Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 237: The Devil Hanging on a Cross of 10

"Do you know what they are doing?" Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and asked.

"I don't know, because I was afraid of being discovered after seeing that the other party was a demon, so I sneaked back immediately, and I didn't dare to inquire about it." The captain waved his hand and said.

. . . . . "No way, are you so cowardly?" Hun Yuan looked at the soldier up and down, left and right, with an unexpected look.

After all, Captain Levi, shouldn't he kill the embryo decisively?

"I just don't want to startle the snake." The captain said expressionlessly.

"Okay, then remember to leave a person or demon behind later, oh, today, it's best to prepare the dimensional anchor." Lin Yun scratched his head and said.

"No problem, I have a quick study, and I can change spells at any time." Sedum smiled.

"That's fine, the next step is tactics." Lin Yun nodded slightly.

In this way, after preparing for about 1 minute, some spells that should be released have been released.

However, after all, those swarms of bugs had just been dealt with before, and now Lin Yun and the others were not satisfied with their spell slots, so they could only take it easy.

However, the blessing spell and the anti-evil magic circle can still be used.

As for Sedum, although there are not many spell slots, there are enough arcane points. With a little coordination of scrolls and mythic power, it can actually be used almost.

"Are you ready?" Looking at the other people around, Lin Yun shouted in a low voice.

The others didn't answer, but seeing Lin Yun's eyes that turned his head, they all nodded slightly.

"Then get ready." Lin Yun looked at Saya.

At this time, Saya switched to the previous earth beast form again.

However, what is different from the previous earth beast form is that Saya at this time has a dark body, and it seems that waves of shadows are blurred around him, and he does not look like a normal magical beast.

Because this time the action requires the unique ability of the earth beast type, called tunnel charge.

This is the trick he used when he was still fighting in the tunnel, when he killed a Hoxila's hand with the ability of the shield maze.

When charging upwards underground, a trap can be created underground, and then the target above will fall, as if stepping on a pit trap.

Of course, demons basically have the ability to fly, so if the reflex save is successful, they should be able to fly without falling.

But this is when Nero comes into play. His flying assault is suitable for such a situation, directly pulling the opponent down from the pit. At the same time, he has martial arts charge, and he can also use martial arts in the process.

For example, it can imprison the opponent's ability to speak, and even prevent the opponent from releasing spells with language components.

As for why it was so complicated, it was because according to the captain, there were actually quite a few succubi and succubus around.

As for the specific number.

Because he was afraid of being discovered, he became vigilant, so he didn't look carefully, only knowing that there were quite a few.

In short, after roughly confirming the situation.

Hunyuan's side has already begun to blow the miracle again.

Whether it is a succubus, a succubus, or a demon, they are all evil alien creatures, so they can all be effective.

Although it feels that something is missing without the singing of the plague bird, it does not prevent the effect from taking effect.

This sudden sound, even though it was separated by several meters of soil, was still so penetrating.

What people didn't expect was that one of the succubi shouted loudly, "I found it, I found it. Sure enough, there are remnants of Desna's followers here."

However, although I don't know what they misunderstood.

Almost instantly, the earth beast Saya suddenly charged upwards, digging the soil while running, and then slammed up.

A huge pothole with a radius of more than 4 meters and a depth of more than 9 meters was dug out by Saya. Even taking advantage of this time, Saya was able to grab a hand on the vertical demon above.

It's just a pity that although he was caught off guard, the vertical demon is a combat weapon made by the violent death titan after all, so even though he has no armor on his body, his physical strength is very strong.

This paw went down and had almost no impact.

As for the potholes that suddenly appeared, as well as Saya, this vertical demon was also a little confused. He subconsciously let out a roar, just as Lin Yun was worried, the vertical demon subconsciously flapped his arms. His wings looked very slender, like a mass of liquid, barely suspended in mid-air.

"Flying raid, silent grip." No. 2 player has already rushed up.

But before that, it was Leon's attack that was faster, "Armstrong's charged bomb, enhanced martial skills, brilliant sun bullet."

The bullet hit the heel of the vertical line devil perfectly, causing the head of the vertical line devil to shine like the sun.

And almost in the next moment, Nero's ghost hand had arrived, and he stretched out the huge holy ghost hand and grabbed the vertical line devil's body.

What Nero didn't expect was that the vertical line demon seemed to feel Nero's attack, and the black lines on his body danced, knocking his ghost hand away.

"Damn it?" Nero was taken aback. He didn't expect that the ghost hand, who has always been almost perfect, would lose the chain at this time, and quickly used hero points to reverse the situation.

Then. . . . I saw those black lines entangled on Nero's ghostly hand, and then facing Shaye on the other side not far away, he gave back the way of the other.

Let Nero's ghost grab Saya in one go. . . . . .

Fortunately, this time Nero is mainly for the purpose of confinement, so the posture used is Painbringer, and then the Silent Grip will exert more damage when further grappling and maintaining the grappling.

So Saya just suffered some injuries, and then. . . . Just caught by ghosts.

Although almost immediately, Nero, who reacted, finally let go of his hand and let Saya go free.

"Be careful, that guy definitely has blind fighting." Lin Yun shouted loudly, seeing the reaction of the vertical line demon, Lin Yun couldn't help recalling that the poisonous gnawing demon also had a blind fighting reaction.

"This is not a problem of blind fighting." Nero complained.

And just as they were talking, Lin Yun had already started to take off, "Flash strike."

Almost instantly, Lin Yun disappeared from the original place, and then came to the back of the vertical line demon, waving the glow in his hand at him.

Sure enough, this guy has blind fighting.

Even this guy didn't even look at Lin Yun.

Those black lines waved towards the glow as if they possessed life and wisdom.

However, even though he was psychologically prepared, Lin Yun still felt a little flustered. There were too many black lines. Lin Yun could only choose a part that seemed to have fewer lines to force a breakthrough, and then forcefully cut at the vertical line. On the body of Xian Moxie, it is too reluctant.

"D20+8+9+2-3+5+1+1+4=30, hit."


He successfully cut a big scar on the body of the vertical demon, and the blood that sprang out didn't look like blood. Some people probably believed that it was oil.

Dark and thick.

Almost instantly, the effects of blows continued to flash, and Lin Yun had already appeared on the other side of the cave. After all, if he didn't leave, he would block other people's attacks.

And Lin Yun didn't even have time to stand firm, and he said again to the vertical demon above him, "Hundred weapons martial arts, silver wave refining."

Accompanied by a silver light soaring into the sky, it turned into a crescent moon and bombarded the evil evil towards the vertical line.

"D20+8+9+2-3+5+1+1+4-2=28, Miss."

. . . . . . Good guy.

Although Lianyinbo is said to be a sword qi waved out, it is actually a melee attack, so. . . . . . The opponent is still in a situation that is not caught off guard.

Just as the sword light was approaching, the vertical line demon had already overlapped those black lines, and was about to knock that sword light away.

But it's not over yet.

"Treason." Legendary weapons have legendary power twice a day, so I said. . . . . Just right.

Otherwise, Lin Yun's crazy charm would not be enough for this mythical power.


"28+4=32, hit."


The silver sword light that was swung out seemed to be filled with blood in an instant, and it became extremely red, and then turned into a blood light and accelerated forward. Bombarded on the side of the opponent's wings.

Finally let it drop some height.

Although only a few.

But it is enough, because there are other people's attacks.

On this side, Xiao Jin also quickly shot a very normal evil eye at the vertical line above.

Reduced the defense ability of vertical demons.

Immediately afterwards, Sedum also started to play swords again, "shocking the magic barrier, force field spikes." A total of 10 stance blades.

The demon flew towards the vertical line.

But this time, although he knew that the other party had SR 26 through the plane knowledge check, and his spell penetration only had a +15 bonus, he didn't hesitate.

Because he suddenly remembered. (In fact, a certain idiot author suddenly remembered that the power of myth is not needed to break through the magic barrier.)

Shocking magic barriers is one of the path abilities of the mythical archmage.

It can make the caster check, such as penetrating spell resistance, or dispelling magic, be able to take a high check.


The first post ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Second shot, medium.

. . . . . .

The sixth shot, disappeared.

. . . . .

The tenth shot, medium.

Compared with the previous situation, it was a little pitiful.

This time it was a 90% hit rate.

Although it is said that blind combat can not be caught off guard when facing melee combat, it is not the case when facing long-distance combat, and this is not because of a surprise attack, but because of the blindness caused by Leon's Sunshine Bullet, and thus losing all agility bonuses , the Reflex save easily failed.

So the poor vertical demon, at this moment, is like a cross nailed in the air, with spikes pierced on its limbs, wings, head, shoulders, and abdomen, and then hangs there.

It's a bit miserable.

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