Right Here Waiting For You

Chapter 1033 You bastard

"Get out of the way." Li Yanmo shook off Xiaobao's hand and carried Ning Tiantian out of the side bed with a cold face and walked into the master bedroom.

When they were about to walk in, Li Xiaobao seemed to have woken up from a dream, and hurriedly shouted and chased after him, "Li Yanmo, you bastard, let go of Tiantian's mother, Tiantian's mother has promised to sleep with me tonight." !”


He was answered with a loud slam of the door.

Li Xiaobao was so aggrieved that he raised his chubby hand and continued to knock on the door, "Sweet mother, sweet mother..."

inside the room.

Ning Tiantian's heart suddenly tightened when she heard Xiaobao's cry, "Hubby, how about the three of us sleep together tonight?"


Li Yanmo said word for word.

"But..." Just when Tiantian was about to say something else, Li Yanmo pounced on her like a hungry wolf.

"Stop bargaining with me. I haven't taught you a lesson about how you and Xiaobao deceived me just now!" Li Yanmo said with slightly gritted teeth.

“If you say one more word, I’ll do it one more time tonight.

Ning Tiantian was immediately frightened and did not dare to speak.

"That's called...|Can't the bed also be used?" But she couldn't help asking.

"Except this!" Li Yanmo said with black lines on his head.

When they were shy about things, Xiaobao had already known what was going on and left early, but he still remembered Li Yanmo in his heart.


Just wait, he will sleep with his wife sooner or later!

Ever since Tiantian won the "Best Actress" award and Xiaobao won the "Best Supporting Actor" award, the two have been getting film appointments constantly, including variety shows, TV series, movies, commercials and so on.

"Tiantian Mom, is there anything you want to star in? Then I'll see if there are any roles suitable for me!" Xiaobao looked at the pile of contracts in front of him and couldn't help but ask Xiang Tiantian.

"let me see."

After Ning Tiantian took the scripts and read them, she was only interested in a movie with two female protagonists.

"how about this?"

Ning Tiantian gave Xiaobao a look at the script.

This is a science fiction movie called "Back in Time"

The play has two female leads.

They first became each other's best friends, studying wormholes together and figuring out how to turn back time.

It's just that one of them came to study it to steal secrets, because her mother had an incurable disease, but a certain villain happened to have the special medicine to cure her mother, but the requirement must be that she let her use it. Give him the final research results.

The other heroine wants to go back in time, prevent the car accident that took her daughter's life, and save her daughter who has been dead for many years.

The plot is very full and thrilling.

It looks like so much fun...

"This drama is good, but the supporting role here, why is it the daughter who got into a car accident as the heroine, and not the son?" Xiaobao was extremely confused.

If he were a son, he could immediately decide that he would also star in this drama and star with his sweet mother.

But now she is a daughter...

You can't let him put on women's clothes and play the role of a girl, right?

"What does it matter? If you really want to act, can't you just put on a skirt and a wig?" Seeing this, Li Yanmo couldn't help but gloated.

He has not forgotten that this brat almost slept with his wife some time ago.

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