Latest website: Zhang Tuohai happily played with the black umbrella in his hand, like a child who got a new toy.

Playing around, Zhang Tuohai suddenly thought of a question.

He asked Alice curiously.

"Miss Alice, this black umbrella is made of quantum crystals, and the guy who attacked me before said that the dagger in his hand was made of quantum shards. Are there any similarities and differences between the two?"

"This..." Alice said while taking the red bean milk tea handed by Wangcai, "Actually, there is no difference in essence. Both are made of quantum. It's just that every time the world restarts. , The generated quantum is really too little. We call that thing quantum fragments. After we have accumulated a lot, after a certain amount, they are combined together to be called quantum crystals. You can understand them as broken diamonds and diamonds. There is actually no difference."

Alice said while drinking milk tea.

"The world restarts?"

Hearing these four words, Zhang Tuohai's heart trembled. Instinctively, he grasped another important message.

Having said this, Alice also consciously failed to speak, but, thinking that Zhang Tuohai had rescued him from the suitcase before, I felt that Zhang Tuohai was a member of the Tower of Babel, and news of this level would be known sooner or later. It's nothing to reveal some.

She coughed slightly and said, "Actually, this news is classified as confidential information within the Tower of Babel, and only the core cadres can know it. However, your performance is good. I can tell you in advance. You just need to know it. Don’t talk about it to others."

"Don't worry, my mouth is the strictest." Zhang Tuohai made a gesture to zip his mouth.

"I told you before. For those demigods, their biggest goal is to **** the imaginary core. Do you know why they want to **** the imaginary core?"

Alice took a sip of milk tea and asked leisurely.

"In order to gain more worlds and cultivate more favored ones?"

Zhang Tuohai tried to ask.

"That's just a means, not the ultimate goal."

Alice shook her head: "Remember, their purpose of cultivating the favored person is to **** the imaginary core, but the purpose of snatching the imaginary core is not to cultivate the favored person. You have to figure out the relationship between the two."

"Then what is their purpose?"

"Their real purpose is to use the imaginary core to control the restart of the imaginary space."

"Restart? What good is this for them?" Zhang Tuohai puzzled.

"Every time these imaginary number spaces are restarted, some quantum fragments will be produced. When the quantum fragments are accumulated enough, they will be poured into the imaginary space, and the space will be quantized, so that the space can be promoted to quantum space, and the space is promoted. , Can get huge benefits from it, and even demigods can also use this opportunity to be promoted to true gods. Therefore, those demigods will actively grab the imaginary core so that the purpose is to accumulate quantum fragments together and supply Go into an imaginary space, and then let yourself be promoted."

Alice said slowly.

"I see."

Hearing what Alice said, everything made sense.

Why do the demigods put so many humans into the imaginary space to survive?

The purpose is to screen out the strong, fight against other worlds, and grab the imaginary core.

Then accumulate quantum crystals for promotion.

This result is cruel to humans, but sometimes, to high-ranking people, humans seem to be no different from ants.

As long as the goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter how many ants die.

It's like when a child is playing, he doesn't care how many ants die.

Although he understood the truth, Zhang Tuohai still felt a breath in his chest when he put it on him.

"I feel very angry, don't you?"

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's appearance, Alice smiled slightly and put down the red bean milk tea in her hand: "Our Tower of Babel is an organization formed by such a group of angry guys. Since we can't see it, we will pull down those demigods."

Alice said, patted Zhang Tuohai on the shoulder: "Okay, thank you for your milk tea, but it's getting late, I should leave."

While she was talking, she let the Rubik's Cube floating around build a gate.

A black whirlpool appeared above the gate.

"By the way, I'll give you a piece of advice before leaving."

Alice suddenly turned her head and said.

"You said." Zhang Tuohai immediately took a step forward.

"Don't easily listen to the bewitching and solicitation of other demigods. Except for a small number of talents, most players who switch to other camps are cannon fodder."

"Moreover, compared to most demigods, the Liuli who recruits you is still somewhat principled. It is lawful and neutral, at least much stronger than those of the chaos system."

Alice said lightly.

"Other demigods? You mean, there are other demigods who will come to dig the wall?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"At that time, you will know. Anyway, you can remember." Alice waved, dragged the suitcase, and stepped into the black whirlpool.

The azure blue squares also fell into the black vortex one after another.

In the end, the door disappeared.

At this time, the surrounding nothingness has gradually disappeared, and they have been slowly repaired by the world.

The carriage has long since disappeared.

All traces are disappearing.

Had it not been for a black umbrella in his hand, Zhang Tuohai would even think that everything before was a dream.

"It's really amazing."

Zhang Tuohai looked at the black umbrella in his hand and asked the self-propelled machine to clean up the surroundings and clean up the remaining traces, while he himself returned to the car.

"how is the situation?"

Zhang Tuohai asked Xiao Ai.

"The whole process has been recorded, and several codes entered by Miss Alice have been recorded. In addition, after comparison, the analysis speed in the back space of the world is about 30% higher than the normal analysis speed."

While talking, Xiao Ai listed a few codes, all of which were written by Alice on the back of the world, at the core of the imaginary space.

The first is the code for making marshmallows. This is temporarily useless.

The second is to find the code, the function is to find the location of the core of the imaginary number, which is very important.

However, according to the analysis of Alice's words, the code of the imaginary space is different in different Whether this code has the same effect in other worlds is not known.

The third code is also a search code, but it is used to find the coordinates of the personnel.

Seeing the neat three lines of code, Zhang Tuohai was very pleased.

However, he suddenly thought of a problem, that is, Alice can enter the back of the world, and naturally can write code.

However, I don't have a way to enter the back of the world, even if I have code, I can't write it.

"How can this be done? Is there still a way to enter the back of the world?"

When Zhang Tuohai was embarrassed, his gaze suddenly fell on the imaginary core in the corner.

Suddenly a thought came to him: "There is also a lot of code in the imaginary core. I don't know if this will work."


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