Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 192: Ask for help

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"Sweet pear stuffed!"

Seeing the snow columns dumped on him, Zhang Tuohai yelled, and then urged Xiao Ai to stay away.

He now has a deep understanding of the words of opponents who are not afraid of gods and teammates who are afraid of pigs.

Originally, he drove well, but the players who appeared a few later directly hit the snow corridor pillar, dragging him into a dangerous situation.

Each of these snow pillars is seven or eight meters high, and there is no good juice to eat when they hit the car.

Not even the bulletproof bodywork.

Zhang Tuohai now has a deeper understanding of the nausea of ​​the game system.

Now this kind of competition is not something you can do well by yourself.

You have to always watch out for these pig teammates to drag you back into the mud.

"Quickly, get away."

It was Zhang Tuohai who had seen many big scenes, but he couldn't help being frightened when he watched the snow porch columns falling down towards him.

If this is smashed all at once, it is estimated that there will be no more.


Xiao Ai suddenly turned left and turned right, raising her speed to 200 miles.

It's not that I don't want to go any faster, but the tires are already covered with thick snow, the wheels are skidding wildly, and the snow chains are not very effective.


Classmate Xiao Ai flicked and slammed the brakes, and the car stopped diagonally.

Damn it!

A huge snow pillar smashed in front of Zhang Tuohai.

Only a few centimeters away from the front of the car.

If the brakes were slower, the car might be squashed.

Damn it!

There was another loud noise, and another snow pillar hit the back of Zhang Tuohai's car, and two huge pillars blocked the car in the middle.

"Commander, the pillar on the right is about to hit, please get out of the car and hide."

Zhang Tuohai looked up, and not far from the right side of the car, a huge snow corridor swayed and was about to fall down.

"Sweet sweet pear stuffed, don't you think I'm bullying?"

Zhang Tuohai violently pulled out an RPG7 from under the seat and squeezed the trigger against the snow porch.


The tail flame of RPG7 passed through the air, and the warhead hit the waist of the snow column.


A huge explosion sounded, and the upper part of the snow corridor column was directly blown to pieces.

Damn, the snow corridor column was also knocked down by the shock wave of the explosion, but it was three or four meters away from Zhang Tuohai, which was not a hazard.

However, Zhang Tuohai's RPG went down, and the surrounding snow porch began to be unstable and began to shake.

"Hurry up and go."

Zhang Tuohai said loudly.

"Understand." Xiao Ai put down the snow shovel and drove forward.

Fortunately, the snow porch pillars are all round, and they are on a downhill slope, and they pushed the snow porch aside after stepping on the accelerator twice.

After the escape route was opened, Xiao Ai accelerated and rushed forward.

Zhang Tuohai stayed in place for a while, and the snow pillars elsewhere had almost collapsed. Zhang Tuohai didn't have to worry about the snow pillars falling from above, he just had to choose the route that was not blocked.

A few minutes later, Zhang Tuohai finally succeeded in breaking through the "forest" composed of snow columns.

Seeing breaking through the dense forest formed by the last layer of snow corridors, Zhang Tuohai took a breath and wiped the sweat beads on his forehead: "Huh, I finally came out."

After passing through the snow-coloned jungle, the next is a large flat snowfield. Although the inclination angle is still 30 degrees, it is at least much better than the previous snow-collared jungle and snow wall. Finally, you can breathe out. NS.

Xiao Ai was driving with peace of mind, and Zhang Tuohai could finally take the time to check out the regional channels.

Before, I only had time to list the goods, and the news didn't come in anxiously.

At this time, the regional channels were very lively, and there were a lot of red obituaries, 70 or 80.

Zhang Tuohai turned over and found that they were all killed by the snow monsters.

"Is the snow monster so powerful?" Zhang Tuohai was curious and sent a private message to Vladimir and Li Feiyu.

"Awesome? I didn't feel it. After a few shots of grenade, it was resolved. One of them jumped from a tree and wanted to sneak attack me, but I was sieved in the air. That garbage made my car dirty. Don't say anything, wipe the car."

Vladimir posted a picture of himself cleaning the car.

What can you say?

Zhang Tuohai silently sent a great emoticon package as a reply.

In contrast, Li Feiyu is much more humble.

"The bones are very hard and the skin is tough. The two knives have cut the edges, but the problem is not big. The meat has a sour taste. I am worried about prions. I didn't eat it. By the way, I would like to ask if there is a sharpening stone."

"Li Feiyu has cut the knife and curled the edge. It seems that this snow monster is really difficult to deal with, at least not that ordinary cold weapons can deal with." Zhang Tuohai analyzed.

As for Vladimir, that guy's combat effectiveness is not at the same level as ordinary people, and there is no reference at all.

Those players who chose the mountain downhill obstacle course have died very few so far, most of them are trapped by avalanches, and now they are trying to save themselves with an engineer shovel.

Several fast-running players also hit the snow wall and snow corridor pillars, and there is no big problem for the time being.

Only one player was unlucky enough to fly over the first snow wall. The front wheels were on the ground and the rear wheels were hung on the snow wall, in a posture of riding a tiger.

Seeing the pictures he posted, Zhang Tuohai was dumbfounded.

"I'll give you a chainsaw, and you tell me how you got up."

Zhang Tuohai sent him a private message.

While Zhang Tuohai was looking at the screen, Zhao Wanwan sent a private message to Zhang Tuohai.

"Is there a car repair kit? Just now a collapsed snow porch was smashed and the rear door was smashed."

Zhao Wanwan sent a picture.

In the picture, there is a big hole in the rear door. The big cat Klud and the cow Mick are trembling from the cold and are huddled together to keep warm.

"Give you two." Zhang Tuohai sent two auto repair kits over.

Seeing Zhao Wanwan's request for help, Zhang Tuohai had an idea. Zhao Wanwan's Xiaoyi assistance all crashed into this situation. There must be a lot of crashes among other players, but there was nowhere to ask for help and they didn't send it up.

Or, if you think it's a small problem, just endure it as long as you can continue to open it.

This won’t For profiteers like Zhang Tuohai, who has no demand but wants to create demand, how could he miss this opportunity to make a fortune?

Zhang Tuohai immediately linked the auto repair kit to the trading channel.

"Boss, help."

Suddenly, Cang Xiaokong sent him a private message.

"What happened?" Zhang Tuohai asked hurriedly.

Zhang Tuohai is still very concerned about this capable salesperson.

"I was buried by an avalanche just now. The problem was not too big. I was about to get out of the car to dig a hole. As a result, another car was buried in. The guy was standing outside my car door and was hitting me with a hammer. Car window!"

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