Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 399: A blessing in disguise

Following his sense of rebellion, Lin Yun soon came to a room. This door took the tauren's height into consideration, which seemed a bit tall for Lin Yun.

Lin Yun is not sure if there are other enemies behind the door, but considering his current state, if he can get the traitor and attack in time, then even the tauren will not be afraid.

So Lin Yun pushed open the door without hesitation, and saw one or two boxes inside, and various equipment and armor hung inside.

It looks like an exhibition hall.

Turning around, Lin Yun quickly closed the door, and then carefully observed whether there were any traps around here.

"D20+22+5+3=42, Perception check succeeded."

It doesn't seem to be there, but at the level of 40, even magic traps should be able to be seen.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun rushed forward quickly, and took the rebellion first.

Ah, that feeling of peace of mind, never before has the rebellion been so far away from him.

Putting the rebellion back on his back, Lin Yun took a look, and took Yin Labesi's ancestral scabbard.

The Radiance and the Successor scabbard and the Successor Libram, take it, take it.

Azure Rose, take it up and take it up.

Necklace of glory, take it, take it.

Oh, the statue of the little triangle, take it up.

Silver dragon scales, oh, sorry, almost forgot, take it up.

After that.


. Just when Lin Yun was about to take back the scale armor and grave robber armor that he was wearing, which could provide an additional +2 defense when facing undead creatures.

But looking at the equipment on such a wall, there was a vacant smile on his face.

Identifying magic equipment requires the ability to recognize spells, and Lin Yun's spell recognition is already very good.

Although there is no way to achieve almost instant recognition like Sedum, it can barely be used.

So with this thought, oh, Lin Yun came to a bunch of belts first, but Lin Yun's +4 physical belt is already the most advanced belt.

The first thing to do is to look at the surrounding armor, remove all the heavy armor that you are not good at, and then the rest is the armor you can wear.

It's a pity that there are no space pockets here, otherwise these things would be emptied.

However, after Lin Yun looked at it for a while, he found that most of these armors were not even magic equipment, and at most they had a direct **** +3 bonus, or even a maximum +4 bonus.

This made Lin Yun shift his target again. Maybe he should focus on light armor. The functionality of many magic equipment light armor is even better than medium armor.

Soon, Lin Yun found his target. It was all red, which fit Lin Yun very well. At least Dante's leather armor looks a bit like a jacket.

However, Lin Yun was able to feel that the inside of what looked like a jacket was mixed with metal, but it was not very heavy.

This doesn't seem like a simple jacket look.

Identify it a little bit.

This is actually phaseless equipment.

The so-called phaseless equipment is the ability to freely change the appearance of the armor on one's body. For example, it looks like a jacket now, but in fact, it is a mithril flexible breastplate inside.

From a certain point of view, this equipment is specially used when sneaking into combat.

Even Lin Yun had reason to suspect that when a big figure like Her Majesty the Queen came out in a dress, she was actually wearing such armor inside, no matter in terms of physics or effect.

Then the phaseless enchantment is a special enchantment.

Generally speaking, the enchantment of a piece of equipment is up to 10, and then the enchantment that can be used in battle is 5.

For example, the demon destroys the enemy to occupy the +1 position, and then the holy enchantment occupies the +2 position.

If it is a demon destroying the enemy and superimposing the holy enchantment, it is at the level of +3.

So most of the equipment, even if it is only +1 equipment, and then give up all the remaining +9 positions to enchanting, there is a limit.

But the phaseless enchantment is different, the phaseless enchantment is an independent enchantment, and it can be enchanted directly for a certain price.

And because of the non-phase, Lin Yun needs to remove the non-phase effect before he can further identify the effect inside.

Soon, a mithril flexible breastplate appeared in front of Lin Yun, which looked just like what Lin Yun had touched before.

It is a +3 mithril flexible breastplate, which is very good.

However, did this armor originally belong to an agent? Or is it just a simple local tyrant, with a lot of special enchantments on it.

Anti-poison, a special enchantment that can be added with +2250 gold coins, can add +3 resistance to poison immunity.

Reinforcement, +5000 gold coins, can provide a +4 morale bonus to allies within 9 meters of the fear save.

Shadow, +3750 gp, cover yourself when you want to be stealthy, +5 performance bonus on Stealth checks

Easy, +4000 gold coins, reduce the weight of the armor on the body by half, and increase the load capacity at the same time.

Rest, +4500 gold coins, 8 hours of rest can be compressed into 2 hours, and you can only enjoy this effect once a day.

This is probably the so-called money ability user, but the most important special enchantment, there is no determination, bad review.

The determination enchantment is a spell that has, when the health value is damaged to 0 or even below, it will automatically release a breath of life to itself.

Not to mention the healing effect of the breath of life, the most important thing is that even if you have just died, as long as it does not exceed 6 seconds, you can be resurrected, and it is a resurrection that is free.

It's not like Saya, who needs diamond dust and permanent negative levels.

Of course, the price of enchanting is not low.

The enchanting price of 30,000 gold coins is indeed a bit harsh.

At least this is what Lin Yun has now, with the fancy enchantments, the price of mithril, and the basic enhancement bonus, the price is only close to 30,000 gold coins.

And considering that if there is a cost price, then it will be even lower, even if it is a super powerful dwarf blacksmith.

It is not a problem at all to lower the price to around 13,000 gold coins.

Although it is too fancy, it really doesn't have many useful abilities.

But it is very suitable for Lin Yun to change his armor.

After all, the original scales of the tomb robber's armor had already restrained Lin Yun.

Lin Yun is now in the state of a demon, and his agility can reach 18. If Lin Yun puts on the ultimate physical belt again.

Then it is 22, +6 agility bonus, while the scale armor can only +3 agility bonus, before, it was barely enough, but now the fighting intensity is too great.

The defense of the flexible breastplate itself is 1 point higher than that of the scale armor, and Mithril can give an extra +2 to the maximum agility bonus. Although it is still a bit restrictive, it is at least enough.

Of course the most important thing is.



I saw Lin Yun excitedly grabbed the armor and put it on his body, and then followed his thoughts.

A big red trench coat appeared on Lin Yun's body.

Whether he is strong or not is a matter of time, but whether he is handsome or not is another matter.

Cough cough, time is urgent.

There seemed to be some commotion outside the door, and it was time to speed up.

Soon, Lin Yun found another glove that looked a bit like a stone.

Just use this, it can replace iron gloves.

Stone Fist Gloves, the damage of unarmed strikes is one level higher than the original, and 8 points of hardness are automatically ignored.

The most important thing is that this thing is easier to use than stone boxing, but it does not need to be released, and it is a constant effect.


Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun looked at the crudely made green cloak decorated with wolf fur. And it can be fastened with a silver buckle.

"This is.


Hunting cloak. "Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, realizing that this should be the breakthrough item here.

Because the effect of this hunting cloak is.

When the wearer pulls the cloak over the shoulders and puts the hood on, he blends in with his surroundings, gaining a +5 bonus on Stealth checks and Survival checks for stalking.

The cloak also makes the wearer immune to the scent ability.

And if you expend 1 use of mythic power, the cloak makes you invisible for 1 hour, as with the greater invisibility spell. If the wearer makes an attack, this effect will last for 1 minute after the attack, and then end.

Creatures invisible through this cloak cannot be detected by detect magic or other spells or effects that detect magical auras.

Greater invisibility cannot be seen through, revealed, or dispelled by spells of 2nd level or lower, such as see invisibility and sparkle dust, though true seeing and powder of vision can still reveal existence.

So, Lin Yun knew that if choosing the path of the devil meant being trapped here, then the author might have been scolded to have cerebral palsy.

Obviously, this cloak is the breakthrough prop here.

For a full hour, as long as Lin Yun pays attention to the existence of true seeing, then there is no problem.

And even if there are not many enemies with true seeing, Lin Yun can even kill everyone who sees him, so it is a perfect way to sneak.

After all, after the attack, there is still a full minute of invisibility.

Under Lin Yun's assassination, he could persist for a minute, Lin Yun thought unless Hep Zemila was on the opposite side.

Opening a box, Lin Yun saw a lot of rings inside.

Lin Yun quickly looked around, then directly grabbed an unappraised cloak as a sackcloth bag, and packed the rings directly.

After a rough look, there are at least twenty rings. It will be uncertain for a while to identify them, so it is better to take them all.

small book booth

cough cough.

After searching, after searching, Lin Yun found out another monk's robe, which can be worn outside or inside armor.

If it is worn by a monk, there is an extra bonus, but unfortunately Lin Yun is not, but even if it is not ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Yun can still be equivalent to the D8 bare-handed dice of a level 5 monk.

And if you count the stone fist gloves, then it is a 2D6 fist, and if you count Lin Yun's custom weapons and the original battle momentum.

Already comparable to rebellion.

Although, because the highest is a super giant body, 6D6 is already the limit.

After searching and searching, Lin Yun found another usable headband, a simple and rough +4 charm headband.

It has been about 5 minutes since Lin Yun came in. No matter how stupid those **** tauren are, they should have found out by now.

With this thought in mind, Lin Yun found a small pile of Ion Stones, about ten of them. Although a few were broken, take them away, ahem.

Unfortunately, Lin Yun never found the dimensional bag.

Otherwise, cough cough cough.

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