Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 194: The way out of the maze and selling the map

"Survival on the highway, I have a hint system novel ( to find the latest chapter!

"What prize?"

Zhang Tuohai opened the box curiously.

What is placed inside is a wad of banknotes. The surface of the banknotes is painted with complicated patterns and a bunch of symbols of unknown meaning. In the corners, there are numbers marked with 100 and 20.

Zhang Tuohai counted, the total is 1020, there are zero and the whole number.

Zhang Tuohai guessed that this might be the currency needed for the supply stations mentioned by the game system.

But how did this amount come out?

Zhang Tuohai asked the game system curiously.

The game system explains that the time limit for passing through the maze is three hours, and each minute is worth 10 points, and the total of 3 hours is 1800 points.

Each car starts counting down after entering the maze, and 10 points are deducted every minute. After passing through the maze, the remaining time will be converted into money and returned to the player.

"Is this time is money?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at the currency in his hand silently.

Knowing this a long time ago, he didn't bother to test the strength of the wall, maybe he could get dozens of lottery tickets.

However, it is useless to regret now.

Zhang Tuohai began to sell his passage through the maze to several acquaintances.

Both Zhao Wanwan and Cang Xiaokong chose a relatively safe way to bypass the maze, and this map was no longer available.

In desperation, Zhang Tuohai targeted the Su sisters.

At this time, in the maze, Su Qi stood in front of the car, threw a shoe up, looked at the position where the shoe fell, and pointed his finger decisively: "Go here!"

"We have walked here three times, and we always come back every time." Su Mu said helplessly.

"Really?" Su Qi scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Of course, I drop a metal part every time I pass by an intersection. There are already three metal parts left at this intersection."

Su Mu pointed to the three metal parts in the corner and said.

"What can we do then? Are we going to be trapped here to die?"

Su Qi was a little swayed.

"Don't worry, I think of a way."

Su Mu flipped through the blueprints in the car, trying to find a way to solve the dilemma at this time.

Su Qi wandered around the car anxiously, and suddenly, she stopped.

"Sister, come and see, there is a SpongeBob Squarepants carved here, but it's really ugly."

Su Qi pointed to the pattern on the wall and said.

"SpongeBob? Let me take a look?" Su Mu jumped out of the car upon hearing this.

SpongeBob is the culture of their original world, she doesn't believe that the game system will have so many leisurely decorating the walls of the ice and snow maze.

This SpongeBob must have been carved by the player.

Su Mu jumped out of the car and came to Su Qi's side. As expected, she saw the SpongeBob SquarePants carved on the wall.

Well, it's really ugly.

"Sister, I see, this must be a mark portrayed by some predecessors, and the direction of SpongeBob's finger must be the exit." Su Qi said excitedly.

"This is not certain. After all, we don't know that the person who left the mark finally got out of the maze. If it refers to a dead end, wouldn't it be a waste of work, and it may even fall into the trap of others."

Su Mu thought more and reached out to stop Su Qi.

"What should I do then? Keep spinning around in the maze?"

Su Qi asked.

Suddenly, the private message prompt sounded.

Su Qi opened it and got excited, and said loudly: "Sister, Brother Zhang asked if you want a map of the ice and snow maze."

"He really went out? Ask what price?"

If it’s someone else, Su Mu might still be suspicious, but she and Zhang Tuohai have worked together for a long time, and she also sees Zhang Tuohai selling supplies on regional channels for a long time. She believes that Zhang Tuohai will never be casual. Use a fake map to lie to them.

"Brother Zhang said, he only has a part of the map. If you find a sign on the wall, you can contact him. He sells the follow-up route signs. If you can successfully leave, you need to give him 300 game currency."

"What is the game currency?" Su Mu asked.

"After leaving the maze, each player will give out some game currency as a reward. He wants 300. He also said that for the face of frequent transactions, we are allowed to pay after we leave. If we are strangers, we must have collateral. of."

Su Qi said immediately.

"Well, tell him that we agreed. If the game currency is not enough after leaving, I will use other drawings to make up the difference." Su Mu said.

She was about to be tortured mad by this maze.

Anyone who keeps spinning around in the same place will be flustered.

What's more, this is the survival world that determines life and death.

If she can't get out, she might really be trapped and die here.

"Okay, I'll ask him now." After getting permission, Su Qi immediately sent a private message to Zhang Tuohai.

"What we see now is the mark for SpongeBob SquarePants, how do we go next?"

"SpongeBob? I didn't draw SpongeBob?" Zhang Tuohai was puzzled.

"It's SpongeBob SquarePants, with stool on his head, I can't be mistaken!" Su Qi said.

"What kind of magical painting is this? I'll take a look at it," Zhang Tuohai said.

"Here, that's it. Picture.jpg"

"This is so lazy!" Zhang Tuohai was speechless.

"Then why is it a square head?"

"Because I used a gasoline saw to draw, drawing curves is too troublesome." Zhang Tuohai was speechless.

"Then how do we go? Follow the lazily pointed direction?" Su Qi asked.

"No, go in the opposite direction. At the next intersection, you will see a simple symbol on the wall of each passageway. Choose the Hongxing Erke symbol, then choose Michelle Ice City at the next intersection, and then the next intersection. Choose Baixiang instant noodles, the next intersection is Huiyuan Juice, and the last intersection is Chery, so you can get out of the maze."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Understood, only domestic companies will help you at critical moments." Su Qi understood.

Zhang Tuohai smiled without saying a word.

"I'll give you money when I go out."

"By the way, this is also for you, it's a gift."

Su Qi sent a drawing to Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai opened the drawing and took a look at The drawing of advanced juicer manufacturing: Level 2 auto parts can improve the taste of juice. 】

[Materials: Intermediate Metal Ingot: 4 Units, Metal Parts: 20 Units, Glass: 5 Units, Intermediate Electronic Components*1]

It's useless for ordinary people, but it's the icing on the cake for Zhang Tuohai.

"Thank you, this is for you as a gift." Zhang Tuohai returned a pink Glock backhand with a magazine bullet.

It can be said that this thing is nothing but good-looking, and Zhang Tuohai can only use it as a collection.

But a big man collects a pink pistol, which feels weird. Moreover, it is the Hello Kitty theme, which is a bit painful, and it happens to be thrown at Su Qi, a face value party.

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