Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 217: Temporarily ranked 1st in the standings


"Sister, do you think we will also be knocked into meatloaf?" Su Qi asked from the side.

"Don't make a sound." Su Mu clutched the steering wheel tightly, and Dou Da's sweat rolled off his forehead.

However, she didn't dare to wipe it at all, for fear that an inadvertent move would wake up the beast on the opposite side.

She even held her breath, afraid to make a sound.

Su Qi thought for a while and sent a private message to Zhang Tuohai: "Well, if I die, please remember that I used to exist. By the way, this tablet was destroyed for me. Don’t peek at it. The resources I have accumulated over the years are a pity. I haven’t finished reading them yet. Remember to destroy them. It doesn’t matter if I die, I have to stay innocent in the world."

Zhang Tuohai looked at Su Qi's private message and the pink tablet in front of him with a dazed expression.

Su Qi and Su Mu are the first people he knows in this world, they are dying now?

This made him somewhat reluctant and sad.

"Is it really irretrievable? What project? If you need weapons, I have ak and anti-tank grenade here."

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Bumper cars, just now there was a big demon who drove a huge green eight-wheeled chariot and smashed all the other players in the same field into meatloaf. Now, I don’t know why, he started to rest. However, there is still time. Some, I guess it might be thinking about **** us. Its armor is so thick, it's estimated that no weapons are useful, forget it. By the way, don't forget my request. Be sure to destroy the tablet! Thousands The kind that cannot be restored. My innocence is in your hands, and there is a photo of my sister's private house in it. Don't let it out, please."

Su Qi said.

Zhang Tuohai: "???"

How do you feel that this scene is so familiar?

He remembered that his infantry fighting vehicle was green.

No way?

Zhang Tuohai quickly controlled the monitor, aimed at the six-wheeled off-road vehicle on the opposite side, and zoomed in.

Behind the windshield, it turned out to be the Su sisters.

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

Where does this start?

Zhang Tuohai was considering whether to report his identity to the Su sisters.

In that way, Su Qi estimated that there would be a social death on the spot.

"Forget it, let's leave a suspense."

Zhang Tuohai leaned on the command chair and replied a private message: "Don't worry, if you are really gone, I will help you realize these last wishes."

"Thank you so much. You are such a good person. To thank you, I shared with you a photo of my sister who took a secret photo of my sister, which is proof of her existence. By the way, don't do strange things to the photo. Also, Qian Don’t tell my sister that I gave it to you, otherwise, I will die. The hazy shadow in the steam. jpg"

Zhang Tuohai was dumbfounded for three seconds, then decisively saved it, and then said to classmate Xiao Ai: "Except for me, this picture must not be seen by anyone."


Time passed by minute by minute.

The infantry fighting vehicle and the six-wheeled off-road vehicle looked at each other, and no one moved.

A white light flashed, and Zhang Tuohai and Su's sisters left the bumper car field.

After the white light dissipated, Zhang Tuohai found himself in the bubble again.

It's just that there is a lot of open space around.

I don't know if those players are dead, or participated in other game projects, and haven't come out yet.

At this time, in the center of the playground, a huge electronic display screen was erected.

It shows the scores of all players.

Zhang Tuohai's scores were extremely high and ranked at the top.

The second place was an unknown player, only 20 points, just enough to show a fraction of Takumi's score.

Many players have 0 points behind their names, either because they have lost or they haven't completed their first game project.

"What kind of projects are these?" Zhang Tuohai scratched his head and looked at the three projects in front of him.

There is obviously water to enter the rapids, and it may require vehicles to wading, or it may be by boat.

Zhang Tuohai felt that he had no bottom, and temporarily eliminated this project.

As for the carousel, after participating in the first game project, Zhang Tuohai is sure that this is definitely not an ordinary children's project, and the game system definitely adds some moths.

"Which one do you want to choose?" Zhang Tuohai pondered.

The prompt system prompts.

"There are still mortal items!" Zhang Tuohai was shocked.

The prompt system said.

"Why, the reason for the game mechanics?" Zhang Tuohai wanted to ask in more detail.

But the prompt system didn't say anything.

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me, I can also turn to the almighty network. Bah, the almighty regional channel. There must be some players who have completed the first round of the game. Let's see what information they have."

Zhang Tuohai opened the regional channel.

At this time, the regional channel has been filled with Tucao.

"Damn, what a **** little plane, can you imagine that every car is tied to a robotic arm, and the players shoot at each other? Grass, if I didn't buy a body armor, I would be beaten on the spot. died."

"The haunted house is really not someone intruded. One of my companions was actually frightened and almost hacked me to death. Fortunately, I was witty and replaced his seat with an ejection seat, otherwise I would die."

"Everyone don’t play torrent and bravely The original position of the water gun was replaced with an assault rifle. Who can give me a car repair kit and fix it."

"Is it so miserable?" Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this.

"However, for assault rifles, I can try it. My mobile composite armor can completely block the bullets of the assault rifle."

Zhang Tuohai pondered.

"System, can I choose to go forward bravely?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Forget it." Zhang Tuohai was not interested in wasting precious time in queuing.

His goal is number one. With this time, it's better to experience two more projects and get more points.

"Then take a roller coaster. Do you need to line up for this?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Then choose this one." Zhang Tuohai said.

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