Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1437: Perpetual Rifle

Road Survival, I Have a Prompt System Chapter 1437 Perpetual Calendar Rifle

When Oboi was rectifying his troops and preparing to conquer the south.

Han Yu wasn't idle either, he was also actively preparing.

In addition to exempting land from taxes in the three occupied provinces and implementing compulsory education, they also recruited good families and expanded the number of soldiers and horses.

Expanded the Grenadier Corps under him to twenty regiments, and the total number of troops expanded to 200,000.

The generals of these new legions are all backbones promoted from outstanding soldiers in the First Legion, and their basic loyalty and combat effectiveness are still guaranteed.

With such a large army, Han Yu initially possessed the capital to fight for world hegemony.

In addition to the expansion of the army, Han Yu also contacted the Frankie merchants through the port, directly bought all the warships and artillery in their hands, and ordered a large number of warships and artillery. can be acquired.

After hearing the price given by Han Yu, those Frankie businessmen immediately returned home happily, trying to bring back more ships.

They believe that as long as this business is done, they will be able to earn enough money that they will not be able to use it up in several lifetimes, and they will never have to worry about money in the future.

Looking at the businessman Frankie leaving happily, Han Yu showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Shipbuilding at this time is more troublesome. If you use new wooden boards to build, although the newly built ship is tightly seamed, after a period of time, after the water in the wooden boards is evaporated, gaps will be left, and some wooden boards will even be deformed. There is a risk of sinking.

Therefore, the boards used to make ships need to be dried in the shade for several years before they can be built.

During this period, the number of ships is fixed, not to say that you can build as many as you want.

One more ship in Han Yu's hand means one less for others, and it will take several years to make up for it.

This made it easier for Han Yu to fight for world hegemony.

Anyway, he ransacked the homes of officials from the three provinces, and the silver in his hand was enough for him to achieve his goal.

In addition to purchasing, Han Yu directly occupied all the shipyards in Guangdong and Guangxi, and let these shipyards fully produce large ships, recruit sailors, train sailors, and prepare for future goals.

In fact, Han Yu didn't care much about these wooden sailboats. His real goal was to make some iron-clad steam sailboats.

With this thing, the speed of the ship can be greatly increased, and it can also be equipped with more and larger caliber artillery.

It's just that the power system has not been overcome for a while, and it only stays at the paper stage.

Apart from preparing the army for war, Han Yu did not forget his purpose in this world, which was to practice magic.

When he was practicing magic, through continuous practice, he constructed a steam engine.

Then, he used this steam engine as the mother machine, handed it over to the craftsmen to disassemble and study, and then reproduced the mother machine.

At this time, the machinery was not very complicated, and it was easy to reproduce it.

After those craftsmen studied it, they spent a month re-engraving hundreds of units.

Then, under the guidance of Han Yu, these machines went all out to produce a rifle newly "invented" by Han Yu.

The rifle "invented" by Han Yu is imitated from the Chasepo rifle. This rifle is a bolt-action rifle with four rifling, breech loading, and fixed bullets.

The bullets used are paper casing fixed bullets.

Not using metal bullet casings is not because Han Yu doesn't know the benefits of metal bullet casings, nor is it because the craftsmanship is not up to the mark.

It was entirely because Daming lacked copper.

This problem has not been solved until later generations, and only steel case bullets can be used.

However, the cardboard fixed-loading ammunition is not as unbearable as imagined.

The rifle has an effective range of 800 meters and is very accurate.

After technological transformation, the paper shell burns more thoroughly in the magazine.

In addition to not being able to burst, the rest of the effect is good.

In addition to excellent performance, the most prominent feature of this gun is that it is equipped with a 72 cm long bayonet.

This bayonet is already longer than many short swords.

After being attached to the gun, the length of the rifle has reached two meters, and it can already be used as a spear.

This gun, in this era when matchlock guns and front-loading smoothbore guns are king, can be said to be a dimensionality reduction strike, which can sweep all old weapons into the garbage dump of history.

Because this gun was "invented" and manufactured during the Yongli period, Han Yu named this gun the Yongli rifle.

With the issuance of the Perpetual Rifle, the combat effectiveness of Han Yu's grenadier regiment increased geometrically.

After the rifles were issued, Han Yu began to train the soldiers, using skirmish lines and three-three teams to attack.

In the era of matchlock guns, in order to ensure the power and accuracy of the muskets, the musketeers often had to advance to a distance of ten meters from the enemy before attacking.

Moreover, the dense formation is also easy to become the target of the enemy's shelling, which in a disguised form enhances the lethality of the enemy's artillery.

After the soldiers with rifled guns were transformed into skirmishers, the lethality increased because of the increase in accuracy, and the loose formation also reduced the lethality of enemy artillery and arquebus guns. pressure.

"With this kind of army, why not conquer the world?"

Han Yu looked at the regiments training **** the school field and thought At this moment, a messenger ran in.

"Your Highness, Oboi led an army to Chenzhou."

"Are you at the border?"

Han Yu raised his eyebrows.

"Very well, my army has just been training for a period of time, and it's still not enough to rely on training alone, and it still needs actual combat training."

"How many people did Obai bring?"

Han Yu asked.

"Oboi brought a total of 100,000 people from the Manchurian, Mongolian and Han Eight Banners."

"It's only 100,000 people, it's too arrogant."

Han Yu snorted coldly.

"I don't bully him, I just lead three legions. Let's see whether his Eight Banners is stronger or my Grenadier regiment is stronger."

"The army is going!"

Han Yu gave the order.

The first, third, and seventh grenadier regiments walked outside the school grounds, pulling various carriages towards Chenzhou.

in a few days.

Aobai led the 100,000 Manchurian and Han Eight Banners galloping forward.

The line stretched out for several miles.

Obai looked at the team with bright armor and nodded in satisfaction. With such an army, what kind of enemy cannot be defeated?

"General, Guangdong Province is ahead." A lieutenant said.

"finally reached."

Ao Bai licked his lips: "Notice, the front is a town controlled by thieves, after the capture, the knife will not be sealed for three days!"

After the order was passed, the spirit of the whole army was lifted.

They walked for dozens of days, all the way from the capital to Guangdong Province for what?

Isn't it just to grab a sum of money and go back and enjoy it?

Now, it's finally here, and everyone can't help tidying up their armor, ready to show their talents.

At this moment, a scout horse came in front of Oboi.

"General, we found a bandit camp ahead!"

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