Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1372: mix into spaceship

"What?" Hearing Zhang Tuohai's words, the mercenary was taken aback.

"Take me up."

Zhang Tuohai showed a kind smile.

"It's impossible..." the mercenary said tremblingly.

Take an outsider on the spaceship, if found by those accomplices on the ship, he will be thrown from the spaceship, and he will directly become a trapeze person.

The kind that doesn't wear power armor.

"You organize the language again."

Zhang Tuohai's hand directly crushed the protective gear on the opponent's neck, and pressed his cold hand on the opponent's skin.

With a light touch, a layer of flesh and blood was peeled off.

"If you can go up, I'll take you there!"

The mercenary quickly changed his words.

If he couldn't do it again, he wouldn't even have the chance to be a trapeze man, so he had to be turned into ashes now.

He only hooked up with Catherine, the number one princess in the Night Owl Bar last year, and the other party has promised to marry him back to his hometown, so he can't lose his life here.

He must go back!

Compared with Catherine, what do the group of mercenaries on the spaceship care about themselves?

"Don't play tricks, otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world."

"I have a hundred ways to make you feel that living is more painful than dying. In order to dispel your doubts, I can show you some ways to make you feel."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"No, I absolutely believe it!"

The mercenary shook his head quickly.

As a mercenary, he knew all too well the cruel methods mercenaries invented to relieve boredom.

Whenever he thought of the broken corpses, he couldn't eat for a few days.

Those mercenaries have such means, no matter how bad Zhang Tuohai's skills are, he probably won't be able to find out where they are. He doesn't want to become those pieces.

"I promise to be obedient and take you to that spaceship properly, and I will never play any tricks."

The mercenary swore and begged Zhang Tuohai to let him go.

"Then I will give you a chance. If you play tricks, you will understand the consequences."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

At this time, Li Qingyuan came over.

"Great, you're finally back, without you, I don't know what I would do."

Li Qingyuan said excitedly.

This group of mysterious people who visited suddenly was stronger than she expected.

Compared with these people, her previous battles with Prime Minister Cao and all civil and military officials seemed to be child's play.

For a moment just now, she felt that she had entered a desperate situation.

If Zhang Tuohai hadn't made a move, she might have died.

Now, she already regards Zhang Tuohai as a savior. Without Zhang Tuohai, she doesn't know what to do with herself.

"I still need to go now."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Where else are you going?"

Li Qingyuan asked quickly.

"Go and get rid of that, otherwise, you'll be beaten passively all the time, it's too passive."

Zhang Tuohai pointed to the huge spaceship in the sky.

Li Qingyuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva after looking at the huge spaceship like a mountain.

She knew that it was a sharp sword hanging over their heads, and they couldn't even sleep peacefully if they didn't solve it.

"Okay, do you need my help? I can do it myself."

Li Qingyuan held a sword flower, expressing that he also has fighting power.

"I'm good on my own. It's more convenient for me to do anything by myself. If there are too many people, it will be troublesome."

Zhang Tuohai shook his head.

"Alright then, be careful." Li Qingyuan nodded.

Zhang Tuohai and the mercenaries boarded a small aircraft.

"This is our flying machine, something that can fly. All my actions for a while are to control this thing, so please don't be afraid."

The mercenary was afraid that Zhang Tuohai would act excessively, so he explained to Zhang Tuohai in detail.

"I know, I can also open this thing, I just need your peer password, so open it honestly, don't play tricks, otherwise, you know the consequences."

Zhang Tuohai said with a sneer.

"What, you know how to drive?" The mercenary felt that his world view had been impacted.

When will primitive aborigines fly aircraft?

He hadn't been this surprised the last time he'd seen a chimpanzee talking in the park.

"You also have aircraft here, how did you know it?" the mercenary asked curiously.

"Have you forgotten your identity?"

As Zhang Tuohai said, he grabbed the opponent's little finger and snapped it violently.



The mercenary screamed.

"Do you know what you should do?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"I know, I know!"

The mercenary half-kneeled on the ground, clutching his fingers, and nodded frantically.


Zhang Tuohai carried the mercenary into the aircraft.

This aircraft is not big, about the same as a trainer plane, with four seats in the front and rear.

Zhang Tuohai sat next to the mercenary and helped him fasten his seat belt: "Drive well, don't make trouble."

"Understood, I understand."

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's skillful way of fastening his seat belt, the mercenary believed Zhang Tuohai's rhetoric that he could fly a spaceship, so he didn't dare to play tricks, and started to control it honestly.

In fact, Zhang Tuohai couldn't fly an aircraft like his.

Although Zhang Tuohai has learned some methods of controlling spaceships in the spirit space, the design ideas of each world are different, and the operation methods are also quite different.

What Zhang Tuohai has learned is not the same way as this.

However, the methods are different, and many basic principles are the same.

Like seat belts.

In the eyes of an old driver like him, is there any seat belt that he doesn't know how to wear?

Therefore, Zhang Tuohai directly suppressed the mercenary.

The mercenary drove the spaceship honestly, not daring to make small moves.

Zhang Tuohai watched the mercenary drive the spaceship, and firmly memorized every operation of the other party, so that when he had the opportunity, he could also pilot the spaceship independently.

Others will always be inferior to their own.

The aircraft used by the mercenaries are operated in a fool-like manner. The mercenaries only pressed the power button to set the autopilot mode.

The aircraft lifted off slowly and flew towards the spaceship.

"Scorpion Tail 06 aircraft requests to return home."

The mercenary picked up the communicator and said.

"Reason for returning."

The communicator heard the response from the tower.

"Someone's injured and needs surgery."

The mercenary said quickly.

"Injured from fighting with the natives? Need surgery?"

The tower correspondent seemed surprised.

"There's something wrong with the exoskeleton. It blew itself up. Hurry up, I've lost too much blood." The mercenary shouted loudly.

"Well, berth 12 is ready and the medical robot is in place."

Tower responded.

The mercenaries set automatic parking, and the aircraft automatically flew into the spaceship and stopped at the berth.

Several disinfection personnel in protective suits first sterilized the outside of the aircraft, and then several medical robots walked over, pushing the operating bed.

"Thank you very much."

Zhang Tuohai pushed open the door of the aircraft and walked down.

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