Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 186: Password six nines

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"Such a big jellyfish is actually poisonous, it's a pity." Zhang Tuohai showed a disappointed look.

He looked at the jellyfish in the hot spring pool and thought bitterly, why isn't such a big jellyfish a jellyfish?

I'm so disappointed.

The more and more angry Zhang Tuohai decided to color the jellyfish.

It's not even a side dish, and he actually wants to attack himself.


Guns are definitely out of order. The jellyfish is a mollusk, and it's so big, God knows its weakness.

Since point attack is not enough, go directly to AOE.

Zhang Tuohai stretched out **** at the jellyfish, and said something in his mouth: "The world is boundless, the universe is borrowed from the sky, and the five thunders are booming!"


A blue electric arc gushes out from the electric shock gloves and blasts into the hot spring pool.


The blue arc is continuously conducted in the water.

In a short while, fishes floated up with their white belly turned over.

Even the jellyfish floated up and stopped moving.

Vladimir, Zhao Wanwan, and Li Feiyu were all staring at it.

"Putty empty man?" Vladimir murmured.

"Longhushan Thunder Method?" Li Feiyu was also shocked, "Is it true that what the mother said is true? Can those Gu worms be refined successfully?"

"His gloves are so powerful? Fortunately, he didn't have any bad thoughts yesterday, otherwise, the denture poison would be useless." Zhao Wanwan was afraid for a while, and then lost again.

Could it be that my old lady is so unattractive?

I have to say that a woman is a creature with a very strange brain circuit.

Zhang Tuohai didn't know, he just tried the power with the electric shock gloves, which aroused three people's conjectures.

With so many fish, you can have a big meal.

Zhang Tuohai turned his head and asked several people: "Don't stand up, you guys, come and help. Is there an internet?"

Of course there is no fishing net.

However, Zhang Tuohai has sunscreen nets to replace.

Several people grabbed a horn and carried these fish ashore.

The fish that Zhang Tuohai brought up was hundreds of catties thick and densely covered.

"Divided into six, I contribute the most, I take three, and the remaining three of you each have one share, how about?" Zhang Tuohai asked several people.

"no problem."

Several people nodded in agreement.

In order to show fairness, Zhao Wanwan divided the fish, and Zhang Tuohai first selected it.

Zhang Tuohai deliberately chose a few of the fattest fathead fish, this thing is the most delicious fish head cake. The only problem is that Zhang Tuohai doesn't have cornmeal to make cakes.

I have to buy cornmeal later.

Vladimir asked for some salmon, he was not very good at picking thorns, and could only eat fish with fewer thorns.

Li Feiyu only needed a few carps, but unexpectedly she took the big jellyfish away.

Zhang Tuohai kindly reminded Li Feiyu that the jellyfish is not a jellyfish, it is poisonous and cannot be eaten.

However, Li Feiyu just nodded, but didn't say much.

Zhang Tuohai scratched his head and didn't want to understand what she was going to do.

However, everyone has their own secrets, and Zhang Tuohai will not ask too much.

"The things in the hot spring pool are almost divided, and I don’t seem to be dangerous in the surroundings. I don’t think so. Everyone collects what they need separately. The time is only two hours. If time is up, come back here to gather. If a problem is found, a warning shot will be fired. The firing rhythm is, da-da-da-da da-da da. How about everyone rushing over to support?

Zhang Tuohai asked.

Each of them has strong strength in their hands. It is too slow to gather resources in a group. It is better to spread out a little, and the harvest will be more.

"I agree." Vladimir was already eager to try.

Looking at the animals in the woods, he couldn't wait.

"Okay, let's go separately."

Zhang Tuohai said.

Vladimir and Li Feiyu each found a direction and walked toward the depths of the dense forest.

"What about you? Do you follow me into the woods, or stay here to look after the car?"

Zhang Tuohai looked towards Zhao Wanwan.

"I will stay here to supervise their work."

Zhao Wanwan drove a car of tigers, sheep, parrots, and iron-eaters out of the car.

"Come and come, take action, go and collect all the things that can be collected nearby. Whoever picks the most, I will reward someone with an apple!" Zhao Wanwan said with a big red apple.

"That's my apple!" Mick the cow wailed.

"You can't stop your mouth if you eat!" Zhao Wanwan grabbed a handful of hay and stuffed it into Mick's mouth.

Many animals dispersed in a rush, and went into the woods to gather things.

Seeing Zhao Wanwan directing a group of animals to work, Zhang Tuohai's eyes showed envy, and he felt that among this group of people, Zhao Wanwan might have gained the most.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Zhengxiang's Wangcai sleeping in the corner.

"Lazy dog, get up and work." Zhang Tuohai took Wangcai out of the car.

"Fox! I am a fox!" Wangcai protested loudly.

"Good lazy dog, hurry up and collect things." Zhang Tuohai waved his hand, jumped out of the car, and also picked a direction and walked towards the depths of the woods.

I have to say that the woods are very rich in materials, and you can see the fruits that fall to the ground after two steps.

With just two eyes, you can see the animal shadows passing by.

If he fired two shots, Zhang Tuohai would be able to harvest a lot of prey.

However, Zhang Tuohai didn't care about these prey. It's not uncommon to see a few of these prey every day. He was looking for some rare things that only exist here.

For example, the statue in the last dungeon map.

Zhang Tuohai walked forward step by step. After walking for about 20 minutes, a cliff suddenly appeared in front of him. The cliff was full of vines and was more than 20 meters high. Looking to the left and right, there was no way to follow.

"Is this the end? Or is there something hidden on it, or is there no such thing in this map?"

Zhang Tuohai has doubts in his mind.

[Turn left, walk forward 50 meters, there is a gate blocked by vines, from there you can enter the core area of ​​the map. 】

The prompt system prompts.

"Really?" Zhang Tuohai was overjoyed.

Hastily followed the prompts and walked over.

Sure enough, on the steep cliff, Zhang Tuohai saw an alloy gate with an electronic lock on it, with 10 numbers on it.

There is a metal sign below There is a line of reminder on it: Warm reminder, the password is six numbers.

Six-digit passwords, 100,000 combinations, if you try one by one, it will take several days.

However, there is a flaw on the number plate: the number key 6 is almost flattened.

"Is this insulting my IQ?"

Just as Zhang Tuohai was about to press the number key 6, the prompt system rang.

[The password is 6 9s. 】

"It's actually six nines. The game system is really insidious."

Zhang Tuohai mumbled to press the number key 9.

[Idiot, the password is 6 9s! 】

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