Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1201: Level 4 pollutants

The Shiratori came to the dock.

Zhang Tuohai was about to get off the boat when he suddenly saw a group of men in black walking down the boat next to him. These people were all wearing black robes, carrying black packages in their hands, and they didn't know what they were carrying.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhang Tuohai always felt that these people had a familiar taste.

"What's the smell?" Zhang Tuohai frowned.

Suddenly, his mind moved, and he said to Polly the parrot, "Go and call Zero."


Parrot Polly flew back to the cabin.

After a while, Zero in a black trench coat appeared behind Zhang Tuohai.

"Do these people look familiar to you?" Zhang Tuohai asked, pointing at the group of people in black who had left.

"They smell of pollution and should be carrying high-energy pollutants, which are conservatively estimated to be level 4 or higher."

Zero remained expressionless.

"Sure enough, it's pollutants!"

"And it's level four!"

Zhang Tuohai frowned.

The polluters he encountered before were only level three.

There is only one fourth level, which made him spend a lot of effort.

Now that there's contamination here, it's a sign that it's going to be dangerous.

According to the optimal solution, he should set sail immediately and leave here.

But the problem is that he is very short of food reserves now and must be replenished here.

"His grandma's, Lao Tzu is here to supply. I hope you can know each other and don't do anything during this time, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for calling the destroying fleet."

Zhang Tuohai snorted coldly, and greeted Zero to get off the boat with him.

Zero can tell that those items are contaminated, and it is still very useful as a humanoid detector.

After Zhang Tuohai entered the dock, he started the sweeping mode.

As long as it is uncontaminated food, it will be bought by Baoyuan and shipped to the ship by the Unsullied.

Zhang Tuohai spent half a day turning around the entire port area and buying a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, spices and flour.

There are even many fish and various shrimp and crabs that can be caught offshore.

But only one thing is missing - meat.

Not only are there no beef and mutton, but also poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese.

Not even by-products like eggs and milk.

This is a little strange.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Tuohai asked a vendor where he could buy meat.

The vendor smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "You are new here. For three months, the Golden Oak Port has been under meat control. All meat and livestock have been pulled away by the garrison and placed in the storage warehouse of the Governor's Palace. It was distributed uniformly, but for three months, the smell of meat has not come out. I don’t know whose pocket it entered.”

"Don't talk about meat, you can still buy some fish when you come today. I heard from a friend who is a servant in the Governor's Mansion. It seems that fish, shrimp and crab will also be included in the control target in a few days. In the future, fish and meat will also be I can't eat it."

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhang Tuohai frowned upon hearing this, obviously something big happened.

"Where is the Governor's Palace Reserve Warehouse?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"See the minaret over there? The one next to the Governor's Palace is the storage warehouse." The vendor pointed to a minaret in the distance.

"You didn't want to have the idea of ​​a storage warehouse, did you?"

"I just want to see if I can bribe the guards and buy some meat." Zhang Tuohai laughed and laughed.

"Don't think about it, someone has already tried it." The vendor advised.

"Before, we were a black market man here. We wanted to take the opportunity to get a black market and make some money. As a result, we turned around in the reserve warehouse, and the next day his head was hung on the flagpole."

"Even the local snake is like this, let alone you, a foreigner. It's a restricted area over there, and we don't even dare to approach. I advise you not to go there, so as not to lose your life for no reason."

Hearing what the vendor said, Zhang Tuohai became more and more curious.

A normal storage warehouse would never be so closely guarded, and even approaching would have to be beheaded.

He was sure that some secret plan was going on in the storage warehouse.

"Could it have anything to do with those black robes?"

"Or, is the group of people in black robes here to hear the news?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Tuohai felt itchy.

This is a matter of fourth-level pollutants. He has already come here, and there is no reason not to go to see the excitement.

"I'll see if there shouldn't be anything wrong, don't care, even if there is a problem in the end, the big deal is that the fleet is finally called to level the Governor's Mansion."

Zhang Tuohai made up his mind, thanked the vendors, and let the Unsullied bring the vegetables back to the boat, while he went straight to Old Tom's Tavern.

It shouldn't be easy to buy a tavern advertised by a naval warrant officer, and you may be able to get more information here.

After inquiring on the street, Zhang Tuohai quickly found the Old Tom Tavern.

It's more of a hotel than a pub.

The first floor alone is hundreds of square meters, with dozens of tables, and exquisite dishes are placed on the tables.

There are stairs next to it, and guests with suitcases can be seen going up and down from time to time.

After entering the tavern, a waiter came over immediately and led the two to an empty table to sit down.

"What do you two want to eat?"

"One of the signature dishes."

Zhang Tuohai threw a bag of money on the table.

"Okay, wait a minute."

The waiter was overjoyed and hurried to rush the dishes.

"There's contamination on it, it's moving."

Zero glanced at the ceiling above and said.

"Is that the fourth-level pollutant?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

Zero nodded.

"So coincidental?" Zhang Tuohai was a little surprised. He was just looking for a place to eat, but he didn't expect to bump into this group of men in black again.

Now it is certain that this group of black clothes has nothing to do with the Governor's Palace or the Royal Navy.

Otherwise, they wouldn't live here.

"Are you sure which room you're staying in?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"I'll try." Zero closed his eyes.

After a while, Zero slowly opened his eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"On the third floor, I don't know the exact room number."

"That's it, then go up and take a look at it later."

Zhang Tuohai nodded.

When the waiter served the food, Zhang Tuohai asked, "Is there any room here?"

"Only the fourth floor is left, and the rooms on the second and third floors are full."

The waiter said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, book a room for us, and bring the food to you."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Okay, you come with me."

The waiter took the two to the fourth floor and opened a room for them.

"Can you find it now?" Zhang Tuohai asked Zero.

"It's in the room diagonally below."

Zero pointed to his feet.

"I'll go over there."

Zhang Tuohai sorted his clothes, came to the next room, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A rough voice came from inside.

"Room Service."

The door opened and a bearded man stuck his head out.

The next second, a fist the size of a sand bowl smashed into his face.

The bearded man fell to the ground.

"This is to save you."

Zhang Tuohai dragged the man into the house and closed the door.

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