Roulette World

Two thousand six hundred forty-two heaven and earth stained with blood (16)

After Lingqin was extremely angry, she was deeply sad.

She was troubled and remorseful, but also full of worry and anxiety.

She hated herself for being so arrogant. She didn't retreat immediately after discovering the anomaly, but waited a little longer. She hated why she ran away and chose to fight to the death. With the help of Lie Shen level equipment, is she capable of fighting?

She hated herself because she knew that even if she survived today, she would be tormented by the screams of those companions who died for her all the time in the future.

Her journey of cultivation has come to an end.

The devil is sad, so what are you talking about searching for rules!

Perhaps, for the rest of his life, to be able to create another Liao Shen class is the only wish.

A lot of cries that were suppressed but still uttered, stimulated Lingqin who was getting farther and farther away from the battlefield.

She knew that all ten masters of the third wave were killed in battle.

There are also twenty strongest masters from the third mechanical legion, forming the last line of defense for her.

She had to escape to a safe place before these masters were killed, or at least break out of the signal shielding area, and then get in touch with the Golden Molybdenum Legion on standby in the airport.

Only when she joins the Golden Molybdenum Legion can she be truly safe.

No, it's not.

After reuniting with the Gold Molybdenum Legion, she had to rush back to the Divine Craftsman City as quickly as possible.

There, she is needed, and the Golden Molybdenum Legion is also needed.

Behind him, there was a strong energy fluctuation. Lingqin knew that the last and strongest masters of the same clan were buying time for her in explosive and tragic ways.

Lingqin's speed became even faster.

The first batch of ten people, seventeen seconds.

The second batch of ten people, twenty-three seconds.

The third batch of ten people, thirty-one seconds.

The last batch, twenty people, took one minute and nine seconds.

There is no way, even if there are several people in the last batch, Fu Leila is very high, and has almost reached the threshold of the peak master.

But the grades are different,

The difference is too big, to the extent that the total of fifty masters together only caused some troubles to the four peak masters, and the total time for them to solve the troubles was 140 seconds.

More than two minutes was enough for Lingqin to run far away, and she did run far away, at least out of the range of signal shielding.

"Diedu! Dietu! Did you hear that?! Did you hear that?!" Lingqin spoke very fast, just like her mood at the moment.

"My lord, I am here."

"Locate me, come down and pick me up, fleet down!"

After Lingqin finished speaking, she sent a message instead without explaining.

That is her special communication channel, which can directly connect to the center of the dwarves without having to pass through layers.

After that, Lingqin continued to move quickly.

In the library palace.

The chief steward stood on the tallest building and looked up at the sky.

No one knew what he was looking at, until for a moment, he waved to the bibliophiles who had prepared earlier below.

The people in Xingzhao City collectively felt the ground shaking.

This feeling is not strong, but it is very clear and very regular.

Earthquakes will never happen on the Survivor Fortress, so where did the accident happen?

Many people who had been watching the live broadcast took to the streets to find the source of the shock.

Although the live broadcast is good-looking, it is not as important as your own life. If there is something abnormal, at least you can get first-hand information on the street, and then escape.

But many people did not find the answer, except those around the library palace.

The people there saw a bright silver thick metal object protruding from the courtyard wall of the Library Palace, slanting towards the sky.

The library palace is a prison, not only because the bibliophiles are restricted, but also because the huge palace complex is blocked by tall walls, and all entry and exit must pass through the teleportation array. The height of the walls makes people see will be daunting.

Of course, the altitude will not cause much hindrance to the universal races with a very high degree of cultivation, but it is a symbol, a symbol that delimits you.

But now, this metal object is higher than the wall, one can imagine its huge size.

Then, the residents of the entire Xingzhao City discovered anomalies.

At the library palace, something was shining brightly.

Also, is this... a change in energy? How can it be so strong?

Before everyone could figure out what was going on, a shrill siren sounded in the city.

This is the alarm that will only appear when the city encounters a large-scale attack or uncontrollable riots.

After a few seconds of silence, the whole city exploded.

Everyone was running, shouting, and hiding, but most of them didn't know where they were going or what their purpose was.

They just instinctively entered a state of emergency avoidance.

This state did not last for too long, and a strong shock occurred in the entire Xingzhao City, accompanied by a beam of light shooting into the sky.

Many people were squatted or lying on the ground by the sudden vibration, and then raised their heads subconsciously, following the ray of light to look at the sky.

There, a mass of destructive fireworks exploded.

Lingqin, who was trying to get rid of the pursuit, stopped, her whole body was shaking, her mouth was half opened but she couldn't make a sound.

She realized that she had made a mistake again, and made a big mistake!

Now that the opponent has designed a trap for the red dwarves of Talos to exploit, how could they not know that the Molybdenum Legion is still in the outer space of the Survivor's Bastion, waiting for help at any time?

Then if I want to run away completely, the only way is to let people from the Golden Molybdenum Legion come to pick me up, and with the domineering habits of the red dwarves of Talos now, and from the perspective of safety, the whole fleet is the most direct and deterrent .

As a result, the Golden Molybdenum Corps really came down.

Thus, the attack from the Library Palace slammed into the fleet that had no reaction time at all.

It was the first time for many people to see the destruction of a large-scale fleet. The huge fireworks that filled their field of vision have been deeply engraved in the minds of countless people since then.

The chief steward sneered, and jumped down from a high place out of boredom.

He and five regional chiefs stayed in the library palace. The six peaks seemed wasteful, but in addition to protecting the families and relatives of the plan participants who had been transferred here, there was another important purpose, which was to protect the door that had been unloaded from the mothership. The main gun, complete the most fatal blow to the dwarves here.

According to the intelligence, the chief and deputy commanders of the Golden Molybdenum Legion were not equipped with Raging God-level weapons. If they were unlucky in this explosion, they might die all of a sudden.

Of course, even if he didn't die, he would probably be injured, so let's leave it to the stewards and district chiefs who went out from the library palace.


The chief steward walked alone in the empty hall. He knew that some old friends who had been with each other for a long time would never come back again.

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