Romanian Eagle

The 142nd chapter attack, the kingdom sword (2)

Major Shanprot, who they were talking about, was hiding behind a pile of bushes on a hill. He held a telescope and looked at an open space about 500 meters away. There were about 300 farmers in various clothes gathered here. They were really arguing about an officer wearing a Bulgarian uniform, but after a while they were stopped by the officer, and they ended the quarrel and began to organize the team.

"What should we do, battalion commander?"

A subordinate company commander of Major Sanprote asked quietly beside him.

Major Samprot put down the telescope in his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and told him. "Tell our men to prepare to ambush them ahead."

The company commander asked in a low voice, a little puzzled. "Batch commander, they are just militias, and we can defeat them as long as we charge once."

Opposite the question of the company commander under his command, Major Sanprote scolded him in a low voice. "Rush once? Who are the casualties of your soldiers?"

After being taught a lesson by Major Sanprote, the company commander retreated in despair and planned to let the cavalry go around the front of these militiamen and deal with them ruthlessly.

Major Sanprote observed for a while, and confirmed that the militiamen were going to rush to Silistra and retreated, took the reins handed by the adjutant, and walked forward with his horse, making sure not to disturb the Bulgarian militiamen. Afterwards, he rode his favorite horse to his cavalry battalion.

Three kilometers away, Major Sanprote's cavalry battalion was ready, waiting for his battalion commander to come.

The company commander who came back first saw Major Sanprote come back and asked. "How is the battalion commander?"

"These militiamen are going to Cilistra, and we will intercept them in front." After speaking to the company commander, Major Sanprote shouted to the entire battalion. "Set off."

The cavalry battalion followed its battalion commander and began to move. They bypassed the militias on the flank and rushed five kilometers ahead. A wood, where the road ran right through the middle was a perfect ambush location.

Here, the soldiers of the cavalry battalion set up their only heavy weapons, two Maxims and four Madsen machine guns, on both sides of the road. The soldiers also dismounted and waited for the Bulgarians to come up. After half an hour, the Bulgarian militias appeared in front of them in two lines. The soldiers who saw the Bulgarian militiamen approaching the cavalry battalion also lowered their heads to avoid being discovered by them. These militiamen really lacked military quality.

Major Sanprot was not polite when he saw this, and when the Bulgarians came into the middle of the woods, he gave an order.


Six machine guns fired at the advancing team, and his cavalry battalion soldiers raised their guns from both sides to shoot a round.

In the face of the sudden and violent attack, these untrained militiamen panicked and watched the people next to them fall in groups, some of whom were acquaintances they knew. Everything was lost, and they were all running around like flies without heads. Some people wanted to fight back because their friends were killed, some people wanted to hide in the woods because they were afraid, and some people lost their rifles and fell on the ground in fright.

The battle also ended very quickly. This time, the only leading officer in the military uniform of the militia team was firing bullets like a beacon, and at the first moment, Major Sanprote saw that more than ten shots were killed in his body and could no longer die. . And these militiamen who lack command are elite standing army opponents. After more than ten minutes of the battle, there is no one who can resist.

Major Sanprote shouted to his soldiers. "Cease fire."

Then the gunfire gradually subsided, and the soldiers of the cavalry battalion began to check the results of the battle with their lances, and called the militiamen who were lying on their stomachs and captured them.

A company commander who counted the results of the battle stepped forward and said to Major Sanprote. "The battalion commander eliminated 287 enemy troops this time, of which 218 were killed and 69 captured. We only had two minor injuries."

The company commander did not mention that the seriously wounded prisoners, generally those who could not stand up by themselves, were dealt with on the spot. This is also the practice on the battlefield now, no one will waste medicine for the seriously wounded of the enemy unless it is a big man. And this group of militiamen obviously can't have big figures, and they look like they are recruited by farmers on the spot.

After hearing his company commander's report, Major Sanprote said. "Let the soldiers clean up the battlefield. We will leave in two hours, otherwise Commander Widerschi will get angry."

"Follow the battalion commander."

After the company commander responded, he walked over and arranged for soldiers to bury the dead Bulgarian militiamen.

Two hours later, Major Sanprot had a platoon lead the prisoners to the rear, and he himself continued to advance toward the Bulgarian rear with the cavalry battalion. They left a new mound in the woods, in front of which was inserted a The rifle, as if to tell the world about the battle that took place here.

In Silistra, where the dead militiamen were going, there were already Romanian troops everywhere. Half an hour ago, the 3rd Division had just broken through the defense of a militia regiment. Now they plan to reorganize and continue to set off.

The residents of this small town looked at the Romanian invaders who had broken through their homes with complex expressions. Because this will be the new territory of Romania in the future, Eder strictly ordered the army not to do excessive behavior, so the residents here saw an army that was fierce to their relatives on the battlefield, but did nothing to them after the war. .

Major General Midlore, the commander of the third division, was checking the results of the battle. After reading it, he said to Lieutenant Colonel Calmen, the commander of the second regiment, who was standing in front of him. "At the cost of 187 casualties, the defending 3,200 enemies were defeated, and they only let them escape more than 800 people. The fight was very good."

In the face of the teacher's praise, Lieutenant Colonel Carmen felt the need to explain. "Commander, we were able to achieve such a victory this time, mainly because our army has a lot of heavy firepower, and the militia regiments defending here are poorly equipped, even the Konka rifles from 40 years ago. And they still lack Training, more than 150 meters can be accurate to the death of the head."

Hearing Lieutenant Colonel Calman's explanation, Major General Middlelor knew that he believed that his fully armed professional army, for such a completely civilian-level army, was completely unworthy of victory. So he looked at the lieutenant colonel under his command and said. "Lieutenant Colonel Calmen can't comment too much on this battle, but the situation you mentioned is very beneficial to our army, which can help us reduce our own losses. Well, let's go out."

After Lieutenant Colonel Calman heard Major General Middlelor's words, he saluted him and walked out.

The chief of staff saw that Major General Middlelor had driven Lieutenant Colonel Calmen out, and stepped forward to persuade him. "Master, Lieutenant Colonel Calmen just can't turn around a bit, I believe it will be fine in a few days."

After hearing the persuasion of the chief of staff, Major General Middlelor sighed and said. "I know all of this. In the previous training, I asked them all. In the face of the German, French and Russian troops, he would say this when he suddenly hit an almost civilian weapon, but now I hope he will change his mind soon. ."

Shortly after the third division captured Silistra, the second army also captured Ruse, which is across the river from Giuliju, and the third army also captured Dobrić in the evening. The militia was not an opponent at all. They were beaten and routed by the Romanian army and could not stop them. The only thing that can delay them now is the 2nd Independent Brigade in Varna and the newly recruited 14th Division in Suman. .

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