiao thought she would be pleasantly surprised, but now the situation is urgent, she has no thoughts at all, just asks:

"looking for me?"

"I have something I want to talk to you alone."

"I'm not free now."

Yuan Mubing glanced at the bedroom.

"I know the situation you are facing, maybe I can help you."

She became nervous, "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Yuan Mubing made an invitation gesture.

"My plane is outside, and it will be fine in three minutes."

Jiang Miaomiao glanced at Lu Qiming worriedly.

The other party lay deadly, obviously there is no use for her to stay.

The original heroine is not a bad person. She has saved a lot of people. She is so capable, maybe there is a way.

Jiang Miaomiao squeezed her palms hard, put on a snow-proof suit, and followed her to the plane to talk in detail.

Soon after the two left, the door of the refuge opened again, and three tall men came in.

"You are guarding by the door and no one is allowed in."

"Yes, Captain."

After Gu Changzhou gave his instructions, he took off his snow protection suit, walked into the bedroom, and stood by the bed looking down at the person on the bed.

Lu Qiming was once the object of his worship.

Calm, strong, economical, and have their own standards.

More than two decades later, he has surpassed Lu Qiming of the year, but the other party still stays in time and has not changed.

"Aren't you afraid that I will slap my back before I die?"

Lu Qiming opened his eyes and coughed up black blood.

He smiled, "I'm here to save you."

Lu Qiming sneered, "You don't have the ability."

"I don't have one, but the scientific research experts in the base do."

Gu Changzhou turned around and picked up a box, and opened it on the bedside table.

"Over the past year, they have been working hard to study ways to inhibit the activity of the virus, and they have achieved initial results. The potion in my hand can be inhibited for one month after one injection. As long as you give you an injection, you can stay together with your loved one again. It's been a month."

Lu Qiming was expressionless.

"Even if the medicine is real, I don't believe you will be so kind."

"Don't be like this, I couldn't do anything about it back then. After all, as mercenaries, we all have our own tasks to accomplish, right?"

Gu Changzhou squeezed a medicine bottle, slowly disassembled a syringe, sucked out the light blue medicine in the medicine bottle, and looked at him through the needle.

"Want to try?"

Lu Qiming was silent for a while, and asked, "What conditions?"

"Tell the reason why you are alive now."

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