Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 227: Monsters not afraid of headshots

For the player who tried to convince the wolf, Zhang Tuohai didn't know if he was playing jokes.

However, Zhang Tuohai did not have time to verify.

He has more important things to do.

He sent a private message to Cang Xiaokong: "You can get a lot of Bobosha and AK47, and the bullets are in unlimited supply, but the price is tripled. This ak plus 1,000 rounds of bullets will give you self-defense, and you are in crisis. Circumstances, the bullets are out, contact me in time."

Zhang Tuohai said.

Cang Xiaokong is now his important white glove, and safety still needs to be guaranteed.

"Okay, there is already panic on the regional channels. If you can't sell it at four or five times the price, do you want to raise the price?" Cang Xiaokong asked.

"Forget it, let's improve the survival rate first. There are still two days left. There are too few people to cut leeks."

Zhang Tuohai looked at the number of regional channels at this time: 892.

It is already less than four figures, and they will stay in this world for two days. Who knows how many people will die tomorrow.

Even if you want to cut the leeks, you must ensure that there is a certain basic quantity.

"I see."

Cang Xiaokong went to work.

Zhang Tuohai asked Wangcai to make a large amount of coffee and sell it on regional channels.

The response has been pretty good.

The consequence is that a large number of people can't sleep and are bored on the water channel.

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the screen for a while, and found that it was something that was not nutritious, so he quit and went to sleep.

Compared with other players who can only watch the night on their own, he has Xiao Ai classmates who can help, saving a lot of energy.

Moreover, he has an infantry chariot to protect him, and he does not believe that any monsters can break the infantry chariot and attack him.

Zhang Tuohai slept very sweetly this time.

He had a dream that he became a social animal. He just returned from working overtime and found a homeless jk under the telephone pole at the gate of the community.

The kind-hearted Zhang Tuohai took him back home.

Jk was a little dirty, but he was afraid of water, and wanted to invite Zhang Tuohai to the bathroom. Just when Zhang Tuohai wanted to agree, he suddenly felt the floor shaking.


Zhang Tuohai opened his eyes, and he found that Wangcai was pushing his bed.

"Boss, boss, there is a situation."

"what's the situation?"

Zhang Tuohai sat up in a spirited spirit, and asked with Sister Bao'er's pillow in his arms.

"There is strange movement in the surrounding woods. It looks like something is moving." Xiao Ai said.

"Doesn't the camera have an infrared function? Start it and check it out." Zhang Tuohai said.

"I can't see anything." Xiao Ai said.

"Can't see anything?" Zhang Tuohai was taken aback. This is an infrared camera, and it also has a temperature sensing system. As long as there is a temperature, you can see it.

Let alone an animal, even a candle can perceive it.

Unless, these things are at the same temperature as the ice and snow outside.

"Wait, shouldn't it be those things?" Zhang Tuohai suddenly thought of some possibility.

He remembered seeing a kind of monster in a very yellow and violent movie. Those monsters all came out of the extreme cold. The body is the same temperature as the ice, like a zombie. If it is such a thing, It seems that there is really no way to perceive them with temperature.

"Turn on all the lights and project the light to the farthest place." Zhang Tuohai said loudly.

"Understand!" Xiao Ai turned on all the lights on the infantry fighting vehicle, and instantly, within a few tens of meters, it was illuminated like daylight.

With the aid of lights, Zhang Tuohai could see that a group of people were slowly leaning towards the infantry fighting vehicle under the cover of trees.

These people are different from the black knights who are new to this world. They don't have a uniform uniform. They wear a variety of clothes, from down jackets to combat uniforms, from beach pants to bikinis.

Moreover, the weapons in his hand are also diverse, and the variety of weapons makes Ah San's army embarrassed.

Zhang Tuohai even saw some people holding cold weapons.

"Wait, aren't these people holding hunting spears?"

"Hey, isn't that guy Lu Hai? Wasn't he killed by Cang Xiaokong? Why did he appear here?"

Zhang Tuohai has a deep memory of his first salesperson.

"Could it be that this world has gathered the bodies of players who died for various reasons and turned them into zombies to attack us?"

The more Zhang Tuohai thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible.

After seeing that he was exposed, the guys who looked like zombies were still slowly approaching the infantry chariot, and they didn't mean to accelerate at all.

"Student Xiaoai, fire and kill these guys."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Yes, Commander!"

Classmate Xiao Ai stretched out four robotic arms, held the ak47 rifle, and started shooting at those guys.

Da da da.

The fire snake kept squirting.

After the zombies were hit by the bullet, they only paused for a while, and then continued to move forward, as if they had not suffered any harm.

Moreover, the gunfire seemed to activate them, and they also raised their guns one after another to counterattack the infantry fighting vehicles.

Jingle bells.

The composite armor of the infantry fighting vehicle hit by bullets kept rattling.

"Fuck, so strong against blows? Classmate Xiao Ai, greet me according to their heads."

Zhang Tuohai shouted.

According to the routine of normal zombie movies, the head is the key to these guys, and only if the head is smashed can they survive.

"Understood." Xiao Ai began to adjust the muzzle and attacked those guys' heads.

What made Zhang Tuohai a little shocked was that even if he smashed his head, these guys still walked forward unhurriedly.

It seems that bullets can't harm them at all.

"I don't believe it anymore, throw me an anti-tank grenade." Zhang Tuohai also came up.


Classmate Xiao Ai controlled the robotic arm and threw out two anti-tank grenades.

Boom, boom!

Two huge explosions sounded.

The huge explosion directly blasted several zombie-like guys at the point of detonation into fragments, and these fragments completely stopped and they could still be killed. "Zhang Tuohai has a bottom in his heart.

It would be easier to kill it.

Zhang Tuohai asked Xiao Ai to replace the ak47 with a flamethrower.


Flames spurted out.

Flames of as high as 1,200 degrees Celsius sprayed onto those zombies-like guys. Those guys were like a big candle, which was lit in an instant, and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

The blazing flame not only ignited the monsters, but also ignited the trees on both sides of the road.

Those trees are pine trees, rich in grease. After being ignited by a flamethrower, they burned quickly. In the blink of an eye, a large burning zone formed, isolating the monster from Zhang Tuohai.


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