Right Here Waiting For You

Chapter 1073 Hitting the door

"Why isn't this door open? Why don't we just knock on the door?"


If you say it's a knock on the door, it's really a knock on the door.


The door trembled.

Ning Tiantian's little heart was also trembling.

"What should I do!"

Ning Tiantian almost cried.

But at this moment, Li Yanmo reached out and pressed her head against his crotch!


Her face was in close contact with her brother through two thin layers of fabric!


Ning Tiantian's blush was about to bleed. When she was about to say something else, Li Yanmo had already opened the door of the toilet cubicle where they were.

"Ning Tiantian?"

Fans thought Ning Tiantian was really inside, so they hurriedly said excitedly, but they didn't expect that what they saw was a half-fruited man.

His back was to them.

Can't see the front face.

But it was easy to see that there was a girl squatting in front of him, but the girl couldn't see her face, because at the moment the man was pressing the girl's face against his crotch.

It's obvious...

What are they doing!


At this time, Li Yanmo turned his back to them and let out a low roar, with a hint of displeasure at being disturbed.


When the fans outside saw such an exciting scene, they were immediately frightened and took a step back, never daring to take another look.

You Qi, the two people who took the lead in knocking on the door, shook their heads quickly and said with an embarrassed look, "Sorry to bother you, we found the wrong person, let's leave first..."

After taking only two steps, they turned back again as if they thought of something.


Ning Tiantian's heart felt like she was on a roller coaster, fearing that they had discovered that the girl being pressed on the man's crotch was her.

When they finally finished talking, she breathed a sigh of relief.

They said, "Well, don't forget to continue. Don't let us disturb your interest."

"Yes, yes, after all, this is a sacred process of delivering new life to the country!"

"come on!"

Before they could finish speaking, Li Yanmo had already closed the compartment door and locked it.

Probably because they couldn't find Ning Tiantian, everyone dispersed quickly.

Quietness finally returned to the men's room.

"Phew!" Ning Tiantian could finally breathe a sigh of relief and immediately stood up from his crotch, then looked at his handsome face and said, "So you did this to protect me..."

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" After hearing this, Li Yanmo couldn't help but look at her intently.

"I...I..." Under his half-smiling eyes, Ning Tiantian's cheeks turned red again, and her voice became hesitant.

Seeing that she was still unable to speak out, Li Yanmo simply said it for her, "Do you think I'm going to kill you here?"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and gently raised her chin with his fingers, forcing her eyes to meet his.

"I didn't!" Ning Tiantian immediately denied it, her cheeks were burning and she didn't dare to look at her.

"Really not?" Li Yanmo took another step closer to her, a smile flashed across his narrow eyes, and he whispered ambiguously in his ear, "But, I want to!"

"Li Yanmo, can you please show some face?"

You actually want to do such shameless things here again.

Ning Tiantian was almost ashamed of him, she stretched out her hand and was about to push him away, "I'm suffocated in here, I'm going out."

There is basically no movement outside now. The fans must have left.

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