Roulette World

Two hundred and seventh black team

Gold cloth.

The third piece of material that Ye Zhongming put in was the wrapping leather from the monster baby, the golden cloth.

Before, Ye Zhongming only discovered that this magical cloth has the ability to absorb life energy. Once it is damaged by impact, it will become a terrifying existence that absorbs any life energy it touches.

Ye Zhongming only used it once, because if he didn't pay attention to this thing, he would cause harm to himself, so the gain outweighs the loss.

So put it on now.

This time, Ye Zhongming originally put it in with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

After all, it is a piece of cloth, and the bloody boots seem to be made of fiber, so they should meet the attribute requirements.

In fact, the golden cloth does meet the requirements, but... the movement is a bit loud.

"Your sister, you can make such a big noise by supporting the wall with one hand." Xia Lei chewed on the jerky, rolled her eyes wildly, and immediately asked everyone to pay attention to the surroundings and prepare to evacuate at any time.

Fortunately, it was daytime now, and the golden light was far less intense than that emitted by the sacrificial gate. After a flash, it would restore calm and not cause too much trouble.

Ye Zhongming was a little surprised when he saw the pair of combat boots in his hand that had turned into a gray background with golden light flowing on them.

"Speed ​​+26, Dexterity +17, Balance +11, Toughness +20, skill sprint, increases movement speed by 100% within three seconds, cooldown time is ten hours. Skill kick, causes damage of strength x 2 to the target, consumes spirit 100 units of force."

The attributes and skills after the lizard and bugman tail materials were put in just now basically remained the same, with a small increase in attributes. What surprised Ye Zhongming was the last two extra passive skills.

"Passive skill 1, storage (upgradeable), volume 2 cubic meters."

"Passive skill 2, star-absorbing Satan (upgradeable), absorbs the energy contained in all life and life-related substances it touches, supplements the wearer's consumption, and heals the wearer's injuries."

Another piece of golden epic equipment!

Ye Zhongming danced a little.

The Gate of Sacrifice is the first piece of golden epic equipment owned by Ye Zhongming. I was very excited at the time, but it was never the same as it is now.

After all, after understanding the usage of the sacrificial door, Ye Zhongming knew that it was something no less than a divine weapon in the long run. But in the end, a second payment is required. Even with Ye Zhongming's current ability, it is very difficult to gather the energy required for sacrifice. The help for Ye Zhongming is limited in a short time.

But this time the bloody boots are different. This is a piece of equipment that can help Ye Zhongming immediately and continuously.

Leaving aside the nature of the priceless space reserve, let's talk about the second passive skill, Star-absorbing Satan. This is simply a guarantee for continuous fighting, and it is a magical skill that allows the wearer to transform into an immortal Xiaoqiang.

This skill is measured by the absorption speed of life energy by the gold cloth. If Ye Zhongming suffered the same injury in the Jedi, then he may only need to kill a few second-level monsters, and then use the snow boots to suck it up. Well, a day's work is enough to restore the original.

and. Ye Zhongming noticed that it said 'absorb the energy contained in all life and life-related substances that it touches', which means that not only monsters can be absorbed, but everything related to life can be absorbed, such as plants, in other words In other words, if you fight on the grassland, Ye Zhongming can always get energy supplements, physical strength, endurance, etc., and get continuous treatment immediately if you get injured! Also don't forget that Ye Zhongming took attribute stones. Possess a 'source of endurance'!

This skill is ridiculously strong.

What's more, skills can still be upgraded!

Putting on the combat boots, Ye Zhongming immediately felt a lot lighter. There was a feeling of being in high spirits, and I walked back and forth, left and right, and got used to the changes in my body.

But this thing is good, but the golden light flowing on it is a bit too conspicuous, even if it is very faint, it is enough for people to see it at a glance.

It's a crime to conceive Bi. Wearing these shoes in the future, I don't know how many unnecessary troubles I will cause.

Just when Ye Zhongming was slightly worried about this, the light on the shoes gradually faded and disappeared, turning into a pair of ordinary boots.

Ye Zhongming's heart moved slightly, and the golden light began to flow again.

At this moment, Ye Zhongming knew that the epic equipment worn on his body could be controlled to show the color representing the level.

As for why Ye Zhongming didn't know before... the best equipment he had in his previous life was only green and rare...

Wearing new shoes, Ye Zhongming returned to the team with an unconcealable smile on the corner of his mouth, which made everyone confused.

"Shouldn't you feel tired after holding on to the wall with one hand? Why do you look so flushed?" Xia Lei asked Liang Chuyin beside her seriously.

The net red girl gave Ye Zhongming a squinting look: "I'm refreshed, it's said that **@丝@ is like this."

Xiaohu and Le Dayuan laughed heartlessly with everyone.

Ye Zhongming had the urge to try kicking on these people.

On the contrary, Xia Lei, Mo Ye and Tang Tian both noticed that Ye Zhongming had changed his shoes, and cast a few attentive and puzzled looks, but no one asked.

With this pair of shoes, although it cannot give Ye Zhongming the confidence to defeat the Zero Chamber of Commerce, it is enough to give him the capital not to be afraid when facing the terrorist organization in his previous life.

Even, Ye Zhongming had a germinating idea in his heart.

If one day I and my subordinates are powerful enough, we must wipe out the cancer of the Retail Chamber of Commerce from the human world.

After eating, the team continued to move forward. After a simple battle, they passed the small town ahead and collected some magic crystals along the way.

Because Mo Ye and others had stepped on the surrounding area before, the route was basically determined. In the afternoon, it was only an hour away from Yunding Mountain Villa.

Only at this time, the team and another force met unexpectedly in an open field.

"Looking at the clothes, it seems to be a black team."

Mo Ye tightened the saber in his hand. The kind-hearted little policewoman at the beginning was almost infected by the apocalypse. She was instinctively wary and hostile to everyone except the team.

The black-clothed convoy is not one of the big forces around Yunding Villa, but many people know that there is such a convoy operating nearby.

Ye Zhongming saw this convoy consisting of four or five locomotives, three off-road vehicles and a bus from far to near, and knew that this was the prototype of the future trade armed convoy.

These people have no fixed base, just wandering in the wilderness. Collect all kinds of materials, trade with other forces, and enrich yourself.

Of course, this is talking about some relatively regular armed convoys. There are also some irregularities. When encountering a weaker camp, there will be a bloodbath, or when encountering a small number of traders and other teams, they will also come to black and white.

The convoy slowly stopped in front of Ye Zhongming's team, and several people riding on the motorcycle slowly took off their helmets. Raise your hands, showing kindness.

It's just that it would be a big mistake to think that this group of people is friendly. Ye Zhongming keenly noticed that several black gun muzzles protruded from the corner of the bus window where no one noticed.

"Hey bro, we mean no harm!"

A man got off a Mercedes-Benz, raised his hands, and had a smile on his square face, because he hadn't trimmed his beard for a long time. I can't tell the exact age, anyway, it should be no more than forty years old.

"Since there is no malice, let your brothers put away their guns. Being pointed at by a gun for a long time will make people anxious. It is not certain what will happen with this anxiety."

Xia Lei laughed, her upper body swayed slightly, half hidden behind Sheng Yuan, while the big man stood in front of everyone. The big shield stood there, and ordinary firearms would never be able to penetrate this thing.

Ye Zhongming took a casual look and knew that this team consisted of about twenty people. Most of them are evolutionaries, everyone has a gun, and the firepower is not weak.

And the person who got out of the car and came to say hello was also observing Ye Zhongming's team, his eyes lingering on the gray bulletproof vests on Xiaohu's body and Sheng Yuan's giant white shield. When the big golden dog is shining with white magic crystals. The man's expression changed instantly.

He realized that this group of people had been prepared for a long time. If his own people did something just now, let alone whether the bullets could pose a threat to the white-level shield, let's just say that this second-level battle pet is obviously the best The preparations for the raid were caught off guard, and whether or not he could take advantage of it was really a matter of opinion.

Then, because of approaching, the man saw the white sabers on the backs of these people.

Except for the three women, there is actually a hand!

The man decisively waved his arms at his subordinates, and shouted loudly: "Release the guard, disarm the guard, come down to meet these friends who came from afar, Liu Zi, bring my box of Yellow Crane Tower 1916!"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Yuan Shang. I have built a convoy with some relatives and friends. Because we are all dressed in black, everyone around calls us a black-clothed convoy. Haha, we are actually small businessmen." Yuan Shang shrugged his shoulders. Two grenades tied around his waist were exposed, secretly showing off his muscles.

"I just saw a few brothers and sisters here and came here to see if there is any business to do. I hope you don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand."

Xia Lei glanced at Ye Zhongming's face, and found that the boss had no expression, so she continued, "It's okay to misunderstand, the end of the world, sometimes misunderstanding is a good thing."

These words were spoken in her magnetic voice with a smile, but she gave the clearest warning, which made the faces of everyone in the black-clothed team who had already got off the car change slightly.

"However, I like doing business, but I have to see what you have."

Yuan Shang clasped his palms together and said with a smile: "This beautiful woman speaks really well, I admire her admiration. There are not many good things, they are all food, water, necessities of life and so on. See how you are doing, buy something to eat Bar."

Ye Zhongming was listening, shaking his head slightly, and suddenly stood out from the team with a flash of his body. The speed was so fast that no one could react.

He just moved a few times, and he passed Yuan Shang in an instant, and arrived at the side of the bus. With a slight bend in his body, he took out a bag of things from under the bus.

"When doing business, show sincerity. We don't have the temperament to kill indiscriminately, but we have the habit of speaking in an absolutely safe environment."

Ye Zhongming waved his hand, threw the pack of explosives to Yuan Shang, and then shook a black remote control in his hand. (To be continued.)

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