Rune Wizard

Chapter 99: :no way no money

   On the spot, Karen's eyes were calm.

   The Duke of the West, who had experienced the pain of losing his son, had fallen into rage, his eyes were red as blood, and his body was pouring out like a torrential rain.

"bring it on!"

   Karen took a deep breath, staring at the violent Andrew, the cross sword in his hand once again ignited a spiritual flame.


   The cross-swords rubbed and made a sharp sound. In the freezing cold wind, it was like a whimper. Andrew was like a mad tiger, struggling to overdraw his vitality and avenge his eldest son.


   Karen stepped back a few steps, the Duke of the West, as a veteran knight, in a violent state, even if he could only temporarily avoid the edge.

   "How long can this state last?"

   Karen's eyes flickered, and the knight's strength lies in the seeds in his body. After the outbreak, he can obtain a state far beyond normal.

   But unlike wizards who possess magic power, when a knight bursts out seed power, he consumes his own life force, so any knight will not easily burst out of his full strength.

   Using the power of seeds too frequently is tantamount to seeking a dead end, but at this time Andrew completely ignores the consequences.

"let me help you!"

   Seeing Andrew furious as a tiger, Ikaite not far away moved his feet and quickly appeared next to the Duke of the West, with two rapiers piercing sharply.


   Andrew in a furious state, Ikate couldn't shake it hard, so after a brief confrontation, he instantly retreated.

   "Heh! This old guy is really strong."

   Ikate grinned, his mouth was numb, and Andrew, in a furious state, attacked more fiercely than before.

   Not far away, Karen narrowed her eyes.

  According to the Protoss' scan, after using the knights to explode with all his strength, Andrew's aura has begun to gradually decline, no longer as strong as before.


   Karen muttered to herself, a trace of killing intent flashed in her eyes, intending to end the battle.

   can be at this moment.

   There was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, Karen frowned slightly, and saw several Western Knights rushing up without fear of death.

   "You take the Lord Duke and go first, I'll break it!"

   The one-armed knight in armor stood in front of Karen meaninglessly, his eyes shining like death.

   Steelheart Knight, Clayway.

   The former Steelheart Knight is known as the number one genius in the Western Realm, and he is also the person who is most likely to be promoted to the Great Knight in the Western Realm.

   However, Meteorite City was after the First World War.

   Cravy, who had lost an arm, not only suffered a great loss of strength, but also almost cut off the possibility of being promoted to a great knight in the future. He is not even as good as an ordinary knight.

   In order to retrieve his glory, Cravey actively asked to go to the battlefield, hoping to break through himself with the temper of life and death.

   "Come on, Lord Karen!"

   Clayway took a deep breath, a war intent flashed under his eyes, and laughed: "Let me see your power again!"

   After that, the Steelheart Knight charged brazenly.

   "Are you not afraid of life and death?"

   A strange luster appeared on Karen's face, and the fearlessness and bravery of Steelheart Knight Cravey made even Karen, an enemy, a touch of emotion.

   "Okay! Complete you!"

   Karen sighed in her heart, facing Cravey who was brazenly dying, slowly raised her cross sword.

   The next moment, a touch of silver blooms.

   The horse neighed and Cravey fell down, leaving a terrible narrow wound on his chest, blood flowing like a fountain.

   Then, Karen looked up.

   At this time, Andrew, the Duke of the West, had escaped under the cover of several knights. The death of his eldest son Anthony made his heart bleed, but he also knew that he could not deal with Ikate and Karen at the same time.

   continue to stay here, there is only a dead end!

   "Do you want to go now?"

   A sneer flashed through Karen's eyes. After the eruption of the knight seed, Andrew was already at the end of the road, and it was naturally impossible for him to escape easily.

"Wait a moment."

   Just as Karen was about to pursue the chase, Ikate came up and shook his head and said: "We have won a great battle in this battle. If we continue to pursue it, I am afraid we will face the battle of the trapped beast!"

   Karen calmed down as well when he heard Iket’s words.

   led eight hundred cavalry to the North Plains to block the Duke of the West. Andrew's six thousand remnants were almost beheaded, and even Anthony was in a different place. In this battle, Beifeng City has won a big victory.

   Continue to chase and kill, it will only drive Andrew to a dead end.

   At that time, the soldiers of the West, who are unable to retreat, will inevitably fight to the death, and the outcome of the battle of the trapped beasts, even if Beifeng City wins, will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

   "Receive troops and rest for a day."

   Ikate raised the corner of his lips and sneered, "When the remnants of the West are exhausted, we are giving a fatal The situation is at this level, even if Andrew escapes back to the West, he will not be able to recover!"

   "That's... also good." Karen nodded.

   After the fierce battle just now, the magic power in his body was almost exhausted. Even if he could kill Andrew after the fight, he might be injured. Anyway, the Northland Plain is still far from the West, and Karen still has a lot of time.

   Seeing Karen agreed with her idea, Ikate blew a whistle.

   That was the signal that had been made before. The cavalry of the Northwind City began to retreat, allowing the embarrassed western soldiers to escape. As for the wounded western soldiers, their lives were ruthlessly harvested.


   Under the night, the cold wind howled.

   A simple camp consisting of hundreds of tents, the Campbell family’s wolf-head flag hunted, and the boiling broth gurgled in the iron pot on the firewood, exuding a seductive fragrance.

   After the First World War in the daytime, the soldiers were fighting with high spirits.

   At the suggestion of Ikate, everyone rested on the spot. After they plan to recharge their energy, they will continue to chase the remnants of the West Territory tomorrow.

   In the tent in the middle of the camp.


   Karen drank the broth in the bowl, feeling the warmth from her abdomen, and her whole body was refreshed, as if the exhaustion of the day was swept away.

   Several hours have passed since the previous battle.

  The soldiers of the Western Territory suffered heavy losses. The emerald knight Anthony was in a different place. The Duke of the Western Territory Andrew led four thousand remnants and fled the battlefield in embarrassment.

   "The overall situation is set!" Karen sighed.

   After the daytime war, the main force in the Western Territory has been completely defeated, not only the loss of troops, but also the already low morale, and it has become a group of bereaved dogs.

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