Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 315: Airship falling

"Black Storm?"

When he saw today's weather, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but stunned.

This bad weather was obviously used to target Gil’s airship forces.

It seems that the game system obviously does not want Jill to easily reach the holy mountain.

At least he didn't want the airship troops to easily reach the holy mountain.

"What does the game system mean?" Zhang Tuohai was puzzled.

It was the first time that he saw the game system take the initiative to bias against one side of the task.

"Is it pre-booked in advance, or is there another underlying reason?"

Zhang Tuohai thought deeply.

It's just that there is too little intelligence in his hand, and he can't analyze the reason.

However, Zhang Tuohai is not a good-tempered person. Since the game system wants to create difficulties to prevent Jill from reaching the Holy Mountain, he still wants Jill to reach the Holy Mountain.

Not for rewards, but for venting.

Zhang Tuohai raised his head and looked at the sky. At this time, a black cloud wall appeared in the sky, rolling in from a distance with an overwhelming momentum. It seemed that the black storm would arrive here soon.

"The storm is pretty big." Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

In this kind of weather, it would be very dangerous to continue flying in the air.

"Miss Jill, you found a black storm in the distance, come down and take shelter, right?" Zhang Tuohai picked up the phone and shouted.

"No! The time to go to the sacred mountain cannot be changed. Everyone obeys my orders and accelerates to the sacred mountain, no matter what the cost, even if there is only one person left, I must climb to the sacred mountain!"

Unexpectedly, Jill's attitude was surprisingly determined.

"Miss Jill..." Zhang Tuohai wanted to persuade him, but Jill interrupted him directly.

"Excuting an order!"

"Understood." Zhang Tuohai hung up the communicator.

He felt that things seemed to have become weird.

Seeing Jill's appearance, he wanted to desperately rush to the sacred mountain before a certain time.

But the game system desperately prevented Jill from rushing to the holy mountain.

This seems to be a conflict between the game system and Jill, not like a normal camp competition task.

"It's strange." Zhang Tuohai felt something was wrong.

"Zhao Wanwan, be alert and don't lose your way."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Understand, don't worry." Zhao Wanwan said.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the gust of wind outside is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the gust of wind swept across the sky and covered the sky with black sand.

In a blink of an eye, everything around him turned black, like a dark night when he couldn't see his fingers.

Zhang Tuohai turned on all the lights, but the visibility was still less than five meters.

In desperation, Zhang Tuohai could only notify the team to reduce the pitch and maintain the formation.

He wanted to report to Jill through the radio, but found that the radio was actually affected. There was only a rustling voice and nothing could be heard.

His ground convoy lost contact with the airship formation in the sky.

"damn it!"

Zhang Tuohai smashed the screen hard, and now the progress of the task was beyond his control.

Not only Zhang Tuohai himself was in trouble. The players who went out to ambush the convoy also lost their way, fell into a panic, and desperately asked for help on the regional channel.

I hope Tian Yu can help them and save them back.

Under this kind of natural disaster, Tian Yu had nothing to do.

Because Red Rock City was also enveloped by a black storm, they couldn't even get out of the city.

He can only give these people some more food to comfort them.

At this moment, the prompt sound of the game system sounded.

"You have been trapped in a black storm for an hour, you have fallen into DEBUFF, and your mood value will be reduced by 10 points per hour. If you are in the wild, your mood value will be doubled."

"Grass." Zhang Tuohai cursed.

He felt that the game system is definitely pushing these players to death.

According to the current rhythm, players have to lose 20-25 mood points every hour in the wild. If there is no supplement, they will run out of 4-5 hours and go crazy.

However, with this sky full of black sand, players may not find a way back to the city at all.

The entire convoy will probably be trapped alive in the wilderness.

"What the **** does this game system do?"

Zhang Tuohai was puzzled.

Just as Zhang Tuohai continued to move forward, the prompt system suddenly popped up a prompt sound.

[Jill's car was blown away by the strong wind, and was moving in the direction of 11 o'clock. 】

"Jill was blown off course?"

Zhang Tuohai was shocked.

If Jill goes off track, the entire mission will fail.

But now, he can't take the risk of launching into the air, and launching into the air at this time is looking for death.

I am afraid that before halfway up the flight, I was blown away by the gust of wind.

Zhang Tuohai thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said to Classmate Xiao Ai: "Classmate Xiao Ai, follow my instructions, put the three machine guns upright, shoot three bursts at the airship's airbag, and shoot immediately."


Xiao Ai shot the airbag of the airship in the air.

Da da da.

The airship pilot lowered the airship’s altitude deliberately for safety reasons because the storm was too big, so that even if it was in danger, he could make an emergency landing.

However, this also gave Zhang Tuohai an opportunity, allowing Zhang Tuohai to use a steam machine gun to smash the airbag of the airship.

The leaky airship began to slowly descend towards the ground.

"No, the speed is still too slow." Zhang Tuohai continued to control the steam machine gun and fired.

More and more cavities appear in the airbag.

The gas in the airbag decreased rapidly, and the airship quickly descended, and finally changed from a forced landing to an out of control state. It fell to the ground, and the suspended box of the airship smashed to the ground, distorted.

"I missed it." Zhang Tuohai hurriedly drove over.

Most of the members of the airship passed out due to the violent impact.

Stunned people were everywhere inside and outside the airship gondola.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tuohai hurriedly jumped out wearing a steam exoskeleton to check the situation.

After searching a lot, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Zhang Tuohai finds Jill who has passed out.

At this time, Jill was lying on the bridge, and several guards protected Jill with their bodies.

Therefore, Jill didn't get much injury, but knocked out a bag because his forehead hit the bridge.

Because of the minor injury, Jill's eyelashes flickered twice, as if he was about to wake up.

Zhang Tuohai's eyes were quick, and a rifle **** hit the back of Jill's head, knocking Jill out again.

"Sorry, in order to be able to complete the task, this is the only way to go."

Zhang Tuohai said that he picked up Jill and took him back to the car.

"Xiao Ai, look at her, if you are about to wake up, knock her out again." Zhang Tuohai said to classmate Xiao Ai.

"Don't worry, Commander, I know this well, and I promise that I won't wake her up."

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