Roulette World

Three hundred and eighty-nine What is a secret realm?

What Ye Zhongming proposed made Ah Tao, Hui Shan, and Shan Kan who had just entered the core layer silent for a long time.

This young, powerful and terrifying man said that he wanted to go to the royal city alone first, because he couldn't wait for the cold season to pass.

Where is Wangcheng?

That is the core of the whole posthumous person!

Yes, the posthumous people are very backward and weak. Survival has always been the primary issue. Facing the increasingly harsh living environment in the Bru continent and the increasingly powerful monsters, the posthumous people had to move into the Avoiding the attack that may come at any time in the belly of the mountain has become the object of ridicule by the proud sons and daughters of the Temple of Dawn.

It's all true, it's all real.

But after all, the posthumous people have existed in the Blue Continent for countless years. After all, they are divided into three parts of the world with the army of monsters in the Yemen Plain and the Temple of Dawn. No matter how weak it is, the royal city as the core will never be weak!

Ye Shi is very powerful, and the three patriarchs never even doubted that he can fight a large tribe by himself, and the winning rate is very high.

But the posthumous people not only have large tribes, but also super tribes. Each of the seven kings represents the existence of a super tribe. The lair and headquarters of these super tribes are in the posthumous king city!

It would be fine if Ye Zhongming was a posthumous person born and raised, even if he went to Wangcheng, as long as he didn't do some outrageous things, no one would care about him, at most he would be kicked out.

But Ye is an outsider who even Ah Tao can't tell the origin, and the two people with him are regarded as spies of the Temple of Dawn. Could it be that Dabu is the only one who thinks so among the posthumous people? No, never! Once they found out that Ye Zhongming was different, many posthumous people would have the same idea as Dabu, and they would capture or kill him as someone from the Dawn Temple, and then send them to Wangcheng to receive the reward from Wang Zun.

Even those kings would do the same, killing Ye Zhongming.

They were indeed not sure that Ye Zhongming was from the Dawn Temple, but did they need to be sure? No, they don't need to be sure, as long as they think it is in their hearts, killing such an unknown person, maintaining the stability of the status quo, and avoiding turmoil and losses, all rational rulers will do this!

If Ye Zhongming followed Ye Zhongming's previous plan and developed step by step, using the more than 100 falling sand days when the royal city was unable to respond in the cold season as a buffer, to rapidly develop its strength, and turn the Yunding Fallen Alliance into an even less stable superpower That's right, in that way, they will have the qualifications to negotiate with Wangcheng. Usually, Wangcheng will recognize their status under such circumstances. If they don't strive for a seat in the Wangzun joint meeting, then this recognition will be easier!

At that time, no matter how stable the internal affairs are, and then develop the power, when Ye's strength grows to the point where he can rival Wang Zun, then Yunding will have the opportunity to control the entire posthumous people if he falls into the alliance!

Then, whatever Ye Zhongming wants to do, he can do whatever he wants, and the tribal alliance can just follow him. Whether he lives or dies, he is destined to write the most brilliant stroke in the history of posthumous people!

This is what the patriarchs think, and this is the plan they want to follow!

But now, this Ye has changed his mind, he wants to go to Wangcheng alone, isn't this going to die? He is very strong, but he is really not stronger than Wang Zun. The seven kings in Wangcheng are all above level seven, and the three most powerful among them have broken through to level eight. That is a height that people look up to , Ye's strength is around level 5, including all external factors, he can barely compete with level 6 fighters, but level 7 is still seven level 7, this really won't work!

Faced with the painstaking persuasion of the three patriarchs, Ye Zhongming handed them a plan, which he asked Miya to help him write, he dictated, and Mia recorded.

"Thank you very much, but at this time, I have to make such a decision." Ye Zhongming took a deep breath, then looked at the three patriarchs and said: "Strictly speaking, I do not belong to this world."

The three patriarchs immediately fell into a slump, and Mia next to her also stared wide-eyed,

A look of disbelief.

Han Yihao and his wife also attended the meeting, Ye Zhongming looked at them and said: "They are the same, they come from the same place as me, and that place is called Earth."

Seeing the couple nodding their heads solemnly, several people finally believed that Ye was not from the Blue Continent at all.

"Then, then you are going to the royal city, it is..."

Miya suddenly thought of some bad possibility, and the circles of her eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Ye Zhongming nodded: "I need to leave here, because my subordinates in another world are facing extreme danger now. If I can't rush back as soon as possible, they will all die."

The amount of information was huge, and the three patriarchs couldn't bear it for a while, so they could only listen first.

"How did we enter the Blue Secret Realm? It's a bit of a mysterious way to say it. It doesn't matter if we don't talk about it, but after entering, we all found that the way out is not where we came in. I have already inquired about three possible exits. "

"The Gate of Blessing in the Dawn Temple, the Cursed Abyss in the Yemen Plain, and... the Almighty Holy Pool in the King's City of the Posthumous Man."

Speaking of which, the three patriarchs and Miya already knew why Ye Zhongming was in such a hurry to go to the king's city, because there was the universal holy pool there, and he thought it was the way back to his original world.

Ah Tao smiled wryly, and raised the plan in his hand to Ye Zhongming: "Ye, without you, what is the use of this thing? Without your help, let's not talk about the smooth progress of the plan, just talk about the progress of the royal city after the cold season." We can't resist the guilt, the disaster of genocide is right in front of us!"

Huishan and Shankan also sighed slightly. Originally, the two people who had a great pride in their hearts after hunting the copper barbarian this time seemed to run around naked @@@@ in the cold season. , It was about to be frozen into an ice sculpture.

"No, my departure is temporary, and I will definitely come back, because here is a secret I must know!" Ye Zhongming said with certainty.

There are magic crystals and monsters in the Blue Secret Realm, which are actually mutated life forms on the earth, but there are no zombies or roulettes here, why? Ye Zhongming has a lot of guesses, but he has always kept them in his heart. The longer he stays here, the more doubts he has.

Ye Zhongming felt that this place was like... the earth in countless years!

In other words, here is like the end of the earth!

Or, the previous guess is wrong, so here, could it be a kind of blueprint? !

A blueprint for turning the earth into an apocalyptic appearance!

Those behind-the-scenes manipulators who don't know if it's life or something, have they extracted genes or templates or something that Ye Zhongming doesn't understand, and then transplanted them to the earth?

There are other secret realms that Ye Zhongming has not yet entered, are they also this kind of template? Those manipulators are using the earth to do some experiments that the people on earth hate so much? !

Which is the answer? Or everything is wrong, and there is another explanation, Ye Zhongming wants to know.

He wants to leave, not really leave, he will come back, he is going to the Royal City of the Posthumous Man, to the Temple of Dawn, to find the most knowledgeable person, to find the oldest document, to find these answers!

A few hours after the end of the world, the secret realm will fall from the sky. Who threw down these keys to the secret realm? Are those manipulators, or someone else? If the latter, will it be a friend of the earth?

There are too many things Ye Zhongming wants to know!

"Don't worry, I discovered a secret between this place and the world I used to live in. This secret should be enough to buy me time to come back here again!"

Ye Zhongming revealed another secret, something that the people in the room couldn't understand at all...

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